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In the given scenario, the nurses displayed several caring behaviors that were observed during
Aling Juling's end-of-life period. These behaviors occurred in the hospital setting, specifically in
Aling Juling's room. Firstly, the nurses showed compassion and empathy towards Aling Juling by
focusing on making her end-of-life period as comfortable as possible. Despite knowing that death
was imminent, they wanted to ensure that she experienced minimal discomfort, both physically and
emotionally. Additionally, the Nursing Director played a crucial role in organizing patient
assignments to allocate a staff member who volunteered her assistance to provide personal care
for Aling Juling. This initiative demonstrated the nurses' commitment to meeting Aling Juling's
individual needs and ensuring she received the attention and care she deserved in her final
moments, moreover, the nurse who provided personal care for Aling Juling exhibited nurturing
behavior by performing activities such as turning, bathing, and suctioning.
2. One ethical issue that arose in this situation was the importance of providing comfort and support
to Aling Juling during her end-of-life period. Despite being an elderly widow with no significant
social support, her healthcare team recognized the need to prioritize her well-being and make her
as comfortable as possible. By reorganizing patient assignments and providing a dedicated staff
member to attend to her personal care, the Nursing Director demonstrated a commitment to
upholding ethical principles and ensuring that Aling Juling's needs were met. Additionally, the
spiritual aspect of caring played a crucial role in this situation. By singing hymns in Aling Juling's
room, the nurse created a peaceful environment that expressed caring and compassion. This act
not only brought comfort to Aling Juling but also had a calming effect on the nurses attending to
her. Recognizing and addressing the spiritual needs of patients is an essential aspect of providing
holistic care and promoting their overall well-being.
3. The Nursing Director in this scenario demonstrated excellent decision-making skills by prioritizing
the comfort and well-being of Aling Juling during her end-of-life period. Balancing the various
issues involved required careful consideration and an understanding of the patient's needs, the
available resources, and the importance of providing emotional support. Firstly, the Nursing
Director recognized that Aling Juling had no significant social support and was living alone in a
shanty. This information shed light on the fact that she had limited access to healthcare and social
services. Considering Aling Juling's chronic bronchitis and diabetes, the Nursing Director
understood the importance of providing appropriate medical care and support to manage her
conditions effectively. Furthermore, the Nursing Director took into account Aling Juling's frequent
hospitalizations for respiratory problems, which suggested a fragile health status. It was essential
to acknowledge the possibility of her health deteriorating rapidly and to plan accordingly. Another
crucial consideration was the emotional and psychological support needed by Aling Juling.
Recognizing that she was alone in her hospital room, the Nursing Director arranged for a staff
member who volunteered her assistance to provide personal care. This decision aimed to address
Aling Juling's need for human connection and comfort during her final moments.
4. In this situation, there are evident interrelationships between the staff, patient, and administrators
that highlight their connection and collaboration in providing end-of-life care for Aling Juling. The
Nursing Director plays a crucial role in organizing patient assignments and ensuring that Aling
Juling receives the necessary attention and personal care during her final hours. The staff
members, including the intensive care unit nurse and nursing attendant, work together to carry out
the Nursing Director's instructions and provide the necessary healthcare interventions for the
patient. Their dedication and teamwork ensure that Aling Juling's physical needs, such as turning,
bathing, and suctioning, are met, despite the challenging circumstances. Moreover, the staff
members also recognize the importance of creating a peaceful environment for Aling Juling's end-
of-life experience. The nurse, accompanied by a staff member who volunteered to assist, sings
hymns in the patient's room, demonstrating their compassion and creating a soothing atmosphere.
This not only expresses their care for Aling Juling but also has a calming effect on the nurses
themselves, further enhancing the overall environment.

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