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Program Name © Il ranches f Diploma in Engiacering and Tctnlogs: Program Cade_: CEICRICSICHIPSICMVCOMFICWDE/EMENIEQIETIENEIMUELEIEUISICIAE EGMEPGIPTDETNTERC Cows Tite: Fandamental of CT 1. RATIONALE | any typical business seup in order to carry out routine tasks elated to crete business documents, perform data analysis and its graphical representations and making electronic Slide show presentations the eent nee to lean vain nftware a8 office automation oaks like word processing applications, spreadsheets and presentation tools They also need to use these ool for making their project fepons and presentations. The objective ofthis course fs to develop the basic competency in students for using these office automation took 0 sscomplish the job 2 COMPETENCY The aim of this course is (0 help the student to attain the following industry identified competen though varios teaching earning experiences ‘+ Use computers for internet services, eleetronie documentation, data analysis and slide presentation. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (cos) “The theory practcal experiences and felevant sof kills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented. so that the studest demonstrates the fllosing industry oriented (COs associated withthe above mentioned competency Use eompuer system and its peripherals. Prepare husiness document using word processing to Interpret data and reresea it raphiclly using spreadsheet. Prepare professional presentation, Use diferent ypes of eb browsers, 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME = i Shem | os Fata ot oe E 73 Tea TS ine i Te | on [ane | Hin Ni | Nin w= l=t-l= 1-1-1 bl bpp (): For the courses having ONLY prncicl eraminaion, he PA has nso components wider procticol marks ie, the ontessmen of procicale (eeen sn rction 6) hae 2 wolgage of 60% {1.13 marks) ond miero-projecs atessment (se0n in seesion 12) has @ weightage of 409% fie. tO-macks, This © designed 10 facluate atainment of COs holistically, as there 18 no theory ESE, Legeniis:L-Lecture: T~Tatoria\ Teacher Guided Theory Practice: P- Practical: C Credit. ESE - End Semester Examination: BA - Progressive Assessment: # No theory exam, 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, rs, UOs, ADOs and topics) This course map ilustrats an overview ofthe flow and linkages of the topes at various levels ‘of outcomes (details in subsequent sections to be attsned by the student by the end ofthe ‘ours, in all domins of learing in terms of the industylemployer identified competency “epicted athe centre ofthis map. Figure 1~ Course Map 6. SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES “The practical in this section sre P1Os (ie, sub-componens ofthe COs) tobe developed and assessed in the student forthe atamment ef the competency Rapa Ne Practical Outcomes (PrOs) wii - » | required Computer nsiem and Operating sate: T Teas various Topuoutt devices, connexons end penpals of | T | T¥ computer system TERTE Fa Coy OST Era THSBTE Fd Copy Be TORO Pape Pt 7 Ss. Unit Approx —— ka Practical Outcomes (P03) vit s. required | so. | | Manage es and Ylders Create, copy, rename elie move ies TT 2 and folder | Quali afouput ehieved Produc) - ‘Word Procesing [— (Te Gonpete he practical n stipulated ume 3] Greate edtandsave document pply formating Rares onthe) (Toasters usin — [est line pagerank Submit repre m me | 4 | Use bullets, numbering, page formating im z Se ( ‘S| Tnsert and edit images and shapes, sizing, cropping, colour, 1 z = background, groupungroup | The above POs so comprise ofthe fllowing social skilsatiudes which are AMstve | Taser and apy various bie Temating aes om rz Domain Outcomes (ADOS) that are best developed though the laborior eld based 7 AppY page lvout fetus we experince: "Themes, page background, paragraph page setup Follow say practices Creme multicolumn page Practice good housekeeping Si_Use diferent options to prin the documents | € Demonsrar working aa leader‘ team member I [se mai merge with options r m1 4. Maintain tos and equipment Spreadvheei © Follow eheal practices 9] Cree, pen and edt workshet ¥ {Emer data and format, aust row height and column width ‘The ADOs are nut specific to any one PO. but are embeded in many PrOs. Hence, the ik Inert and delete cal, rows and columns auistion of the ADOs takes place eradully inthe ude when ste undeahes a sees ‘it__Apply wrap text onentaion feature oneal. Practical experienss overs period of ime. Moreover. the level of achievement ofthe ADOs TO nse enalan “i snifons anton and sand aagesia [I Sccordng to Krahwohs “Affective Domain Taxonomy” should gradually merase ws planed |__woite 9 Eee telow | Apply data Sort, Filter and Data Validation features. TH * “Valuing Level” in 1" year ‘create chars o apply various chart opin im © “Organising Level in 2 year py Pg sep pie pos er ore RTGS + -Charsctersing Levin 3" year watishect ee ree 2. MAJOR EQUIPMENT? INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED [HW [Giese aiepeenaion “The major equipment wih broad spetcation meitoned hee wll user in ni i Apply desig hemes to the given presettion ‘conduct € POs a wel a: ad procure equipment by suhorties concen ii_ Ads new sides and inser picturelimages, shapes TS [i Ade ables and charts inthe ids pw s aaeeerny aareatat ey ii Ranslide presenuation in diferent modes [o., Exstersnt hae ity Brose Sepeineatons sin i_Pamralige presentation a handouts T | Connpuer ten wih al neseaary compan NRE matherboa Tandom | T Te |Applvaimation fects oh tex and se wot asezss memory (RANI ted-only memory (ROM) Ginphics cards, soun! 17a ado and video fe inthe given presentation wo |__ cards, intemal han isk drives, DVD dive, network nitive cn [ineroet Z| Doubt sie printings pens - z ‘Configure Internet connection ror} z [3 Hubs, Switches, Modems. Tigi? ‘19 | Use internet for different web services. =] 4 | Any operating system EXCL ‘20 | Configure browser settings and use browsers, + ‘5 [Any Office Software. T2w is Total 6 | Any browser. _ 517.18 | dees and ramen, Note: There are ne specications fed or te above tad pated Depending onthe avarabiny inte nsitte they can be lied forthe purpose "7" aomplsory practical ta be performed, Nave (CA suggestive list of practical UOs is given in the above table, more such PrOs can be (aed 0 attain the COs and competency Fence, the ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related sills assacioted with each PrOs of the lntoratory/worthop eld work oe to be ores according a ugpeed sample gen lowing topicssubtopics are to he taught an sscecced in order to develop UOe for of Croan Tone concn a Mn ‘MBBTE Fi Copy Dc T0507 Page S088 «7 ASBTE Fal Copy TOSIONT ———Pagenat 7 Tait | Unit Outcomes (UO) Lin cognitive domain) Topies and Sub-topies Tait) Unit Outeomes (UOs) {in cognitive domain) “Topics and Sub-topics Uait=1 Ta Explain the given block 11 Basles of Computer System: Overview oF ‘Spacing, add ballet and number ta ss, add Introdueti_ | diggram of computer Hardware and Software: Slock diagram of borders and shading, document views, Page onto system Computer System, InpuvOutput unit CPU, settings and margins, Spelling and | Computer | 1b Classify the given type | Control Unit, Arithmetic logic Unit (ALU) ‘Grammatical checks System of software Memory Unit 3. Changing the Layout of a Document: le Explain characteristics of| 2 Internal components: processor, Adjust page margins, Change page the specified type of newark, 1d Describe procedure 10 manage a file folder in the given way. le. Destribe application of | the specified type of network connecting | device Ba, Waite step to create the IT Ta Write steps to ereatethe 1. Word Processing: Overview of Word] given text document 2b, Explain the specified Feature foe dacument editing | 2c. Explain he given pase sep features of 2 socument, 2d, Wiite the specified table formatting feature. motherbosrds, random access" memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), video. cards, Sound cards and intern hard disk tives) 1 External Devices: Types of inpuviotput devices, types of monitors, Keyboards, ‘mouse. printers: Dot matix, Inkjet and LaserJet," plotter and scanner, enteral storage devices CD/DVD, Hard disk and pen rive LA Application Software: word processing spreadsheet, database management systems control sofware, measuring sofware, photowdiing software, videorditing Software, graphics manipulation somtware System Software compilers, linkers. device rivers, operating systems and utilities | 1S Network environments: network interface cards, hubs, switches. routers ane modems, concept of LAN, MAN, WAN, WLAN, Wic Fi ang Bluetooth 1.6 Working with Operating Systems: | Create and manage fie and folders. Copy a | fle, renaming and deleting of les and folders, Searching files ana folders, pplication installation, creating shortcut of application onthe deskion processor Basics of Font type, size, colour, [fects like Bol, italic, underine, Subscript and superscript, Case changing options, Previewing a document, Saving # document, Closing a document and exiting aplication, ‘22. Baiting a Document: Navigate through & document, Scroll through text, Insert and Gelete text, Select text, Undo and redo ‘commands, Use drag and drop to rove txt, Cops, eu and paste, Use the clipboard, Clear formatting. Format and align text, Formatting Paragraphs, Line and. paragraph spaci, using FIND and REPLACE, Satin lin ‘orientation, Create headers and footers, Set and change indentations, Insert and clear tabs 4. Inserting Elements to Word Documents: Inser and delete @ page break, Insert page numbers, Insert the dete and’ time, Insert special characters (symbols), Insert a picture fiom a file, Resize and reposition a picture 5. Working with Tables: Insert a table, CConvert'a table co text, Navigate and select, text im table, Resi table cell, Align txt Jn 0 table, Forma a table, Insert and delete | columns and rows, Borders and shading, | Repeat table headings on subsequent pages, Merge and spit calls, 6, Working with Columned Layouts and Section Breaks: a Columns, Section breaks, Creating columrs, Newslewsr syle columns, Changing part of a document layout oF formatting, Remove section break, Add columas to remainder of a document, Column widths, Adjust column spacing. Insert anal column breaks. Spreadshe | given spreadsheet. ‘workbook end worksheet, Create Worksheet es 3b, Explain the specified Entering sample data, Save, Copy formatting feature ofa | Worksheet, Delete Worksheet, Close and worksheet, ‘open Workbook. Se Waite stepeto inser’ 5.2. Editing Worksheet: Insert and select data, formula and functions in| adjust row height and column width, delete, the given worksheet 34, Write steps to create dataset. 3e. Explain steps to perform ‘advance operation ont ven dataset [Sa Wie steps o creae he chars forthe specified ‘Working with Spreadsheets: Overview oF move data, insert rows and columns, Copy and Paste, Find and Replace, Spell Check, Zoom In-Out, Special Symbols, Insert Comments, Add Text Box, Undo Changes, Freeze Panes, biding/umhiding rows and the | _ columns Formatting Cells and sheet: Seiting Cell ‘Type, Setting Fonts, Text options, Rotate Cells, Seting Colors, Text Alignment, “Merge and Wrap, apply Borders and Shades, Sheet Options, Adjust Margins, Page THSBTE Fi Copy Bc oTOsSOTT Pan TWSBTE Fd Copy Be TOSI Pape 6o 7 Tai Tait Outcomes (Os) {a cognitive domain “Topics and Sub-topies ‘rientation, Header and Footer, laser Page [Breaks Set Background 3.4. Working with Formula: Creating Formulas, Copying Formulas, Common spreadsheet Funetions such as sum, average, mi, max date In, And or, mathematical Functions Such as sqrt power, applying conditions sing IE | Working with Charts: Invodueion charts, overview of differen types of charts, | Bar, Pie, Line chans, creating and editing chars. Using chan options: chan tle, exis tile, legend, date labels, Axes, arid lines, ‘moving char in a separate sheet, 6, Advanced Operations: Conditional Formatting, Data Filtering. Date Sonn, Using Ranges, Data Validation, Adding Graphics, Printing Worksheets, print area, ‘margins, header, footer snd other page setup ‘options Taiev Presentatlo a Too! “a, Wille the sep to seate tre speciiod ste resentation 140, Wie the steps to nse | Presentation Files, Creating a Basic multiple media in he sien presentation 4c. Write steps appiy table Features in he hen presentation (48, Write steps to marage chants in the piven presentation Creating a Presentations Outline oF an effective presentation, Identity the elements of the User Imerface, Staring 2 New Presentation, Working with textbones, Apply Character Formats, Format Parseraphs, View a Presentation, Saving work. creting new Slides. Changing a slide Layout, Applying a theme, Changing Colour, Tons fand effets, apply custom Colout and font theme, changing the background, Arrange Slide sequence, 2 Inserting Media. elements: Adding and | Modifving Graphical Objects to a || Presentation = Insert Images into a Presentation, inset audio. clips, video/animation, Add Shapes, Add Visual Sles to Text in a Presentation, Edit Graphical Objects on 2 Slide, Format Graphical Objects on 4 Slide, Group Graphical Objects on Slide. Apply an Animation Efecto a Graphical Object, Ada ‘Transitions, Add Speaker Notes, Print a Presentation 3 Working with Tables: laser Table in & Slide, Format Tables, and Import Tables from Other Office Applications. ‘WEBTE Fal Copy Br TOSI Pa Tats Tait | Unit Outcomes (COs) “Topies and Sub-topics in cognitive domain) 4 Working with Charis: Iason Chars m= Side. Modify a Chart. Impor Chars from Ober Office Applications Unit= VS, Explain use afthe given 5.1 Worl Wide Webs Tntroduction, Tnernet Basies of | seting option i Tnranet, Cloud, Web Sites, web pages, URL, Internet| browsers vveb sever, basic settings of web browsers |, Explain features of the story. extension, default page. default spectied web service seireh engine, creating and. rexieving Ie, Describe the given bookmarks, use search engines eftecively } characteristic oF cloud, —__for searching the content. [St Explain the speciiod 5.2 Web Services: e-Alail, Chat, Video option used foreffecive | Conferencing. e-learning. e-opping. e+ Searching in search Reservation. e-Groups, Sova! Networing engine (Note: To attain the COs and competency, above Tasted UOs need to be wnderoken to achieve ‘he ‘Application Level'and above of Bloom's ‘Cognitive Domain Taxonomy 9. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN =Not Applicable - 10, SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES Other thar the classroom and laboratory learning, following ae the suggested student rlated co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the atanmient 0° the various ‘outcomes inthis course: Prepare joural of procticels, bi, Prepare a sample document with all word processing features (Coutse teacher shall alloc appropriate document ype to each students) ©. Undertake micro projects Li SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Gf ans) “These are sample strategies, which te teacher can use 0 accelerate the atainment of the various outcomes inthis course a Massive open online courses (MOOC#) may be used to teach various wples'sub topics "Lin itom Na. 4 oes not mean only the eaitinnal lst method bu different types cofteaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes, © About 15-20% of the topless b-opies which is relatively simpler or Jeseiptive in ature is i> he given to the students for selfdirected learning an assess the declopment of the COs through classroom presentations {see implementation guideline fe detail) 4. With respect to item No.10, teachers need 1 ensure to create opportunites and provisions for co-curricular wcities Guide stden(s)n undertaking micro-pojcct Guide students) in undertaking various actisiis nthe lbiworkshop, -\g. Demonstrate students thorouahy beror thes sist doing the practice \S\p. Show videa/animatin fs for handing functioning of instruments, “Observe continuoesly and monitor the performance of students in Lab Papal 7 Fedora Stone 12, SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS Only one microsprojecis planned to he undertaken by a student assigned to him/her ie the beginning ofthe semester She ought to submitit by the end ofthe semester to develop the indusry onented COs. Each micro-project should eneompass two or more COs which ae in fact, an integration of PsOs, UOs and ADOs, The miero-project could be industry spplistion based, inteme-based, workshop-based, laboratory-based oF field-based. Ech student will have to maintain dated work dary consisting of individual conrbution inthe project work and give a seminar presentation of it before submission The total duration of the miero- projec should not be less than 16 (sixteen) student engagement ours during he couse. In the first four semesters, the micropeoject could be group-based However, in higher semesters. it should be individually undertaken to buildup the skill and confidence in every Sadent lo became problem solver 0 thl she contributes tothe projets of the indy A Suggestive lis given here, Similar ricrosprojets could be added by the concerned faculty ‘3 Word documents: Prepare Time Table, Applicaton, Notes, Repons. (Subject teicher shall assign a document co be prepared by the each students) by Slide Presentations: Prepare slides wih all Presentation features such as: eassioom [resenation, presentation about dcpanment, resentation of report. (Subject teicher shall assign presentation to he prepared by the each student © Spreadsheets: Prepare Pay bills. tax statement student's assessment record using, spreadsheet. Teacher shall assign a spreadsheet be prepared by each student 13, SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES SFivortoak [Aner Comper Fondanena Goel iia Feasson Educarion, New Del 2014, ISBN: 978-8151733097 “Compute BasiesAbolute | Miler, Michael > QUE Poblienng th editon Augitt Beginners Gude. Windows 10 2015, ISBN 97. 0789954516 3 Linux: Easy Linux for | Alva, Felix CreatevSpace Independent | © Beginners Publishing Platfonn- 2016, 1SBN: 97818336837: [2 Wieosomt OTfis= 2010: On| Tohnson. Sieve Pearson Education, New Del | Demand | India, 2010; ISBN: = 9788151770641 3 | Microsoft Oise 2010 for) Schwartz, Sieve | Pearson Education, New Deth Windows: Visual Quick India, 2012, ISBN'97881 31765613, Stor | ‘Open or For Tete, Gardy. | Wiley Publishing New Deli, | Dommies Finkelstein | 2003 ISBN: 978-0764542220 Ellen, Mary Lecte 14, SOFTWARB/LEARNING WERSITES. '2 ips: /isr microsoft. conven-in/leaming/ofice-training aspx 1. huis tutorsforopenofice org! © _‘hiis:iS-ap-southeas-1 amazonevs com/rsue295iq 0 Special Felon Using Statice 6.0 pdf

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