Power System

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Academic Term: 2021-22

Department of Electrical Engineering

Question bank
Programme: B.E. Electrical (UG)
Course: Power System I(PS-I) Course Code: (3140914)
Teaching Scheme (L/T/P): 04/00/02
Class: 4TH Semester (EVEN) Class division: A/ B
Power System – I (3140914)
Question Bank

Conventional Generation, Load Curves and Tariffs:
1 Write a note on Current Generation Scenario of Gujarat and India
2 Explain Working of Coal based thermal Power plant with Schematic Diagram
3 Explain Working of Hydro Power plant with Schematic Diagram
4 Explain Working of Nuclear Power plant with Schematic Diagram
5 Explain Working of gas-based Power plant with Schematic Diagram
6 Compare Thermal, Hydro, nuclear and Gas based power plant
Explain the terms 1. Load Curve 2. Demand Factor 3. Load Factor 4. Diversity
Factor and 5. Connected Load 6. Maximum Demand 7. Plant Capacity factor
8 Define and explain load Duration Curve?
9 Define tariff and explain its significance.
10 Write down various types of Tariffs
11 Explain 1. Two part tariff 2. Three Part Tariff
12 Write note on Block rate tariff and simple rate tariff
13 Define and explain Maximum demand tariff and Power factor tariff

Mechanical Features and Design of Overhead Transmission Line
1 Name the important components of an overhead transmission line.
Discuss the various conductor materials used for overhead lines. What are
their relative advantages and disadvantages?
3 Discuss the various types of line supports.
Justify the use of insulators with overhead lines. Discuss the desirable
properties of insulators.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of (i) pin-type insulators (ii)
suspension type insulators.
6 Explain how the electrical breakdown can occur in an insulator.
7 Explain strain insulator and its uses. Give a sketch to show its location.
Academic Term: 2021-22

Give reasons for unequal potential distribution over a string of suspension

9 Define and explain string efficiency. Can its value be equal to 100%?
Show that in a string of suspension insulators, the disc nearest to the
conductor has the highest voltage across it.
11 Explain various methods of improving string efficiency.
12 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of corona.
Describe the various methods for reducing corona effect in an overhead
transmission line.
Define a sag in overhead lines. Discuss the disadvantages of providing too
small or too large sag on a line.
15 Deduce an approximate expression for sag in overhead lines when
(i) supports are at equal levels
(ii) supports are at unequal levels.
Underground Cables
Compare the merits and demerits of underground system versus overhead
With a neat diagram, show the various parts of a high voltage single-core
3 write desirable characteristics of insulating materials used in cables ?
4 Describe briefly some commonly used insulating materials for cables.
Give the most general criterion for the classification of cables. Draw the sketch
of a single-core low tension cable and label the various parts.
6 Draw a neat sketch of the cross-section of the following :
(i) 3-core belted cable
(ii) H-type cable
(iii) S.L. type cable
Give the limitations of solid type cables. Give methods to overcome these
limitations in pressure cables.
8 Write a brief note on oil-filled cables.
Describe the various methods of laying underground cables. What are the
relative advantages and disadvantages of each method ?
10 Derive an expression for the insulation resistance of a single-core cable.
11 Deduce an expression for the capacitance of a single-core cable.
Show that maximum stress in a single-core cable is (2V/( d loge D / d)) , where
V is the operating voltage and d and D are the conductor and sheath diameter.
13 Prove that gmax/gmin in a single-core cable is equal to D/d.
14 Find an expression for the most economical conductor size of a single core
Academic Term: 2021-22

15 Explain the following methods of cable grading :
(i) Capacitance grading
(ii) Intersheath grading
19 Write short notes on the following :
(i) Laying of 11 kV underground power cable
(ii) Capacitance grading in cables
(iii) Capacitance of 3-core belted cables
Derive an expression for the thermal resistance of dielectric of a single-core

Explain the functions of sub-station. Name the factors that should be taken
care of while designing and erecting a substation.
2 Discuss the different ways of classifying the sub-stations.
3 Give the comparison of outdoor and indoor sub-stations.
Explain a transformer sub-station. classify the different types of transformer
sub stations. Illustrate your answer with a suitable block diagram.
5 Draw the layout and schematic connection of a pole-mounted sub-station.
6 Draw the layout of a typical underground sub-station.
7 Write a short note on the sub-station equipment.
Explain the different types of bus-bar arrangements used in sub-stations.
Illustrate your answer with suitable diagrams.
9 Draw the key diagram of a typical 66/11 kV sub-station.
10 Draw the key diagram of a typical 11 kV/400 V indoor sub-station

Neutral Grounding
1 Define grounding or earthing. Explain it with an example.
2 Describe ungrounded or isolated neutral system. What are its disadvantages?
3 Explain equipment grounding.
4 Illustrate the need of equipment grounding.
5 Explain neutral grounding.
6 Give the advantages of neutral grounding?
7 Explain solid grounding. Give its advantages.
8 What are the disadvantages of solid grounding?
9 What is resistance grounding? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
10 Describe Arc suppression coil grounding.
Academic Term: 2021-22

11 What is resonant grounding?

Electrical Supply Systems
1 Explain connection schemes of Distribution System
A 2-wire dc street mains AB, 600 m long is fed from both ends at 220 V. Loads
of 20A, 40A, 50A and 30A are tapped at distances of 100m, 250m, 400m and
2 500m from the end A respectively. If the area of X-section of distributor
conductor is 1 cm2 , find the minimum consumer voltage. Take ρ = 1.7 × 10-6
Ω cm.
3 State advantages of High voltage Transmission.
Name the important components of an overhead transmission line. Give
4 reasons for unequal potential distribution over a string of suspension
5 Classify underground cable.
6 Draw typical AC power supply scheme and explain in brief
What is electric power supply system? Draw a single line diagram of a typical
a.c. power supply system.
8 Discuss the advantages and limitations of High Transmission Voltage.
9 Give classification of distribution systems
10 Describe various connection schemes for distribution systems.
What do you understand by grading of underground cables? List the methods
of grading and explain any one of them in detail.

Power Factor and Power Factor Improvement of Load
1 Explain power factor and power control in synchronous machine.
An overhead transmission line conductor having a parabolic configuration
weighs 1.925 kg per meter of length. The area of cross section of the
conductor is 2.2 cm2 and the ultimate strength is 8000 kg/cm2 . The supports
2 are 600 m apart having 15 m difference of levels. Calculate the sag from the
taller of the two supports which must be allowed so that the factor of safety
shall be 5. Assume that ice load is 1 kg per meter run and there is no wind
What is skin effect? On which factors it depends? Why it is absent in d.c.
A single phase distributor has a loop resistance of 0.3 ohm and reactance of
0.4 ohm. The far end of the distributor has a load current of 100 Amp and a
power factor of 0.8 lag at 220 V. The midpoint has a load current of 50 Amp at
a power factor of 0.9 lag with reference to midpoint voltage. Determine the
Academic Term: 2021-22

sending end voltage by considering all the power factors referred to far end
A d.c. 2 – wire system is to be converted in to a.c. 3 – phase , 3 - wire system
by the addition of a third conductor of the same cross – section as the exiting
5 conductor. Calculate the percentage additional load which can now be
supplied if the voltage between wires and the percentage loss in the line
remain unchanged. Assume a balanced load of unity power factor.
6 Explain power factor and power control in synchronous machine.

Transmission Line Parameter
Determine generalized constant for medium transmission line by nominal π
2 With diagram explain construction of Screened cables.
Determine generalized constant for medium transmission line by nominal T
4 What is the effect of earth on Transmission line capacitance?
What do you mean by transposition of line? What is it‘s effect on the
performance of the line.
Derive formula for calculation of sag in overhead transmission line when the
supports are, (i) At equal level (ii) At unequal levels
What is the effect of unsymmetrical spacing of conductors in a three phase
transmission line? What is the remedy?
List out the advantages and disadvantages of d.c transmission over a.c
9 (c) Derive the equation of Inductance of a single phase two wire system. 07
Give reasons for the following :
10 (i) A.C.S.R. conductors are preferred for transmission and distribution lines. (ii)
Conductors are not fully stretched between supports.
Derive equation of capacitance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing
Assume transposition.
Derive equation of capacitance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing
Assume transposition.
Derive expression for inductance per phase for 3-ph overhead transmission
line when conductors are asymmetrically place but transposed.

Introduction to Wind and Solar Power Generation
Explain working principle of solar photovoltaic cell. Draw and explain the I-V
and P-V characteristics of solar photovoltaic cell
Academic Term: 2021-22

2 Derive equation for maximum power of wind turbine.

3 Differentiate between Horizontal and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine.
Explain solar photovoltaic system. Discuss its major components. Also state its
5 Draw and explain the I-V and P-V characteristics of solar photovoltaic cell
(i) solar constant (ii) beam radiation (iii) Diffuse radiation
7 Explain solar radiation spectrum.
8 What are the major components of wind energy conversion systems?
9 Explain pyranometer with diagram
Explain total wind power density. State the name of different wind electrical
generation schemes.
11 Define solar cell efficiency. Explain solar photovoltaic cell principle.
12 Differentiate between open and closed gas turbine cycles.
13 Explain working principle of solar photovoltaic cell
14 Explain concept of green building using solar energy
15 Explain various components of wind energy conversion system with diagram.
16 Explain construction & working of solar refrigeration plant with suitable figure.
Explain in brief geared, direct drive and hybrid Wind Power Plant and give their

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