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Past Papers Worksheet Percentages IGCSE Mathematics 0580

(discount, profit , loss, percentage increase or decrease, reverse percentages )

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
% change = original value
x 100 ,

1. Write 48% as fraction in simplest form [1] Answer 12/25

2. Write 2 % as decimal [1] Answer 0.025
3. Work out 5% of $25. [1] 0580/21/O/N/19 Q1)$1.25
4. Work out $1.20 as a percentage of $16 [1] 0580/21/M/J/19 Q1) 7.5%
5. Work out 85 cents as a percentage of $2.03 . [1] 0580/22/M/J/17 Q5)41.9%
6. Write 55g as a percentage of 2.2kg. [1] 0580/22/O/N/17 Q6) 2.5%
7. A concert hall has 1540 seats.
Calculate the number of people in the hall when 55% of the seats are occupied. [1]
0580/21/M/J/11 Q1)847
8. The $99 is 60% of the cost of a holiday. Calculate the cost of the holiday. [2]
0580/42/M/J/10 Q1(b)(ii) 165
9. The Tiger Sky Tower in Singapore has a viewing capsule which holds 72 people.
This number is 75% of the population of Singapore when it was founded in 1819.
What was the population of Singapore in 1819? [2] 0580/22/O/N/12 Q5) 96
10. Dev makes 600 cakes.
18% of the 600 cakes go to a hotel and 2/3 of the 600 cakes go to a supermarket.
Calculate how many cakes he has left. [3] 0580/22/F/M/18 Q11) 92
11. The Muller family are on holiday in New Zealand and have brought $1962 to spend.
The family spend 15% of their dollars on a tour. Calculate the number of dollars they have left.[2]
0580/42/O/N/18 Q1)(a)(ii) 1667.7
12. The number of passengers on a train increases from 63 to 77. Calculate the percentage increase [3]
0580/22/F/M/19 Q11) 22.2
13. In a sale, the cost of a coat is reduced from $85 to $67.50 . Calculate the percentage reduction in the
cost of the coat [3] 0580/23/M/J/15 Q10) 20.6
14. At the beginning of July, Kim had a mass of 63 kg. At the end of July, his mass was 61 kg.
Calculate the percentage loss in Kim’s mass. [3] 0580/22/M/J/14 Q9) 3.17
15. Rowen buys a jacket for $40 and sells it for $45.40 . Calculate the percentage profit.
0580/43/M/J/18 1(a)(i) 13.5
16. One copy of the magazine costs $4.90 . An annual subscription costs $48.80 for 13 copies.
Calculate the percentage discount by having an annual subscription. 0580/43/O/N/13 Q1(a)(iii) 23.4
17. Increase $22 by 15% [2] 0580/23/M/J/18 Q5)$25.3
18. Taxi fares cost 30 % more at night.
How much does a $9 daytime journey cost at night? [2] 0580/22/M/J/12 Q13)(b)$11.7
19. Maria pays $84 rent. The rent is increased by 5%.
Calculate Maria’s new rent. [2] 0580/23/O/N/12 Q5) 88.2
20. Maria decides to increase her homework time of 8 hours per week by 15%.
Calculate her new homework time. Give your answer in hours and minutes.
0580/23/O/N/11 Q10) 9 h 12 min
21. The price of a business ticket for the same journey with another airline is $2240.
(i) The price of a first class ticket is 70% more than a business ticket.
Calculate the price of this first class ticket. [2]
(ii) The price of a business ticket is 180% more than an economy ticket.
Calculate the price of this economy ticket. [3] 0580/42/M/J/16 Q1(c)(i) 3808 (ii) 800
22. 240 is an increase of 60% on the number of women on the train the previous day.
Calculate the number of women on the train the previous day. 0580/43/M/J/12 Q1(b)(iii) 150
23. 92km is 15% more than the distance from Seatown to Deecity.
Calculate the distance from Seatown to Deecity. [3] 0580/43/O/N/12 Q1(a)(iv) 80
24. During a marathon race an athlete loses 2 % of his mass.
At the end of the race his mass is 67.13 kg.
Calculate his mass before the race. [3] 0580/23/O/N/11 Q13) 68.5
25. In a sale, Marianne buys a new camera for $483. This is a reduction of 8% on the original price.
Calculate the original price of the camera. 0580/41/O/N/18 Q1)(c) 525
26. Amalie makes a profit of 20% when she sells a shirt for $21.60.
Calculate how much Amalie paid for the shirt. [3] 0580/23/M/J/10 Q5) 18
27. Rowen sells a dress for $42.60 after making a profit of 20% on the cost price.
Calculate the cost price. [3] 0580/43/M/J/18 Q1)(a)(ii) 35.5
28. In 2012 the cost of a ticket to an arts festival was $30.
This was 20% more than the ticket cost in 2011.
Calculate the cost of the ticket in 2011 [3] 0580/23/O/N/13 Q6) 25[.00]
29. Shona buys a chair in a sale for $435.60 .
This is a reduction of 12% on the original price.
Calculate the original price of the chair. [3] 0580/22/M/J/19 Q15) 495
30. Anita buys a computer for $391 in a sale.
The sale price is 15% less than the original price.
Calculate the original price of the computer. 0580/22/M/J/14 Q11) 460
31. The cost of one litre of fuel in May 2015 was $0.88 .
This was a decrease of 20% on the cost in May 2014.
Calculate the cost of one litre of fuel in May 2014 [3] 0580/23/O/N/17 Q12) 1.1[0]
32. Indira buys a television in a sale for $924.
This was a reduction of 12% on the original price.
Calculate the original price of the television. [3] 580/22/F/M/17 Q10) $1050
33. Jasjeet and her brother collect stamps.
When Jasjeet gives her brother 1% of her stamps, she has 2475 stamps left.
Calculate how many stamps Jasjeet had originally [3] 0580/22/O/N/15 Q14) 2500
34. Adil and Brian are paid the same wage. Adil is given a 7% pay decrease and his new wage is $427.80 .
Brian is given a 7% pay increase. Work out Brian’s new wage. [3] 0580/23/O/N/20 Q17) 492.2
35. Ahmed paid $34 000 for a car.
His car decreased in value by 40% at the end of the first year.
The value at the end of the second year was 10% less than the value at the end of the first year.
Calculate the value of Ahmed’s car after 2 years 0580/23/O/N/16 Q11) 18 360
36. Children go to camp on holiday.
(a) Fatima buys bananas and apples for the camp.
(i) Bananas cost $0.85 per kilogram.
Fatima buys 20kg of bananas and receives a discount of 14%.
How much does she spend on bananas? [3]
(ii) Fatima spends $16.40 on apples after a discount of 18%.
Calculate the original price of the apples. [3] 0580/42/O/N/11 (a)(i) 14.62 (ii) 20
37. After one year, the value of Annie’s car had reduced by 20%.
At the end of the second year, the value of Annie’s car had reduced by a further 15% of its value at
the end of the first year.
(i) Calculate the overall percentage reduction after the two years. [2]
(ii) After three years the overall percentage reduction in the value of Annie’s car is 40.84%.
Calculate the percentage reduction in the third year. [2] 0580/42/M/J/17 Q1(d)(i) 32 (d)(ii) 13
38. In a sale, the football club shop reduced the price of the football shirts to $23.80 .
An error was made when working out this sale price.
The price was reduced by 30% instead of 20%.
Calculate the correct sale price for the football shirt. [5] 0580/43/M/J/16 Q1)(c) 27.2
39. (b)In 2008, Hansi earned $7800.
(i) He earned 15% more in 2009.
Calculate how much he earned in 2009. [2]
(ii) In 2010, he earns 10% more than in 2009.
Calculate the percentage increase in his earnings from 2008 to 2010. [3]
(c)Megan earned $9720 in 2009. This was 20% more than she earned in 2008.
How much did she earn in 2008? [3] 0580/42/O/N/10 1)(b) (i) 8970 (ii) 26.5 % (c) 8100
40. In a car magazine, 25% of the pages are used for selling second-hand cars, 622 % of the remaining
pages are used for features, and the other 36 pages are used for reviews.
Work out the total number of pages in the magazine [4] 0580/43/O/N/13 Q1(b) 128
41. The price of a car is $8760.
Bryan pays a deposit of 25% of this price and then 24 equal monthly payments.
After 24 months, he will have paid a total of $9948.
Calculate the cost of one monthly payment. [3] 0580/43/O/N/16 Q7(c) 323.25

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