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: A i 4, 109-1:1999(E) TARA pU NA Contents sem Seope iin 2 Normative references 9 Terms and defi 4 Symbols 5 Inspection and testing. als s. 7-Design, ~Snstruction and workmanship 9-Type ay-proval procedure i: [10 Batch tests, 11 Tests on every cylinder... 12 Centification 13 Marking Aninex A (inlorriative) Deseripticn, évaluation of manutacturing defects and conditions for rejection Of seamless steel gas cylinders at the time-of final inspection by the manufacturer... ‘Annex'B (normative)-Ultrasonie inspection Annex C (informative) ‘Type approval certificate : . : ir ex D (informative): Acceptance certificate. Bisiography 180 1999 igh ezere6. Unless otherwise specied, no parol his pubeaion may be reproduce oie in any lam r by ay means, secon Ye mesaneatincading roxcepyng and microti wou persion in wig tom ne pabtches, Intemational Organisation or Standaizavon 4} case poste se = cit 1211 Gantve 20. Setzorong nal ie@isech Fe Meee Foreword {SO {the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO Comoe sls, The work of preparing International Slandards is normally cerned out Urough ISO technical the Hight be er member body interested in a subject lor which a technical Gommmijige has bees eslablished has jee, ant lo be represented on thal committe. International organizations governmental and non-governmental, in Gikon with ISO, also lake part in the work. ISO collaborates closely oth the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical slandardizalion, International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 9. pralt International Standards adopted by the technical commitees are ciculated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an international Standard requires approval by al least 95% ol ine member bodies casing a vole. Seational Standard 1S 9609-1 was prepared by Technical Commitee ISO/TCS8, Gas cylinders, Sudcomuities SC 3, Cylinder design {80 2809 cansisis of the following parts, under the general title Gas cylinders ~~ Reliable seamless ste cylinders — Design, construction and testing: than 1100 MPa — Part: Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength les — Part 2: Queriched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength greater than or equal to 1 100 MPa — Part 3: Nocmatized steel cylinders Annex 8 forms an integral part ofthis part of ISO 9809. Annexes'A, C and O are for information only, wes) ISO 11114-1:1997, Transp Patt 5: Metalic materials, ortable gas cylinders — Compatibility 1S 13769:—, Gas cylinders — Stamp marking, 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this part of ISO 9809 the following definitions 34 yield stress ‘i ' al value corresponding to the upper yield stress, Rex or, for steels stress (non-proportional elongation), Ryq2 (see ISO 6892) 3.2 quenching hardening heat treaiment in which a cylinder, which has been h Point, Acs, of the sleel, is cooled rapidly in a suilable medium 33 tempering soitening heat treatment which follows quenchin; lower eriical point, Ac;,o! the steel 19. in which the cyl sake batch Quanity of up to 200 cylinders plus cylinders lor destructive testi Uesign, made successively Irom the same steel and subjecied to lime. NOTE The lengths ol the cylinders in a batch may vary by + 12 %, 35 test pressure (p,) pressure required applied during a pressure test. NOTE tis used for eylinder wall thickness calculation. 36 design stress factor, (F) g ‘0 of the equivalent wall siress al the lest pressure (p,) to the guar of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents — apply. that do not exhibit a defined yield, the 0,2 % prool ated (0 a urilorm temperature above the upper critical linder is healed to a unilorm temperature below the ing of the sar the same nominal diameler, thickness and me heat treatment for the same duralion ol ‘anteed minimum yield stress (Rg) igure 2). ire ol a concave base (see Figure 2). \ | 4 symbols Ja Calculated minimum thickness, in milimetres, ofthe cylindrical shel: t a Gudranleed minimum thickness, in millimetres, of the cylindrical shell 42 Guaranteed minimum thickness, in millimetres, at the cont i ; | . J? Tobe pubiished. we ISO 9809-1:1999(E) INTERRATIONAL STANDARD ISO Gas cylinders — Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders — Design, construction and testing — Part 1: ‘i Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less than 1100 MPa \ a \.1 Scope . Z wuirements for the material, design, construction and workmanship. ‘and tempered seamiess steel gas cylinders ‘and dissolved gases exposed 10 This pant of ISO 9009 is this part of ISO 9809 specifies minimum rea | rendacg procestes ond les ot manutecure ol reliable quenched Of waler capacities Irom 0,5 | up to and including 150 | for compressed, ‘icuelied / Extreme wordwide ambient temperatures (norinally bciween ~ S0*C and + 65°C) applicable to cylinders with a. maximum tensile strength rq ol less than 1 100 MPa. NOTE 1 Uso desired, cyinders of water capacity less than 0,51 may be manulaclured and ceriilied to this part of SO 2808, NOTE 2 For quenched and tempered cylinders with maximum tensile strength greater than or equal to 1 100 MPa reler to 1S0 9809-2. For no:malized steel cylinders reler to ISO 9609-3 2 Normative references “The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 9809. For dated relerences, subsequent amendments to, of revisions of, any ol these publications do nol lepply. However, patties to agreements based cn this part of ISO 9809 are ericouraged to investigate the possibiliy of beeing ‘the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated relerences, the Isles! tion of the normative document referred to applies. Members of !SO and IEC mainiain registers of currently va: International Standards, {SO 149:1983", Stee! — Charpy impact test (V-notch). 1S0 2604-2:1975, Sloe! produels for pressure purposes — Qualily requirements — Parl 2: Wrought seamless tines 150 6506:19812), Metallic materials — Hardness test — Brinell test. -C-D-E-F-G-HI). ISO 6508-19869, Metallic materials — Hardness test — Rockwell test (scales A. ISO 6892:1998, Metallic materials — Tensile testing at ambient temperature. 1SO 7438:1985, Metalic materials — Bend test. 1S0 9712:1999, Non-vestructive testing — Qualification and cerilication of personnel. 1) To be withdinwn and replaced by ISO 140-1, ISO 140-2 and ISO 140-3 180 6506-2 and ISO 65063. \, 2 To be witharawn an! replaced by ISO 6508 at the centre of a convex base (see Figure 1), » Gustanteed miniinum thickness, in mitimetres, « Maximum permissible deviation of burst profi, in milimeres (see Figures 10 and 11). “op Nominal oulside diameter af tho cylinder, In enilinelce Figuia 1). Diameter, ia milimetres, of former (see Figure 6). F Design stress factor (variable) (see 3.6). h Cuiside depth (concave base end), in millimetres (see Figure 1 Outside height, in millimetres, of domed part (convex head or base enc) (se Figure 1). Se rrTrrr—™C—“PEPEPCrrCrrCLC Cc rr Figure 5) Ratio of the diameter of the bend test former to actual thickness of test piece (1). Measured burst pressure, in bar5!, above almospheric pressure. Ps Py Hydraulic test pressure, in bar, above atmospheric pressure py “Working pressure, in bar, above atmospheric pressure a Observed pressure when eylinder starts yielding during hydraulic bursting tes, in bar, above almosphers pressure. . Inside knuckle radius, in milimeties (see Figures ¥ and 2). iD Minimum guaranteed value of yield stress (see 9.1), in MPa, gg Actual value ofthe yield stress, in MPa, determined by the tensile lest (see 10.2) : Minimum guaranteed value of tensile strength, in MPa, a, ‘Actual value of tensile strength, in MPa, as determined by the tensile test (see 10.2.) square millimetres, in accordance with ISO 6092. Original cross-sectional area ol tensile test piece, : Aclual thickness of the test specimen, in millimetres. Ratio of distance between knife edges oF platens in the Hlalten’ng test to average cylinder wall Ihickness at the position of test v Water capacity of cylinder, in litres, w Width, in millimetres, of the tensile test piece (see Figure 5) . 5 Inspection and testing Evaluation of conlormity is required to be performed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the courity(es) where the cylinders are used. nspection and In order to ensure that the eylinders are in compliance with this part of {SO 9809 they shall be subject to in “uve fesling in accordance wih clauses 9, 10 and 11 by an aulhorized inspection body (herealter relowred 10 25 inspector’) recognized in he counties of use. The inspector shail be competent (or inspection of cylinders. 6 Materials 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1. Materials for the manulacture of gas cylinders intended lor international service shill fall within oni of the following categories. a) internationally recognized cylinder steels: b) nationally recognized cylinder steels; ©) new cylinder steels resulting Irom technical progress. For all categories, the requirements of 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and relevant conditions of 6.2.9 shall be satisfied 6.4.2 Thé material used for the fabrication of gas cylinders shall be st2el, other than rimming quality, with non- ageing properties, and shall be aluminium and/or silicon killed. In cases where examination of this non-ageing property is required by the customer, the criteria by which it is !o specilied shall be agreed with the customer and inserted in the order. 8.1.3 The ylnder manulactrer shall establish means fo ently the cinders wih the cast of steal rom winch ey are made. 6.1.4 Grades of steel used for cylinder mariutacture shall be compauible with tie intended gas service, e.g corrosive gases, einbritiling gases (see ISO 11114-1), 6.2 Controls on chemical composition 5.2.1 The chemical composition ofall steels shall be defined at least by: “the carbon, manganese and silicon contents in all cases; — the chromium, nickel and molybdenum contents or other alloying elements intentionally added to the steel; — the maxirnum suitur and phosphorus contents in all cases. ‘The carbon, manganese and silicon contents and, where appropriate, the ciromium, nickel and molybdenum contenis shall bo given, wilh tolerances, such that the dillerences bolwean tha maximum and minimum values of the cast do nt ‘exceed the values shown in Table 1. The combined content of the folowing elements: Vanadium, Niobium, Titanium, Boron and Zirconium, shall not exc 018 % The actual conlent of any element deliberately added shall be reported and their maximum content shall be representative of good sleelmaking practice, Table 1 — Chemical composition tolerances Element Maximum content Permissible range . % % Carbon >. £030 0,06. S . - -B0g0% © ~ 0 2 s007- Manganese “ altvalues 0,90 Sticon Allvalues 0.30 Cheorniuin < 180 0,20 so 9,50 ined llvatuas: 9.20 Matybeluayt a3 1 : ISO 9809-1:1999(E 6.2.2 Sullur and phosphorus in.the.cast,analysis of material used for the manulaciure of gas cylinders shall no exceed the values sliown in Table 2. orus limits Table 2— Maximum sulfur and phos, : : Rye 950 MPa 9502, <1 100 Suilur ; 0,020 % 0.010 % Phosphorus 0.020% -.. 0.020% Suilur « phosphorus 0.030% 0.025 % 6.2.3. The cylinder manulacturer shall obtain and provide ceriticates of vast (heal) analyses of the steels supplied {or the construction of gas cylinders. Should check analyses be required, they, shall be cartied out either on specimens taken during manulacture from the materia in the form as supplied by the steelmaker to the cylinder manulactuver, or {rom linished cylinders. In any check analysis, the maximum permissible deviation from the limits specified for the cast analyses shall conform to tine values specilied in ISO 2604-2, 6.3 Typical steels : Two typical internationally recognized steel types which have provided sale performance over many years ate: @) chromium molytdenum steel (quenched and tempered) b) carbon manganese steel (quenched and tempered). ‘The chemical compositions of these steels, subject the controls specilied in 6.2.1, are given in table 3 Table 3 ~ Internationally recognized stee! compositions Element Sleel grade and conditions Cio (9&7) cma (aT) . - Carbon - “| 0.25 100,38 % 0.38 max. % | Silicon 0.1100,4% 0,1 10.0,35 % Manganese O40 1.0% 1,95 to 1,75 % Phosptionis 0,020 unax. % 20 1K. Sultur 0,020 max. % 0.020 max, % Chromium b 0,810 1.2% Molybdenum 0.15 100,40% NOTE __ The actual range for each element shall bein accordance with 6.2.1 and 62.2, and good seelmaking practice n particular We limits speciied in Tabla 2 lake precedence over the ‘ansjes given in this ible 6.4 Heat'treatment S41 The cylinder manutacturer shall certly the heat ireaiment process applied to the linished cylinders 8:42 Quenching in media other than mineral il is permissible provided that the method produces cylinders fee of cracks prcgercittage rate ol cooing in the medium is greater than 80 % of that in rater at 20 °C without adshives, every Production cylinder shall be subjected to a method of non-destructive testing to crove Ireadom from cracks 10 9803- 21999(E) Pone 6.4.3 The tempering process shall achieve the required mechanical properties. The actual temperature lo which a type of steel is subjected for a given tensile strength shall not deviate by more than 30°C from the temperature specilied by the cylinder manulacturer. 6.5 Testing requirements “The material ofthe finished cylinders shall satisty he requitements of clauses 9, 10 and 11 6.6 Failure to meet test requirements * In the event of failure to meet test requirements, re-testing or re-heat treatment and retesting shail be carried oul as follows to the salistaction of the inspector: | a) there is evidence of a fault in carrying oul a test, or an error of measurement, a further test shall be performed. I the result ol this testis satisfactory, the first test shall be ignored. |b) Ifthe test has been carried out in a satisfactory manner, the cause of ies! failure shall be identilied. 1}. I the failure is considered to be due to the heat treatment applied, the manulacturer may subject all the cylinders implicated by the failure to a further heat treatment i.e. if the failure is in a test representing * prototype or batch cylinders, test failure shall require re-heal ireaiment of all the represented cylind prior to re-testing; however, if the failure occurs sporadically in a test applied to every cylinder, then only those cylinders which fail the test shall require re-heat treatment and re-testing. This re-heat treatment shail consist of re-tempering or re-quenching and tempering. Whenever cylinders are re-heat treated, the minimum guaranteed wall thickness shall be maintained. ! Only the relevant prototype or baich tests needed to prove the acceptability of the new batch shall be perlormed again, ll one or more tests prove even partially unsatistactory, ali cylinders of the baich shall be welecied. : a 2) It the failure is due to a cause other than the heat treatment applied, all defective cylinders shall be either rejected, or repaired by an approved method. Provided thal the veraired cylinders pass the tests) required for the repair, hey shall be re-instaled as part of the original batch. : 7 Design 7A General requirements | TA141 The calculation of the wail thickness of the pressure-containing parts, shall be related to the guaranieed minimum yield stress (Rg) of the material. ‘ TAD Fe * calculation purposes, the value of fy shall,not exceed 0,9 Ry, 7.1.3. The internal pressure upon which the calculation of wall thickness is based shall be the hydraulic test 7.2 Limitation on tensile strength 7.2.1. Where there is no risk of hydrogen embrittlement the maximum valve of the tensile strength is limited by the ability of the steel to pass the requirements of clause 9 and clause 10, but in no case shall the actual maximum tensile strength &,, exceed 1 100 MPa lor chrome-molybdenum steels or 1 030 MPa for carbon-manganese steels, 7.2.2 Where there is a tisk of hydrogen embrittlement (see ISO 11114-1) the maximum value of the tensile strength as determined in 10.2 shall either be 880 MPa or, where the ralio Req’Rm, does not exceed 0,9, shall be 950 MPa, sicels for hydrogen service are under consideration, NOTE I methods to optimize the strength levels of e180 . : : ISO 9809-1:1999(E) 7.3 Calculation of cylindrical shell thickness The guaranteed minimum thickness of the-cylindtical shell a’) shall not be less than the thickness calculated using equations (1) and (2), and additionally condition (3) shall be salislied, = Of, [iver =m 5 om) eal 0, 983 or o.35 Rel Rg where the value of Fis the lesser of Re:Rq shall not exceed 0,9. NOTE Regional international agreements may limit he magnitude of the ‘F factor used lor design. The wall hickness shall also salisly the forrnula 250 : with an absolute minimum of a= 1,5 mm The burst ratio shall be satistied by test Polen = 1.8 (a NOTE It is generally assumed thal p, = 1,5 x service pressure for permanent gases for cylinders designed .and manufactured in accordance with this part o! 10 9809, 7.4 Calculation of convex ends (heads and bases) 7.4.1 The thickness, , at the centre of a convex end shall be not less than that required by the following criteria: where the inside knuckle radius, z, is not less than 0,075 D . 6 = 1,52 lor 0,40 > HID > 0,20 0 alor iD > 0,40 j 'n orderto obtain a satislactory stress distribution in the region where the end joins the shell any thickening of the end tral may be required shall be gradual from the point of juncture, particularly al the base, For the application of tis 1ule the point ol juncture between the shell and the end is defined by the horizontal ne incicating dimension Hf in Figure 1. ‘Shape & shall not be excluded from this requirement, 7.42 The cylinder manulacturer shall prove by the pressure cyciing lest detailed in 9.2.3 that the design is salistactory. The shapes shown in Figure 1 are typical of convex heads and base ends. Shapes A, B, O and E are base ends and pes C and F are heads , shi Figure 1 — Typical convex ends + @ISO 1SO 9809-1:1999(E) 7.8 Calculation of concave base ends When concave base ends (see Figure 2) are used the following design values are rezommended: a, B20 ag 20 , 420,120 130.075 D The design drawing shall t least show values foray, and r In order to oblain a satistactory stress distribution, the thickness of the cylinder shall increase progressively in the transition region between the cylindrical part and the base, The cylinder manufacturer shall in any ease prove by the pressure cycling test detailed in 9.2.3 thal the design is satislactory. : Figure 2 — Concave base ends 7.6 Neck design 5 ~ 7.8.1 The external diameter and thickness of the formed neck end of the cylinder shall be adequate for the lorque applied in filing the valve to the eylinder. The torque may vary the diameter of thread, the form of thread and the sealant used in the iting of the valve. (For guidance on torques see ISO 13341). 7.6.2 In establishing the minimum thickness, consideration shall be given to obtaining a thickness of wall in the cylinder neck which will prevent permanent expansion of the neck during the initial and subsequent ftings of the vaive into the cylinder without suppor of an altachment such as a neck ring, 7.7 Foot-rings . When 2 foot-ring is provided, it shall be sulficiently strong and made of material compatible wih thal of the cylinder. The shape should preterably ue cylindrical and shall give the cylinder sullicient stability. The looting shal! be secured 10 the cylinder by a method other than welding, brazing or soldering. Any gaps which may form waler tra shall be sealed by a method other than welding, brazing or soldering 7.8 Neck-rings of the cylin, When a neck-ring is provided, it shall be sufficiently strong and made of material compatible willy th and sail be securely attached by a method other than welding, brazing or soklerng ‘The manulacturer shall ensure that the axial load to remove the neck-ring is greater than 10 x the weight of the ‘emply cylinder, and that the torque to turn. the neck ring is greater than 100 Nm. 7.8 Design drawing A ully dimensioned drawing shall be prepared which includes the specification of the material | 8 Construction and workmanship 8.1 General The cylinder shall be produced by a) forging or drop forging tram a solid ingot or billet; or 1 |) manutacturing trom seamless lube; oF 1 €) pressing rom a tt plate Metal shall not be added in the process of closure of the end. Wall thickness 1 During production each cylinder or semi finished shell shall be examined for thickness. The wall thickness al any point shail be not less than the minimum thickness specified. 8.3 Surface defects | The intemal and external sutaces ofthe tshed cylinder sal be Ire rom defects which would adversely aes |. tne sate working of he eyinder. See annex Alor examples of delecis and guidance on ther evaluaion 8.4 Ultrasonic examination Each cylinder shall be ultasonicaly examined lor delecis in accordance with annex 8. | xannaton liners tobe used or enbiting gases sale ese ut athe compaion of elndar manure |. For cylinders containing other gases examination may be'cartied out either during or at the completion of manufacture. |/ However the ulrasonic examination shall be performed on the cylindrical part ter the final wall thickness has been | achieved. For smal eyinders witha cylindical length of less than 200 mm of where the product of pi, x V < 400 (lor SEUSS MPa} orp % 7 00 (er ty © GEDIPO he utasone et sol necessary. | 85 Out-of-roundness . i : | the out! roundness of the cylindrical shell, ie. the dliference between the maximum and minimum outside diameters at the same ctoss-seclion shail not exceed 2 % of the mean of these diameters. 8.6 Mean diameter | The mean external diameter of the cylindrical part outside the transition zones on a cross section shall not devigte | more than + 1 % from the nominal design diameter. 8.7 Straightness ‘The maximum deviation of the cylindrical part of the shell from a straight line shall not exceed 3 mm per metie length, (see Figure 3). 10 r@18O, 2.8 Verticality Deviation from vertical shail not excaed 10 mm per metre length (see Figuee 9). byte saageentoatl it a TOT Tp sat Key 1 Maximum 0,01 x 1(see 6.8) pokey 2 Maximum 0,003 x I {see 8.7) ical part of shell from a straight line and from vertical tea teaitgesye ant sath oe Figure 3 — Illustration of deviation of eylindr 9 Type approval procedure 9.1. General requirements ‘Atechrical specication of each new design of eyinder {or cylinder family as datined in ti] including desig Gosgn caleviations sleel details and heat treatment, shal be submited by the manulaciurer fo fe inspector. The type soproval less detaled in 9.2 shal be carted oul on each new design unier the supervision ofthe inspec. A cylinder shal be considered tobe of a naw design, compared wih an existing approved design, when: "* ‘a) itis manufactured in a different factory; or bb) itis manutactured by a different process (see 8.1); or a @) itis'manvtactuced rom a steel of diferent specilied chemical compesition range as dalined in 6 4) itis given acillerent heat treatment beyond the limits stipuiated in 6.4; oF Pre oe convex, hemispherical or also if thera is a change in base e) the base or the base profile has changed e.g. concave, thickness/cylinder diameter ratio; or 1) the overal engl ofthe eylinder has increased by mate than $0 % (ylinders with a lenalletoneter alo less thar hase shail notbe used as relerence cylinders lor any nev design wilh this ratio greater than tee); or g) the nominal outside diameter has changed; or kness has changed: oF ISO 9309-1:1g99(E) 2 i) the hydraulic test pressure has been increased (where a cylinder is to be used lor lower-pressure duly thar th for which design approval has been given, it shall not be deemed fo be a new design); or ged. lum tensilo stienglh (ty) have ch ) the guaranteed mininwm yield stress (2) andlor the guaranteed mini 9.2 Prototype tests 9.2.1 A minimum of $0 cylinders which are guaranteed by the manufacturer to be representative of the new design shall be made available for prototype testing. However, if for special applications the total number of cylinders, required is less than 80, enough cylinders shall be made to complete the protolype tests required, in addition to the production quantity. i 9.2.2 In the course of the lype approval process, the inspector shall select the necessary cylinders for testing and a) Verily that: — the design conforms to the requirements of clause 7; — Ihe thicknesses of the walls and ends on two cylinders (those taken for mechanical testing) meets the Fequiremerts of 7.3 lo 7.6, the measurements being taken al least al three transverse seclions ce cylindrical part and on a longitudinal section of the’base and head; : — the requirements of clause 6 (Materials) are complied with; the requirements of 7.7, 7.8 and 8.5 to 8.8 inclusive are complied with for all cylinders selected by the inspector the internal and external surfaces of the cylinders are free of any elect which might make thein uns: use (lor examples see annex A). b) Supervise the following tests on the cylinders selected: : = Ihe lests specified in 10.1.2 a) (hydraulic burst test) on two cylinders, the cylinders beating representative slamp markings, — the tests specified in 10.1.2 b) (mechanical testing) an two cylinders, the test pieces being identifiable avi the batch; — the lests specified in. 9.2.3 (preseure cycling test) on three cylinders, the cylinders bearing represen stainp markings, — tor cylinders made trom seamless tube the test sheciied in 9.2.4 (base check) on the two eytindees selected for mechanical testing. 9.2.9 Pressure cycling test This lest shall be carried out with a non-corrosive liquid subjecting the cylinclers 10 successive reversals al an upper cyclic pressure which is equal to the hydraulic test pressure (pp). The cylinders shall wilhsland 12 000 cycles without lailure. For cylinders with hydraulic test pressure (p,) > 459 bar, the upper cyclic pressure may be reduced to two-thirds ofthis {est pressure, In this case the cylinders stall withstind 80 000 eycles without Inlure. pressure, but shall have an absolute The value of the lower cyclic pressure shall not exceed 10 % of the upper ¢} smaximuin of 30 bar, ‘The cylinder shall actually experience the maximum and minimum cyclic press: sres during the test, ured om th Ihe lrequoncy of reversals of pressuie shall not exceed 0,26 Mz (15 eyclesiinin.), The temperature me: cuinide surtace othe cylinder shall net excead SU °C during tha test 19 " Aller tha test the.cytinder bases shallbe sectioned In order to measi pa uy sullicionty close to: tho-iminimum thickness prescribed nthe tolorancus, In no case shall the actual base thickness exceed that ura the thickness and to ensure that this (hicknase dosign ond shall bo within the usual production pecilied cn the drawings by more than. 15 %, [& -] The lest shall ba considered. saistactory i tha cylinder alain the required number of yclos wilhiou! Uevloping a iealk 8.24 ,Base check (tor cylinders made from tubs only) 1 esigh.* 2 mevician section shall baimada in tho base ol the cylinder and one of thu surlaces thus obtained polished for ef, 9x@ntinalion undor a magnification of between X § and % 19, The cylinder shail be regarded as deleclive il th 1 Presence of cracks Is detected, It shall also be regarded as elective il the dimensions ol-any pores oF incl sions present reach values considered to pose a thveal Io ealety, In 90 case shall the sound thickness (i.e, {ha thickness with no delecis} in the base cenire be less‘than the minimum specitied thickness (see 7.4.1), 9.3 Type approval certificate thd oer SEuts of the checks according to 9.2 are salistaciory, the inspector shalt issue a lype approval ceriilicate a hq Bical example of which is given in annex C, 7 10 Batch tests he} ~ #1 General requirements 101-1 Allesis lor checking the quay of he gas cylinder shall be carted out en ‘material from finished cylinders. For the purpese of batch testing, ine manulacturar shall provide the inspector with: . — the type approval contlicate; 2] ~ Ne antcales stating the cast analysis f the staet supplied for the constuction of the cylinders: | — evidence that appropriate heat treaiment has been performed; — catilicates showing the ultrasonic testing resulls: fist ol ha cylinders, stating serial numvers onc stamp markings as recuired:; J — conicotion that treads hava been checked propey In accordance win 9 tobe used shall ba specilled (eg 150 112959 tuging requiremonts. The gauges! 10.1.2 During batch testing, the inspector shall: jsssersin atthe ype approval colicatehaé ben obisined and ihe elindors conor oi : check whether the requirements set out in clause: ihe checks coef Meaty Pessble, Irma visual examination of he eyindors ehelnor te sore en i seyshesks cared out by the manulacturer in accordance wilh 7.778 can eee Salistactory. The {ius gzeerination shail cover at les! 10 % af he evindore submivee rene Ce unaccepiable Uetect Ie (2und (lor examples soo annex), 100 % ofthe eyingers shal bevseciee wees, ~ Fryeoute CocesSary evinders per batch for destructive testing and cary out the lests specitied in 10.1.2 a) [_ Civeraul burst tests) and 10.1.2 b) (mechanical tesling), Where allocate ests are permilled, the purchaser f+ and manulacturer shall agree which lesis ara to be eared oul; > check whether the ink ‘ormation supplied by the manulacturer and réterred to in 40.1.4 Is correct shall be carried out; fandom checks ~ weve re ayyye) 71 7 1S 2858s the results of hardness testing specified In 11:3 The following tests shall be caried out on each batch of cylinders: a) On one cylinder : . — 9n8 hydraulic bursting test (see 40.5), ©) Ona further eylinder: ~~ _9ne lensile test in he longitudinal direction (see 10.2); 7 ing at ong ets (See 10.3.1) in a circumferential rection or ‘one latlening test (se@ 10.22) or one fing flattening test (see 10.3.3); {hee impact tests in transverse or longitudinal Giteclion as required in 10.4 wiven the thickness of the gh ainder for taking the tensile and impact tests nay Optionally be that used in the bursting test option or» Shiner W324 forthe fattening lest option It eile he erect {in latering test options are chosen en the wey ay be that used inthe burs les The mea, ofeach test specimen shall be chosen Io avoid inteesen with the delormed parts of the eylinder, 10.2 Tensile test ° Biber a etsle est shall be caried out on material laken from the eilher of the Following procedures. Sytinaical part ofthe eytinder by adoping eee cence eM ceeraea nee ee 5 and witha gauge langih 2,» 6.66 JS ret {0588 0 he test pecs represening the ince any cnticg Surfaces of the cylinder shal not ve Moehined, The elongation A) measured shall ot be lose than 14 oe 5) Machined round specimens shall be Prepared having the maximum diameter Practicable, the elongatiort (1) measured on a'yauye length of § x the specimen diameter being no less than 16 %. It is fecommended that Imechiped round specimens are nol used for wallthchneee noo mom, 10.2.2. The tensite St shall ba carried out in accordance with ISO 60 Mr reynig AMENION Is dav to the method of me; enamel elongation descived in ISO 6892. tol n caves we tho tensile test place *onered. recutng ina pots ol ractura Sway hornets {Ho gaugo fongis, z key 1 Bend test pieces or flattening ring . 2 Transverse impact pieces 3 Longitudinal impact test piece (alternative positions shown dotted) - 4 Tensio test pieces Figure 4 — Location of test pieces wear 2 W018 Figure § — Tensile test piece v9M(e) 10.3 Bend test and flattening test 10.3.1 Bend test Figure 6 — Illustration of bend test The bend test shall be carried oul in accordance wilh ISO 7438 on Iwo test pieces obtained by culting either one or two rings of width 25 mm or 4 1, whichever is greater, into equal parts. Each test piece shall be cf Sulficient length to permit the bend test to be cartied out correctly. Only the edges of each strip may be machined The test piece shall not crack when bent inwards around the former unti the inside surlaces are no further apart than the diameter of the former (see Figure 6). : 10,3.1.9 The diameter of the former (O)) shall be established from Table 4 . For the actual tensile sirength (Rj) given in Table 4, D, =n X test piece thickness (). 10.3.2 Flattening test The flattening test shall be perlormed on one cylinder selecled rom each batch alter heal treatment The test cylinder shall be llattened between wedge-shaped knile edyrs with a 60° included angle, the edges being rounded to a nominal radivs of 13 mm. The lengih of the wedges sival no! be less than the wil of the Hlaltened cylinder. The longitudinal axis of the cylinder shall be at an angle of approximately 90 ° to the knile edges. The tesi cylinder shall be flattened uniil the distance between the knile edges is in accordance with Table 4. The flattened cylinder shall remain visually uncracked, : Table 4 — Bend test and flattening test requirements ‘Aclual tensile strength R, Bend test | Flattening test (cylinder or ring) : Mpa Value of Value of u@ = 800 4 1800 < h,, = B00 5 600 < f,, = 950 6 950 < fy 1 100 7 ® Distance bewveen knile edges or platen: wall thickness at the position o! lesling. 1% fs WHE? fg is he AWOL Cylinder 6 10.3.3 ng flattening test ‘The ring tattening test shall be carried out on one ring ol width 25 mm or 4 1, whichever is the greater, taken fram the cylinder body. Oniy the edges of ihe ring may be machined. The ring shall be flattened between platens unit the distance between platens is in accordance with Table 4, The llattened ring shall remain visually uncracked. 10.4 Impact test he test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 148. 10.4.1, Except for the requirements set out below, The impact test pieces shall be taken in the direction as required in Table 5 from the wall of the cylinder. The notch shall be perpencicular to the face of the cylinder wall (see Figure 7). For longitudinal tests ihe test piece shall be ‘machined all over (on six faces). If the wall thickness does not permit a final test piece width of 10 mm, the width shall be as near as praclicable to ihe nominal thickness of the cylinder wall, The 'est pieces taken in the transverse ditection shall be machined on four faces only, the outer face of the cylinder wall unmachined and the inner face oplionally machined as shown in 4 1 Key 11 Transverse specimen 2 Cylinder longitudinal axis Charpy V-notch perpendicular to the wall Longitudinal specimen . Figure 7 — Description of transverse and longitudinal impact test pieces 1SO 9809-1:1999(6) key 1 Machining optional AY 1 Staking anvit 2 Direction of stike 3 Test piece 4 Centre of strike Figure 8 —Dese: a) Test piece taken from cylinder wall toa | Lo} | 6) Front view of test ploce in impact tester ©) Top view of test piece in impact tester ription of transverse impact testing 10.4.2 Minimum acceplance values are given in Table S. 5 Table 5 — Impact test nccoptunce valuinn = iniolor 2, min > 140 [<0 Direction of testing 5 Wansverse longitudinal * Width of test piece, mim 35 25-75 [375-10 | otto Test temperature, *C ie = 50 [F< s0 Ty Mean ol specimens | 30 3S 40 30 Indivigval specimen | __24 28 ae 40 ® For applications at lower lemperatures the ‘esi shall be cariied oul al the loweal omporaiure species : 10.8 Hydraulic bursting test 10.8.1 Test installation '8 test equipment shall be capable of operation in accordance wilh the test conditions speciied in 10.5.2 and of accurately producing the information required by 10.5.3. A pical hydraulic bursting test installation is illustrated in Figure 9, e150 Koy Test uid reservoir Tank for measurement of test uid (the tes uid reservoir may also be used as the measuring tank) Pump Pressure gauge 7 Prossurelime eure recorder Vent or airtelaase valve : Test weil Cylinder Figure 9 — Typical hydraulic bursting test instai'ation 10.5.2 Test cbnditions {As the cylinder and test equipment are being filed with waler, cave shall be taker to ensure that no ait is tapped the circuit by means of operaling the hydraulic pump until water is discharged fram the vent or ait-release valve, During the test, pressurization shall be cartied out in Iwo successive stayes. In the first stage, the pressure shall be increased at a rate of not more than 5 bar/s up to a pressure value a) corresponding lo the initiation of plastic detorrnation. nt a level as is possibie uniil the b) Inthe second stage, the pump discharge rate shall be mainiained al a5 co cylinder bursts. 10.5.3. Interpretation of test results 10.5.3. Interpretation of the burst test results shall involve: examination of the pressure/limie curvo or prossurc/volumo-ol-walur-usad curv, to ponnit caterinination of Wut a) prossuro at which plastic dolormation of the cylindar ebimnancos, tegather with live bursting prassuins b) examination of Ine burst tear and of the chape ef ils edges. lo bo considered satistactory, the léllowing requlamonts shall ba met° For tha raaults of 1 burating tos 1 1 2) The ebserved yield pressure, py, shall be greater than or equal 10-7 x the test pressure, ie py = 2% mys b) The actual burst pressure, py, shall be greater than or equal to 1,6 X the test pressure, ie. py > 1.6 My The cylinder shall remain in gne piece and shall not fragment, . the fracture edges shall be The main fracture shall be in the cylindrical portion and shall not be brittle, i inclined with respect to the wall. The tear shall not reveal a signilicant defect in the metal For cylinders with wall thickness less than 7,5 mm, the fracture shall be acceptable only il it conforms to one of the following descriptions: 2) longitudinal, without branching (Figure 10): b) longitudinal, with side branching at each end which in no case extends beyond the longitudinal plane normal to the fracture plane (Figure 11), 10.5.4 Acceptance eriteria Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrate salislactory burst test profiles, and batches represented by such resulls shall be accepted. {the contiguration of the fracture does not conform to Figure 10 or Figure 11, but all other material and mechanical tests are satisiaciory, investigation of the cause of the non-confornily shall be undertaken prior to acceplance or rejection of the batch, Figure 10 ~ Acceptable burst profiles — longitudinal without branching \ NA ‘ clnore) Figure 11 — Acceptable burst profiles — longitudinal with side branching 11 Tests on every cylinder 11.1 General . spocitlad fn 0.2 and 8.4 ahall bo ennied out on all eylindens Quring prrattuction, the tos Following final heat treatment, all cylinders except those selected for testing under clause 10, shall be subjected to Ihe following tests: — a hydraulic proof pressure test in accordance with 11.2.1 or a hydraulic volumetric expansion iest in accordance with 11.2.2. The purchaser and manulacturer shall agree which of these allernatives shall be cartied out; — ahardness test in accordance with 11.3; —— alleak test in accordance with 11.4; — awater capacity check in accordance with 11.5. 11.2 Hydraulic test 11.2.4 Proof pressure test . nder shall be increased at a controlled rate until the test pressure, py is ‘eached. The water pressure in the ¢ The cylinder shall remain under pressure py for at least 30 s to establish that the pressure does not fall and that there are no leaks, 11.2.2 Volumetric expansion test The waler pressure in the cylinder shall be increased at a controlled rale unlil the test pressure, py, is reached,” rod. The The cylinder shalt remain under pressure p, for at least 30 s and the tolal volumetric expansion mea pressure shall then be released and the volumetric expansion remeasured. The cylinder shall be rejected if it shows permanent expansion (i. volumetric expansion alter Ihe pressure has, been released) in excess of 10 % of the folal volumetric expansion measured at ine test pressure, py, The total and permanent expansion readings shall be recorded together with the corresponding serial number of & .. cylinder lested. s0 that the elastic expansion (ie. total expansion less permanent expansion) under the test pressure can be establisied for each cylinder. - 11.3 Hardness test A hardness test in accordance with ISO 6506 (Brinell), ISO 6508 (Rockwell) or othier equivalent methods shall be carried out by the manulacturer. The hardness values thus delermined shall be within the limits specilied by the cylinder manufacturer for the material dependent upon the heat treatment used for the production ol the cylinder and the intended gas service (e.g. embrilting gases) NOTE Mothdds for measuring the sulace indentations other than given in ISO 6505 or 1SO 6508 may be used subject 10 agieement between the pales concerned. ; 14.4 Leak test The manulacture? shall use such manufacturing techniques and apply such lests as will demonstrate to the satisfaction ofthe inspector thatthe eylinders do nat leak. 11.8 Capacity check ‘The manutacturer shall verily thal the water capacity conlorms to the design drawing £22 1S 9809-1:1999(E) Iso 42 Certification cotiificale signer by the inspecting authority's raprasentative to tlhe Fach batel of eyliudara shall ba eovarad by 2 collect thal the cylinders meet the requirements ol this part of {SO 9409 In all respects. An examply of « suitably worded certiicata is givan in ennex D. Copies of the certificate shall be issued to the manufacturer. The original certificate shall be retained by the inspector and the copies by the manulacturer in accordance with the regulations of the relevant statutory aulhorily. 43 Marking Each cylinder shall be stamped on the shoulder or on a reinforced part of the cylinder or on a permanently fixed collar oF neck ring in accordance with ISO 13769 or the relevant marking requirements of the countries of use | | Annex A (informative) Description, evaluation of manufacturing defects and conditions for rejection of seamless steel gas cylinders at the time of final inspection by the manufacturer A.1_ Introduction Several types of defect can occur during the marulacturing of a seamiess steel gas cylinder. Such detecis can be mechanical or material. They can be due to the basic material used, the manufacturing Process, heat treatments, manipulations, necking, machining or marking operations and other evlcorsineae during manulacture. : * Te maar ts annexe to dently the manclactung detects most commonly met and to provide general guidelines inaeeenabectors that perorm the visual inspection, Nevertheless extensive inid experience, goad keener wed A.2. General ‘2.1 is essential to perform the visual internal and external inspection in good conditions . — The surface of the metal and in particular of the inner wail shall be completely clean, dry and free trom Sxiallon products, corrosion, scale elc, since these could obscure other more serious Wsieete, Where feats a he surface should be cleaned under closely controlled conuilions by suitable meliods Lelore further inspection, . — Appropriate sources of illumination with sulticient intensity should be us — Aer the cylinders have been closed and the threads have been cul, the. internal neck area should be examined by means of an introscope, dental micror or other suitable appliance. 42.2 Small detects may be removed by lacal dressing, grinding, machining, or ather appropriate method! Great care should be taken to avoid introducing new injurious delects. Alter such a repair the cylinders should be re-examined. A.3° Manufacturing defects 5 n Table At, The most commonly found manufacturing defects and their detinitions are listed election limits tor repair or reject are also included in Table A.1. These ‘ejection limits are established following ‘Goterable Keld experience, They apply to al sizes and iypes ol eylinders and service conditions, Nevenhclone Grains, SPeetteations, some types of cylinder or some special seivice conuilions ean require: stronger “onditions, A.4 Rejected cylinders a) All rejected cylinders should be rendered unserviceable for their original application b) may be possible to produce eylindars for differant gorvieo conditions trot tojacted elise, fealinar penatated nor removed melal {see Figure A.1) (eee also excessive grinding or machining). oxloinal diamaler ofthe eyindor = when tne depih of the dent is greater than 1 mm and when tne diameter of the dant is less than 904% Is dopin.® Table A.1 — Manufacturing defects Detect eseription Concitions (or rejection andlor actions Repatieloct Buge Visible swing of he wa ‘Alleyinders with such a elect Reieet Dent as) ‘A depression in the wal hat hes | —wnon mo doph of tho dant axcoods 2%% of tw | Reieel Penmil repair Cul, gouge, metalic An impaction in whe wall wiero ‘metal has been removed or fedatibuted (due basically to the inwoduction f toraign bocir's on the mandrel oF maliie during extrusion or crawing operations) ~laside- detect: not cuperticia! with sharp notches pore tan 5 % of wal thickness: ~ oulssla elec: when the depth exceeds 5% of tho wall Uneknese limes tho tekness of tho cylinders. Reject Aepairpoesisio (200.22) Dent conlaning cut ar gouge Excessive grinding A depression inthe wall which coniins a cut or gouge (see figure Aa, Local reduction of wail thickness by ‘All eylinders with such detocts. when tho wall thickness is reduced to below the rinimum design thickness Roject eject * ‘Appear as lines which run vertically down the tvead and across the ‘iwead laces. (Thay should mot be conlused with lap marks = tnread mactining marks) (see figura A.) All cylinders with such detects or machcing gonding or machining ~ when i reguli in heformation of a dent Sea dent above Pe 7A longivdinal raised suvace wan | ~Badedaleck W height & depth enceeds 8% Ol | noosa posauie fee res eee wal vekness ori he lengh exceeds 10% ofthe | [ee 2 longi ofthe eyinders | Groove Alongiudinal neich (see fgura A.4). | ~ gulside dalect: whoa the height or depth exceeds | Repair if possible or 5% of tho wall thickness or when the lengit | reject (soo A2.2) : faceeds 5 X Ihe thickness af the cyinders. Lamination Layering of the material within te | ~ inside dolect al eyinders wih such detect: Repair i possi or cyinaer wall “and sometimes reject s0peaiing as 9 ciscontinuly, crac . fap or bulge al tho suriace (see figue as) ~ culside detec: al eyinders with such a detect. | Repairit possible or telect (00 A227) Crack Spl, mated separation. ‘when not removabie within thickness tolerance: | Reject ~ whan removabia wih Bicknesstolvance, Repair Reject ludeo) Table A:1 — Manufacturing defects (con Conditions for rejection snuler actions RepaieiReject Doleet Description ‘shoulder folds Folding with peaks and woughs | ~ folds of eracks that oro visible as a fino of oxide | Repair it possitie andior shoulder | situated In tha. internal. shoulder | running inl the threaded portion should be moved cracks area, which can propagate Inia he | by a machining operation untl the hes of oxide ara ltweaged area of the shouider (see | no longer visible (see Figure A.7). Aller machining, Figuee &.7). Cracks can start Irom | the whole area should be reinspecied carelly and folds in the internal shoulder area | the wall ihickness vere: and propagate into we cylindtical eee ee rece tea ot ne | it tolsing or tines of oxide have a1 been removed | Reject sthouidr. (Figure AB shows exacty louder igure AB shows SCH | yy machining, it racks ato stil visible or it wall thickness is unsalislactory: how they propagate.) us : = lols which extend beyond ihe machined area and | Roceplable are cleatly visible as open depressions where no ‘oxides have been Wapped in the metal, should be Accepted provided Inat te peaks me smoalh and the ot of the deprassion is roundes. Internal cracks in| Splis In ine metal of the bottom at | whan nai removable within thickness tolerance: | Roject base i ieee ieee = when removable within thlekness tolerance, Aepair ‘orange pect” +! | Orange pect appearance due to | =i sharp cracks are visibla in tho orangy pect | Acceptable tor on suilace discontinuous metal low. surlaca, aggresive gazes Internat neck | Nock mweads eamaged. with dents, | - when the design permits it, meads may be va- | Repair lveads damaged or | cuts, buts of out of lolerance lapped and te-chacked by the aperopiata thread ful of felerance gauge and ceveluly visually re-examined. the Appropriate number of ellecive Uueads shail be guaranteed =i not tepaivabie Reject : ating Severe suslace corrasion, ‘All eylinders with such defects visible alter shot | Reject biasing All cylinders presenting such a detect Repair it possible of, Non-contoemiy with design craving iy Repair possible Neck rng not ‘Neck ring urns under application ot | All cylinders presenting such a detec secure low torque, oF puls off under low according 10 axial toad. Seo ISO 11117 fot nprovad method ‘rc ortoich buns | Partial buming of the eylnder mata, | all eyinders presenting such a delec. | peices the sedhion of wald metal or the femoval of metal by scaling of cratering, 3 On smal diameter coniainors these general limils may have to be aujusled. Consideration of appearance also plays a part in the evaluation ol dents, especialy in te case of sna eyinders. b_Consiseration of appearance and localisation (in thicker pars with lower stresses) can be laker into account, ISO g809-4:1959(6) fee sue irusayey - F Figure A.5 — Laipination 1 Key 1 Neck eracies 2 Propagated crack in the neck Figure A.6 — Neck cracks Folds or cracks 2 Altor machining Figure A.7 — Cylinder shoulder folds or cracks before and alter machining ‘ Key | Shoulder cracks ) Propagated erack in the shoulder 2 Folds Figure A.8 — Shoulder cracks 29 i Annex B (normative) Ultrasonic inspection B.1 Scope ‘This annex is based on techniques used by cylinder manufacturers. Other techniques of ultrasonic inspection may be used, provided these have been demonstrated to be suilable for the manvlacturing method. 8.2 General requirements ting the relerence standard as described in 8.9.2, ~ The ultrasonic testing equipment shall be capable of at least detect ensure that fe ac It shall be serviced regularly In accordance wilh the manulactucer’s operating instructions !o maintained. Inspection records and approval certificates for the equipment shall be maintained: 1d by qualified and experience. ersonnel and supe! ‘The operation of the test equipment shail be by Irsined personnel certified to level 2 of ISO 9712, ion suitable for The inner and outer surfaces of any cylinder which is to be tested ultrasonically shall be in a cond an accurate and reproducible lest. 55 measurement either the resonance method For flaw detection the pulse echo system shall be used. For thickne: es of testing shall be used. tr the pulse echo system shall be used. Either contact or immersion technigu = A coupling method which ensures adequate transmission of ullrasonie energy between the testing probe and ne » cylinder shall be used. B.3 Flaw detection of the cylindricat parts B.3.1 Procedure The cylinders to be inspected and the search unit shal! have a rotating motion and translation velative 10 oNe w TSundr such that a helical scan of the cylinder will be described. The velocity of rotation and translation shall be constant wilhin # 10%, The pilen of the helix shall be less than the width covered by the probe (at least a 10 2% seers Shall be guaranteed) and be related to the ellective bear width such ag lo ensure 100 % coverage at the atocily of rotational movement and lranslation used during the calibration procedure, atectian in which the scanning or relative ag fo ensure 100 % An alternative scanning method may be used for transverse defect di movement of the probes and the work piece is longitudinal, the sweeping mation being such surface coverage with about 10 % overlap ol the sweeps. The cylinder wat shall be tested for longitudinal defects with the ultrasonic energy transmited in both circumferential directions and for transverse delects in both longitudinal directi ans. rosin may occur (see ISO 11114-1), the Iso be tested for transverse defects in the Irasonie sensitivity shall be set al + 6 dB wall thickness in this thickened For concave based cylinders where hydrogen embrittlement or stress cor transition region between the cylindrical part and the cylinder base shail a: direction of the base. For the area to be considered, see Figure B.1. The ul “= in o1der to improve the detection of delects equivalent to § % of the eylincrical portion, 30 Iso ® ISO 9809-1:1999(E) key 1 Shoulder cracks 2 Propagaled crack in the shoulder 3. Folds Figure A.B — Shoulder cracks jeen the wall and neck and/or wall In this case, or when optional testing is. carried out on-the transition areas bet and base, this may be conducted manually t not carried out automalically. The ellectiveness of the equipment shall be periodically checked by passing a reference standard through the test procedure. This check shall be carried out at least al the beginning and end of each shift, I during this check the presence of the appropriate reference notch js not detected then all cylinders tested subsequent to the kas acceplable check shall be relested after the equioment has been reset. Figure B.1 — Base/wall transition region . 8.3.2. Reference standard \ reference siandard of convenient length shall be prepared {rom a cylinder of similar diameter and wall thickness sange, and from material with the same acoustic characlerislics and surlace finish as the cylinder to be inspected. ‘The reference standard shall be [ree Irom discontinuities which may interfere with the detection of the reference notches, Reference notches, both longitudinal and transverse, shall be machined on the outer and inner surtace of the standard, The notches shail be separated such thal each notch can be clearly identilied. Dimensions and shape of notclos aro of crucial importance for the adjustment of tha aquipment (sae Fiyines 0.22 and 8.3), — The length of the notches (E) shall no be greater than $0 mm, , — The width (17) shall be no greater than twice the nominal depth (7). However, where this condition cannot be met a maximum widih of 1,0 mm is acceptable. —_ The depth of the notches (7) shall be 5 % + 0,75 % of the nominal wall thickness (5) wilh a minimum of 0.2 min and 2 maximum of 1,0 mm, over the {ull length of the notch, Runouls a! each end are permissible. — The notch shall be sharp edged at its intersection with the surface of the cylinder wall, The cross section of the notch shall be rectangular except where spark erosion machining methods are used; then it is acknowledged that the bottom of the notch shalf be rounded. - Igo guuy-tbyecth) HOTE .. Tost (5 0,75) % 5 but <1 mum and » 0.2 mm; Ws 27, bul if not possible hen <1 mm, £450 mun Figure B.9 — Schematic representation of the reference notches for circumferential defects 8.9.3 Ci ration of equipment Using the rslerence standard described in 6.9.2, the equipment shall be adjusted to produce clearly identifialte indications froin inner and cuter surlace nolches. Tre amplitude of the indications shall be as near equal ar possible. The indication of smallest amplitude shall be used as Ihe rejection level and for selting visual, audible, Fecording or sorting devices. The equipment shail be calibrated with the relerence slandard or probe, or bail, moving in the same manner, in the same direction and at the sarne speed! as will be used during the inspection ot Ihe cylinder. All visual, auckible, recording or sorting devices shall operate satisfactorily at the lest speed, Hd Wall thicken surement ithe measurement of the wall thickness is not carried out in another stage of preduction, the cylindrical part shall bbe 100 % exarnined lo ensure that the thickness is not less than the guararteed minimum value B.5_ Interpretation of results Cylinders with indications which are equal to oF greater than the lowest of the indications from the reference no! shall be withdrawn. Surlace defects may be removed; aller removal the cylinders shall be resubjected to ullrascuic ltaw detection anid thickness measurament. Any cylinder which is shown to be below the guaranteed minimum wall thickness shall be rejected. B.6 Certification The ultrasonic testing shall be cerilied by the cylinder manulacturer ‘ Every cylinder, which has passed ullrasonic testing in accordance with this specilication shall be stamp marked with the symbol "UT". 33 IS9 9809-1: 49996) : wise Annex C (informative) Type approval certificate 1 example of a suilable form of a type approval cerlicate, Other formats are also acceptable, This annex provides TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE ea Issued by. (Authorized inspection authority) epplying ISO Standard... concerning SEAMLESS STEEL GAS CYLINDERS, Date.. Auyrraval to, ‘Type of cylinder: o ee reese vn (Description of the farnly of eytinders (Drawing Ne) which has received type approval) Daag ennneneneerceesMM ee ine bar Dania Pr Bove = Shape of base rom ni Or peeerertin) —fho eriat and twat tre nap Rtn ve MPa Ry Material and charactotistics: Material: .. Manufacturer or agent. (ame and address of manutacturer 37 itz agent) All information may be chlained HOM ssernnssteteesee soonennnneenen [Name anid adoross of aproving touy) Place nature of inspector) a j | “5 Annex D ~ (informative) Acceptance certificate This annex provides an example of a suitable form of acceptance certilicate, Other formats are also acceptable. ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE Acceptance certificate for seamless steel c Acconsignmant of ..... cylinders consisting of ........ test batches has been inspected and tested for in accordance with ISO 9809-10 (designation or type of gas) Manulacturer’s Nos: to ‘Owner's Nos.: (2): .. Manutacturer Manul, order No: Address: Country: evn erecta Date: ‘OwnerCustomer (1): Purchase order No’ . divs : County oat. TECHNICAL DATA wiaereapaciy: —nominal(?)——‘|_—_Nomina engin (without cop and without av) eo nme) Test presse var Outside diameter 7 Working pressure (1) 15° C - p15: bar Min, walll thickness a: mm Max ing ebarge (1) ig Drawing No . Mateo Sedesoanmr ee [se [me [px [se | ox [wom [nm at a . i 1 Heat eatmen: 1 Stamp makings (3) aii ; i maria (i) Oslete 22 apetcabie (2) teequited by customer (3) To be quoted or drawing tobe attached 35 et ISO 9803-1:1999(E) y ACCEPTANCE TESTS. 1. Measurements taken on one representative cylinder of the balch (1) Test No ‘Covering serial Nos. Water Mass Min, measured or batch No, to | capacity ennty Uhickness (ran) or eylinder No so ic wal base 2, Mechanical tests (1) Tensile test Haruness|__impaci test Charpy V TestNo. —_|Casto.| Yield ] Tensile [Elongation|_ ~93 direction: stress | strength oe Fos | Ron A Avge Min, wpa |_mpa_| % seme ean? Min, values! a This is to cently thot the cylinders covered by this Acceptance Certificale have passed the hydraulic pressure test and ail the other tests as required in clause 10 ol ISO 9809-1:1999 and they are in {ull accordance with this ISO Standard, Special remarks: On beat! of: Bate “(Signature of inspector) (1) Need not ba fited in tes! opens are attached. ge ne thy Fe TRG Loe Polt-( ge

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