Ticket Complexity Guidlines

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Document ID Document name

FR_ENG_COM65 Ticket Complexity Guidelines


Ticket Complexity Guideline

S1 If ticket is for rectifying any typo error
S2 Applying/change in the validation rule
S3 Cosmetic change, realignment in a form for not more than 5 controls
S4 Adding a new item in dropdown, list, and checkbox list.
S5 Modification of stored procedure to return additional columns from th

S6 Adding new items in the Master tables other than assessments.

S7 Modifying a method or a web method for small change.
S8 Adding single control and its biding to database.
S9 If small changes are required in UI to fix a defect.
S10 If a new field is supposed to be added on the form & only application
S11 Modification of stored procedure to add additional nullable parameter

M1 Adding more than 3 new field on a form
M2 If a control needs to be replaced with a new control on a form
M3 Modification of stored procedure to add new non nullable input param
M4 Modification of stored procedure to refer a new table involving joins.
M5 Modification/creation of a stored procedure where the lines of code in
M6 Modifying or Adding a method or a web method for medium changes.
M7 Analysis of runtime error on form.
M8 If new fields are supposed to be added on the form for which more tha
M9 If analyses is required in UI as well as multiple layers or database to fi
M10 Testing of 2-3 small defects items on staging.

C1 Addition of more than 5 new field addition on the form
C2 Replacing more than 4-5 controls with new controls on a form
C3 If there is ticket which requires additional analysis for the error or to r
C4 New stored procedure (insert/update) involving a full form.
C5 Modification/creation of a stored procedure where the lines of code in
C6 Analysis of application including database server.
C7 If new fields are supposed to be added, this will need change in all th
C8 Application logic change in case of stored procedure changes or vice

Very Complex
VC1 Development of a full new form
VC2 Development of new report
VC3 If there is ticket which needs to be reproduced first in different enviro
VC4 Any ticket which requires analysis of different screen and stored proc
VC5 Schema designing for new application or executable
VC6 Creation of a new Service.
VC7 If new fields are supposed to be added to the form which will need th
VC8 New program/task setup.
VC9 Modifications on multiple screens including database changes.

Prepared By
Document classificaion Version No
Internal 1.3

Status as on


ore than 5 controls

ox list.
nal columns from the table which is already being used in the stored proc.


m & only application

l nullable parameter or change of small logic.

ol on a form
nullable input parameter.
ble involving joins.
e the lines of code involving the logic is close to 25 lines.
or medium changes.

m for which more than one layer is going to be changed.

yers or database to fix a defect.

ols on a form
s for the error or to reproduce the error
full form.
e the lines of code involving the logic is close to 50 lines.
need change in all the layers of the application.
ure changes or vice-versa

st in different environments(Dev, Test, Pre prod) analyzed and requires to be

een and stored procedure for identification of the problem

m which will need the changes in all the layers and schema/stored procedure etc.

base changes.

Prepared On


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