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Volume 4, Number 5, 2001

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Internet Heavy Use and Addiction among Taiwanese

College Students: An Online Interview Study


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This paper presents empirical qualitative results of Internet heavy-use and addiction among
some college students in Taiwan. It offers in-depth, online interviews of student-subjects in
order to facilitate an interdisciplinary understanding of Internet heavy use, addiction and its
potential impacts. A total of 83 subjects were interviewed, both as individuals and in chat-
room groups. The analysis of qualitative data presented in six major themes: (1) Internet use
and reasons; (2) Internet features; (3) the Internet as replacement for other media; (4) impact
of Internet overuse; (5) controlling Internet use; and (6) coping with Internet withdrawal. Dis-
cussions, explanations, along with examples and quotes from subjects, are provided in each
section. Implications for student affairs administrators and further research directions are also

INTRODUCTION dependence on the Internet than any other seg-

ment of society, probably because college stu-

I N RECENT YEARS , the Internet has become the

most popular consumer technology and is
changing the way people all over the world live
dents have strong drives to develop firm senses
of identity, and to develop meaningful and in-
timate relationships. In Taiwan, most students
and communicate. Taiwan’s first network in- leave their homes and move toward indepen-
frastructure, Tanet, has been in existence since dent lives when they enter college. Many re-
1990, and connects all schools and major re- side in school dormitories and have convenient
search institutes. Tanet has provided conve- and free Internet access through school net-
nient and free access to faculty and most stu- work systems. They find the Internet to be an
dents. However, overinvolvement with the important window through which they can
Internet on college campuses has occasionally communicate and interact with the world. Fur-
been observed and reported.1 Some students ther, college students usually have free and eas-
have exhibited Internet addiction symptoms, ily accessed connections, meaning that Internet
such as heavy preoccupation with the Internet, use is both implicitly and explicitly encouraged
excessive online time, compulsive behavior, by a recognized, institutional authority. There-
and time-management problems. fore, Grohol 3 suggests that societal acceptance
Kandell2 stated that college students as a of the Internet and the effects of labeling Inter-
group appear more vulnerable to developing net use are additional issues that must be taken

Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

574 CHOU

into consideration when we study Internet ad- pleting homework assignments, studying, and
diction or heavy use. Therefore, inspecting the getting sufficient sleep to meet their academic
substituting net time for generally accepted responsibilities (such as getting up and getting
television time became one of the interview to class). Chou and Hsiao1 report that the ad-
questions for this study. The implications of dicted group rated the impact of heavy Inter-
Grohol’s observations are that Internet use net use on studies and daily living as signifi-
hours should not be the only factor used to cantly worse than the nonaddict group. Results
judge Internet addiction, and that observations showed that most heavy users had experienced
of online behaviors should not be on temporal one or more negative impacts, but how they
bases only. coped with these consequences was still un-
However, from previous studies, it can be clear from this early work. Did they cut down
found that user time is an important index for their Internet use time or reduce the time they
research of Internet addiction. For example, in spent on daily activities and chores? Were they
Young’s study,4 396 Internet-dependent sub-
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successful in compensating for the exorbitant

jects reported a striking average of 38.5 h/week amount of time spent on the Internet? This pa-
spent online, compared to 4.9 h of nondepen- per focuses on these questions.
dent Internet users. In Chou and Hsiao’s Young4 reports that Internet-dependents
study,1 54 Internet addicts spent 20–25 h/week gradually spent less time with friends and fam-
connected to the Internet—almost triple the ily in exchange for solitary time in front of a
number of hours that 856 nonaddicts spent. The computer. Brenner5 also reports that some re-
fact that addicted (or dependent) individuals spondents experienced increasing social isola-
spend more time online than nonaddicts has tion except for Internet friends. However, Chou
been empirically verified, and remains an im- and Hsiao’s study1 found that both addicted
portant component of research and analysis. and nonaddicted groups experienced the im-
Online activity or application is another fac- pact of Internet use on their relationships with
tor used by researchers to evaluate Internet ad- friends/schoolmates as positive, because they
diction. Young4 reports that dependents pri- felt that the Internet provided them with op-
marily use two-way communication functions portunities to meet new people, with more top-
such as chatrooms, multi-user dimensions or ics to share, and with additional, if not primary,
multi-user dungeons (MUDs), newsgroups, tools for communicating with old friends.
and e-mail, while nondependents use informa- Suler6 posits that whether Internet use is
tion-gathering functions available on the Inter- healthy, pathologically addictive, or some-
net, such as information protocols and the where in between is determined by the cluster
World Wide Web (WWW). Chou and Hsiao’s of needs that Internet use fulfills, and how, ex-
study1 reports that an addicted group spent actly, those needs are met. In particular, Suler
more time on electronic bulletin board systems addresses two interpersonal needs: the need to
(BBS) and e-mail than the nonaddicted group. belong and the need for relationships. Both of
However, it was found that the addicted group these needs can be observed among Taiwan’s
also spent more time on the WWW than the college students. When most students enter col-
nonaddicted group. This study reports that lege, they are separated from their families and
BBS use hours and e-mail use hours are two treated as adults by society—often for the first
powerful factors in predicting Internet addic- time. These late adolescents must contend with
tion. two important tasks: developing a sense of be-
Heavy Internet users often report problems longing and identify, and developing new,
caused by excessive Internet use. Time distor- meaningful relationships. Suler states that, in
tion is a significant and frequently reported this sense, the Internet is more than just an in-
problem. Users who spend a significant formation superhighway; it is also a powerful
amount of time online often experience acade- social domain. Kandell2 observes that college
mic, relational, financial, and occupational dif- students may overuse two-way Internet com-
ficulties, as well as physical impairments.4 For munication applications such as chatrooms, e-
example, students may have difficulty com- mail, and MUD games in an effort to accom-

plish these difficult tasks. The danger lies in Each time we were able to arrange for one, two,
overuse, making these activities the central fo- or more subjects during one time slot, we con-
cus of their lives. Young4 concludes that, while ducted interviews. In other words, we contin-
the Internet itself is not addictive, specific ap- ued our recruitment while interviews were be-
plications with interactive, embedded features ing conducted.
appear to play a significant role in the devel- Of the 83 valid subjects in the study, 59% (49
opment of pathological Internet use. Therefore, subjects) were male and 41% (34 subjects) were
one major focus of our study was which Inter- female; 85.5% (71 subjects) were full-time col-
net applications subjects most often used, how lege students (freshmen to doctoral students),
they used them, and what impacts the appli- and 14.5% (12 subjects) were part-time stu-
cations had on their daily activities. dents.
This paper presents results from a 3-year na-
tional project entitled “Internet Addiction Research setting and methods
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among Taiwan Students.” The quantitative re-

A designated chatroom (Fig. 1) was used for
sults of the first year were presented in Chou
all interviews. Each chatroom included a
and Hsiao’s study,1 which described the overt
prominent conversation box in the middle of
behaviors of Internet addicts—in particular,
the screen; on the right side of the screen was
network usage patterns. As Griffiths7 com-
a list of people present in the chatroom; and,
ments, however, the survey method, at best, in-
on the lower right, a list of emoticons (icons,
dicates that Internet addiction may be preva-
each indicating a particular emotion). Subjects
lent in a significant minority of individuals. He
typed their thoughts and responses to ques-
suggests that other empirical techniques such
tions in a small workbox below the conversa-
as in-depth qualitative interviews are required.
tion box; after completing their writing, they
Therefore, the present study continues the fo-
clicked on the “submit” button, and their sen-
cus on Taiwan college students, but includes
tences appeared in the conversation box, visi-
in-depth interviews with subjects to further in-
ble to everyone in the chatroom. Subjects were
vestigate the reasons for Internet heavy use and
allowed to click on emoticons, if they wished,
addiction, and the impact of such behavior.
which would then appear in the conversation
box in lieu of more traditional prose.
Interviews were conducted online in two
forms: individual and group. Subjects met with
researchers to decide interview times and pre-
ferred form. We conducted a total of 21 inter-
Subjects in this study are students living on
college campuses in Taiwan, who are Internet
heavy users or addicts; subjects were chosen

1. The pool of Internet addicts identified by the

previous study1
2. Volunteers responding to campus BBSs who
also answered “yes” to five or more of
Young’s DQ questions4
3. Any heavy users, defined by more than 30
h/week on the Internet
4. Students who identified themselves as In-
ternet heavy users, contacted and evaluated
by the author
Subject recruitment and interviewing was FIG. 1. Sample screen of the chatroom in which inter-
conducted from March through August 2000. views were conducted.
576 CHOU

views for this study: 12 groups (group sizes and features of that use; (C) substitution for
ranged from 2 to 12 subjects) and nine indi- other media; and (D) impacts and coping
vidual interviews. Quotation sources were de- strategies.
rived from group interviews A through L, and
individual interviews M through U. A. Internet use questions:
During interviews, nonsubjects online were
blocked from entering the chatroom. All ques- A-1 What Internet applications do you most
tions and answers were presented and often use?
recorded in a text format for further analysis. A-2 What online activities (search for infor-
Interviewing was semistructured and interac- mation, communication with others, etc.)
tive; that is, researchers prepared sets of fixed do you engage in most often?
questions, but some “follow-up” questions A-3 How much time do you spend on the In-
were created spontaneously, based on subjects’ ternet per day, and at what time of the day
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answers. are you usually online?

The interview method was used to supple- A-4 Describe your Internet-use pattern(s).
ment our previous survey findings, and to
gather first-hand, self-reported verbal data B. Reasons and features questions:
from our subjects. Interviews provide access to
participants’ own language and concept. We B-1 Why do you use this (these) application(s)
expected that the qualitative nature of this the most?
study would provide more in-depth and richer B-2 Do you enjoy using the Internet in general,
descriptions, such as “how” and “why” of In- and this(these) application(s) in particular?
ternet addiction and heavy use, and would en- B-3 Does the Internet and/or the application(s)
able us to draw a holistic, and thus more com- you use help you escape from the real
plete, picture of our subjects. The aim, world, or relieve your negative feelings
however, was not to provide exact quantitative (e.g., anxiety)? Explain.
or statistical descriptions, nor to generalize B-4 What major features of the Internet attract
findings to a larger population. you most (multimedia, interactivity, infor-
The online rather than face-to-face inter- mation richness, versatility, availability,
views were adopted because the researcher de- virtual experience, etc.)? Give examples
cided to query our target population directly and explanations.
within the context of their (and our) interest in B-5 How do you use the two-way communi-
Internet use, and because some difficulties cation functions available on the Internet?
were encountered in earlier face-to-face inter- B-6 Do you enjoy these two-way communica-
views. As reported in Chou and Hsiao,1 some tion functions? Explain.
students refused to participate in interviews
because they believed it would reduce their C. Substituting for other media questions:
time on the Internet.
C-1 Does the Internet replace some of the in-
formation sources in your daily life (e.g.,
Interview questions
TV, radio, newspaper, etc.)? If yes, how?
The following is a list of the questions ad- C-2 Does the Internet replace some of the in-
dressed to each subject; however, follow-up terpersonal communication facilities in
questions were not limited to those listed, but your daily life (e.g., phone and regular
were dependent upon contexts and subjects’ mail)? If yes, how?
These questions focus on the reasons for D. Impact and coping questions:
heavy Internet use and addiction; the impacts
of such use; and how subjects cope with re- D-1 How do people around you (parents, sib-
sulting difficulties. Questions are divided into lings, roommates, classmates, friends, etc.)
four groups: (A) Internet use; (B) reasons for feel about your Internet use?

D-2 Does anybody complain that you use the previous years’ findings.1,8 Other applications
Internet too much? What do they say? include ICQ, games, and MUD. The posting
D-3 Please evaluate the Internet’s impact on function of BBSs allows users to monitor envi-
your life in terms of study, daily life rou- ronments and to become familiar with other
tines, health, relationships with friends/ users who have similar interests; BBS chatroom
schoolmates, parents, and teachers. functions allow them to form specific discus-
D-4 Do you plan to control or reduce your In- sion groups, and to share their opinions and
ternet-use? feelings. One reason for this is the sense of com-
D-5 If the answer to question D-4 is yes, how panionship or belonging they derive from such
do you plan to do this? interactions. Subject B-8 described his/her In-
D-6 Do you feel restless, moody, depressed, or ternet use after school as follows:
irritable when attempting to cut down or
stop your Internet-use? B-8: “When I get back to the dorm room, I log-
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D-7 If the answer to question D-6 is yes, what on to the chatroom I usually go to . . . it is
are you going to do about it? something I need to fulfill every day . . . They
[people in the chatroom] greet me, and are
ready to share my day . . . I like the feeling
that a group of friends is always out there, I
RESULTS have someone’s accompany . . .” [sic].

The following section presents the major

theme in our analysis of the data gathered from Everyone needs interpersonal contacts, so-
83 subjects. Generally speaking, subjects were cial recognition, social support, and a sense of
very cooperative in reporting and evaluating belonging to live healthy and balance lives. On-
their Internet experiences. line social support, as Young defined,9 is
formed by groups of people who engage in reg-
ular computer-mediated communication with
Internet use and reasons.
one another over extended periods of time.
Most of the subjects have 2 or more years ex- With routine or frequent visits to a particular
perience using the Internet. They spend ap- newsgroup, chatroom, or BBS boards, espe-
proximately 4–5 h per weekday online during cially in Taiwan’s case, familiarity and sense of
the school semester, and more (5–10 h per day) belong can be established. It seems that B-8 has
online during weekends and school breaks. his/her social recognition, support, and a sense
Ten subjects even indicated that they spend of belong through one particular chatroom.
whole days on the Internet during their wak- Kandell2 states that the Internet is a coping
ing hours while in the lab, workplace, or dor- mechanism for adolescents negotiating devel-
mitory; that is, they never log off from the In- opmental challenges; gaining a sense of iden-
ternet. It is worth noting that these three places tity and belonging are two of these challenges.
usually do not charge end-users for Internet In Taiwan, young adolescents are often care-
use. No home-users reported that they stayed fully protected by their families, and are
logged on to the Internet 24 h a day. Although strongly encouraged to attend, if not literally
these 10 subjects did not really use the Internet pushed into, college. Although some students
all day, the frequently checked e-mail and had access to the Internet in high school, not
BBSs, and participated in chatrooms sporadi- many began using the Internet for social pur-
cally. Although more than half of the subjects poses until college. Subject B-8’s case demon-
said their Internet use hours varied both daily strates a typical college student’s need to share.
and weekly, about 12 subjects admitted that If parents and siblings at home, or roommates
they tended to spend more time using the In- in the dorm are not available, Internet friends
ternet than the subject-average would indicate. seem a good choice to fulfill this necessary ac-
The major applications our subjects use are tivity.
BBSs, e-mail, and the WWW, as reported by E-mail is another major application that sub-
95% of interviewees. This is consistent with our jects frequently use. Most subjects receive mul-
578 CHOU

tiple electronic messages every day, which students’ Internet addiction scores were posi-
means that they spend a lot of time reading and tively correlated with their total communica-
replying to e-mail. Although some e-mail mes- tion pleasure scores, in particular the “escape
sages do not require a response, such as ad- pleasure” scores and “interpersonal relation-
vertisements, warning of new viruses, jokes, ar- ship pleasure” scores. Chou and Hsiao1 pro-
ticles to share, and so on, others do require vided their theoretical explanation of these ob-
replies. Some subjects seem very accustomed servations. According to the theory of use and
to being “secondary-broadcasters”; that is, they gratification, and the play theory of mass com-
often forward interesting messages to groups munication, students have a variety of needs
of friends. (social, academic, personal, etc.) to use the In-
Subjects use the WWW mainly to search for ternet, which lead to different degrees of ex-
information about homework, personal inter- posure to Internet applications (BBS, E-mail,
ests, and life activities, such as movie times, WWW, etc.) and result in varying degree of
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concert tickets, and school events. When asked gratification and pleasure experience. Prob-
what kind of personal-interest information is lems arose when people gave up almost all
sought, subject N-1 provided this example: other leisure time and activities to pursue on-
s/he likes Web novels very much. S/he begins line pleasures, exhibiting an intense preoccu-
every day by logging on to the WWW and read- pation with the Internet. Some students may
ing a chapter in a serial novel. If s/he is fasci- tend towards overinvolvement with or patho-
nated by the story, s/he usually goes to a chat- logical use of the Internet, and gradually de-
room after reading the chapter to talk about the velop addictive tendencies.
plot and characters. Subject G-1 said s/he was
very interested in recent breakthroughs in gene Internet features
sequencing, and the WWW offers her/him fre-
quent updates and comprehensive coverage. In this study, one interview question was
Subjects find BBSs and the WWW good for what major features of the Internet attract sub-
killing time; in other words, time seems to fly jects most. Subjects collectively expressed ap-
faster for subjects while they are logged on to preciation for the following Internet features:
the Internet. Subject C-2 wrote, “I wonder
whether Net time is triple the speed of our real- • Interactivity (includes both human–com-
world clock.” Interestingly, Subject D-5 volun- puter and human–human interaction)
teered: “I wish I had 100 hours per day to be • Ease of use (most applications are easy to
on the Internet.” use, and thus enhance both types of inter-
Most subjects expressed the idea that the In- active relationships)
ternet is good for both work and entertainment, • Availability (widely accessible, often free
and affords users some degree of fun and grat- use for students via institutional network
ification. About one-fourth of subjects reported infrastructures)
that the Internet was a good place for them to • Breadth of information accessed online
escape from problems, upsets, and depression. (diversity of information and perspectives,
Verbalizing their feelings about problems, they both of which are continuously changing)
believe, helps them relieve negative emotions.
Although disputes or “flames” on some issues Subject A-3 described the Internet’s attrac-
do occur, subjects displayed a high degree of tion in terms of breadth of online information:
loyalty to their preferred BBSs and chatrooms.
A-3: “I am fascinated by the interesting peo-
Morahan-Martin and Schumacher10 stated that
ple and information on the Internet. I never
the Internet provides a place to relax, escape imagined that the world could be so different
pressure, and seek excitement. Scherer 11 found and diversified. Although sometimes I won-
that Internet-dependent college students spend der how somebody’s opinion, exactly opposite
twice as much time online for leisure activities to mine, also can sound reasonable and right
than do other students. Chou, Chou, and . . . but I am very glad to be an individual in
Tyan’s study8 found that Taiwanese college this world.”

Greenfield 12 also stated that accessibility, in- Internet as replacement for other media
tensity of information accessed online, and the We found that 67 (80.7%) subjects were liv-
potency of its content are the unique qualities ing on campus, so their access to television was
of the Internet which contribute to the poten- limited. Since the Internet is more available on
tial for Internet addiction. Interactivity has two campus, we wanted to know if students watch
aspects: human–computer and interpersonal. Web TV instead of regular broadcasting or ca-
Most Internet applications such as the WWW ble television, and read electronic newspapers
are very easy to use, and thus enhance hu- instead of printed newspapers. About one-
man–computer interactions; further, some ap- third of the subjects who answered this ques-
plications, such as chatrooms and e-mail, are tion said that they did not regularly watch tele-
especially good at facilitating interpersonal in- vision or listen to radio anyway, so they did
teractions. Availability means easy, low-cost not “substitute” the Internet for these media.
access for users. Finally, the diversity of ideas, About one-third of the subjects reported that
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subjects, attitudes and opinions presented on they used the Internet to replace television or
the Internet continuously changes users’ per- radio at school. Some of them still watched tele-
spectives. vision when they went home in the evening or
Interestingly, at least five subjects said that on weekends, and some listened to radio while
they had some kind of “information anxiety,” driving. It seems that whether students use the
that is, difficulty handling a morass of infor- Internet to replace broadcast media (television
mation. However, they agreed that abundance or radio) depends on geographical context, or
is better than information scarcity. Subject S-1 Internet accessibility in their environment.
recounted this experience: We detected different perspectives on this
question in five of our subjects. Three subjects
S-1: “It is hard to say that I enjoy the advan- said that they usually listened to television or
tage of abundant information on the net.
radio while they were on the Internet. How-
Sometimes I am terrified by the number of
items provided by search engines, say, ‘22500
ever, subject A-10 said that s/he tried to avoid
matched items found’ . . . I feel I am swallowed watching any monitor-like shape after s/he got
in a dark hole of information. . . . ‘“ offline, such as the television set (but not in-
cluding microwave oven). Subject C-3 found
Subject J-5 described a different kind of “anx- that the image quality of television is superior
iety”: to that of computers. Since s/he could not ac-
cept inferior image quality, s/he did not watch
J-5: “The problem with the Internet is that video on the Internet.
garbage and useful information are equal in Since electronic newspapers are quite popu-
amount. . . . Sometimes I feel a little bit anx- lar on the Internet in Taiwan, they were another
ious because I spend so much time searching focus of this study. Surprisingly, more than
but find so little useful information. . . .” 95% of the subjects had read some form of e-
news on the WWW. Among these subjects, half
Since Subject A-3 used the “world” in her read e-news regularly, primarily because e-
talking to refer to the virtual one created by the news is free. Subject H-2 elaborated:
Internet. We therefore asked whether this “vir-
H-2: “I guess that, in the future, only rich peo-
tuality” attracted our subjects, or, which
ple will read print newspapers; poor people
“world” attracted them more. Subject P-3 ex-
will read electronic news. Print newspapers re-
pressed dissatisfaction with our question: quire paper, and paper will become more and
more precious and expensive.”
P-3: “What is virtual and what is real? I don’t
agree with the labels you use . . . I think the Other reasons for reading e-news included:
virtual world, as you call it, is more real to me.
I make sincere friends, express my true feel- • The speed with which the Internet can up-
ings, say things from my heart in this world date news events (some publishers update
rather than in the world you call ‘real’. . . .” e-news every 4–6 h)
580 CHOU

• The ease of searching for information (some and newspapers for most students, it provides
e-news services provide databases for re- another source of information and entertain-
lated news stories, so research is easy) ment. The choice depends on Internet avail-
• Interactivity (users can write to reporters ability in their living environments. Similarly,
or editors, and participate in forums on although the Internet does not totally replace
some issues) the use of phone or mail, it provides other chan-
• Colorful animated images (e-news is pre- nels for interpersonal communication. The
sented in a multimedia format which of- choice here is more dependent on target re-
ten includes color, sound, and movement) ceivers. It is expected, though, that college stu-
dents will become increasingly more reliant on
We also asked subjects whether they use the the Internet as broadcast as well as personal
Internet to replace regular telephone and mail media in campus life. The Internet is, indeed,
services. About one-third of subjects said they the window through which students commu-
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reduced telephone use in communicating with nicate and interact with the world.
others since they used the Internet; two-thirds
said they still used both. It is worth noting that Impact of internet use
“telephone” in their sense includes both regular
Subjects generally rated the Internet more
wired phones and cellular (mobile) phones. Cel-
positively than negatively as a component in
lular phones are very popular among Taiwan’s
their campus lives. The positive impacts noted
students. When looking for friends, some sub-
included self-identification, closer relation-
jects first log on to frequently visited chatrooms
ships with friends, bonding with the world,
and then make cellular phone calls if friends are
and so on, as discussed above. Of all subjects
not in the chatrooms. Most subjects indicated,
who responded, 38 (45.8%) reported that they
however, that phone conversations are faster
had better relationships with old friends due to
and more direct than text-based conversations,
extra communication channels provided by the
and are especially good for gossip.
Internet. When asked about their relationships
More than half of the subjects reported that
with old friends who never log on to the In-
they have reduced the number of letters they
ternet, some subjects said that they introduced
write by hand since acquiring e-mail accounts.
the Internet to those friends and, in most cases,
Eleven subjects said they were no longer used
it worked: they now use the Internet as their
to writing by hand. Subject A-11 expressed con-
major, if not their only, communication chan-
cern that her handwriting had become worse
nel. Further, 45 (54.2%) subjects said that they
due to lack of practice. However, if subjects’
have made new friends on the Internet. Some
target receivers do not use the Internet in gen-
reported meeting their Internet friends in per-
eral, or e-mail in particular (for example,
son. While subject K-1 described an unhappy
boyfriends in compulsory army service), sub-
experience in one such real-life encounter, most
jects will still write letters. Two subjects said
subjects felt the Internet extended their social
that they like to receive hand-written love let-
circles in mostly positive ways, consistent with
ters. Subject A-7 stated:
the findings in Chou and Hsiao,1 but not with
the findings in Young.4 Therefore, it can be con-
A-7: “It [the hand-written letter] reads more
cluded that if online friendship is counted as a
sincerely and sensibly . . . I like to touch the
paper texture, to scrutinize the handwritten
part of users’ overall friendship patterns, heavy
characters, to guess at the feelings when the internet use may not result in negative effects;
letter was written . . . email messages do not on the contrary, the Internet may provide users
give me any senses of these . . . it seems that with the opportunity to meet new people, pro-
you can make many copies and send them to vide additional, if not primary tools for com-
many people” [sic]. municating with friends, and create more top-
ics to share with them.
We concluded that although the Internet Among the negative impacts of Internet use,
does not replace the use of television, radio, eyesight deterioration and sleep deprivation

were the major complaints. Since problems Controlling or cutting down Internet use
with myopia are common among Taiwanese
Thus far we have described Internet heavy
college students, more than half of the subjects
use among our subjects. Some incidents meet
believed that excessive computer use might
the “salience” and “conflict” criteria suggested
make their eyesight problems even worse. Re-
by Griffiths,13 or the “compulsive use” and “re-
lated complaints included sore, dry, or un-
lated problems” criteria identified by Chou and
comfortable eyes. About half of the subjects re-
Hsiao.1 However, these incidences are not
ported that their sleep patterns were typically
enough to assess subjects’ tendencies toward
disrupted due to late night log-ins. Some said
Internet addiction. Griffiths13 also lists other
that they stayed awake and online until 1, 2, 3,
criteria, including mood modification, toler-
or even 4:00 in the morning. The consequences
ance, and withdrawal symptoms. Among
of late night log-ins were sore shoulders, backs,
them, withdrawal is one of the most important
hands, and fingers; fatigue; being late for
criteria, including unpleasant feelings, state of
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classes or appointments; and so on. These re-

mind, or physical effects when Internet use is
sults were consistent with Young’s findings.4
stopped or curtailed.
Subject L-1, however, had this to say about late
We asked our subjects whether they had
night log-ins:
tried to cut down their Internet use and, if they
had, how. Surprisingly, fewer than 10% an-
L-1: “I believe that the Internet belongs to the
swered yes, although most subjects had re-
night. The deeper the night, the prettier the In-
ported some existing problems related to ex-
ternet . . . I enjoy the quietness of the sur-
roundings, while the hustles and bustles on
cessive Internet use. Subject U-1 explained that
the net are about to start . . .” s/he would not cut down use, but would in-
stead use the Internet more efficiently. Subject
O-1 said only when phone bills arrived did
Not every subject saw the Internet in such a
s/he seriously contemplate cutting down use-
romantic light, however. Subject A-11
time. However, s/he never succeeded in re-
lamented that his/her Internet use had been
ducing Internet use time, despite her/his good
significantly curbed due to earlier, excessive
intentions. Subject T-1 said the Internet is al-
use habits: “I now can only search for wildlife-
ready a part of his/her daily life, and nobody
related information on the net,” s/he said. Sev-
can ask that him/her to cut it out completely,
eral subjects reported more serious conse-
just as nobody can ask him/her to stop eating
quences such as poor grades, flunked courses,
or sleeping.
and even job losses. Subject E-4 reported this:
How did our subjects feel when they could
not log on to the Internet for a long period of
E-4: “Once I stayed up online until 5:00 am.
time? Out of all subjects who responded, 25
You can image that working the next day was
very miserable. My lab director happened to
(30.1%) subjects said they experienced loss,
give a long talk during the meeting . . . I could moodiness, anxiety, or an intense desire to log
not help falling asleep . . . I almost lost my job.” on to the Internet. Subject S-1 reported that
s/he experienced depression and became very
Subject S-1 is now a master’s degree candi- irritable when s/he tried to stay away from a
date. S/he remembered this from her/his ju- favorite MUD. Subject K-2 said that the maxi-
nior year: mum time s/he can bear to be away from the
Internet is 5 days. Although more than half of
the subjects said the situation might be accept-
S-1: “I was addicted to MUDs at that time. I
knew I had to take final exam the next morn-
able for a short period of time, most of them
ing, but I could not stop playing MUD until 6 would like to get back to the Internet as soon
o’clock. Then I decided not to take the exam. as possible. Subject H-2 observed that:
I announced this decision in the MUD; all
players in it applauded me . . . At that time, I H-2: “I would not feel anxious about an Inter-
thought I was a tragic hero . . .” net breakdown if I knew it was large-scale, af-
582 CHOU

fecting all my friends, for instance, during the ter. “Why should I go to counseling center just
power supply cut-off after 1999’s devastating because I use the Internet?!” several subjects
9/21 earthquake in central Taiwan. I feel anx- typed. It is obvious that they are not aware of
ious if only I cannot log on to the net while all this new disorder, underestimate its negative
my friends are there . . . I wondered if I am impacts, and do not know where to look for
missing lot of information.”
professional help.
Therefore, subjects tried out their own cop-
Subject N-1 related this experience:
ing methods. About one-third of the subjects
said that they tried real-life activities instead of
N-1: “When I log off the Net, I feel alone, al-
though I am surrounded by many people in
using the Internet, including shopping (on the
reality . . . I tried not to use the computer and street, not online), reading (print) novels, do-
the Internet for a while. Well, the sky was still ing laundry, making phone calls, visiting
blue and beautiful . . . However, when I came friends’ homes, etc. But all these activities were
Downloaded by St. Xavier's College Library Nepal from at 06/27/23. For personal use only.

back to the net, my e-mail box exceeded its meant to be transitional; that is, they helped
limits, and I had to deal with these letters . . . subjects to pass the time before their next In-
so I got back to normal life quickly.” ternet log-in. Subject A-9 said that while the In-
ternet was out, s/he talked to friends in per-
Noteworthy, perhaps, is Subject N-1’s refer- son, which s/he did not often have a chance to
ence to “normal life,” which, in this case, refers do. What did they talk about? People and is-
to using the Internet as excessively as before. sues on the Internet.
How did people around subjects, such as par- Some subjects reported unusual coping
ents, teachers, friends, and any significant oth- strategies, such as subject S-1:
ers view this “normal” life of excessive Inter-
net use? Subject N-1 answered that his/her S-1: “In my senior year, I finally decided to
parents encouraged him/her to go out with stop using the Internet until the written exams
friends, instead of staying at home online for for graduate programs were over. Besides, I
whole days during summer breaks. Many sub- had skipped classes for half the semester. I
jects gave similar answers: their parents were would flunk if I continued playing my MUD.
often more concerned about their computer use So I committed suicide in MUD, and it
than their friends were, mainly because of psy- worked. I lost all weapons, energy, battle
chological as well as physical health consider- power, seniority, etc. . . . I really felt I died at
that moment.”
ations. Subject P-1 said that his/her mother
censured him/her for being too lazy. By con-
trast, subject E-3 said that his/her mother was Committing “suicide” was indeed a trau-
jealous of his/her Internet use. matic event for subject S-1, because s/he was
not just a regular player, s/he was one of the
“Gods” of that MUD; that is, s/he was one of
Strategies for coping with Internet withdrawal the top-level managers who supervised the
problems programming work as well as players’ conduct.
Subject U-1 shared this strategy:
If stopping or cutting down Internet use
causes unpleasant feelings, how did our sub-
jects cope with those feelings? Ten subjects an- U-1: “During the final exam week, several
swered that they gave up the idea after several roommates decided to hide the power cord in
the neighboring room. It did not work any-
failed attempts, so they did not have any ef-
way. So we devised a more strict method: fin-
fective methods to share. More than 90% of our ing roommates NT$200 [approximately equal
subjects said that they did not even think about to US$6.00] per Internet use during the week.
looking for outside help, for example, from Two hundred dollars it not a small amount for
school psychologists or counselors. They con- us . . . it could pay for two days’ meals. This
sistently thought that Internet overuse was a method worked only for a couple of days. Af-
personal or minor problem and was not a le- ter that, bills were passed from one person to
gitimate reason to go to school counseling cen- another . . . finally it became a joke . . .”[sic].

It seems that a few subjects repeatedly made psychology and behaviors. In addition, by pro-
efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use. viding researchers’ own observations and
However, few were successful. Subjects felt analyses, major themes in Internet addiction
that this failure was due in part to the Inter- study may become clearer and more produc-
net’s pervasive presence in their lives, and in tive.
part because it has replaced some of the func- The subjects in this study were at least In-
tions of other broadcasting and/or personal ternet heavy users, in terms of time they spent
communication technologies. No-cost access is online. On average, they spent 4–5 h per week-
also a major reason for students who usually day, and 5–8 h during weekends and school
do not have much money to spend. For those breaks. They used BBSs, e-mail, and the WWW
excessive or addicted Internet users, the goal for being familiar with other users, developing
should not be to stop using the Internet alto- a sense of companionship (belonging), moni-
gether, but rather to use it in a productive, toring environments, searching useful infor-
Downloaded by St. Xavier's College Library Nepal from at 06/27/23. For personal use only.

healthy, and controlled way. This explained mation to improve living, killing time, and hav-
why the abstinence methods (hiding power ing fun and gratification. Subjects used Internet
cord, fining, etc.) used by some subjects did not to replace traditional broadcast media depends
work out. Our subjects seemed to demonstrate on geographical context or accessibility in their
that self-determination and self-regulation of environment. For example, many subjects read
Internet use was a more effective strategy for e-news on the WWW, and half of them read e-
curbing Internet overuse problem. However, as news regularly. Regarding interpersonal me-
mentioned above, no matter which method dia, one-third of subjects reduced using tele-
they had tried, they never considered to look phone, and more than half have reduced
for professional help. As Rudall14 suggests, handwriting letters. If most the information we
treatment of this new addiction should follow need in our daily lives (e.g., from mass media)
the same procedures followed for other exist- can be easily and cheaply obtained from the In-
ing behavioral addictions; that is, it is impor- ternet, and activities (e.g., making phone calls,
tant not to cut off Internet access altogether, but writing letters) can also be carried out from the
rather to reduce usage in a controlled fashion. Internet, it is no leap to predict that more and
Orzack and Orzack15 also state that the treat- more students will spend more and more time
ment of Internet addiction cannot be absti- on the Internet.
nence: it should be treated like an eating dis- Subjects expressed their appreciation for the
order where the goal is to normalize network Internet features of interactivity, ease of use,
usage to survive. Therefore, how to make stu- availability, and breadth of information ac-
dents aware of appropriate, and productive use cessed online, although some may develop “in-
of the Internet becomes the most important formation anxiety” because of the difficulty
task. handling a morass of information. Indeed as
the Internet’s continuously expanding band-
width continues to deliver multimedia re-
DISCUSSION sources in greater amounts, higher quality, and
lower cost, the popularity of the Internet will
Since Internet use in society and on college definitely in ascendancy for college as well as
campuses is growing at an exponential rate, other levels of students. Young4 stated that the
abusive and overinvolved Internet users may Internet itself is not addictive, but specific ap-
increase by both number and degree. The aim plications embedded with interactive features
of this study was to discuss recent research and appear to play a significant role in the devel-
interviews focusing on excessive and addictive opment of pathological Internet use. This study
Internet use among college students in Taiwan. provides some incidences for this statement.
This study does not attempt to determine the These subjects reported that the Internet sig-
number of Internet-addicted students; instead, nificantly enhanced their self-identification,
by directly quoting subjects’ words, we intend closer relationships with friends, and bonding
to provide rich and vivid descriptions of their with the world. However, eyesight deteriora-
584 CHOU

tion and sleep deprivation were the major two problems—one of the key signs of Internet
negative impacts of Internet use. Other prob- abuse and addiction. If faculty and others are
lems included poor grades and job perfor- made aware of warning signs and symptoms,
mance. About one-third said they experienced they can more readily identify those students
loss, moodiness, anxiety, etc., when they could who might benefit from treatment or other in-
not log on to the Internet. Some subjects had terventions.
tried the abstinence methods, which did not of- In the future, specific research questions,
ten work out. More importantly, subjects did such as the relationship among media (the In-
not think about looking for professional help ternet), applications (chatrooms, for example),
from school psychologists or counselors. They and messages (what do they talk about), pro-
consistently thought that Internet overuse was files of addicted students, and Internet users’
a personal or minor problem and was not a le- psychological control mechanisms, might be
gitimate reason to go to school counseling cen- productively addressed. It is worth noting that
Downloaded by St. Xavier's College Library Nepal from at 06/27/23. For personal use only.

ter. subjects may have different definitions of the

This paper has some implications for student terms virtual, real, and normal life from those
affairs administrators. As Scherer 11 suggests, used in our interview questions. Therefore, sur-
administrators can play a primary role in pro- vey questionnaires or interview questions
moting awareness of Internet abuse or addic- which use these terms should be very careful.
tion on campus by being in a position to both Future research could also focus on the effec-
assess the needs of students, and implement tive treatment of Internet addiction. After all,
preventive programs to decrease the potential research findings, such as those reported in this
dangers of excessive Internet use. Besides pro- paper, are responsible for shedding lights on
moting diagnostic and preventive strategies, how to identify and address Internet addiction.
this research may enable more effective man- Young4 stated that the most difficult tasks are
agement of students’ dormitory life, and thus identifying Internet addicts, and breaking
the prevention of excessive late-night log-ins. through their denials of addiction and its often
For example, the Office of Student Affairs at devastating effects. College students may lack
my university has tried to resolve the related knowledge about Internet-dependency symp-
problems of students’ sleep deprivation and re- toms, or the services to address these problems;
sultant poor grades. The method they sug- mental health professionals, however, under-
gested was to cut power supplies to all dorm stand the underlying factors that cause or
rooms after 1:00 am, but to keep power on in worsen Internet addiction, and are able to use
public study rooms. This was, of course, their knowledge to develop and implement ef-
strongly protested and was therefore not im- fective treatments. As mentioned above, a team
plemented. Interestingly (but not surprisingly), approach is required in which students affairs
the potential restrictions and ensuing protests administrators and faculty, as well as psychia-
were commented upon vociferously on the In- trists, parents and others are made aware of
ternet. The conflict ended with the establish- this new disorder and where to look for help.
ment of “regular-hour” dorms: power to sev- As educators or researchers, we should not
eral designated dorms was regularly shut off be surprised by the onset of new behavioral
at midnight. Students could freely choose to conditions when technological advances are
live in these dorms, and those who did so were changing our students’ lives so rapidly, and in
not disturbed by late-night, Internet-using such revolutionary ways. We must be prepared
roommates. to recognize that while the Internet is changing
Student affairs administrators can also play the way we live, those changes are not always
a crucial role in apprising other campus pro- for the better. Further research on related top-
fessionals of the risks to students of Internet ics, based on the qualitative findings in this and
abuse or addiction. They and other faculty other studies, will undoubtedly advance our
members are often the first to identify those understanding of the full scope of Internet ad-
students with potential or manifest academic diction.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 8. Chou, C., Chou, J., & Tyan, N.N. (1999). An ex-
ploratory study of Internet addiction, usage and com-
This work was supported by the National munication pleasure—the Taiwan’s case. International
Journal of Educational Telecommunications, 5:47–64.
Science Council in Taiwan under Project NSC- 9. Young, K.S. (1997). What makes the Internet addic-
89-2511-S009-009-N. The earlier edition was tive: potential explanations for pathological Internet
presented at the 108th American Psychology use. Presented at the 105th American Psychological
Association (APA) Annual Convention. I Association Annual Convention, Chicago.
would like to thank six assistant interviewers 10. Morahan-Martin, J.M., & Schumacker, P. (2000). Inci-
dence and correlates of pathological Internet use.
for their efforts on this study.
Computers in Human Behavior, 16:13–29.
11. Scherer, K. (1997). College life online: healthy and un-
healthy Internet use. Journal of College Student Devel-
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