Dear Madam

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Dear Madam

I'm had to apology for non-delivery of order. I very sorry to learn, take full responsibility
for my actions and deeply regret the inconvenience that it must have caused you!

It's come to our attention that our product which order for 250 Scottish caps. Our product
team is working tirelessly to correct this issue, checked our files, and to ensure it doesn't
come up again in the future.We want you to know that your satisfaction is our highest
priority and highly valued customer.
We know this doesn't make up for your experience, but we hope it's a step in the right
directio, we also delivery by special carrier which ship new delivery date confirmed as,
and we hope you accept for sincere apologies.

To help make things right, we'd like to offer you additional 10% discount on 29th

We will provide another update within error on computer records. In the meantime, if you
have any additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact.

We will continute to do good business and We're sorry for any inconvenience this has
caused, and we appreciate your understanding.

Yours faithfully

Dear Mrs Papas

As you are one of our most important person. I am writing to invite you Sparks
Electronics to preside over as chief guest and speaker for this special.

For special guest like yourself, we are celebrating 25 year in business which celebration
for staff and customers so hope you can enjoy the show. This important occasion will be
on the evening of 28 September, starting at 14:00 PM.

The timetable for the evening is as follows:

14:00 pm arrvial and coffee

14:30 pm Chairman's choice of speaker

15:00 pm chat show much admired

15:30 pm guests will be thrilled for the most important part

16:00 pm chosen for popularity/talent

Kindly consider this letter as a formal invitation and revert to us at the earliest. We are
looking forward to positive response from you. Please feel free to get back to us for any
further information.

Yours sincerely

Dear Madam

We're really sorry about dissatisfaction and request compensation that so writing this

We recognize that our very disappointed recent interaction with you fell short of the
customer service standards we hold ourselves to.

There's no excuse for the experience you received. As a company, we're reflecting on this
situation and taking the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen again.
The first is the flight delay 2 hours to Stockholm on 27th September which make you
nearly missed important meeting. Besides that the customer services make other
passengers angry. Food and service a disgrace because they serve cold-in flight food.

I hope you will give serious consideration to my request

Yours faithfully

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