Summons and Short Notes

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© dummens Lorde oJ. : Wher the plaintyp piles a hui, Lh, hed has ds he snfaarmedt that the Lust) B bey fill Against chun , and that he aa Aagypire of fe pew th Court te herd af 7 trlimatian Lutes He eras Caeul Lb Bile oy brousn On Zeimmrary,s ee Sadt d Erktacs dad 9 aKa Fee” ‘tas and a is Ba claionedl ty he cheno’ THE Se given GOP epporteiniity 21 to srhal he bo 40 day agatnid thy peayer made Ly [erty ) GMM RMant Get Borect ich Uh, Aummens&, 0 clectee pariccl EN Ye a, Lind Alm - forms > ; Evy Atummens Should be ah ferme fisceled i es Bate tKeclihe of tocle. Exsental - = ie O 2 shouted be Baned LY Licloge: ov cherch bepress Adin’ Inox, pode, me, : © 7 Bhatt Sahn ee | © mut “ae Sumwors 0 Pifenclant « [s-2r, OvRiJ When the Buy fo, Bummeons Leon duly filed hy a fuaing , He Cort mek éeo uo dfendlard Callin and Bnswver Ih, clas? a Lei Mon 4tda BES) Les on, f Uprdad = yy, Odmits A, Mointiy, 1g him te apfsar “of plaindig day \feling ferent susith'n 30 fiom th ded, ¥ Ko Bumyrerr shall he serve vt of te fy of putentatisn and ain, » Afpearanes Ln Person [23]. oA defen claret Ao, uhony Oar rere has been tered may Appear» Dh pruen. al qushins valeting te Buch 4% Be Coeurt Aoeeevere ee Oidlor chefen dary or [laintiff 40 Opipeax an pun, Extemydion fiom Of pearance sh person :- CeyJ. No spasty halt be orcleud Ao appar ah WY Oudsicle \ auch Hienchy huts et 0 place chee i, Bo Miler oy 900 miler fom courtheucs, Me Sg seman ned appoting th peste. Sy who & wnhthd fo empbion inde Lh, Cog, Contercs of Aummens:- [Rs,b5J - —> The Summons mul tontan a Ade cf, tuhithor the dat finel ub far Arettlinrerd ¥ Stsutes or fo final clizporal of Gut Lott, AE oleferdont Shout be cliecGd As proctur, Be uibrene. De tout smut of Pini dims 0 defendant ool lontanypel and Anese Bh clair wf plathtify én day frie. = De Lummens howlel oho \torbacy ar orc fo Lh Olefendarct de produce all -cloceamer sb 02 6Opi Heuop DRS AS po smerrion oy fiction beporr en hich de Erdind? be ely \s0m ‘Raepyport Schaincavon : Mods “af diditee of dammnera Ppaaeil he \Bueatiep of Be \e wee Uo oe mcs Otek 0 frdamertat xub of bu F poses that SPOT az: | searonahe notieo, of Aegah proceedings. Sntabew eget him 46 Ld, Loe can ft Kernecl; The 00 da [21 cetbes © modus of dvwiing gq duunmen . oe vs ppesenat oz Aiact sorunce S| Grose es as] The) ti an Ordinary mode of deuiteo of dumm ons » Principles :- >) f, 2 GGA regs a ie a) whee af of procbicabh, « Leh ary once ned. Berwed to dafendany ogend -[2eJ » HM defendart t abit diem Ad xeeidana a tn priion pouion or Ad autha dims of Berita Of Aemnens and Lhere ai no Lbelifhood o dem betng afedind at thé sevidleree eis] auttiin goasenalle period of tina 6 he Ras no anthoriad Agent Summons nay hom Srered oh, adefp female Inember af defendont « ee sey: Ah solateng te any hexbrer? 04 cevort tale 07 ‘ding swith Birr, ala a againd a peur: not sutiding autths, tovridtoual pets dickion of loud tsaing te bummenr wt srmay Le duced dp manager bz agent artying Ce ox utah. (235. oe fy fer immo vachle Popety po dusia f dammens cernot he made on chfen and pirssrally Bafer dant het ho oblthaxtud Ogent. dervite pray be amade 6p any agent JoAa \ut> 3 eta Wy Vie Gore Leia] OY ichers Uare ark \ teed staed Lgl phar, i defendart {uJ Ip all carer, herve of Aummens 4 Made bey Aslivering 2 “opy Arg - Dec ak. Berman: delitendt te dhfendanks agit, he RE te reals abyaislidiinant if Lowi. Lat Aervire office has te rake an sndarsemert doling birmre and manner of deuce . Rattle ty court: (BJ. shea) Bammans fo dafendard white ROAD frcsts hichion Oa) Cay Court ray Le Barve f i loeextor Aertces oy eS Waa Eby ae src, Se ee a ee i dados ment Heo (PPAD) x» Gitied Port ek it Befin da } pe defendant de feeaes £0 acco pp 89 BS hath alo be dered ar Valicle, Xo x o8ri ~~? Even op th absence of, ee | eewie. thal be pretumed gp, 9 a . 4 4. dis uy Matalip « Pragy Tha Couxt Imray abe porid &s probe 2 Bs dummeru Ay e i a, adADG an 4 a douse of Seemmont by eps f W dabbled donsice (Br, 814.6]. FB osncans thi: recede, Survie of Lummens by 0 mode wahih 4 tubdldited for ordinary Srnodls of dusesrien of diunmen » i a) wwhere th clefendardt or che aged se gn ackrourlidg errant Gx. Litho ery es Lessing appeal dust and wossral dibiyns Onnot find defendard ho 44 aberl prom Ai sxorlirenap ince gp ahs : ge Eunarrens and dhute us no Likelihood of cing foul st th a a Do authorize A agerd BC ieee, alaxiiLe- net 2 S slow | item amaee C. “he inads « cute, hed pie ie Mixa or ED lonspiices put of Aortic = Thar conigee t sage Revise oxiginal Lito one “ho Ceevet V3 an Sidisuart™ afatog” “fod afin pipe a8 wei aes Aa afford (p43). Hf Gao ie Se Ao ao » axed Lipide’ > ft oy narration 4 deuing 9 shall AIS msuEs apse ® ‘ susck od Sediye Motiidundons i Aeryeol 0 dake wn - ws a’ bp abheh, hows pe N 3.384 ges sit) BY ps inca | 4 DY out finds Dot ty Bere of Arfe, a Pcl; ff Aba “ Lp Avoid: Bh, abdrotre\ or, for Jane's thins de asor 7K, Bimm ons Cannot then Baxhite fe Berwedl ar prdlinary thay) Saal he ffertad uA b NW} 7 ; 7 F s May bine th cummens 7 40me Wc ° * . | CORP crarce Ylete in te Couck and A Oberenns Wg 10 fe Gee ocas ishtra. purr be ueer*ole Carty oy Aeicénors OY works § \ Man Auch manne a1 ut Ginks fet ii\ © Yttlawwa v Shantavva- i Sc Arld that thi node of dure of Bummons & not an oxclinary umneds and amu Hot be Lod normally Th mut only Le sed VP Eral (axes and Ledted os Lat option. Rage Yo Courk brdur bo Odvutie Hs deunmens wy nenupans , then 4 ment be dene wm 2 Socal hetnapes ahi thy defendant Ute, erelnere py worked | O dunt podder v vor. -(x)-9) Aub btitid £ervice J, On -effeckiie 4 not Scaling the Petia Ree , O dt of TER v Hay wall Mohammed. St held that Qa dummen das nit th suger of Ba bf 05, then Sirf duu F _—— i La ee ath P Wwheeo Phe dummens wy oy ef addevseed tua of Luimmens - © Maxfammal v hakihmanan. Sano 3 Uhex Ly Semmens ee ae, pod A sohucned wiih an endariomut eeefussed | the hunden ui on thy defendart be pusve that th kndoxsement 8 fale: Lefuol of Summons ;- by ushere Lhe defindant of fo accept duramens. He & deemed to hae Been served, Whe on ocknouiladgument Cree paipaihg i a, igned by dufendard us wecetied by Gut Lhot difendart has xepaued fe Lats abelivery 1 Beimmons thy Court will procurd cvcting the difendaré as serucd. Objection fo Aerwwitce of Lummens :- hn obfeclisn bas to Sewite of fummons sheuled be seat cl af .the tarliact Pot G awed ho have deen. waved, Res—Teebpeal> Bue Shas noite es Sabjudic a a oF Se snnnsadny y Voramobee Hi 3: to daclawe.fhal no cout, Rod proud ) eutth., B. Biel of any duit &. suhrch By matte OR quevtously tratitertad tat Ackiwen Le | come parties and th cout bifars inh De Dave ly tnstilyited Bail de pencling 5 dmpted & Cull and nel th SeulltiBo shes © indian Bank v Hahassitia ata exp Sek GF Enroll ud. hanfauadar: 0A Hebd S10. dose not gueclucla courts fiom p eetng endvirs once giant of Lifer Th etch EY Jp7G@gax ts Aben ria) 3 -y le) ech, < ak a ADs, £00 bscbs : 0 pusent touts of Oncuutend gestsdicbon spon Hirultanscady rdectaintag and adpudeafing Sepa! gush paretlel Aitgahions wh aepect of fame caus of potion, Same subjecl wafer and sane relly). 6 Balkthan v Khan Lal. beld : Ths Bech‘on tntencl 46 avoid #3 \\ wctiodidoy vedic Ay BAD - don difiens:~ a) Shes wud te Lies Bish » one puuutoushy Enibthutsd and o#hsy durbreqpontly tnitihd. 5) Tho mathe Beau th vabregpint uth meut te ow andl stulrdon tially Sse pete * ©) Both th Seth mud Dretosrean sare pasty 9» Herr ropreentalivn smophioibsd y xno pbs D Dhe piertourly Per rec reciaber eevee” oad Bo. ae ad Cont - UOT 7 ile) puso Bal a2 gritituted mee Har Jurisdiction do yard stil A - yA fe wows 428 g) Basch ratios rut be ditigating ai both Bs auth © Atorokar Lal ¥ beth Saalek : Juhu gysntly trthuted Bit Lince provisions ee i eee Ap inclasatsy Emo dieckin Lyfe C : | uncle samme Le | activ -- OR 2. Non- Jotncle 42 iniifolnds of P a ee Cae Nom=.Jotnder *:_ lethew @ pusson hO ia 2 PELE ary E . Mast fey cto, Oyn uth, At Ren bean f eine Pe party be My uh 084 bd han ~Tadiceloaes MLsfotnder :- | TY dive ox grow pis0cMm au Joknredl a (Motrdeyy war daferdart uh one Gui sy lonhtayer£:, of order 1) Rie 3 oxerpa chively and they EH op “a En dar of ee) Ki (Mepe pecku , ad aa | p actin © Jager wath v Faswant stngh. Held! fil Gannet Oe Loner Only on Hh | Pounds of cron Fotncler vv wnigoinds of park: |© Plabafusnarx Ladhaiphyam. . Ff be pase sho ob ttbaly by de ao 7 aces hed fatal Be PPR i) 2,55) Or cappeal, thy dul po, oppsal us Mihily Pe che Seomeste on that deund . © Bp. Bao v st af ap AE RHE haities Lad shat Len poired 04 pasties to pelibion Bl PES Of Ham casey | pod - so Rabe that tkoee ay patties itt SLPEAM TI TES. on, 6 wutfh the one 2eho Oppeaced fo Beitg_s take a ned dismivd om. that isi a oe 5 No dhotee or order V/s. ux op code can de yaxied appeals en aceourt of orlifoindes or nen fred of portions . objections : :2(Bal.. ° ei bn uvisfoinder 04 sen _joinds es fos 46. be e aatvd ot facta vepposburity , ul 0 dumd to hare eon waived, 0 Maba Kurmar v Podhayshyam: g Fp objection taben Ly dlafendat ge s sarliyd toge ud plaintiff ducline doadd pay, he Cannot Laberyprirty be ablsuud & oppeal to 3 Tmpoundmert of Donut : Peedlsction on 2 ere Rr Ox. of code . pegs « os pote or fra? placa LO fuccu dlocunantary rdira on. vor Lefre Sh aan SH bert of Apatl \Bie Vv nomad, adagoys ee ee MS bauwlady tro wretliat hae tnd liga a y aokuud 2xdero a pies Feeye ay are LustA fee plaid 8 ppc 2 PADIAN YY \eqopnebant 2 party ancl they se pooclusd ft oltatn, Aibfesd topes oor Pusoieie Aaathowe lier etfesdd 4 peducton wa hilt to te ain fctifes S. —> Howe procuchidn of do cRorLy BronASy ce foralige the, partis but ernoetly So Prevest belated poo durolion d documurl Jo at xt re wot sword dinfurtiia 46 a apa } PRDVAR 3 Pxtcayttions :- Poeuewer, itt. puoiston dass nel opty 0 “ddcumedt a) pis duud fee ots —29¢arincihir of dtd? of oth afcle. b).Aandso! arse, 46 6 Madangopal V Mamxat: Helel = 1G de pasveris Ltt. d*plocbats of Aocumort seforo th Coit ate whch ay (aun faepu olfee 6 oth 2icle. | © optka Raman v Atal Singh. lelel: Held: ip doceemerty suhothos pric. or posh | tuekech cre above Buptcton ‘ahs bel he di Alay aus tsa for Ya itn: of case Tre posin ching of dowment :- py Oe eee ci Aa cout may fe Calle ard Cass, INA oa douunet oak ox enhilis frodecad Lefae I Be any dais be trpourchich atl bed a3 (1 TT — cukodiy Af. 2. offices of aut oper, Buch... fustod anol sub fect 6 auch ctondthions as 5 BE pour ney Ae sect d by loci er Cass of forged 02 apprebanciog, thed the documed oe bee docdsoyed 0% Abhwd , Tssue of (ormmisston :- St > <5) Sheds SEE} drak al jr 4 Comicon” a. Commintion Lt is ation ary REE Mee ig produc somplit polite hetuuaen pater - Be STiacan te eeueud by races eter ep ly A purpose wig 2) To vitaming witnessed + (e > opesal pole t that i tea ybe stdout an acben, wxhthe be & 0 pasty b tho il op not gheuld Le dab un a open Cour? wpominolon Ra) (s.46- 44): ee ia COKE AY) i gaoands (a aacbrwse” infty coud 2 eSeo Wand, Lose ° fon » z Mag asl Conn es Wrudss.9 Woods | O rayok Lrading 10 vy dham Gund @ fo- Hebel = 1 o Pauly Cee SY lhe Ah Palhcy (be cee bevgeentno! ‘on lomrndyi2on Runes Ceusmilances for teary Gmmisston . a, « fition de he Egat @ wuthnege Kecid,, eth ths Lecal Limb Ges Cee L ptietn. i Th de seeridy a > of Prtidickin, of = oe . sere) x a Cannot 2 er Shwog my 4 ee ee Pe te ene a eS ny Foe lanae CO Cen eee 7 esi cles ee eee! dint ap x, s b d) 44 make partion. na inamagh Asontob. ) [0 hatd tnveckiyaion. i To Aell (uepuily To pefarm mniniitivial ash ponte of Commintone: - he —? prow & Summon ebtendane of poutis and their Lustnaes and etamino chem > tall for and examina dourment > totes Set any lanl or testing outnd, = poasd aN pasite: “OPPO HAPOEL AD lommissfons fe! ce bébunal > Rva-22 ks we be watifo dl Hod a foistgn toast auth do obtain autdene iE. tustthe 2s oe ae eee os bing Hat o debt ee ame a deve and untord . — 9) Seis differs fiom pie BIS” olbbt v/s. 283) hs. Lorbed, Al / spats is — Aebroul de clans not ior a aed Gt i achion haf pony ae Pee Te Reaputsemerte :— 7) an adclmission yf ackoubdgemed - (9 dd acroudedyirah rank te 2 ped ¢ a Labtlity ouput of Pees T. ; 6? A amnaab be made Lifars He wepiy of te pitted of Limitadion. iv) at Hhantd be sinilog ard atgud Ly ply aelom hk on sight a again ed Ais eh : clear and Lrambi 2 Te te Fate a Zh Care of Oeknauitedoereent Atads sy an Fag ub weep for atrby to pisve thot agert Was duly auttoxind by dendart 16 mals an acknousldaenerd Ya Lahitihy on hi dehaly > VY Limifabion has a Lupined Ht seul aol wopive tinder Hs Lectin» ou tly daring abidirce of 0 prsted of Uinrttab'oa, fy suk documed & spsuled Min thaition anoald be seisised fish fom dy said dot ¥ aobrousledgemer: O Lampe enginesing co btd v ee Balances thet di an debroulidgeret of 4 ee ns a Ye sand Jo telorsish 0 a Gaiplhan . Aebnouslideemat ae Lhhe may deflate save Lrethalion agatoat hits Sea Daft of pryrerdon acenent of Gist trfpat on teat ate Tp Babe provider that Bee 0A aad apr dtd of intact ver L904" ys apts pd. yp Pt adie Pye 0? 87 Le open ie oe dlly auchortad. ah ebalhes % Pek :,) Polinilalnu bland totem SO ee auhon paymart aves wade » > 7 ayplia boly So it for hilt beh. Boeisacl! wtp ol\ ante tlaeh Ok Ligary oN ee of mort wrth porutmn. a) Le not - fo.a dud fo 1 clempbren x | o, | > Men Paymert would pot Save Lmtlation Of obi rdat or undur @ tg Agred Ly hems 6 Teincler of tars of Actin :- 2 The aseation A Joindds Yo Pale mar aS., AONE agai pletely oh tafe, 2 fa ant Ok dere bey an indtvideal ettely : ee 5 B afd! } 22" LAC ol yogpa, 0 ayo lis ah Weer fotercly pastes Fea\not soit) | | | at adf> aa trae puson a advacdy offecb dvo) or mor feuers herr Jetnder of parte axinn,. <)> an sors “cx whus an pitas rte tint AU prscoos gay be fotred th ars Suit os Martie i the dabtousing tivo orclcbisny are Aatifiied s a) the ike do relief alleged bo. wstict sn cack plaictyp axtier pod f sar act 07 crarsactin py ca & of ducka charachs Hat Lf euch pevrors brought Aeparche suk, any common guetians of Jae & a fed veut axtro- Bott, O Ghoud v lassen - Held *- Tnordes toriider a raity aro platnkify 4 Quil , (ondebtans vioip, Au bo Le plfiled. Jotncdur of duncan, Leal. AL ptons stray de dfetned &y one oluil a fen danits Y th ee tio andthisr: an dotifiecl Pe a) Hy cto Ae sebief allugid to 20tiit agatnst Shem ari wut of sams ad a tansackor b) A Ca i of ech a charachr Bat uf \egrant Auth duets busesoft agains cburch sel apy fornmen quusbion of Law oy fot weal arity’ Re These eondihans are chtrnalalive$ wnat ahh. o ~The [Mairtiff tray fon an One eee 4 A Piticcs serally a2 golally ard ceverally trots ey lortr art: O- kthers th, [loistey Lin dawkt a: to Petons ys ee LE sRspm tans f02, vidoes | tu ex Mojo defendarh & one deeth> OFktus:. i S77, There & 9 colllictian bly lat & bis . Bs bef, f és g F car Sebo MoO 2 4 teal of coblesion,, by parees Srfusred, P may Tein B Ee a deferdart, quscks, a fot Pe oud of Lollinen , : Sopp te eel het any fotrder o Pirtiffs 01 difendant mney alee 8a. aliy dic, } dail, it may fe ap Bich fo separa eee L. , » dhe Pout” pray PE PAPA: Siro at Soars of | a a May “ee Ltd by xalief agotnt ori < more f Afendash as may Me” foisnd Liolle , AN ? es, eee P dau ’ ae { at pathy EL We ern ee: Dr dic pert to cnbilution fo a Gut , Aqtt bahom Selif 15 Sousgkt and without a hfe arch, bc posed: J aie ee Tl one un wuhow abtenw an fective duds con Le pared het auchowe prsegce Li ee 2 a compli and final duciuiren on quabon frvlwd & ae :

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