Week 1-Ielts Speaking Skill

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 LƯU Ý:
- Handouts buổi học nào sẽ phát buổi đó. Học viên nào nghỉ học sẽ tự photo handout.
- Học viên hoàn thành speaking theo dặn dò ở nhà và luôn ôn lại các topic speaking đã học ở
trên lớp.
Ví dụ: Khi học tuần 2 GV sẽ gọi bất chợt nói ôn 3 topics của tuần 1 ( 2 topics trên lớp và 1
topic homework)


1. What is your name?
- My full name is ……... My family members and friends call me ………... This is my

2. How do you spell your name?

- I spell it as…………….

3. What can I call you?

- You can call me………….. That is my nickname.

4. What is your first name?

- My first name is ………….

5. What is your last name?

- My last name is …………….. It represents our family name and title.

6. What is the meaning of your name?

- (Your name) is a common male/ female name in our country.
- This name derived from…………, it represents………………

Derived from…: xuất phát từ, bắt nguồn từ

7. Is your name important to you?

- Yes, definitely. This name represents me. To the world, I am (your name). So this means a
lot to me.

8. Why do so many people change their names?

- Some people simply hate their original names and think their names are too outdated, They
want to get the feeling of some modern names.
- For some, this could be the reason of changing their identity. Some women might change
their names after marriage or after migrating to a new country.
- Religious belief could be another reason why some people might change their names.

- Finally, some might change their name only to show their status.


 Describe a writer you would like to meet
 You should say:
- who the writer is
- what you know about this writer already
- what you would like to find out about him/her
and explain why you would like to meet this writer.

who the writer is ● Nguyen Nhat Anh
● His name: his pseudonym (bút danh)
● regarded as one of the most successful writer for children
and teens
● my favourite writer and I like to meet him someday in my

- what you know about this ● Born in 1955 in Quang Nam province
writer already
● Then moved to SG and has lived in SG

● works as teacher, a poet, and a correspondent

● voted the most popular writer in 20 years (1975–1995) and

the most notably talented individual in a poll held by Tuổi
Trẻ Press.

● He is regarded as one of the most successful writer for

children and teens.

● Kính vạn hoa (Kaleidoscope), a series including 45

volumes about 3 teenagers, their friendship and school life.
The series became a critical and commercial success.

● Ngày Xưa Có Một Chuyện Tình (Once Upon a Love), the

book is about teenage love, but contains problems that
teenagers must face when they grow up. The book contains
mature topics, including sex before marriage, pregnancy, and
single motherhood, as well as naughty boys learning to
become men. The readers can see how the characters mature
after they experience ups and downs.

He has written several stories about teenage love such as Mắt

Biếc (Blue Eyes), Đi Qua Hoa Cúc (Daisy Passing), and Cô
Gái Đến Từ Hôm Qua (Girl from Yesterday).

The books moved millions of readers with its depiction of

young people’s difficulties in life and their first loves as well

as hopes for their bright future.

- what you would like to find I actually want to find about his private life and know about
out about him/her how his writing styles inspire children , and how his some
magical sense makes children and teens amazed with the
words of his books. His writings are adorable in many senses
and most of the times, I have observed, the readers turn his
fans after reading only a single piece of his writing.

- what you would like to find There are different reasons to meet this writer.
out about him/her
and explain why you would ● He is one of the greatest starts in the arena of children and
like to meet this writer. teens literature.

● Most of his writings are simple, genuine and interesting to

read due to the fact that most of his pieces contain
humourous, funny, witty jokes (giọng văn dí dỏm, vivid/
fertile imagination trí tưởng tượng phong phú, abundant
knowledge, kiến thứ dồi dào).

● Moreover, His pieces also depict innocent love at school,

friendships, lively natural world, world beauties, and the
touching and moving endings. ( tình cảm tình yêu lứa tuổi học
trò, thế giới thiên nhiên sinh động, những điều tốt đẹp của thế
giới, và những đoạn kết xúc động).

● It would be a great advantage for me to learn many

interesting things. If the writer permits, I also want to have
some photos with him and his autograph on the book- I am
Beto or Give Me a Ticket Back to Childhood: Cho tôi xin 1 ve
di tuổi thơ)- the best-selling in the 5th HCMC book fair, over
15000 copies sold out within 10 days.

● Moreover, I also would like to know about his feelings and

emotions about writing and how he applied the comical
elements even in some serious situations.


1. What kinds of book are most popular with children in your country? Why do you
think that is? (WH-QUESTION)

- Mostly prefer to read comic books
- But: other children who prefer thrillers and detective novels and fictional books
Reasons for supporting comics:

+ The first and important feature of the comic books is that they are illustrated
and colourful, attracting the small children
- However, children who have entered into their teen prefer to read thrillers.
Reasons for supporting others
+ Read novels of different writers as well which help them to get different ideas
about the world.
+ Science fictions are the other genres that the children like most but when the
books come with some illustrations, they become more popular than the other
+ Explain in details: Since the children are young in their mental faculty, the
glittering states of the books attract them most and the comic books are advanced
in this case.

When they grow up, their tastes of reading books change and this is quite natural
that they will move to some other genres to explore the realm (LĨNH VỰC) of

2. Why do you think some children do not read books very often?

Yes, there are some children who do not prefer to read books and they are habitually
engaged with
+ video games or use social networking sites.
+ Besides, they are also attracted to television.
In fact, they are not responsible as they lack the reading habit. It is their parents who
did not inspire them in reading books from their early childhood. Reading is a habit
and it needs to be formed from the early part of life. But a majority of the parents do
not buy books for their children instead they buy smartphones for their kids so that
they could get connected with them and everyone in virtual manners.
Concluding sentence: If they had inspired them on reading different sorts of books, it
would have been better for the children.

3. How do you think children can be encouraged to read more?

This is a grave (quan trọng) question to reply:

+ Presently, a majority of the children are unwilling to read books
+ Prefer to pass their times with video games, social networks and watch different events
in television frequently.
Solutions: Scenario (trường hợp) should be altered.
+ Children should be encouraged on reading books and for that, they should be
presented books. The parents may present books on their birthdays or at any other
+ But it should be considered that only presenting books will not inspire them. The
parents should also take care over the issue that they are reading the books. Sometimes,
participatory approaches may also be taken like the parents may ask them about the
events of the books in brief which may appear effective to inspire the kids on reading

4. Are there any occasions when reading at speed is a useful skill to have? What are

Well, there are some particular occasions when someone needs to read at a speed.
+ When you are complete a large chapter for your examination, you need to be a quick
reader. It happens before the examination that the students are to race against time and
thus they need to read in a speedy mode.
+ Further, when you are seeking something important, particularly on newspaper,
you need to read quickly. The newspapers are filled with numerous information and you
are to sort out specific information for your needs. Speedy readings will be a helpful skill
for you at that time.
+ Moreover, when you need to find out any specific lines from a book or any text,
speedy reading is the most effective way.

5. Are there any jobs where people need to read a lot? What are they?

+ I think when people have to get involved in any research, they need to read.
+ Before taking any decision for the research, they need to go through different important
texts to get ideas.
For example: When you would like to study the reading habits among children, you
should research the the articles or previous studies to see whether there were studies
related to your topic to write the Literature Review (Điểm qua tài liệu/ công trình nghiên
cứu trước đó).
+ Moreover, when people are engaged in journalism, then they are badly in need of
reading as without reading, they are unable to write about any issues.
+ Further, teaching is another profession that requires reading. If the teacher does not
read frequently, s/ he would be incapable of disseminating information among the
+ Doctors are also to read more and more to know about the latest happenings in the
arena of medical science. Newer life-saving technologies have been invented and many
are in the pipeline and if they read frequently, they would be able to imply the knowledge
of their patients.

6. Do you think that reading novels is more interesting that reading factual books?
Why is that?

Well, there is some confusion in me about this particular issue.

+ I actually find interest in reading the both types of books. When I read novels, I feel a
different sort of pleasure. It refreshes my mind and helps me imagining the events
before me,
+ while sometimes I become the characters of the novels. If I consider the other side,
reading the factual books, I also gather knowledge from those types of books.
+ The factual books come with knowledge about different matters and facts and informs
about the reality. But to be truthful, the interests are less than the fictional books. And I
think you would agree with me on this point.


1. Do you work or study?
- I am currently studying. I am in the 11th semester and my major is economics.

2. Where do you study?

- I study in the (…university name…). It is one of the best private universities in our country.
My major is Economics.

3. What is the name of your college/ university?

- The name of my university is (…say the full name of your university…). It is more
popularly known as (…name that people call it in short…).

4. What subject are you studying?

- My major is Economics. I completed my school majoring commerce and studying in
Economics was a long dream for me.

5. Which part of the course do you enjoy most?

- I enjoy learning new things in every semester.
- The project works in each semester is the part I enjoy most.
- These projects enable me to work in a group and hands on the theories I learn throughout the

6. Why did you choose to study that?

- Honestly, I did not particularly select this subject.
- I attended the university admission test in commerce faculty and based on my performance
on the exam and interview with the faculty members, I was offered this subject from their end.
- I wanted to study in commerce faculty and now I feel very lucky that I was offered this

7. Is it a difficult subject to study?

- In a general sense, this subject requires extensive (có phạm vi rộng) study, research, group
works and other academic activities.
- Things are new and challenging in many cases but I think with passion and dedication it can
be conquered.
- To me, it is a difficult yet very enjoyable subject.

8. What is your favourite subject?

- Economics without any doubt is my favourite subject.
- I am very fascinated to discover the connection of this subject in our everyday life and the
global economic structure has made it more complex yet more intriguing (hứng thú).

- I love to explore different theories and researches done on this subjects and how economics
are all around us.
9. What kind of school did you go to?
- In my early childhood, I studied in a ……………….
- Then I was shifted to a………. when I was in grade 7 and I have finished my twelve class
degree from there.
- Now I am studying in a large university which is one of the best public universities in my

10. What was your favourite subject at school?

- …………….was my most favourite subject so far.
- This subject has built my base and love for the whole course and I still find it fascinating.

11. What is the best thing about your university/school?

- The classes, friends, teachers, university life, my freedom to do so many things and my
participation in some charity works organised by the university are equally important to me.
- If I have to select one best thing about my university, I would choose my exposure to a
diverse culture and academic life that has motivated and inspired me to do even better than I
initially thought.
- I was exposed to a life and era that was unimaginable to me and that is the best part of my
university life so far.

12. What part of university life do you like best?

- Well, I think my previous answer already covers this answer.
- However, I would say I enjoy most of my university life and my exposure to a whole new
culture that I never imagined is the best part of my university life.
- My university life offers me a vision about my future and potential jobs sectors and I think
this is the best part.

PART 2: Describe a person who once moved to live with you

You should say:
Who the person is
When did he/she move
Why did he/she move
And how do you feel when live with him/her
Who the person is In our country, it is quite common that close
relatives move to live with a family, especially
When did he/she move
when someone needs to stay in a different area.
This stay is mostly short-terms but in few
occasions, it can be for a long. For this cue
card topic, I would like to talk about my uncle
Joseph who moved to our house in 2000 and
stayed with us for approximately 2 years.

Why did he/she move My uncle, Nam, is the youngest brother of my

father and was a renowned football player in
our hometown. Aftering finishing his high
school with flying colours (kết quả mỹ mãn),
he moved to our family and got admitted to a
college here. As an elder brother, my father
took his responsibilities. My uncle stayed with
us for about 2 years and then moved to his own
apartment after he managed a steady job for
And how do you feel when live with him/her I liked him very much and when he moved to
our house, I was very happy. I am the only
child of my parents and when my uncle started
living with us, I felt like I have got a good
friend and someone to talk to about everything.
We have many things in common. Uncle Nam
was an interesting and talented person. We
often talked for a long time and went out to
watch movies. Both of us got involved in some
sporting activities and he often helped me in
my studies.
Since uncle Nam was a nice, humble and
down-to-earth (sống thực tế) person and
respected my parents, they also liked him.
During the time we lived under the same roof
(chung một mái nhà), I never felt irritated or
disturbed due to his presence at our home. As
an intelligent person, uncle Nam knew how to
behave and treat other members in a family,
especially who are close family members. He
is now married to a woman who is a lecturer in
a college and he has a two years old daughter. I
still miss some of the activities we did


1. Do you like to live with people about your age or older than you?
- Living with a same aged person seems so cool and awesome. The reason being that someone
about your own age speaks your language and knows what you are talking about without you
having to backup and explain a great deal of background on the subject. You both can share each
others feelings, opinions and work out together and so on.
- Otherwise, I believe living with the older person has unique rewards and may have
challenges for all concerned. The benefit of being around someone older is that you can learn a
great deal from their experience and they can operate as mentors and advisors.

2. What would you do if your neighbors are noisy all the time?
- Discuss the noise issue with my neighbors. I would approach them calmly and politely with
my complaint. Let them know how I am being affected by their noise.

- If the situation cannot be solved, my neighbors just keep noisy constantly, that would not be
tolerated and therefore my solution would be to call the Police.

3. What are the advantages of living with old people?

- The advantage of living together is that elder people can teach their knowledge to their
grandchildren. For example, when I was a child, my grandfather who had lived with me for a
long time taught me how to play traditional games.
- Moreover, the elderly can tell their grandchild some mysteries about our family. Today,
although many children tend to play TV games and read comics, they hardly have a chance to
learn traditional games and stories about their families. Therefore elderly people are very
precious because they can teach various things to children.

4. Should young adults live on their own?

- It is undeniable that many young teenagers are not yet ready to live independently by
- Many of these people are not yet matured in making decisions and in differentiating between
right or wrong for them.
- As a consequence, many of the young people become addicted to narcotics and alcohol or
became pregnant at a very young age.
- They will learn how to manage their own life, learn how to set some priorities in their life, as
they have to make schedules for studying and doing housework by themselves.
- For those who leave their parents for work, they would reduce the burden of their parents
because they could stop the financial supports for their child.

1. Do you work somewhere?
- Yes, I am working as………. in………….. The name of this company is………. and I
joined there 2 years ago.

2. What do you do for the living?

- The job is my main source of income.
- Apart from that, I work as a part-time consultant in a Business organisation and do some
professional content writing as a freelancer.

3. How much time do you spend at your job?

- I spent around 8 hours every day in my day job.
- I get Saturday and Sunday off from this job which I utilise to spend time with my family.
- I work about 4 hours as a consultant in another office on Friday and Sunday.
- Apart from that, my freelancing career requires me 2 hours approximately each night.
- So on an average, I spend around 9-10 hours per day at my job.

3. How long have you been working?

- As a full-time employee, I am working for the last 4 years.

- But I started my freelancing career far before than that.

4. Do you like your job?

- Definitely, I love my job. I love the work I do and I like to be productive in my job field.
- In fact, my job brings me my bread and butter and I am grateful for having a nice job in a
prestigious organisation.

5. What responsibilities do you have?

- Well, I work as a/an………….in………..company.
- My responsibilites include: understanding and documenting the requirements of the clients/
competitor analysis/market research/collaborating with the developers/ communicating the
clients for further changes…………
- Those are in fact the main responsibilities I have in my job. However, due to the dynamic
nature of the software industries, I often need to perform additional tasks as required for making
a project successful.

6. Why did you choose that kind of work?

- Well, being a/an…………was not my initial career plan.
- I started my career as a/an………………
- While I worked with another large software company, they promoted me to this position and
I found it more challenging and demanding.
- I think I chose to work in this position initially because I was promoted to this position but I
have continued this position because I enjoy my work.

7. Is there anything you don't like about your job?

- I would say I enjoy most of the responsibilities I have in this job position.
- However, the part I least enjoy is the pressure I have to take to finish a project before a
- Once a deadline is fixed, it has to be religiously (một cách cẩn thận) followed.
- Cancel my family programs and work in the office during holidays.
- This is another part I do not like since it damages my family and personal life.

8. Did you like your first day at work?

- It was such a unique experience that I will remember it forever.
- Nervous/ like being on an alien planet with no friends or known persons.
- Sit at my desk/ fill up some necessry forms/ other employees came to greet me.
- Being intimidated when the manager asked me for a document that I forgot to bring.
- Get back my harmony and usual myself because the manager and other colleagues were very
amiable and friendly.
- Impressive/ erase my fear and anxiety.

9. How long will you continue to do this type of work?

- I will continue to work for this type of job at least next 5 to 6 years.
- After that, I have a plan to become an entrepreneur and run my own company.

10. Would you like to do a different job in the future?

- I might try to work as a part-time………. for………….. company.
- But I have not given it that much thought.
- I would love to continue my current job role for the next few years but won’t be interested in
working in a different sector unless and until I start my own company.

You should say:
- what it is
- where you saw it
- what it looks like
and explain why you think it was interesting.

what it is - Animals are the beautiful creations in the

world. But most of the animals live in
jungles and I had the chance to meet a few of
them in the Safari Phu Quoc.
where you saw it - Giraffe is one of the beautiful animals and
is far cry from (very different from) the
other animals with its extraordinary height.
- The living area of the giraffes is beautifully
decorated like their natural habitats and made
in such a simple way that the visitors can
interact (like feeding or taking pictures) with
the giraffes easily.
- During a weekend visit with my parents at
the Safari in Phu Quoc, I saw the giraffes.
They were amazing, particularly the baby
giraffes. The giraffes are located in a corner
of the zoo and thus it took much time for us
to reach the spot. I have never seen giraffes
so closely before and it was a great chance
for me to get some clicks with them. I just
bursted with excitement. I have also seen the
other animals but liked the giraffes most for
different reasons.
what it looks like - The giraffes are great to look at and the
towering shape of their throat is the most
attractive thing. I fed the little one as that was
small in size. The large brown spots on its
white body were stunning. When I was
feeding the little one, another one (might be
the mother giraffe) came closer to me. I had
to look upwards to get the full view of the
giraffe. The legs were thin and it was always
chewing something. When I fed the little
one, the mother tried to reach me but it can’t

because of its unusual height.

explain why you think it was interesting - It was interesting to me as I could not get in
touch of the other animals. Besides, the
giraffes are not ferocious like the other wild
animals. Moreover, this place has feeding
stations to feed them. When I fed the little
one that did not show any unsatisfactory sign
rather allowed me to brush its body too. My
mother clicked the pictures for me. The
majestic skin is adorable and felt smooth
when I touched the little one. I wish I could
have taken the little one as my pet!


1. What kind of animals do people have in their home?
- Pet animals are kept in a house for different reasons, especially accompanying the household
- The range and preference differ from individual to individual.
- However, small four-footed animals like dogs and cats are preferred and popular as pets for
homes. Sometimes people also pick rabbits or fancy rats as their pet animals.
- Further, some of the people prefer birds as their pets too.

2. Tell me about an animal you saw which is very rare in your hometown.
- There are some rare animals too like guinea pigs.
- Originated from Andes, the animals do not have any connection with pigs and mostly they
are used in laboratories to test different medicines and bring out the result.
- I have seen one of my neighbours having guinea pigs as her pet which is rare in my

3. Why do people have pets in their homes?

- People mostly have pets to get their company.
- Besides, they are useful for us too in some cases. When a dog sees a stranger, it barks and
the homeowner becomes aware of the existence of someone else at the home.
- Besides, cats kill mice and protect the home from different mischieves (mối nguy hại)
created by the tiny creatures.

4. Do you think people do not respect animals these days? What about 10 years ago?
- Currently, people have turned more mechanised than they were before. As a result, they
cannot pay proper attention to their pets. They do respect the pets but proper attentions are not
provided for the pets due to their hefty wordloads.
- About 10 years back, people used to pass intimate moments with their pets, they used to bath
and feed them every day by themselves, played with them but the events are rare or sometimes
irregular in the current days.

5. Earlier people used animals for their work. Now, what do people use to do their work?
- With the advancing age, everything has become modernised and mechanised. Vehicles have
replaced the animals like horse or buffaloes to pull carts or transport goods and men from place
to places.
- Sometimes, they used dogs to hunt animals for meats, but now they are collecting processed
meats from stores.
- Moreover, earlier there were horse races which have been replaced by car racing events.
These days people rely on technological devices mostly to have their job done.

6. Researchs are being conducted on animals, is this a good idea?

- Studies are on over the animals and I think it will be helpful to generate newer species or
will help to sustain (duy trì, cứu sống) the extinct species.
- More researches should be conducted over the animals as they are the part of our ecology
(sinh thái học) and their improved condition will help to maintain the ecological balance too.
- Moreover, the wildlife, around the globe, is in danger and the research will help to discover
the ways of their protection. If the research is continued and the results are implied over the
animals, it will be helpful for the animals, human and the entire environment.

7. So many animals are extinct these days. What do you think about this? Why it is
- Animals are of great use for us. But there are some people who indiscriminately (một cách
bừa bãi) are hunting down animals which are bad for the environment and for the humans too.
- Mostly the animals are killed for their skin and horns.
- Precious products and medicines are made from the animal skins and horns and thus
poachers are killing them illegally in the jungles resulting in their extinction. It should be
prevented strictly or the species will get lost forever.

- Deforestation, new constructions, people’s greed and temperature changes are some of the
others reasons many animal species are getting extinct.
- Global warming is a threat both for human and other species. We should take every measure
to reduce the global temperature.
- Apart from that, hunting of wild animals should be completely banned.

Ok then, I guess I could start off by answering what the sport is…
Alright then, in response to the first question of what the sport is…
So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of what the sport is…
Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of what the sport is…
Right then, I’d like to get cracking by pointing out what the sport is…
So I suppose I should commence with the first aspect which is what the sport is…
Initially then, I’d like to get started by looking at what the sport is…
So, to start with I’ll talk about what the sport is…

So I guess I could kick off by stating what the sport is…

Ok, so my first point here would obviously be what the sport is…

…..and I think I would have to choose…

…..and I’d probably select….
…..and the one I’d pick is….
…..and I’d have to go for ….
…..and my choice is going to be….
Going on to my next point is how often I play it…
Continuing then with the next point of how often I play it…
Now with regard to the next question of how often I play it…
Next then in response to the point of how often I play it…
Regarding the theme of how often I play it…
Now on the subject of how often I play it…
Now concerning the matter of how often I play it…

…..and what I’d like to add here is that…

…..and what I need to emphasize here is that…
…..and what I ought to stress is that…
…..and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that….
…..and what I have to mention here is that…


Progressing to the subject of why I like this sport…
Moving onto the business of why I like this sport…
Drawing attention to the matter of why I like this sport…
Proceeding with the issue of why I like this sport…
Moving forward onto the area of why I like this sport…

I would like to explain that…

I suppose I should underline the fact that…
What I’d like to make clear is that…
What I’d like to shed light on here is that…
The chief explanation would most likely be that…


Finally, if there’s time, I could deal with the last question of whether this sport is popular in my
To end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question whether this sport is
popular in my country…
As a final point, if time permits, I’d like to bring in the point of whether this sport is popular in
my country…
To cut a long story short, as my very last point, with reference to the question of whether this
sport is popular in my country…

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