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Team Members

 Bhoomikha T – 4MC21CV
 Gagan D Aravi – 4MC21CV
 Ganavi S – 4MC21CV
 Guruprasad K V – 4MC21CV
 Harshitha A D – 4MC21CV
 Keerthana P – 4MC21CV045
 Kushi P – 4MC21CV049
 Mohith – 4MC21CV
 Pratheeksha M D – 4MC21CV066

The system that contains the heart and the blood vessels
and moves blood throughout the body. This system helps
tissues get enough oxygen and nutrients, and it helps them get
rid of waste products.

• Cardiovascular system: organ system that distributes blood

to all parts of the body
• Major function - transportation, using blood as the
transport vehicle

• This system carries oxygen, nutrients, cell wastes,

hormones and other substances vital for body
homeostasis to and form cells.
• The force to move blood around the body is provided by
the pumping heart and blood pressure.
• The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood
vessels: veins, arteries, and capillaries.
The heart is a fist-sized organ that pumps blood
throughout your body. It's the primary organ of your
circulatory system.
Your heart contains four main sections (chambers) made
of muscle and powered by electrical impulses. Brain
and nervous system connect direct your heart’s function.
How does your heart work with other organs?
Your heart works with other body systems to control your heart rate
and other body functions. The primary systems are:
 Nervous system: Your nervous system helps control
your heart rate. It sends signals that tell your heart to
beat slower during rest and faster during stress.
The Heart

 Endocrine system: Your endocrine system sends out hormones. These

hormones tell your blood vessels to contraction and relax, which affects your
blood pressure. Hormones from your thyroid gland can also tell your heart to
beat faster or slower.
• The heart has four chambers: two upper, thin-walled atria, and two lower, thick-
walled ventricles.
• The septum is a wall dividing the right and left sides.
• valves occur between the atria and ventricles - the tricuspid valve on the right
and the bicuspid valve on the left; both valves are reenforced by chordae
tendinae attached to muscular projections within the ventricles.
The Blood Vessels

▪ The Circulatory system has three types

of blood vessels:
▪ Arteries (and arterioles) - carry blood
away from the heart.
▪ Capillaries - where nutrient and gas
exchange occur.
▪ Veins (and Ventricles) - carry blood
toward the heart.
➢ Arteries and arterioles take blood away from the heart.
➢ The largest artery is the aorta.
➢ The middle layer of an artery wall consists of smooth muscle that can
constrict to regulate blood flow and blood pressure.
➢ Capillaries have walls only one cell thick to allow exchange of gases and
nutrients with tissue fluid.
➢ Capillary beds are present in all regions of the body but not all capillary
beds are open at the same time.
➢ Ventricles drain blood from capillaries, then join to form veins that take
blood to the heart.
➢ Veins often have valves that prevent the backward flow of blood when
➢ Veins carry about 70% of the body's blood and act as a reservoir
during hemorrhage.
The Blood

 Blood: Blood is the fluid medium that flows through the

circulatory system. It carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones,
immune cells, and waste products. It consists of red blood
cells (carry oxygen), white blood cells (fight infections),
platelets (assist in clotting), and plasma (liquid

The blood pumped by the right ventricle enters the

pulmonary artery. Whereas the left ventricle pumps
blood into the aorta. The deoxygenated blood
pumped into the pulmonary artery is passed on to
the lungs from where the oxygenated blood is
carried by the pulmonary Venice into the left atrium.
The oxygenated blood entering the aorta is carried
by a network of arteries, arterioles and capillaries to
the tissues from where the deoxygenated blood is
collected by a system of venues, Venus and Vena
cabs and emptied into the right atrium. This is the
systematic circulation. This system provides the
oxygen, nutrients and takes carbon dioxide away
The Heartbeat

✓ Each heartbeat is called a cardiac cycle. ☐ When the

heart beats, the two atria contract together, then the two
ventricles contract; then the whole heart relaxes.

✓ Systole is the contraction of heart chambers; diastole is

their relaxation.

✓ The heart sounds, lub-dup, are due to the closing of the

atrioventricular valves, followed by the closing of the
semilunar valves.
Comparisonof water supply system
with circulatory system in human body

 The circulatory system is the organ system that is similar to the water
supply system through which we get water in our houses.
 Water supply system contains one pump which contains more pressure
to push the water to tank. It has several pipes which carries water to
different pipes for different purposes.
 Similarly, the heart in our body pumps the blood .The blood vessels act
as pipes that carry blood throughout our body.
 Comparison : water motor pump- Heart.
 Aorta- Tank.
 Distribution of water to different pipes- arteries
 Usage of water for different purposes- Body organs .
 Its is a recycling process.

Rain water Water supply station Pumping motor

[Sources of water]

Oceans Tank

Waste Usage Distribution of water

water of water to different pipes
Electricity Distribution System

 There are many similarities between electricity and

the human cardiovascular system.
 Power stations usually accomplish this by using a
turbine powered by water(dam).
 Now consider the heart as an electricity generating
power station.
 Blood vessels – electric wires.while blood represents
the charges or electrons flowing in each wire.
 Blood flowing in vessels in terms of liters/min =the
current in rate of flow in amperes.
 Electrons – produces the current – glows the bulb
NUTRIENTS- ATP molecules (energy) – Body organs starts
Bernoullis principle compared with
blood flow and heart attack

 Bernoullis principle helps in explaining blood flow in artery.

The artery may get constricted due to the accumulation of
plaque on its inner walls. In order to drive the blood through
this constriction a greater demand is placed on the activity
of the heart. The speed of the flow ilof the blood in this
region is raised which lowers the pressure inside and the
artery may collapse due to the external pressure.
 The heart exerts further pressure to open this artery and
forces the blood through. As the blood tushes through the
opening, the internal pressure once again drops due to
same reasons leading to a repeat collapse .this may result in
heart attack

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