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Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

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Evaluation on the impact of digital transformation on the economic

resilience of the energy industry in the context of artificial intelligence

Yuyan Lei a , Zhuojie Liang b , Peng Ruan c ,
School of Economics and Management, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi’an 710061, Shaanxi, China
Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 51000, Guangdong, China
The First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years, the energy industry based on energy resources has achieved rapid development, but
Received 16 October 2022 under the background of green development strategy, traditional energy companies are also in trouble
Received in revised form 21 November 2022 during the development process. However, the accompanying development of technologies such as the
Accepted 7 December 2022
Internet and artificial intelligence has opened the door to a new world of digital transformation of the
Available online 15 December 2022
energy industry. The focus of whether the energy industry can truly achieve digital transformation lies
Keywords: in how to improve its own level of economic resilience. In order to explore how digital transformation
Economic management affects the economic resilience of the energy industry in the context of artificial intelligence, after
Economic resilience discussing the development dilemma of the energy industry and the integration of artificial intelligence
Digital change and digital transformation, this paper established a Particle Swarm Optimization-based Least Squares
Artificial intelligence
Support Vector Machine (PSO-LSSVM) algorithm. Experiments have shown that the model built in
Energy industry
this paper has a good prediction effect on the economic resilience index, and the average prediction
Support Vector Machines
error after training is 0.0028. Compared with the standard least squares support vector machine and
back-propagation neural network methods, this method not only has more stable prediction results,
but also greatly improves the prediction accuracy.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction data would be used to improve the efficiency of business op-

erations in the first place. In the context of increasing global
In the era of digital economy, digital transformation has grad- energy regulation, it is difficult to achieve profit growth only by
ually changed data from a by-product in the production and relying on energy supply. Therefore, energy companies should
operation process to a crucial factor in participating in the pro- pay more attention to consumer experience while focusing on
duction and operation process. At the same time, data has become products themselves. Amid this trend, more energy companies
a strategic resource for enterprises. Therefore, energy companies are relying on data to drive customer experience improvements.
should strengthen the capacity building of data management to When energy companies carry out digital transformation, the
main obstacle is that the original corporate culture has been diffi-
ensure that data quality is guaranteed. One is to strengthen data
cult to meet the new development needs. Digital transformation
collection. The second is to optimize data storage. The third is to
belongs to a new field, and there is no replicable development
improve the efficiency of data use. The fourth is to innovate data
method in the new situation. It must be practiced continuously
application models. Data perception capability has become the
in exploration. How to ensure economic resilience in the digital
basic capability to promote the development of digital transfor-
transformation of energy companies is the focus of this paper. In
mation. The construction of data perception capability of energy
this context, this article used artificial intelligence technology to
enterprises mainly focuses on structured data—assets and users.
study how digital transformation affects the economic resilience
In addition to structured data perception, various image, video, of energy companies, hoping to contribute to the development of
and other unstructured data perceptions are continuing to play energy companies.
a role. The data collected through the digital network needs to This paper studies the impact of digital transformation on
be analyzed and mined to release value, and these professional the economic resilience of the energy industry, using the Least
Squares Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) regression algorithm
∗ Corresponding author. based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The purpose of
E-mail addresses: (Y. Lei), this topic is to better predict the economic resilience index of (Z. Liang), (P. Ruan). energy companies, and based on this, to better promote the
2352-4847/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y. Lei, Z. Liang and P. Ruan Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

digital transformation of energy companies. Compared with other resilience of the energy economy (Orlov et al., 2020). Peng H
methods, the PSO-LSSVM regression algorithm used in this paper pointed out that digital transformation often involves building big
has the characteristics of smaller prediction error and higher data analytics capabilities, which poses considerable challenges
fitting degree with reality, and has shown a good effect in the pre- for many energy companies, as the successful introduction of big
diction of economic resilience index. The innovations of the paper data analytics can better measure the level of economic resilience
are mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) A new predic- of companies (Peng and Liu, 2018). Gasho E G believed that digital
tion method of economic resilience index is creatively proposed, transformation refers to a kind of digital technology, which can
which has a technical support role for the digital transforma- bring about a great change in the economic resilience or share-
tion and development of energy enterprises. (2) Artificial intel- holders of energy industry companies, and then this technology
ligence research and economic development theory and practice is called digital transformation (Gasho et al., 2021). The above
are combined, and artificial intelligence algorithms are used to research mainly analyzes the positive impact of digital transfor-
provide algorithmic support for economic development. mation on the economic resilience of energy companies, but does
not propose an effective economic resilience index measurement
2. Related work method. Therefore, this paper uses artificial intelligence to re-
search and predict the economic resilience index of the energy
Economic resilience is the ability of a country or an enterprise industry on this basis.
to turn economic development into a safe place in the face
of pressure or disaster. In recent years, research on economic 3. Method design of the impact of digital transformation on
resilience has become more and more abundant. Jumiyati S be- the economic resilience of the energy industry in the context
lieved that natural disasters would have a greater impact on the of artificial intelligence
economic resilience of enterprises, but he pointed out that the
potential and tolerance of people and economies to successfully
3.1. Evaluation on the economic resilience of energy companies
survive disasters to avoid adverse effects is also a manifestation
of economic resilience (Jumiyati et al., 2021). Gherhes C believed
The so-called ‘‘energy’’ is the source of energy, and the scien-
that there is currently a lack of consistent standards for the
tific definition of energy refers to the various resources that can
measurement of economic resilience. In this regard, he took Japan
be used and obtained by human beings (Kaimasu, 2021; Nga and
as an example to discuss the measurement method of the regional
Long, 2021). The scope of energy is constantly expanding with the
economic resilience index in the face of natural disasters (Gher-
progress of human social production and science and technology,
hes et al., 2018). Zhai W pointed out that the environment is
including the supply of material resources in a certain form of
an important factor that affects the economic resilience of enter-
energy and material resources in a certain form of movement. As
prises and even the country. Taking Indonesia as an example, the
shown in Fig. 1, there are many kinds of common energy sources
vast forest resources have made a huge contribution to economic
in life, and power plants are the main conversion sites. Among
development and also played an important role in maintaining
the economic resilience of the Indonesian country (Zhai and Yue, them, Fig. 1A is a thermal power plant, and Fig. 1B is a nuclear
2022). Volkov A believed that the current measures of economic power plant. Fossil fuels, wind, hydro, solar, etc. are all energy
resilience are insufficient, and for this reason, he proposed a new sources.
method for determining economic resilience based on categorical The energy industry is composed of major sectors or industries
linear regression, thereby determining the priority development related to manufacturing energy such as oil and gas exploration,
plans of cities (Volkov et al., 2017). When Febriyanti F studied nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy and thermal power,
the economic resilience of small enterprises, he found that the which are closely related to the original energy types (Ahmad
spatial clustering effect of amenities is beneficial to improve the et al., 2021; Devaraja and Jagadeesha, 2021). Therefore, it can be
economic resilience of surrounding enterprises (Febriyanti et al., seen from Fig. 2 that the energy industries corresponding to var-
2021). Most of the above studies discuss the influencing factors ious energy sources are different. This paper divides the energy
and measurement methods of the economic resilience of different industry into several categories according to the primary energy
countries or industries, which provide a research basis for the types, and each category contains many subdivided industries,
research on the economic resilience of the energy industry in this or the industries related to secondary energy are derived from
paper. this. Primary energy refers to energy that can be obtained directly
Digital transformation is a major trend in economic develop- from nature, while secondary energy needs to be developed and
ment in recent years, and how to achieve digital transformation integrated artificially.
in more industries is the focus of many studies. Zhao Y found The so-called economic resilience is the key to determining
in his research on information and communication technolo- whether an economy can ‘‘smoothly recover and restore stable
gies in the existing energy industry that digital transformation economic growth’’ or ‘‘begin on a downward economic trajec-
can provide a large-scale assessment of information for public tory’’ after an economic shock (Burunsuz, 2021; Zhang et al.,
policy and diagnostic measures, and can also greatly improve 2022). Specifically, it refers to the ability of an economy to effec-
the efficiency of communication with people, which has a cer- tively deal with internal and external disturbances, resist shocks
tain impact on the economic resilience of enterprises (Zhao and and obtain sustainable economic development in the process of
Li, 2018). Midttun A found that energy companies with digital adjusting its economic structure and growth mode. Economic
transformation capabilities to integrate operations are able to resilience has been manifested in many aspects, mainly includ-
use digital technologies to transform their operations for bet- ing macroeconomic resilience, institutional resilience, regional
ter customer interaction and collaboration, thereby improving development resilience, urban resilience, industry resilience and
the economic resilience of the business (Midttun and Piccini, micro-enterprise resilience. The economic resilience of the energy
2017). Orlov A believed that the arrival of the Internet provides industry studied in this paper is critical to industrial economic
a great opportunity for the digital transformation of the energy resilience. The reason is that it links the macro-state economic
industry, and the digital transformation of the energy industry resilience with the micro-enterprise economic resilience. Once
may become the next frontier of the energy economy, which the industrial economic resilience is destroyed, the consequences
is also conducive to the further development of the industrial would be disastrous.
Y. Lei, Z. Liang and P. Ruan Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

Fig. 1. Thermal and nuclear power plants.

Fig. 2. Common energy types and energy industries.

3.2. Artificial intelligence and digital transformation deals with chess problems, it can decompose intricate chess prob-
lems, and some artificial intelligence systems can also summarize
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the branches of computer the actual experience of chess, and continuously realize the op-
science. Its research and development aims at realizing intel- timization and improvement of their own systems; ② automatic
ligent functions and researching and manufacturing intelligent program: artificial intelligence can compile computer automatic
machines that can make correct judgments based on reality. programs for different occasions, and automatic program design
Simply put, AI is the human consciousness and thinking mode can effectively promote the progress of software development
constructed artificially. AI research is highly technical and pro- system, and enhance the practicability of artificial intelligence
fessional. Each branch is deep and disconnected, and its con- system through continuous improvement of its own coding; ③
tent is very broad. Artificial intelligence research content mainly machine learning occupies a crucial position in the develop-
includes: knowledge representation and automatic reasoning,
ment of artificial intelligence, and enhancing machine learning
search methods and knowledge processing, machine learning and
capabilities is also an important means to achieve continuous
knowledge acquisition, computer vision and natural language
development of artificial intelligence. Machine learning can con-
understanding, automatic programming and intelligent robots,
tinuously optimize and improve artificial intelligence systems,
etc. In the context of digitalization, scientists apply advanced
make artificial intelligence systems more comprehensive, have
computer network technology to AI research, forming the digital
application of AI. more knowledge reserves, and better judge and solve various
As can be seen from Fig. 3, the application of artificial intel- emergencies; ④ intelligent retrieval: the massive data in the
ligence in the digital context can be roughly divided into the digital context not only brings convenience to people to access
following four types: ① Answering questions: in recent years, relevant information, but also makes people feel troubled in infor-
scientists have conducted continuous research on artificial intelli- mation retrieval, and the use of artificial intelligence systems can
gence, artificial intelligence has become the focus, and answering provide users with a wealth of information about relevant sub-
questions has become the application of artificial intelligence jects, which is convenient for people to retrieve the knowledge
in the digital environment. The human mind is implanted into they need and saves retrieval time.
the artificial intelligence system, and scientific and technological As can be seen from Fig. 4, data is used to promote the trans-
means are used to achieve the purpose of artificial intelligence formation of enterprises, which specifically shows the following
application. For example, when an artificial intelligence system five development trends.
Y. Lei, Z. Liang and P. Ruan Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

characteristics of the input space. The higher the dimension,

the higher the approximate accuracy of the economic toughness
fitting, and the coefficient ϖ is the linear weight connecting the
feature layer to the output layer, and b represents the threshold.
After obtaining decision function F (s), the fitted training points
can be calculated:

L [F ] = c (s, t , F ) dP (s, t ) (2)

Among them, c is the loss function, and P (s, t ) is unknown, so

the minimum of L [F ] should be considered to be minimized:

1 1∑
M (ε) = (ε · ε) + Q · |ti − f (si )|ω (3)
2 n

Among them, (ε · ε) represents the complexity of function

F (s), and the constant Q represents the compromise relationship
between the two.
The formula is transformed into a dual form, and the kernel
function is introduced to obtain:
∑( ⇀
F (s) = ϖ T φ (s) + b = s− s k+b (4)

The above analysis shows that, based on the principle of

Fig. 3. The application of artificial intelligence in the context of digitalization.
structured minimum, the support vector machine only needs
to extract a subset of the training set into a support vector,
which can represent the stable characteristics of the research
data samples, and can also greatly speed up the calculation of
As far as the current overall market situation is concerned, economic resilience forecasts when applied. The specific principle
some energy companies have successfully explored digital trans-
is to nonlinearly map the input space to the high-dimensional
formation, combining industry technology with digital technol-
feature space, and on this basis, a kernel function is introduced
ogy, and have advanced practical experience in data perception,
to solve the computational complexity of the high-dimensional
operation optimization and other fields. However, the value ex-
feature layer, so that the support vector machine can handle any
ploration of energy data resources is still at a relatively prelimi-
nonlinear mapping relationship approximately.
nary stage, digital culture is still the primary constraint, and there
Least Squares SVM (LS-SVM) regression algorithm: LS-SVM is a
is still much room for advancement in the innovation of energy
generalization of the standard SVM. Compared with standard LS-
industry business models.
SVM, LS-SVM reduces the computational complexity, improves
the solving speed, and reduces the interference of artificial ex-
3.3. Evaluation on the prediction model of the economic resilience
perience and other uncertain factors on the algorithm under the
index of energy enterprises based on the support vector machine of
premise of ensuring relatively few algorithm parameters.
particle swarm optimization
According to LS-SVM theory, the decision function for nonlin-
ear prediction is defined as:
SVM: support vector machine was mainly used to solve classi-
fication problems at first. Later, because of its strong classification f (s) = ϖ T φ (s) + b (5)
and generalization function and successful application in the
field of pattern recognition, it began to gradually popularize the It can be seen that this is the same as the decision function
regression field. It generalizes well because it is suitable for of the previous standard SVM. Considering the complexity of the
small samples, nonlinearity, high dimensionality, and practical function and fitness variance, according to the structural risk
situations with local minima. Because of its special principle of theory, the optimization of LS-SVM can be expressed as:
structural risk minimization and non-linear characteristics with n
1 1 ∑
better adaptive function, support vector regression has better min (ϖ , e) = ϖTϖ + C e2i (6)
ϖ ,b,e 2 2
generalization prediction ability in theory, especially in the field i=1
of prediction. Therefore, this study selects Support Vector Ma- Among them, ei is a slack variable, and C is a regularization
chine (SVM) as the machine learning algorithm to construct the parameter, which controls the degree of penalty for the budget
prediction model of the economic resilience index of energy error of the economic resilience index.
enterprises. Its algorithm theory is as follows: In order to solve the above optimization function, the La-
Assuming that there is a training set {si , ti }m
i=1 , there is indeed grangian function is introduced to convert the constrained prob-
an unknown mapping function relationship G(s) between the lem into an unconstrained solution problem and finally the LS-
input variables and output variables of the training set. The job of SVM regression problem is transformed into:
support vector regression is to estimate a decision function F (s)
from the training set to approximate G(s). The expression for F (s) ∑
is as follows: f (s) = γi k (s, si ) + b (7)

F (s) = αn φn (s) + b = ϖ T φ (s) + b (1) Through the research and analysis of the above kernel func-
tions, a new kernel function is selected, which is expressed as:
Among them, φ (s) is the nonlinear transformation formula
k (s, si ) = exp − ∥s − si ∥2 /2β 2
( )
from the input layer to the hidden layer, which represents the (8)
Y. Lei, Z. Liang and P. Ruan Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

Fig. 4. Five trends in the digital transformation of energy companies.

It can be seen from the above theoretical analysis that the pa- di+1 = di + vi+1 (12)
rameters C and β need to be determined in the modeling process
of the LS-SVM model. C is the balance factor. If C is too small, Among them, r1 and r2 are random numbers that preserve the
the samples exceeded by the sample data would be penalized diversity of the population.
less, and the regression curve tends to be flat, making the training In this paper, the particle swarm algorithm is used to optimize
error larger, which would cause the machine to under-learn. If the the parameters C and β of the LS-SVM model. When the particle
value is too large, the corresponding penalty would be too large, swarm is optimized, each particle is equivalent to a possible
the training error of the learning machine would be small, and solution of a parameter. In parameter selection, a fitness function
the training data would have over-learning phenomenon, which is defined as the target object, and the target fitness function
would cause the promotion ability to decline. β is a parameter in is used to improve the optimization performance of the entire
the kernel function. regression model training and testing process to minimize the
These two parameters have a great impact on the performance error between the actual value and the predicted value. Therefore,
of the learning machine, so this study chooses to use the PSO to the fitness function can be defined as follows:
optimize the parameters of LS-SVM, in order to better predict the m n

economic resilience of the energy industry index. Least squares 1 ∑ 1 ∑ ( ( ) )2
fitness = √ f sij − tij (13)
SVM regression algorithm based on PSO-LSSVM: particle swarm m n
i=1 j=1
optimization algorithm is a swarm intelligence evolution comput-
ing technology developed on the basis of iterative optimization. Among them, m is the number of training cross-validations, n
Particle swarm optimization algorithm is one of the most nonlin- is the number of each validation subset, sij is the true value for
ear optimization problems because of its superior optimization testing, and tij is the predicted value for the validation subset.
performance, easy implementation, fast convergence speed, and Due to the insufficiency of particle swarm optimization itself,
fewer parameter settings than genetic optimization algorithm. in particular, although the particle swarm optimization algorithm
The performance is more stable, and it is an effective search can achieve nonlinear search well, it is easy to fall into local
algorithm for most nonlinear optimization problems. The specific optimum and appear early convergence phenomenon. This paper
algorithm is to assume that there is a search space, there are m introduces population diversity and judgment premature con-
particles in the space, and the position vector of each particle is vergence mechanism. When the particle swarm is initialized, in
expressed as: order to enable the particle swarm to be well distributed into the
dm = (d1 , d2 , . . . , dm ) (9) solution space, the concept of average particle distance can be
introduced to make the initial distribution of each particle in the
When solving an optimization problem, each particle sets swarm more discrete, which is defined as:
a fitness function according to the specific problem. Similarly, 
n  m
all particles fly according to the problem domain to reach the 1 ∑ ∑ ( )2
current optimal position, and then update the next displacement H (i) = √ pi − pj (14)
according to their own speed, and their flight speed is expressed i=1 i=1
Among them, X is the maximum diagonal length of the search
v i = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vi ) (10) space, and m is the dimension of the solution space.
Secondly, the fitness variance is calculated:
The mathematical behavior of each particle’s velocity and ( )2
position update can be expressed as: n
∑ f1 − f
C = (15)
v = wvi + c1 r1 (pi − di ) + c2 r2 pj − di
( )
(11) f

Y. Lei, Z. Liang and P. Ruan Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

Table 1
List of experimental data.
Gross domestic product Industrial value added Current assets Total profit Economic resilience Index
(100 millionyuan) (100 millionyuan) (100 millionyuan) (100 millionyuan) for the year
2015 689 052 228 974 648 817.50 66 187.07 1.32
2016 746 395 245 406 591 231.28 71 921.43 1.49
2017 832 036 275 119 565 178.27 74 916.25 0.98
2018 919 281 301 089 534 080.93 71 608.91 1.12
2019 986 515 311 859 500 852.80 65 799.04 1.37
2020 1 015 986 313 071 469 207.26 68 465.01 1.26

Among them, the value of f adopts the following formula: Table 2

The prediction data and relative error of the economic resilience index of the
max ⏐fi − f ⏐ , max ⏐fi − f ⏐ > 1
{ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐
PSO-LSSVM prediction model based on particle swarm optimization.
f = (16) Actual value Predictive value Relative error
1 , other
2015 1.32 1.323 0.003
The fitness variance reflects the degree of particle aggregation 2016 1.49 1.492 0.002
in the population. 2017 0.98 0.976 0.002
2018 1.12 1.08 0.004
Based on the above discussion, this paper finally decided to 2019 1.37 1.374 0.004
use the PSO-LSSVM to build a prediction model for the economic 2020 1.26 1.258 0.002
resilience index of the energy industry. This paper hopes that the
algorithm can be used in subsequent experiments.

4. Experiment of the prediction model of economic resilience

index of energy industry based on PSO-LSSVM

4.1. Data sources

In this paper, the PSO-LSSVM prediction model constructed

above is used to predict the economic resilience index. By com-
paring the actual value and the predicted value, the accuracy
of the prediction results of the prediction system is verified. In
this demonstration, a fixed prediction scheme is used. First, the
model is estimated once with a fixed sample, and then prediction
samples of different durations are predicted according to the es-
timated regression formula. The model selects five index samples
from the six-year data of the National Bureau of Statistics of China
from 2015 to 2020 as the training set for data regression analysis.
Its information is listed in Table 1:
It can be seen from Table 1 that these indicators and the Fig. 5. The comparison curve between the predicted value and the actual value
of the prediction model of PSO-LSSVM based on particle swarm optimization.
economic resilience index of energy companies are very com-
plex multi-dimensional nonlinear mappings, and conventional
multiple linear regression and other econometric models cannot
scientifically describe the internal relationship between these are very close, indicating that the particle swarm optimization
variables. To this end, the paper adopts the prediction model prediction model designed in this paper has high accuracy.
based on PSO-LSSVM to train and predict the data. In addition, as shown in Figs. 6 and 7, the PSO algorithm
is evaluated using both online and offline performance metrics.
4.2. PSO-LSSVM prediction model based on particle swarm optimiza- The difference between the two is the dynamic characteristics of
tion to predict economic resilience index experiment online performance testing and the convergence characteristics
of offline performance testing.
The experiment was carried out with MATLAB software, and It can be seen from Figs. 6 and 7 that the population diversity
the model parameters were screened and predicted according is obtained by using the average particle distance, and the particle
to the above set indicators, and the economic resilience index swarm fitness function is judged, which can better solve the prob-
of industrial enterprises was predicted through the model. The lem of premature convergence of the algorithm, and can guide the
calculation results of the predicted data and relative error data positioning of particles to make it less random. The online and of-
are shown in Table 2: fline performance graphs show that the improved algorithm skips
According to Table 2, the prediction curve of the economic re- the local optimal point many times and maintains good particle
silience index of the PSO-LSSVM prediction model based on parti- dispersion to obtain the optimal global solution. The optimization
cle swarm optimization can be drawn, which can more intuitively ability is significantly enhanced and better parameters can be
show the prediction effect of this paper. obtained.
It can be obtained from Table 2, after training, the average rel-
ative error of the system is 0.0028, which indicates that the model 4.3. Comparative experiment
has a good fit and can be used for prediction. In addition, the
relative errors in each year are small, which also indicates that the In order to better explain the role of the prediction model
support vector machine has a strong generalization ability. It can based on PSO-LSSVM in the prediction of economic resilience
be seen from Fig. 5 that the deviation between the predicted value index, this paper compares its prediction results with the stan-
and the actual value of the particle swarm optimization PSO- dard least squares SVM and BP neural network methods. As the
LSSVM prediction model is small, and the fitting curves of the two main representative of nonlinear and nonparametric prediction
Y. Lei, Z. Liang and P. Ruan Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

Table 3
Data comparison of three forecasting methods.
Year Actual value Predictive value Relative error Predictive value Relative error Predictive value Relative error
2015 1.32 1.47 0.15 1.322 0.002 1.323 0.003
2016 1.49 1.37 0.12 1.498 0.008 1.492 0.002
2017 0.98 1.24 0.26 0.989 0.009 0.976 0.002
2018 1.12 1.38 0.26 1.123 0.003 1.08 0.004
2019 1.37 1.33 0.04 1.364 0.006 1.374 0.004
2020 1.26 1.42 0.16 1.265 0.005 1.258 0.002

Fig. 6. Offline performance graph. Fig. 8. Comparison of relative error curves for the predictions of the three

According to Table 3, the relative error curves of the predic-

tions of the three methods can be drawn, and the comparison of
the three methods can be seen more intuitively.
It can be seen from Table 3 that for the least squares support
vector machine prediction model, the maximum and minimum
relative errors obtained by the prediction method are 0.009 and
0.002 respectively, and the average error is 0.0055, while the
maximum and minimum relative errors of the prediction method
based on BP neural network are 0.26 and 0.04 respectively, and
the average error is 0.1516. It can be clearly seen that the PSO-
LSSVM prediction model proposed in this study has the smallest
error and the most stable performance. The least squares support
vector machine prediction model is next, and the BP neural net-
work prediction model is again. By comparing with the prediction
results of BP neural network, it can be found that the prediction
results of LS-SVM are ideal because its unique structure mini-
mization principle can not only minimize the empirical risk, but
also have good out-of-sample prediction ability. From Fig. 8, it
can be found that compared with the BP neural network, which
is based on empirical risk minimization, only focusing on fitting
and inferring and predicting is poor, and the support vector
function can obtain a globally unique solution and make optimal
Fig. 7. Online performance graph.

5. Conclusions
technology, BP neural network itself has the advantages of large-
scale parallel processing and self-organization and self-learning. This paper studied the effect of digital transformation on the
When the BP neural network predicts the economic resilience economic resilience of enterprises in the context of artificial
index, it is not necessary to establish an accurate logic and math- intelligence. In response to this problem, this paper studied new
ematical model for the study of the economic problem itself, technologies brought about by digital transformation that can
and the results are directly output, which is suitable for solving optimize the prediction of economic resilience of the energy
the difficulty of building a linear model. A comparison of three industry, and successfully constructed a new prediction model
prediction methods is listed in the paper, as shown in Table 3 based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) technology. The pre-
and Fig. 8: diction model based on PSO-LSSVM proposed in this paper was
Y. Lei, Z. Liang and P. Ruan Energy Reports 9 (2023) 785–792

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original draft, Carefully designed and analyzed the mathematical entrepreneurial companies in clean energy industry: An empirical study in
model, Improved the manuscript, Assisted Yuyan Lei to complete China. J. Clean. Prod. 188 (JUL.1), 508–520.
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the preliminary research and preparation of the project. Peng
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The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- of enterprise economic resilience. Modern Econ. Manage. Forum 15 (23),
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared 504–508.
to influence the work reported in this paper.
Yuyan Lei was born in Baoji, Shaanxi, China, in 1988.
She received the Ph.D. of Management from Northwest
Data availability
University, P.R. China. Now, she works in School of
economics and management, Xi’an University of Posts
The authors do not have permission to share data. and Telecommunications. Her research interest include
technology innovation and management, innovation
system and big data analysis.
Funding Email:

This work was supported by ‘‘20YJC630086’’ project of Hu-

manities and Social Sciences youth fund of the Ministry of Ed-
ucation: ‘‘Research on the operation mechanism and upgrading Zhuojie Liang was born in Maoming, Guangdong, P.R.
path of iterative independent innovation of industrial enterprises China, in 1997. He is an undergraduate majoring in
under the ‘two wheel drive’ of digital transformation and user computer science and technology at Nanfang College of
Sun Yat sen University, P.R. China, with a certificate of
participation’’; and the youth fund of Research project on ma-
minor in administration and a certificate of completion
jor theories and problems of philosophy and Social Sciences in in political and business studies. His research interests
Shaanxi Province, China, ‘‘2021ND0344’’: ‘‘Research on the im- include Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Eco-
pact mechanism of digital economy on information technology nomic Management, more than four papers and eight
innovation ecosystem’’ (Yuyan Lei). soft-authored patents published.

Peng Ruan was born in Santai County, Sichuan
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