How To Download Your OPEN MOOC Certificate 2022

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How to Download Your MOOC Certificate

Certificates for OPEN MOOCS are offered through Badgr, the platform that issues digital
badges. These certificates are uniquely associated with one learner. No one else can use your
unique certificate. Your name and e-mail address will appear on the certificate, along with a QR
code that will show more information about the criteria for earning this certificate.

To download and print your certificate, follow these steps:

1. Log into your account at If you do not already have an account, click “Create

© 2022 by OPEN. How to Download Your MOOC Certificate for the Online Professional English
Network (OPEN), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S.
government and administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License, except where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit
2. Once logged into your account, click on your Backpack. Your Backpack is a place to store
and organize your badges. Find the badge associated with the current MOOC:

3. This will bring you to a page with some badge details. Click “Print Certificate”:

4. This will pull up Badgr Certificates.

The certificate shows a variety of information, such as

a. course title,
b. the issuer that awarded the badge (OPEN MOOCs),
c. your name,
d. your e-mail address,
e. the date of the award, and
f. a QR code which will lead to more badge details.

Click “Print” to save a copy.

5. A pop-up window will appear. Right click on the window and choose “Print” from the
dropdown menu.

6. Adjust the settings if necessary:
a. Destination: Save as PDF
b. Pages: All
c. Layout: Landscape

Then click “Save.”

7. This will save a PDF copy of the certificate to your Downloads folder. From there, you
can also print it.

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