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+ 255 759 752 931
Buyuni, Talian Street (Chanika Road) + 255 623 530 931


CANDIDATE’S NAME: _____________________________________
SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________
REGION: _____________________ DISTRICT: ________________

TIME: 1:30 HOUR Date: __________________


1. This paper consists of forty-five (45) questions with sections A and B.

2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
3. Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR)
4. Fill all the required information in the OMR form and the page with question number 41 - 45
in the question paper.
5. Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective
place in your answer sheet (OMR).
6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided
(OMR) for questions number 1 – 40.For example, if the correct answer is C shade as follows:

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

7. If you have to change your answer, you must-rub out the shading very neatly before shading
the new one. Use a clean rubber.
8. Use HB pencil only for questions 1 - 40, and a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for
question number 41 - 45.
SECTION A (35 Marks)
Listen carefully to the passage read by the invigilator and then answer questions 1-5 by shading the
letter of the correct answer on the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

1. What happened to the injured person after the nurses provide for him a first aid?
A. He was sent back home C. He was given pain killers [ ]
B. He was sent to the hospital D. He was crying bitterly E. He was sent to the police
2. What is the name of the narrator‟s friend according to the story?
A. Traffic B. Sophia C. Mary D. Sia E. Esther [ ]
3. What is the name of the group of the people who gathered to observe the accident?
A. A crowd B. A jungle C. A jury D. A court E. A gather [ ]
4. Who was lying along the road side according to the passage?
A. A driver B. A nurse C. A motorcycle rider D. A traffic E. A police [ ]
5. What was the traffic police officer doing to the crowd of the people?
A. Punishing the driver C. Fighting with the driver [ ]
B. Recording important information D. Beating the motorcycle rider E. Mobilizing the people

Choose the word(s) that complete the sentences in questions 6-35 then shade the letter of the
correct answer on the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.

6. At the moment, Moses together with his sister Rahma _____ to meet with Mr Mwinjuma at
Mwalimu Nyerere International airport. [ ]
A. Going B. are going C. will go D. is going E. has gone
7. They had _______ their lunch when Mr Mbaluku together with his wife arrived at the meeting.
A. Have B. had C. has D. having E. haven‟t [ ]
8. The teacher or students ________ informed to see the principal during the breakfast.
A. Were B. was C. have D. has E. are [ ]
9. After finishing singing the birthday song for Lukas. A half of the horde of children _____ given
a piece of cake and soda. [ ]
A. Are B. have C. is D. were E. was
10. Doctor Reginald said that diabetes ________many people around the world.
A. Affected B. effects C. Affect D. Affects E. Effect [ ]
11. Mr Aidan always goes to Mkapa stadium ____________ his motorcycle but Mr Romeo drives
to the stadium. [ ]
A. On B. with C. and D. by E. together with
12. When I dialled my father during my graduation, he _________ up his phone.
A. Hang B. hung C. hanging D. hanged E. hangs [ ]
13. My father has a bungalow in Dodoma ________________ his house, he has three apartments
in Dar es salaam [ ]
A. Beside B. also C. besides D. with E. but also
14. There are several men in the room. A half of ______ wore broken spectacles.
A. Their B. There C. Theirs D. Them E. Us [ ]
15. Lena had scarcely got through the door __________ the phone rang. It was Mrs Bate
A. Than B. Then C. Where D. When E. That [ ]
16. Did Melina add flour, ______________ in the milk and then add the egg?
A. Pours B. pouring C. Pour D. poured E. poor [ ]
17. She was playing the piano while Neema and Riziki __________ melodiously on stage.
A. Were singing B. was singing C. were sunging D. was singers E. were singers [ ]
18. Both Simba and Nyanga sports club lost many games in Champion league because they had
not __________ enough for the competitions. [ ]
A. Practiced B. practised C. placticaled D. practises E. practice
19. The robbers, who stole our things, entered into the house ____________ the open window.
A. At B. in C. above D. Over E. Through [ ]
20. “Open the door”; Add the question tag to this phrase
A. Will you? B. will you C. won‟t you D. won‟t you? E. will he? [ ]
21. We are reading a newspaper. Begin this statement with A newspaper
A. A newspaper is read by them D. A newspaper were being read by us [ ]
B. A newspaper is being read by us E. A newspaper has been read by us
C. A newspaper is being read by them
22. The paper he used was very ___________. That is why the drawing was poor.
A. Big B. Clean C. Rough D. huge E. regular [ ]
23. Peter Banda _______________his leg when was kicking the ball.
A. Hart B. hurts C. hurted D. hurt E. harts [ ]
24. Mr Jackson is a Christian, he goes to the church every Sunday but Mr Sharukhan is a Buddhist,
he worships in a _______________ [ ]
A. Mosque B. Temple C. Church D. Igloo E. Dynasties
25. Please! Go and divide this mango ________________ the five girls in standard seven.
A. Between B. with C. Among D. Over E. Through [ ]
26. Mr Njate always tells his sons, in his ____________ he was so disciplined that was rare to find
him disobeying his elders. [ ]
A. Childish B. Childless C. Children D. Child E. Childhood
27. Mr Mpagaze is a person professional in writing a regular article for newspaper and magazines.
Therefore Mr Mpagaze is a/an ____________ [ ]
A. Author B. Columnist C. journalist D. Reporter E. Artist
28. Grade Seven pupils started their mock examination at a quarter to one. This means that they
started their examination at __________ [ ]
A. 01:15 B. 01:45 C. 12:45 D. 12:15 E. 02:45
29. Please Madam Upendo; don‟t add ___________ salt in my soup. I am suffering from diabetes.
A. Little B. many C. a few D. a little E. much [ ]
30. Mr English comes from England, he speaks English. Mr Mbabane comes from Botswana he
speaks ____________________ and English. [ ]
A. Setswana B. Batswane C. French D. Bulga E. Chinese
31. I went Dar es salaam to see my father who is a judge. I met with a _________________ of
judges at his home. [ ]
A. Gang B. Panel C. Crowd D. Card E. Magistrate
32. When Kanagana was going to ring a bell, he saw a ring shining on the ground. The word
ring has been used as a ____________ and a _________________ [ ]
A. Verb/noun B. Adverb/verb C. Noun/Adverb D. Verb/Adjective E. Adverb/noun
33. Mr Mkwasa and I, ______________ travel to Bagamoyo next year in summer season.
A. Are B. will C. will be D. Shall be E. shall [ ]
34. Mrs Mbilinyi is not only a teacher ___________ also a matron at Saklight primary school.
A. But also B. and C. also D. but E. as also [ ]
35. We call them our nieces and nephews but they call us their ________ or _________ [ ]
A. Father/mother B. aunts/fathers C. sisters/brothers D. aunts/uncles E. cousins/siblings

SECTION B (05 Marks)

Re-arrange jumbled sentences for questions 36-40 in a logical sequence by using letters A-E so
as to make a meaningful composition.

36. The stadium gates were opened at half past six in the morning. [ ]
37. Mr Morrison, the mater of the ceremony announced the arrival of the guest of honour [ ]
38. The guest of honour welcomed the guest of honour [ ]
39. Mr Morrison announced the end of the ceremony [ ]
40. Then, he went to the high table to sit with other leaders and officers. [ ]
SECTION C (10 Marks)

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow by writing the correct
answers on the special answer sheet (OMR) provided. Use blue or black point pen.

A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that elephants weren‟t being
kept in cages or held by the uses of chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp,
was a small pieces of rope tied to one of their legs. As the man gazed up the elephants, he was
completely confused as to why the elephants didn‟t just use their strength to break the rope and
escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead, they didn‟t try to at all.

Curious and wanting to know the answer, he asked a trainer nearby why the elephants were just
standing there and never tried to escape. The trainer replied, “When they are very young and much
smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age they grow up, they are conditioned
to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to
break free”

The only reason that the elephants went breaking free and escaping from the camp was that over
time they adopted the belief that it just wasn‟t possible.


41. Why the elephants didn‟t break the rope and escape the camp?
42. The gentleman saw elephants at the camp. If the home of a lion is a den. What is the home
of the elephants?
43. What is the part of speech of the underlined word in a story?
44. The elephants were just standing there and never tried to escape. What is the opposite of the
word escape?
45. Which material used to tie on the legs of the elephants?


Instructions to the invigilator.
1. Let them listen attentively as you read the story.
2. Read carefully and loudly the passage.
3. They are not supposed to answer questions when you are reading.
4. Read two types the story then allow them to answer the questions.
5. Reading the passage will take 5 minutes.

One evening, I was walking with my friend, Sia. We were coming from school.
Suddenly, we saw an ambulance passing very fast. A few second later, the
ambulance stopped. There was a big crowd of people shouting. We thought
something was wrong. We wanted to know about it.

We ran quickly towards the crowd. We finally reached there and saw a man lying
on the road. An accident had occurred. We were told that a person was driving
his car carelessly. He hit the man who was on his motorcycle. The motorcycle
rider was badly injured. His leg was broken.

Later, a traffic police officer came. He started checking and recording important
information carefully. He asked the driver a lot of questions. The driver
answered all the questions politely. He felt sorry for causing the accident. Two
nurses who were in the ambulance gave first aid to the injured man. Finally he
was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance.



+ 255 759 752 931
Buyuni, Talian Street (Chanika Road) + 255 623 530 931


CANDIDATE’S NAME: _____________________________________
SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________
REGION: _____________________ DISTRICT: ________________

TIME: 1:30 HOUR Date: __________________


1. This paper consists of forty-five (45) questions with sections A and B.

2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
3. Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR)
4. Fill all the required information in the OMR form and the page with question number 41 - 45
in the question paper.
5. Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective
place in your answer sheet (OMR).
6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided
(OMR) for questions number 1 – 40.For example, if the correct answer is C shade as follows:

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

7. If you have to change your answer, you must-rub out the shading very neatly before shading
the new one. Use a clean rubber.
8. Use HB pencil only for questions 1 - 40, and a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for
question number 41 - 45.
1. Five pupils were given the digits 8,4,2,0,5 9. Juma thought of a number. He obtained
each in order to form the smallest number the next number by adding 5 to the
from those digits. Who wrote the correct previous. If the first number he thought
smallest number? is 20, what is the fifth number in that
A. 02458 C. 2458 [ ] pattern? [ ]
B. 85420 D. 24580 E. 20458 A. 25 B. 56 C. 90 D. 72 E.42
2. Madam Sundi drew an angle having . What 10. Peter, ally and Jane have fruits in three
is the name of the type of such an angle consecutive odd numbers respectively.
drawn by Madam? [ ] If the sum of their fruits 93, find the
A. Right angles C. Reflex angle smallest number [ ]
B. Acute angle D. Obtuse angle E. Straight A. 31 B. 29 C. 27 D. 33 E. 30
3. How many prime numbers are there between 11. Our teacher asked us to find the
40 and 60? [ ] greatest common divisor of 52, 117 and
A. 7 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 26 who was correct among the
following? [ ]
A. 9 B. 13 C. 1 D. 17 E. 468
4. A pupil wrote the following number on the 12. Saada was asked to write down: two
blackboard “forty five million eight hundred million ninety six thousand three
and seventy nine thousand and six hundred”. hundred and fifty four. Approximate
He asked his fellow pupils to help him write that number to the nearest ten
the total value of digit five thousand [ ]
A. 700,000 C. 500,000 [ ] A. 2,000,000 C. 2,100,000
B. 5,000,000 D. Millions E. Ten million A.2,090,000 D. 2,096,000 E. 2,094,000
5. The first number in a series of numbers is 0.5 13. Mwambene is a standard six pupil at
and difference between consecutive numbers Saklight. His teacher told him to concert
in the series is 1.5. Find the six number in that 2.02% into decimal. Which correct
series. [ ] answer Mwambene wrote?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 8 E. 7.5 A. 0.020 C. 10.202 [ ]
B. 0.0202 D. 20.202 E. 0.02
6. A house was constructed by using 15 020 14. Mbaluku used Bodmas to find the value
bricks. How many bricks will be used to of 32.65 x 8.4 – 1143 127 + 51.64.
construct 23 136 houses of the same kind? Suggest the correct answer
A. 30876 C. 347 502 720 [ ] A. 316.9 C. 310.9 [ ]
B. 36921 D. 346 502 720 E. 2 315 560 B. 215.1 D. 317.9 E. 316.8
7. Mdako primary school has a total number of 15. Asha bought shares for 600 000
560 pupils, whereby are fema members. If shillings in a cooperative shop. She
divided the share to her two children.
of the fema members paid the school fe. What
Juma and Halima in the ratio of 5:7
is the percentage of the pupils who didn‟t pay
How much money did each get?
A. Juma 250 000 Halima 350 000
A. 25%
B. Juma 3200 Halima 34500 [ ]
B. 60%
C. Juma 23400 Halima 25000
C. 37.5% [ ]
D. Juma 25 000 Halima 6000
D. 62.5%
E. Juma 350 000 Halima 250 000
E. 40%
8. Kagemulo used a tree diagram formula to find 16. A farmer is cultivated in 4 days by
the square root of the number written on the twelve people with the same ability. In
blackboard. If she got the correct answer 16. how many days will the same farm be
What that number written on the board? cultivated by 16 people with the same
A. 114 D. 256 ability? [ ]
B. 224 E. 652 [ ] A. 7 days C. 3 days
C. 2500 B. 8 days D. 4 days E. 5 days
17. Peter banda drawn a map of Mkapa stadium 25. Jean Baleke played a match. The
of a piece of a paper with and widths of 6cm. football match took 1.5 hours; If he
If he used a length of eight centimetre. kicked off at 7:00pm. What was the
Calculate the area of the pitch. [ ] time of his last whistle? [ ]
A. C. 38 cm A. 8:30 am D. 7:30 am
B. 25cm D. 56 cm2 E. 73 cm2 B. 5:30 pm E: 8:00 pm
C. 8:30 pm
18. The age of four standard three pupils at 26. Mbotela drew a triangle while struggling
Mwenge primary school were as follows: to measure its angles he found were
Selina 9 years, Ashura 8 years, Emma 10 (5x-14o), (2x+2o) and (x+ 32o). What
years. What is the average of their ages? was the value of the smallest angle?
A. 6 years C. 9 years [ ] A. 20o C. 86o [ ]
o o o
B. 10 years D. 8 years E. 12 years B. 42 D. 52 E. 40
19. The age of Mr Kamugisha is 109 years. Five 27. Mbungi has 5 children who differ by the
pupils being P, Q, R, S and T were asked to age of five years each. The last born is
approximate his age to the nearest hundreds 25 years old. How old is the first borne?
and then multiply the answer by 224. If their A. 5
answer were P= 100, Q=200, R= 234, S=110 B. 15 [ ]
and T= 23400. Who was most correct? C. 40
A. P B. S C. Q D. T E. R [ ] D. 35 E. 45

20. A carpenter joined two pieces of wood to 28. A radius of the bicycle tyre is 70 cm;
make a ladder of ten meters long. If the first how many revoloutions will it make for
piece of wood was 3.5 meters long, what was the cyclist to cover a distance of 4.4
the length of the second piece? kilometres? [ ]
A. 5 meters C. 6.5 meters [ ] A. 10 C. 1000
B. 6.4 meters D. 6.8 meters E. 5.5 meters B. 15 D. 200 E. 2000

21. Sikaponda harvested 200 sacks of millet, 100 29. Mpina deposted Tshs. 200,000/= in a
sacks of rice and 150 sacks of sorghum. If he bank. If the bank gives profit at the rate
sold of each crop, how many sacks did he of 6%. Find the profit which she will get
remain with? [ ] after 16 months. [ ]
A. 150 B. 250 C. 450 D. 300 E. 350 A. 216,000/= C. 192,00/=
B. 8,000/= D. 16,000/= E. 118,000/=
22. The area of the rectangular vegetable garden 30. 45% of Kamota primary school pupils
is 160m2 and its width is 8m. If John wants to like Mathematics. If the school has 400
put a fence around the garden. How long will pupils, how many of them do not like
the fence be? [ ] Mathematics [ ]
A. 20m B. 28m C. 40m D. 56m E. 80m A. 420 B. 355 C. 220 D.180 E.210

23. Five children shared 15 sweets which they 31. A father ate of a loaf of bread and
were given by their teacher. The equation that divided equally the remaining fraction to
shall be used in sharing the sweets is; his 5 children. What fraction of the
A. 3x=15 C. x=15 [ ] bread did each child get? [ ]
B. 5x=15 D. 15x=5 E. x = 5
A. 0.6 B. C. D. 1.6 E.

24. A car travelled a distance of 459 000 metres in 32. Moses bought 110 kilograms of wheat
9 000 seconds. Find the speed of the car in flour. If he gave of the flour to his
kilometres per hour friend. How many kilograms of the flour
A. 103 m/h D. 190 km/h [ ] did he remain with?
B. 183.6 k/h E. 173.6 k/h A. 88 kg C. 44 kg [ ]
C. 185.8 m/s B. 98 kg D. 49 kg E. 22 kg
33. A right angle is made of two sides which has Standard six pupils were provided with
the length of 6cm and 8cm. if the end points a figure below and were asked to find
of these two sides are joined by a third side, the value of x. What answer did they
what is its length? get?
A. 2cm
B. 7cm
C. 12cm [ ]
D. 10c,
E. 14cm A. 180o C. 90o [ ]
o o o
B. 24 D. 28 E. 25
34. Normally on 1st May every year celebrates Mr Aziz asked his friend to tell the total
workers day. This year Mwema union plans to minutes of 12 hrs 45 minutes and 4hrs
celebrate it in its own way. Each work will 50 minutes. Find his friend‟s correct
receive 12% increment on his/her salary. If answer.
Sarah‟s salary is 100,000 shilling. What will be A. 1695 minutes
her new salary after 1st May? [ ] B. 1055 minutes [ ]
A. 12000sh D. 1200000sh C. 1735 minutes
B. 120,000sh E. 10000sh D. 11 hrs 35 minutes
C. 100000sh E. 17 hrs 35 minutes
35. An astronomer travelled in space for 40 Our Mathematics teacher provided us
weeks; how many days did he use to with 3,8,1,9,5,4,2 to form a whole
complete his journey? [ ] number. Which smallest number was
A. 28 B. 140 C. 280 D. 14 E. 400 formed? [ ]
A. 9854321 C. 8923451
B. 543298 D. 1234589 E. 489321
36. A fisherman observed a fish at the depth of An athlete in a high jump competition
108m in the water; the recording tool had an jumped a height of 1.8m. How many
error of about of the actual measurement. dm did he jump?
At what depth was such? [ ] A. 0.8dm C. 8.1dm [ ]
A. 108 B. 9 C. 99 D. 101 E. 118 B. 18dm D. 1.82dm E. 580ml
41. A businessman had a debt of sh 178
500.35 in CRDB bank. If he paid back sh
54 900.20. How much debt did he remain
42. A triangle has an area of 195 square
metres. If it has a base of 26 metres, what
is its height?

43. A businessman sold motorcycle on six

consecutive days as follows
Mon Tue Wed Thur Frid Sat
5 4 7 11 12 15
Find the daily average number of
motorcycle sold.
44. Find the value of k in the algebraic
equation k-16=3k-8

45. The age of Amina is 5 years more than the

age of Ashura, if the sum of their ages is
25 years. Find the age of Amina



+ 255 759 752 931
Buyuni, Talian Street (Chanika Road) + 255 623 530 931


CANDIDATE’S NAME: _____________________________________

SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________

REGION: _____________________ DISTRICT: ________________

TIME: 1:30 HOUR Date: __________________


1. This paper consists of forty-five (45) questions with sections A and B.

2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
3. Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR)
4. Fill all the required information in the OMR form and the page with question number 41 - 45
in the question paper.
5. Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective
place in your answer sheet (OMR).
6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided
(OMR) for questions number 1 – 40.For example, if the correct answer is C shade as follows:

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

7. If you have to change your answer, you must-rub out the shading very neatly before shading
the new one. Use a clean rubber.
8. Use HB pencil only for questions 1 - 40, and a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for
question number 41 - 45.
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Choose the most correct answer from the alternatives in questions 1-40 then shade the letter of the
correct answer on the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.
1. Khamis got a trip to Manyara region to greet his grandfather who is a nomadic pastoralist.
When he reached there he saw the land was destroyed by establishing temporal settlement by
his grandfather a pastoralist. What is the name of that settlement made by the maasai? [ ]
A. Igloos B. Kraals C. Fenced houses D. huts E. Slimed houses
2. Citizen at Ngokolo village were advised to use the alternative sources of energy in order to
retain the quality of their land which was destructed because of cutting trees for firewood and
agriculture. Which among the following was not advised as alternative source of energy?
A. Using of Hydroelectric power energy D. Intensive usage of fossil fuels for power generation
B. Using of wind mills for power generation E. Using of geothermal energy [ ]
C. Buying solar panels for harvesting solar energy from the sun
3. British used indirect rule to dominate African colonies while Germany applied direct rule.
Indirect rule had few resistances compared to direct. Who was the pioneer of indirect rule?
A. Sir Richard Turnbull C. Sir Fredrick Lord Luggard [ ]
B. Sir Donald Cameroon D. Sir Prince Henry the navigator E. Edward Otto Bismarck
4. Tanzania is the source of the human existence on the earth‟s surface. Archaeologist has
proved that the skull of the oldest man for more than 30 million years was discovered in
Tanzania at Oltupai Gorge. Which equipment used by the archaeologist to detect the age of
the skull of Zinjathropus? [ ]
A. Carbon-14 B. Telescope C. X-rays D. anemometer E. Periscope
5. Keeping records of historical information is very important to the future generation. One of the
methods of keeping records is museums. In Tanzania there are many museums. What is the
name of the museum which keeps the facts of sukuma land history? [ ]
A. Kaole B. Isimila C. Bujora D. Kalenga E. Majimaji
6. The post-colonial African states got their flag sovereignty in 1960s. After independence the
capitalist monopolies established another system of dominating the African countries which
called Neo-colonialism. Which among the following is not a feature of neo-colonialism?
A. Establishment of international agencies like WB, IMF, WTO, UNICEF and WHO
B. Establishment of democracy to lead African political systems. [ ]
C. Establishment of mass Medias and overseas election systems in Africa.
D. Establishment of imperialist companies like cocacola, pepsi, Vodacom and enterprises
E. Establishment of colonial economy, direct, indirect and assimilation policy in Africa
7. During liberations for independence the African nationalistic leaders had a plan to unite
African. Therefore they formed an Organization of African Union (OAU). In which OAU was
A. 1963 B. 2002 C. 1965 D. 2005 E. 1967 [ ]
8. Berlin conference of 1884/1885 was a solution to divide the African countries among the
European monopolies. Which colonial masters colonized Rwanda and Burundi after the First
World War (WWI) of 1914 to 1918? [ ]
A. Britain B. Portugal C. France D. Germany E. Belgium
9. African societies passed in different modes of production in which some are exploitative in
nature and others are none. Which mode of production cattle and land were much valued
among the society members? [ ]
A. Slavery B. Communalism C. Capitalism D. Imperialism E. Feudalism
10. Teacher Mwenheleja had drawn lines of latitude and longitude. He then analysed the uses of
those lines when using the map. Which among the following was not in the list? [ ]
A. To show location on the map D. To locate air and marine transport routes
B. To measure distance on the map E. Longitudes helps to show climatic zones
C. Longitudes determines days and dates of difference places
11. Sonsoge and Kazungu were competing to mention the minerals and places where those
minerals are mined. Which one among the mentioned list of minerals was wrong list?
A. Mwadui-Tanzanite C. Karagwe-Tin E. Nyamongo – Gold [ ]
B. Buzwagi – Gold D. Mchuchuma and Liganga – Iron ores
12. Mwalimu Mashaka drew the structure of the British administration system. But he forgot to
write the topmost leader of the British administration system in Tanganyika. Who among the
following was the head of British administration system? [ ]
A. Governor B. Queen of England C. Colonial secretary D. Liwalis E. Akidas
13. Establishment of colonial rule in Tanganyika and Zanzibar resisted much by the indigenous.
Which among the following is not a correct resistance in Tanganyika and Zanzibar?
A. Coastal resistance – Bwana Heri, Abushiri Bin Omari Makunganya.
B. Hehe resistance in Iringa – Mtwa Mkwavinyika (Mtwa Mkwawa) [ ]
C. Nama and Herero resistance – Chief Maherero
D. Chagga resitance – Mangi Sina and Mangi Meli E. Nyamwezi resistance – Mtemi Isike
14. The early contact between the East African people and people from middle and Far East from
700 A.D (8th Century). The goods which were brought by the Asian traders in Tanganyika
A. Beads and guns C. Salt and copper E. Clothes and wheat [ ]
B. Clothes and slave D. Ivory, minerals, tortoise shells and animal skins
15. Social services during colonialism were distributed basing on different factors. Social services
like education, water and health were provided basing on:
A. Economic status C. Number of people E. All people [ ]
B. Racial segregation D. Quality of infrastructure
16. Tanganyika got her independence in 1961 from British rule. In another way Tanganyika got its
sovereignty power in which century? [ ]
A. 15th Century B. 19th century C. 20th Century D. 18th Century E. 17th Century
17. Riziki was travelling to Nyassa district in Ruvuma region, she passed Tunduru to Namtumbo
district when in Namtumbo she remembered the minerals which are found in that district. Do
you think which minerals are found in Namtumbo? [ ]
A. Mica B. Uranium C. Aluminium D. Limestone E. Tanzanite
18. Traitors were the African who helped the European colonialist to impose colonial rule in some
parts of Africa which had inhabitant confrontations. Who among the following collaborated
with Germany with a reason of defeating Mtwa Mkwawa?
A. Chief Marere of Usangu C. Chief Lobengula [ ]
B. Mangi Meli of Kibosho D. Chief Marealle E. Chief Shinyangalo of Mahenge
19. Uduvi is a grade seven pupil his teacher assigned him to record the historical information in a
chronological order using a time line method. Which event among the following was the last
to be listed? [ ]
A. Formation of league of nations C. Occurrence of Elnino in Tanzania
B. Formation of United Nations Organisation D. First World War E. Majimaji uprising
20. Mozambique was among of the Portuguese colonial which attained its independence under
armed struggle in 1975, the pioneers of Mozambique were the true sons of Africa like Eduardo
Mondlane and Samora Machel who lead FRELIMO to find for majority liberation. Which
Portuguese part opposed FRELIMO? [ ]
21. Every year on 6 July most of the people in the world wear heavy cotton and wool clothes
because of the coldness. This is to say that the earth experience coldness because of its
movement. At which distance and name which make coldness of the earth?
A. Aphelion 150.0 million kms C. Aphelion 152.0 million kms [ ]
B. Perihelion 152.0 million kms D. Equinox 22nd of March E. Solstice 23rd September
22. Mgombelo asked by his teacher to name the cash crops which are grown in each region of
Tanzania. The teacher mentioned the following regions Shinyanga, Mtwara, Tabora, Iringa
and Morogoro. Which cash crop among the following Mgombelo mentioned didn‟t resemble
with the regions mentioned by the teacher? [ ]
A. Cashew nuts b. Palm oil C. Cotton D. Tea E. Sisal and Tobacco
23. Helgoland agreement of 1890 modified the agreement which set up by the monopolies in
delamination treat of 1886 in East African. One of the agreement of 1890 was to give German
Heligoland Island to Germany in North sea. How many kilometres were taken from the
sultanate of Zanzibar and given to Germany? [ ]
A. 15 kms B. 30kms C. 16kms D. 19 kms E. 20kms
24. Saido Ntibazokiza is a simba sports footballer is a citizen of Burundi. The match of Simba
against Vipers of Uganda started at 7:00 pm in Dar es salaam 45oE. At which time Saido
Ntibazokiza‟s fans in Bujumbura 30oE will watch the match? [ ]
A. 8:00pm B. 6:00pm C. 7:15pm D. 8:15pm E. 6:00 am
25. Winds are named to identify them. The name of a given wind depends on the direction from
which it is blowing. Which statement entails Eastern wind? [ ]
A. North to East C. East to South E. East to East
B. East to West D. South to West
26. A sociologist advised the community to avoid engaging in negative traditions and customs like
female genital mutilation. If he mentioned the effects of it; which one was NOT? [ ]
A. Affects smooth working D. Maintains cleanliness during menstruation
B. Heavy bleeding E. Damages the reproductive organs
C. Spread of sexual transmitted diseases
27. In our communities there are traditional foods and utensils depending on the place, time and
tradition. Which are the examples of such tools? [ ]
A. Pots, sauce pans and bowls D. Buckets, bowls and frying pans
B. Wooden, bamboo and clay utensils E. Bowls, bamboo and sauce pan
C. Pots, blenders and fridge
28. Tanzania cooperates with other nations in all spheres of life. Which form of cooperation allows
universities from different countries to establish students exchange program in education
sector? [ ]
A. Diplomatic cooperation C. Technological cooperation E. Political cooperation
B. Social cooperation D. Economic cooperation
29. The government of the United Republic of Tanzania recognizes the benefit of technical
education in our country. Which institution is more responsible in the supervision and
promotion of technical education and vocational training? [ ]
A. Higher Education Student‟s Loan Board D. National Arts Council
B. National Examination Council of Tanzania E. National Sports Council of Tanzania
C. National Council for Technical Education
30. Which statement is correct about the National Swahili Council of Tanzania? [ ]
A. It was firstly established in 1984 D. Promotes Tanzanian culture through arts
B. Supervised the declaration of Kiswahili in 1984 E. Emphasizes the use of foreign language
C. It was formally established in 1967 to supervise the use of Kiswahili
31. The following are the factors affecting Tanzanian culture EXCEPT: [ ]
A. Growth of indigenous languages D. Development of science and technology
B. Environmental changes E. Growing global interactions
C. Social media and communication technologies
32. During the struggle for independence various workers‟ associations were formed by civil
servants who worked in the colonial government. Which association was formed in Tanga in
1922 under the leadership of Martin Kayamba? [ ]
33. The Southern African Development Community has its own headquarters where its institutions
are located and all important activities take place there. Where is its headquarters found?
A. Arusha in Tanzania C. Mombasa in Kenya E. Addis Ababa in Ethiopia [ ]
B. Gaborone in Botswana D. Windhoek in Namibia
34. Tanzania is found at 1o and 12o south of the equator. In all climatic zones of Tanzania. Which
months are all parts of Tanzania are warm? [ ]
A. December, January and February C. January, March and May E. May, June and July
B. June, July and August D. September, November and October
35. Sheik Abeid Aman Karume is the first president of the revolutionary country of Zanzibar from
12th January 1964. Who among of the following is the fifth president of Zanzibar?
A. Sheik Mwinyi Aboud Jumbe from 11th Aril 1972 to 30th January 1984
B. Alli Hassani Mwinyi from 30th January 1984 to 24th October 1985 [ ]
th th
C. Idris Abdul Wakil from 24 October 1985 to 25 October 1990
D. Amani Abeid Karume from 8th November 2000 to 3rd November 2010
E. Mh Hussein Alli Mwinyi from 3rd November 2020 to present
36. Mwalimu told his pupils that there are steps of required when sweeping an earthen floor.
What should be the first step when sweeping an earthen floor? [ ]
A. Keeping the floor dry C. Spray the room D. Dispose the rubbish in the bin
B. Sprinkle water on the floor E. Scrub the floor
37. Uvambe is a professional cook in Msonde village. He uses several cookers to prepare delicious
food. Which source of energy does this equipment uses?
A. Gas D. Paraffin [ ]
B. Electricity E. Charcoal
C. Firewood

38. Which of the following is not an advantage of caring for clothes?

A. To make one looks smart C. A way of saving money E. to smell good [ ]
B. To make clothes last longer D. Makes you look aged
39. The materials used for bathing are
A. Soap, sponge, towel and shampoo D. Kerosene, soap, sponge and towel [ ]
B. Socks, towel and shampoo E. Clothes, shampoo and sponge
C. Brooms, brushes, colors, tissues and rakes
40. What is the term of our bodies change from being a child to an adult?
A. Growth B. Puberty C. Life span D. Period E. Generation [ ]
SECTION B: (10 Marks)
Read carefully the following questions (41-45) Then write the correct answer on the answer sheet
provided using black or blue pen on the OMR sheet provided.
41. Different lines are used to present information on a map. What are the uses of latitude and
longitude on the map? ( Write two uses)
i. __________________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________________
42. In order for the Post-colonial African countries to solve their socio-political and economic
challenges they formed different regional integrations. Who is the current chairperson of the
African union? ______________________________________________________________
43. There are different natural catastrophes which bring several negative impacts on the earth‟s
surface. Example volcanic eruption has a number of negative effects. Apart from the negative
effects. Explain two merits of volcanic eruption on the earth‟s surface.
a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________
44. Lunyamila is living at Madaba street in Njombe region at 2500 metres above the see level.
He always wears coats and sweaters. What is the temperature of Madaba if the temperature
of Lupaso village is 36oC at 500m above the sea level?
45. There are natural and human factors which contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer.
What are the two human activities which contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer?
i) ____________________________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________________________



+ 255 759 752 931
Buyuni, Talian Street (Chanika Road) + 255 623 530 931


CANDIDATE’S NAME: _____________________________________

SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________

REGION: _____________________ DISTRICT: ________________

TIME: 1:30 HOUR Date: __________________


1. This paper consists of forty-five (45) questions with sections A and B.

2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
3. Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR)
4. Fill all the required information in the OMR form and the page with question number 41 - 45
in the question paper.
5. Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective
place in your answer sheet (OMR).
6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided
(OMR) for questions number 1 – 40.For example, if the correct answer is C shade as follows:

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

7. If you have to change your answer, you must-rub out the shading very neatly before shading
the new one. Use a clean rubber.
8. Use HB pencil only for questions 1 - 40, and a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for
question number 41 - 45.
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Choose the most correct answer from the alternatives in questions 1-40 then shade the letter of the
correct answer on the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.
1. Everyone is obliged to perform actions which make people with special needs feel
comfortable. Which of the following must be avoided by anyone that lives with these people?
A. Ridiculing them C. Showing our concern to them E. Avoiding mocking them
B. Allowing them to become leaders D. Giving the priorities in service centres [ ]
2. Duties are to be performed by everyone in the family. Fulfilling responsibility helps to bring
development. As a child in your family, you are obliged to participate in the following with
exceptional to: [ ]
A. Caring your siblings C. Sweeping the compound E. Helping in cooking
B. Providing basic needs D. Washing utensils
3. Pupils have different behaviours and attitudes. Which of the following tools is used to shape
pupils‟ behaviour? [ ]
A. Discipline teacher B. School rules C. Head teacher D. School committee E. Punishment
4. In the school leadership structure, leaders have different roles and responsibilities. Which of
the following is the duty of the academic teacher?
A. To advice the head teacher on how to run the school
B. To monitor pupils‟ behaviour [ ]
C. To ensure availability of learning materials
D. To encourage pupils to engage in sports
E. To provide guidance to the school management
5. One day the Civic and Moral Education teacher was teaching grade four pupils on occasions in
which the national anthem is sung. Which of the following was NOT a part of the lesson?
A. To mourn the death of a national leader
B. To inculcate a sense of patriotism to pupils at school
C. Opening and closing national broadcasting stations [ ]
D. Before and after the president addresses the nation
E. During the visit of the top national leader from another country
6. One of the reasons towards environmental degradation is deforestation. One of the reason
behind deforestation is the need for fuel. Which of the following is NOT a proper method for
solving this problem? [ ]
A. Using alternative sources of fuel C. Educating the community E. Replacing trees
B. Encouraging the use of unfriendly sources of energy D. Discouraging deforestation
7. Barriers in life are unavoidable. We face challenges in different scopes of life. One of this is
environmental degradation. Which of the following is the main causative activity of
environmental degradation? [ ]
A. Animals making forest their habitats D. Activities done by human beings
B. Using natural manure in cultivation E. Harvesting rain water
C. Clearing the grasses and bushes near our settlements
8. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of providing reproductive health education?
A. Reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies D. It encourages mortality rates [ ]
B. It increases awareness on human care E. It decreases early marriage
C. It motivates positive attitude towards maintaining moral behaviour
9. In Tanzania the protection of national boarders is in the hands of Tanzania Peoples‟ Defence
Force. People who work under this organ cannot participate in which of the following? [ ]
A. Voting to choose their leaders C. Owning properties E. Expressing their opinions
B. Joining political parties D. Safeguarding their country
10. The current East African Community is the product of the treaty which was signed on
November 1999 at Kampala City. Which set of the mentioned leaders contributed the
formation of the former East Africa Community?
A. Julius K. Nyerere, Uhuru Kenyatta and Yoweri Museveni [ ]
B. Arap Moi, Julius K. Nyerere and Yoweri Museveni
C. Benjamin W. Mkapa, Yoweri Museveni and Uhuru Kentatta
D. Samia Suluhu Hassan, Benjamin W. Mkapa and Julius K. Nyerere
E. Julius K. Nyerere, Jomo Kenyatta and Milton Obote
11. There are two kinds of political systems which are monoparty and multiparty. Which of the
following mentioned years did Tanzania allow the mushrooming of many political parties?
A. 1995 B. 1965 C. 1992 D. 1985 E. 1977 [ ]
12. In the history of Tanzania, in 1977 was the year when the permanent constitution was
amended. Which of the following event took place the same year? [ ]
A. Death of Abeid A. Karume C. Tanzania got independence E. CHADEMA was formed
B. Adoption of monoparty system D. Collapse of East Africa Community
13. Citizens of Tanzania respect national symbols since they have a message to represent. Every
year the Uhuru torch is lit and carried throughout the country in a ritual called uhuru torch
race and it is put off on 14th October. Why is it put off on this date?
A. To remember when Tanzania won Kagera war
B. To remember when the founder of the nation passed away [ ]
C. To remember when our heroes saved Tanganyika
D. To honour the presence of peasants in the nation
E. To launch different country projects
14. Maganiko is a teacher at Mjimwema primary school he monitors pupils behaviours at school,
all pupils know him. A person who monitors the behaviour of pupils in a school is [ ]
A. The chairperson of the school committee C. The discipline teacher
B. The assistant head teacher D. The academic teacher
E. The subject teacher
15. Villages are places where people practices different economic, social and cultural activities
which need legal decision. What is the highest organ in decision making in the village?
A. The village government D. Defence and security committee [ ]
B. Village development committee
C. Village assembly E. Village executive officer
16. Mponeja is the famous political leader in Maswa district; he is a chairperson of the district
council. Who elects the chairman of the district council? [ ]
A. The district executive director C. Ward councillors E. The minister in President‟s Office
B. Ward Executive Officer D. Village chairpersons
17. Notes and coins refer to national currency as one of the symbol of any nation. In Tanzanian
currency is valued in terms of coins and notes. Which one of the following coins has the
picture of the first president of Zanzibar? [ ]
A. One hundred shillings coin C. Two hundred shillings coin E. Fifty shillings coin
B. Twenty shillings coin D. Ten shillings coin
18. Mpalanga Street has been experiencing drought for a very long time. Animals also died due to
the shortage of water as well people are suffering because of starvation. Which of the
following would you advise them to practise in order to solve the problem? [ ]
A. Reforestation C. Overstocking E. Cultivation of food crops
B. Deforestation D. Disposing wastes rampantly
19. Every citizen has the responsibility to protect and defend the provision of human rights. Which
among the following is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Tanzania which promotes
human rights? [ ]
A. PCCB B. TAWLA C. Police D. Parliament E. Court
20. I am the secretary of the cabinet responsible for taking all cabinet minutes; I also head all civil
servants in the country. Which title am I holding in the government? [ ]
A. President of Zanzibar C. Attorney General E. Deputy speaker
B. Chief secretary D. Clerk of the National Assembly
21. In case there is political unrest and diplomacy failed to be reached between the two countries:
there is a leader with power to declare war against the other country. Which leader has power
to do so? [ ]
A. Commander –in- Chief C. Head of National Services E. Cabinet Minister
B. Chief of Defence Forces D. Chief of Staff of the People‟s Force
22. Madam Perpetua taught her pupils about various behaviours which are productive for any
optimistic person. Do you think which behaviours are these? [ ]
A. Independent life style C. Confident and hopeful about the future E. Feeling unsuccessful
B. Being great arguer D. Being uncreative
23. Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. The following
betrayal acts must be condemned in the society, which one is not? [ ]
A. Trustworthy B. Backbiting C. Hypocrisy D. Unfaithful E. Cheating
24. Responsibilities are things that a person is supposed to do or a way a person should behave.
Which one of the following can be grouped as an example of children‟s responsibility?
A. Owning properties C. Land ownership E. Getting education [ ]
B. Inheritance D. Obeying parents
25. Which one of the mentioned Non-Governmental Organizations was founded in 2001 with
commitment to transform public education for all children and fight for children‟s educational
rights in Tanzania? [ ]
A. TAWLA B. TGNP C. Court of Law D. CHRGG E. Haki Elimu
26. Which name is given to feelings and imaginations of a person which have been changed to
beautiful things and presentable manners; with examples to songs, poems, paintings and
riddles? [ ]
A. Crafts B. Arts C. Taboos D. Language E. Beliefs
27. Mcleonard is a citizen of Rwanda but has been forced to run away from his home country
because of political unrest, natural calamities and religious reasons. Which name can be given
to him? [ ]
A. Terrorist B. Harmonious C. Ambassador D. Revolutionist E. Refugee
28. Below is a traditional production tool. Which name is given to this tool?
A. Shield C. Spice Grinder E. Milk Gourd [ ]
B. Traditional Bow D. Leadership Club

29. One of the functions of the Parliament is to make laws; but the law cannot become an act
unless it is signed by which one of the following leaders? [ ]
A. Prime Minister B. Speaker C. Chief Justice D. President E. Principal Judge
30. Which one of the mentioned organisations below promotes cooperation among the African
countries? [ ]
31. Goals are desirable outcomes a person planning to reach. Which one is usually done during
implementation and after the implementation of a certain task activity to assess whether the
strategies used are correct or not? [ ]
A. Evaluation B. Rehearsal C. Actions D. Repetition E. Planning
32. Our state is made up of three branches and each branch has specific tasks to perform.
Example judiciary provides justice to all and translates laws. Which one of the following is not
a role of legislature? [ ]
A. Approving the national budget C. Approving the appointment of the prime minister
B. Enacting laws D. Assenting the bills
E. Removing the President in case violates the constitution
33. Yesterday there was an accident at Sam Nujoma road and among the victims of this accident
were two pupils. Which of the following do you think will enable the police to identify these
pupils? [ ]
A. School song C. School shoes E. School badge
B. School bags D. School song
34. Questioning is a tendency of being determined to seek the truth about a particular thing.
Which term best describes the state of a person wanting to know about something? [ ]
A. Morale B. Evaluation C. Priorities D. Curiosity E. Interview
35. “Truth has advantages; it is impetus to denounce immoral acts in the society. A truthful
person attracts attention and ability to be listened”. Which term defines this sentence?
A. Accountability B. Transparency C. Responsibilities D. Justice E. Decision making [ ]
36. Which one of the following is the advantage of cooperating with people of other cultures?
A. Segregation C. Intolerance E. Love and respect [ ]
B. Disrespecting dignity D. Hatred
37. 1st May of each year workers worldwide celebrate to complain about unfair treatments so that
they can be treated and protected with rights. Which term is used to define these complaints?
A. Exotic B. Vitality C. Vigilant D. Grievance E. Lament [ ]
38. Which chapter in the national constitution is stating much about the Revolutionary
Government of Zanzibar and its tasks? [ ]
A. Chapter Two B. Chapter Six C. Chapter Four D. Chapter Five E. Chapter Three
39. It is difficult to avoid wrongdoers in our societies, but we can help them change their
attitudes. Which techniques can be helpful to deal with bad mannered groups in the society?
A. To isolate them C. To take them to court E. To take them abroad [ ]
B. To move them away D. To use performing arts
40. There are several amendments which have been done in our national constitution. According
to the Constitution of Tanganyika of 1961 who was head of the country? [ ]
A. Governor B. Speaker of Assembly C. The Queen D. President E. Prime Minister

SECTION B: (10 Marks)

Read carefully the following questions (41-45) Then write the correct answer on the answer
sheet provided using black or blue pen on the OMR sheet provided
41. Mention any two negative effect of corruption in the country.
i) _________________________________________________________________
ii) _________________________________________________________________
42. Explain two importance of having the action plan in our life.
i) _________________________________________________________________
ii) _________________________________________________________________
43. The cybercrime act, 2015 is the main law that guides the proper use of communication
network in Tanzania. What are the two advantages of this act?
i) ________________________________________________________________
ii) ________________________________________________________________
44. In the parliament of the united republic of Tanzania. Who is a leader responsible to overseeing
all the day to day functions of the government? __________________________________
45. Which organ in Zanzibar resembles to the National Electoral Commission (NEC)?



+ 255 759 752 931
Buyuni, Talian Street (Chanika Road) + 255 623 530 931


CANDIDATE’S NAME: _____________________________________
SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________
REGION: _____________________ DISTRICT: ________________

TIME: 1:30 HOUR Date: __________________


1. This paper consists of forty-five (45) questions with sections A and B.

2. Answer all the questions in all sections.
3. Read all the given instructions in the special answer sheet (OMR)
4. Fill all the required information in the OMR form and the page with question number 41 - 45
in the question paper.
5. Write your Examination Number and then shade the digits of the number in the respective
place in your answer sheet (OMR).
6. Shade the letter of the correct answer for each question in the answer sheet provided
(OMR) for questions number 1 – 40.For example, if the correct answer is C shade as follows:

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

7. If you have to change your answer, you must-rub out the shading very neatly before shading
the new one. Use a clean rubber.
8. Use HB pencil only for questions 1 - 40, and a blue or black ink ball pointed pen for
question number 41 - 45.
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Choose the most correct answer from the alternatives in questions 1-40 then shade the letter of the
correct answer on the special answer sheet (OMR) provided.
1. That day was the great day, we ate delicious food and we drunk amazing drinks. After there we
went to watch match between the giants Simba SC and Young Africa SC: but our teacher told us
that, we are supposed to seat little bit fat from the television. Why do you think is very important
to adhere to our teachers‟ advise? [ ]
A. To be safe from electric shock E. Because it not good to sit in front
B. Because television can explode and cause danger to our health
C. To protect our eyes from strong radiation of television
D. Because when you sit very near to TV you cannot enjoy.
2. The following are the results of the refraction of light except one, which one is that?
A. Formation of rain bow C. Formation of colour spectrum E. Bending of ruler in water [ ]
B. Formation of image D. Formation of mirage
3. Living things on their stages of growth and development they act as non – living or dormant. In
which among the following stages of growth and development plants act as non – living things?
A. Flowering stage C. Germinating stage E. Growth stage [ ]
B. Budding stage D. Seed stage
4. Our teacher told us that, opening the refrigerator all the time can raise temperature in
refrigerator which favours the production of bacteria. What is the effect of those bacteria in the
refrigerator? [ ]
A. Can cause food spoilage C. Can cause the food to be colourless
B. Can cause food to lose its taste D. It can cause delay in cooking E. Can cause malnutrition
5. Scanner, Telephone, Television, Computer and Radio are modern means of communication.
Which among of them is the quickest means of communication between two people who are far
apart? [ ]
A. Scanner B. Radio C. Telephone D. Computer E. Radio
6. Our surroundings is very important to our life. Our surroundings contain organisms which we can
see and those which we cannot see. What are the major groups of organisms which are found in
our environment? [ ]
A. Plants and animals B. Living and non-living things
C. macro organisms and micro-organisms D. plants E. Human being and mango tree
7. Air is very important to both plants and animals. Which of the following processes is not
oxygenated? [ ]
A. Respiration B. Rusting C Germination D. Digestion E. Combustion
8. Flowers can be pollinated by birds, insects, wind and water .how the air in motion can facilitate
the process of pollination in flowers? [ ]
A. By carrying wind to the flower B. by attracting insects C. By transmitting smell through air
D. By pollination E. By bending plant leaves and branches
9. Juma is the young brother of Mussa. One day evening Juma and Mussa were sitting near to the
fire stove and suddenly they have seen fire burring rate increase. Their mother told them that
don‟t wonder that is caused by a certain gas .what is the gas spoken by Juma and Mussa mother?
A. Oxygen gas B. Hydrogen gas C. Carbon dioxide gas D. Helium E. Neon [ ]
10. Monica heated the stone strongly and immediately put it into a container containing cold water.
What most likely happened?

[ ]

A. the stone dissolved in water B. the water started to boil

C. the stone cracked D. the container cracked E. the container contracted
11. Maggie had two cups of tea as follows. If she put two spoons of sugar into each cup and stir
what did she observe?
A. the tea in cup 1 become cold
B. the tea in cup 2 was sweet
C. the tea in cup 2 was warm [ ]
D. the sugar in cup 2 dissolved quickly
E. the sugar in cup 1 dissolved quickly

12. Pupils were playing outside their classes, once the bell was rung they started to run into their classes,
which characteristics of living things enabled them to respond the bell? [ ]
A. Nutrition B. Growth C. Reproduction D. Sensitivity E. Excretion
13. Mr Manywele was claiming after his maize crops were totally destructed by insects, which among the
following larvae might cause that destruction? [ ]
A. Crysalis B. Caterpillars C. Maggots D. Grubs E. Imago
14. Male gametes (Sperms) used to fertilize the female gametes (egg) to form a zygote. Which organ of male
reproductive system produces and stores sperms? [ ]
A. Sperm duct B. Prostate gland C. Urethra D. Penis E. Testis
15. Once pollen grains reach stigma germinate the pollen tube to fertilize the ovule, later flower change to be
a fruit. How do those changes occur?
A. Ovary become fruits, ovule become seed and some oval parts disappear
B. Sepal and petals disappear and stigma become fruit
C. Ovules disappear and pollen grains become seeds [ ]
D. Pistill become fruit and stamen become seeds
E. Stamen become fruit but pistil disappear
16. Animals depend on plants for food because are autotrophs. How do plants act in ecosystem?
A. Producers C. Decomposers [ ]
B. Primary consumer D. Secondary consumer E. Primary decomposer
17. Plants use water as a raw material for photosynthesis, why photosynthesis is important to animals?
A. Gives oxygen used by animals C. Enable animals to obtain nutrients [ ]
B. Give carbon dioxide to animals D. Give nutrients to animals E. Give animals water
18. A method of vegetative propagation where by new plant develops at the base of matured plant is termed
as suckers. Which among the plants below reproduce suckers?
A. Banana tree and sugar cane C. Onion and cabbage [ ]
B. Ginger and water lilies D. cassava and sweet potato E. Lemon tree
19. How electrical appliance represented by that symbol does applies electrical energy?
A. Converts electrical energy to light energy D. Converts electrical energy to chemical energy
B. Converts electrical energy to sound energy E. Converts electrical energy to potential energy [ ]
C. Converts electrical energy to mechanical energy
20. Hibiscus flowers have bright coloured petals, light smaller pollen grains which are sticky and secrete nectar
from nectar gland, what possible agent of pollination may be involved?
A. Wind C. Human being [ ]
B. Water D. Insects and birds E. Insects and water
21. A cell is a basic unit of life structured by a nucleus, cell membrane and vacuole suspending in the cell
cytoplasm. Which of the following parts of the cell found only in plant cell? [ ]
A. Mitochondrion B. Vacoule C. Chloroplast D. cell membrane E. Nucleus
22. The health officer visited a certain hospital and tried to talk with some of the patient. But one among the
patients explained his problems which are general body weakness, fluent fever, fluent blood deficiency and
hardening of joint with severe pain. What do you think was a patient suffering from? [ ]
A. Haemophilia B. Albinism C. Trachoma D. Sickle cell anaemia E. Dysentery
23. A secretary uses to share some of the information with other people in their office through computer.
Which type of computer network do you think are they using?
A. Office computer C. Wide area network (WAN) [ ]
B. Local area network (LAN) D. Computer connection E. Personal computer
24. Mr Yusuph always uses perfumes and body spray when he is going to work. But before seeing him we
start to smell his perfume. Which process used to sense that smell? [ ]
A. Osmosis B. Transfusion C. Diffusion D. Transportation E. Smell
25. A machine is any tool or instrument used to simplify work. Which among the following is not an example
of simple machine? [ ]
A. Pair of scissor B. Hummer C. Wheelbarrow D. Sewing machine E. Spanners
26. Pupils use to stay on a sunlight during the morning and evening in order to obtain vitamin D. By which
process are they getting that heat from the sun? [ ]
A. Radiation B. Conduction C. Convection D. Separation E. Attraction
27. Yesterday I saw two people picking the empty bottles of drinking water and sold them to the industry
which is producing drinking water. That process of turning waste materials into useful product is known as
A. Storage of waste C. Recycling D. Reduction of waste [ ]
B. Waste management E. Environmental management
28. Grade three pupils when the bell rings they always run to the assembly ground. Which characteristics of
living things help then to go out from the class to the school assembly? [ ]
A. Growth B. Excretion C. Irritability D. Breathing E. Movement
29. A plumber uses much energy when he wants to bend an iron water tap. This is because most of
iron their ions and electron has strong force of attraction. This cause the iron to have what is
known as [ ]
A. Definite shape B. Bending shape C. Irregular shape D. Tight shape E. Close packed shape
30. The teacher of Science met a conflict between grade five pupils and grade seven pupils. The
conflict was about the heat transfer in solid objects. Using knowledge of Science to solve the
conflict among the pupils using the following answer, give them a reason how heat transfer
through solid object? [ ]
A. Radiation B. Conduction C. Radiation and convection D. Convection E. All of them
31. Jasmin and Hemedi went to walk on the forest but later on they lost each other and started to
call each other but what they heard was their voice is reflected back. What s that voice or sound
which reflected back? [ ]
A. Vibration of sound B. Reflection C. Dispersion D. Refraction E. An echo
32. Shubert Msuva is a grade seven pupil at Mpwapwa primary school. His teacher analyzed for him
diseases and he guided him to choose the disease which is caused by lack of vitamins. What was
his right answer? [ ]
A. Tuberculosis B. Scurvy C. Chickenpox D. Malaria E. Diarrhea
33. The doctor told the nurses that there are types of excretory products removed by skin. Do you
think which list does the doctor mention to the nurses of the following? [ ]
A. Excess water, salt and urea C. CAN, urea, salt and fertilizer E. Salt and water only
B. Carbon dioxide, toxins and salts D. chemicals, toxins and carbon dioxide
34. An engineer proved to the mechanics that when a current is flowing in a circuit, the electric
current is directly proportional to [ ]
A. Resistance B. Ampere C. ohm D. voltage E. Resistor
35. When Kamau heard the news of fire outbreak at kariakoo market he got shock and decided to go
at the market to save his properties which was inside the market after reaching there he met this
sign What did this sign mean to Kamau? [ ]
A. Hazard symbol C. No smoking D. No parking E. No entry
B. Meeting room
36. Which one of the following is the main characteristic used in the classification of computer
networks? [ ]
A. Geographical area to be covered D. Type of data to be share on the network
B. Cost of computer network E. Type of devices used in the network
C. Type of software used on the computer network.
37. The following are some of the merits of using the spread sheet program except
A. Presentation of information easily using charts and graphs [ ]
B. Updating data automatically
C. Simplifies accounting activities such as budgeting, sell projections and financial calculations.
D. Simplifies typing and editing of text when publishing story books.
E. Simplifies automation of repetitive calculations.
38. Mujuni is a grade five pupil at Jitegemee primary school, He was thin and weak. His teacher
advised him to visit the doctor, after medical test, the doctor concluded that Mujuni is a HIV
patient and his CD4 are below. So the doctor advised him to use ARV, Therefore Mujuni‟s CD4
was below [ ]
A. 400 B. 200 C. 400- 1500 D. 1500 E. 500
39. What is the function of the chemical secreted by the part labeled A in the diagram below?
A. To change alkaline condition in the stomach
B. To soften fats in the stomach
C. To increase sourness in the stomach [ ]
D. To digest sugars in the stomach
E. To kill germs which enter the stomach through food

40. Lomnyaki put two grasshoppers in bottles as demonstrated in the experiment shown by the
figures below. After some hours the grasshopper kept in a bottle labelled B died. Why did it die?
A. It lacked water
B. It lacked food
C. It lacked Carbon dioxide gas [ ]
D. It lacked Oxygen gas
E. It lacked minerals

SECTION B (10 Marks)

Answer the questions 41-45 by writing the correct answers or calculations in the spaces provided on
your answer sheet using blue or black ball pointed pen

41. A battery with a potential difference of 15 volts is connected with wire of internal resistance of
2Ω. Calculate the amount of current flowing the circuit.

42. Mention any two application of safety signs in the environment

i) ______________________________________ ii) _________________________________

43. Explain what you can do to make a submarine sink or float.


44. List down two elements which combine to form carbon dioxide gas
i) ____________________________________ ii) __________________________________

45. Microsoft excel has a plenty of advantages to our schools nowadays. You as an expert of
Microsoft excel. State down any two importance of Microsoft excel at school
i) ________________________________________________________________________
ii) ________________________________________________________________________
+ 255 759 752 931
Buyuni, Talian Street (Chanika Road) + 255 623 530 931


JINA: ____________________________________________
JINA LA SHULE: ____________________________________
MKOA: __________________ WILAYA:__________________


1. Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali 45 katika sehemu A, B na C.

2. Jibu maswali yote kwa kufuata maelekezo ya kila swali.
3. Soma maelekezo katika karatasi ya kujibia kisha siliba taarifa zoote katika karatasi ya (OMR)
4. Jaza taarifa zote zinazotakiwa katika kipengere cha swali la 41-45, kisha tumia kalamu ya wino
wa bluu au mweusi kujibu maswali katika kipengere C.
5. Siliba namba zilizoorodheshwa katika karatasi yako ya kujibia yaani OMR kujaza visanduku
vinavyostahiri katika mtihani huu.
6. Siliba herufi ya jibu sahihi ili kujibu maswali katika swali la 1-40 zingatia kutochafua kazi yako:

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

7. Kama utahitajika kubadilisha jibu ,futa kwa kutumia kifutio herufi ya kwanza uliyosiliba kisha
siliba herufi nyingine kwa usahihi.
8. Tumia penseli ya risasi ya HB kujibia maswali 1-40 na taarifa zote. Tumia kalamu ya wino
katika kujibu maswali ya sehemu C yaani swali la 41-45.
Sehemu I: Ufahamu wa kusikiliza
Soma kwa makini sentensi zifuatazo kisha jibu maswali (1-5) siliba herufi ya jibu sahihi
kwenye karatasi uliyopewa.
1. Kulingana na habari uliyoisikiliza Zubeda alikuwa akiishi na nani?
A. Bibi yake na mama yake mzazi C. dada yake na baba yake mzazi [ ]
B. Kaka yake na baba yake mzazi D. Dada yake na mama yake mzazi E. Binamu yake
2. Msimuliaji wa hadithi hii ya zubeda ametumia kazi ya fasihi kupeleka ujumbe kwa hadhira. Ni
kipengele gani cha fasihi kimetumiwa na mwandishi wa hadithi hii? [ ]
A. Methali B. Kitendawili C. Soga D. Visasili E. Nahau
3. Mwandishi ametaja ugonjwa wa UKIMWI katika hadithi hii. Je nini kirefu cha neon UKIMWI?
A. Ukosefu wa Kinga Mwilini D. Usafirishaji wa Kinga za Mwili
B. Upungufu wa Kinga Mwilini E. Ukomavu wa Kinga za Mwili [ ]
C. Uharibifu wa Kinga Mwilini
4. Zubeda alikuwa akijiuliza moyoni mwake lini atapelekwa kwa wazazi wake. Je, sentensi hii
inamaanisha kuwa Zebeda alikuwa na nini moyoni mwake? [ ]
A. Masononeko B. dukuduku C. Fedheha D. Ghadhabu E. Mhemuko
5. Kutokana na habai uliyoisikiliza Zubeda alikuwa anasoma darasa la nne katika shule gani?
A. Majengo B. Maendeleo C. Mashujaa D. Mamboleo E. Shuleni [ ]
Sehemu II: Jibu maswali kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi
6. Mimi sijamuona mwanafunzi yoyote akipita hapa. Neno mimi limetumika kama aina gani ya
maneno kati ya haya? [ ]
A. Kivumishi B. Kielezi C. Kitenzi D. Kiwakilishi E. Nomina
7. Kaka yake Mwitumba amekwenda sokoni kununua suruali. Sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi ya
ngapi? [ ]
A. I- Wingi B. II- Umoja C. III- Wingi D. II- Wingi E. III-Umoja
8. Baba yake na Korona anafanya kazi ya kuzibua na kusafisha vyoo. Hivy bab yake na Korona
anajulikana kwa jina gani? [ ]
A. Mpagazi B. Seremala C. Mwenyemamu D. Topasi E. Kalumanzila
9. Mr Taiyuni amevaa kichina lakini Mariana amevaa kinaijeria. Neno kichina na kinaijeria ni aina
gani ya maneno? [ ]
A. Nomino B. Vielezi C. Viunganishi D. Vivumishi E. Kiwakilishi
10. Mama Kabula alikwenda kununua nguo alinunua: kaptula, shati na ______ za mme wake.
A. Suruali B. Suluari C. Thuruali D. Suluali E. Suruari [ ]
11. Bibi yangu aliniuliza kama nimeona mtu ______ au simu _____ ikiita ndani ya chumba chake.
A. Yotote/yoyote B. yeyote/yoyote C. yoyote/chochote D. yeyote/yeyote E. Yote [ ]
12. “Mzee amenunua viatu vizuri sana” Sentensi hii imeundwa na aina zipi za maneno?
A. N+T+N+V+E C. N+T+E+V+V E. V+T+W+E [ ]
B. W+E+V+T+H D. N+W+T+W+E
13. “Leo ni siku ya mwerevu, kesho ni siku ya mpumbavu” Alisema mwalimu wetu. Sentensi hii ipo
katika kauli gani? [ ]
A. Halisi B. Taarifa C. Kutendeana D. Kutenda E. Mazoea
14. Shabani ni mtoto wa mwisho kuzaliwa katika familia ya mzee Jembe, sifa nyingine ya Shabani
ni ipi kati ya hizi zifuatazo? [ ]
A. Kufungua mimba B. Mziwanda C. Kilembwe D. Kilembwekeze E. Kigoli
15. Mzee Njau alitembea __________ miguu kutoka nyumbani kwake kuelekea mkutanoni.
A. Na B. kwa C. Pasi na D. bila E. kwani [ ]
16. Ukiona kiti kimevunjika si busara kukitengeneza. Neno kiti lipo katika ngeli gani kati ya hizi?
A. YU-A B. YU-WA C. A-WA D. LI-YA E. KI-VI [ ]
17. Mwalimu mkuu alitueleza madhumuni ya kutuita. Nini umoja wa neno madhumuni kama
A. Madhumuni B. dhumuni C. Midhumuni D. Mizimuni E. Dhumu [ ]
18. Teketeke huzaa gumu gumu na gumu gumu huzaa teketeke. Tegua kitendawili hiki
A. Jasho B. Jua C. Udongo D. Yai E. muhindi [ ]
19. “Akija mwambie asafishe nyumba nzim” Je, sentensi hii ipo katika wakati gani?
A. Mtimulifu B. Ujao C. Uliopo D. Mazoea E. Masharti [ ]
20. Askari wa wanyamapori alitutembelea shuleni kwetu alituambia kuwa “Wanyamapori ni nyara
za serikali” Nini maana ya neno nyara kama alivyolitumia askaripori?
A. Mali au vitu vilivyotengwa au kutangazwa kuwa rasmi ni mali ya serikali.
B. Viti au watu waliochukuliwa mateka wakati wa vita na kupeleka nchi ya adui. [ ]
C. Kitu lilichopatikana kwa urahisi sana mahali Fulani
D. Fedheha kutokana ka kufanyiwa kitendo cha aibu kwa jamii.
E. Wanyama wanaopatikana porini na wanyama wa kufungwa na binadamu.
21. Jinamizi laniita lakini silioni‟. Maana ya kitendawili hiki ni ipi?
A. Jini B. mwangwi C. mchafu D. umeme E. shetani [ ]
22. „Watoto hawa ni hirimu yako‟, Mzee alimwambia Ramadhani. Neno hirimu lina maana gani?
A. Makamo B. manaibu C. makamu D. nasaba E. wasaidizi [ ]
23. Maana ya nahau „Kufa Moyo‟ ni ipi?
A. Kuchoka B. kuugua C. kufariki D. kuchoka sana E. kukata tama[ ]
24. Ipi kati ya methali zifuatazo ina maana sawa na ile isemayo “Udongo upate ungali maji”
A. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo D. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma [ ]
B. Samaki mkunje angali mbichi E. Hakuna marefu yasiyo na ncha
C. Dau la mnyonge haliendi joshi
25. Waliendesha kilimo kwa nguvu zote. Ni nahau ipi inayoendana na melezo haya?
A. Kufa na kupona B. kufuatana sanjari C. kucheza shere [ ]
D. kutia moyo E. kumchimba mtu
26. Mjumbe wetu yu maji wodini. Nini maana ya nahau hii?
A. Amepona B. Amekaa C. Anacheka D. Amezidiwa E. Buheri wa afya [ ]
27. Bura yangu sibadili na rehani. Methali ipi ina maana sawa na hii?
A. Usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao B. akiba haiozi C. Sikio la kufa halisikii dawa
D. Mfa maji haachi kutapatapa E. Haba na haba hujaza kibaba [ ]
28. Majambazi wale walipanga njama zao katika pembe za chaki. Nini maana ya usemi uliopigiwa
mstari? [ ]
A. Mahali pa wazi B. Penye haiki ya watu C. Nje ya nyumba
D. Mahali pa siri pasipojulikana E. Mhali pa wazi kuingia
29. “Tunasoma kwa bidii”. Sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi ipi?
A. Nafsi ya pili umoja C. Nafsi ya kwanza wingi E. Nafsi ya tatu wingi [ ]
B. Nafsi ya pili wingi D. Nafsi ya kwanza umoja
30. “Mwalimu aliulizwa swali na mwanafunzi”. Katika sentensi hii mtendewa ni nani?
A. Swali B. Mwalimu C. Mwanafunzi D. Mwalimu na Mwanafunzi E. Mwanafunzi na swali [ ]
31. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo “Uso wa samaki __”
A. Hauna haya B. Hauna dawa C. Hausikii viungo D. Hauna viungo E. Hausikii uchungu [ ]
32. Lipi ni jibu la kitendawili hiki “nyumba yangu imeungua, mwamba wake umebaki”?
A. Mfupa B. Njia C. Kaburi D. Kisima E. Mlima [ ]
33. Maneno yapi yanakamilisha methali ifuatayo kwa usahihi? “Aliye kando ______________”
A. Amesimama wima C. Anaangukiwa na mti E. Haangukiwi na mti [ ]
B. Hana lake jambo D. Hakutakii mema
34. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho: “Daima namsikia lakini simuoni”.
A. Mchawi B. Sauti C. Upepo D. Mchawi E. Radi [ ]
35. Halima alitega kitendawili “ Bibi afya kainama” Jeremia akajibu Mhogo Halima akasema
umekosa. Wewe kama mwanafunzi wa darasa la saba tegua kitendawili hiki
A. Mwanga B. Mtama C. Mfagio D. Fyekeo E. Msumari [ ]
Sentensi zifuatazo zimechanganywa. Zipange kwa kutumia herufi A, B, C, D na E ili zilete
mtiririko mzuri wa mawazo
36. Nazo fujo hizi zitaangamiza watu na kurudisha nyuma maendeleo yetu. [ ]
37. Lazima pawepo utii na utaratibu katika mambo yote ya maisha yetu. [ ]
38. Hauna budi uwe na utii wa hiari. [ ]
39. Ikiwa utii utakosekana, fujo nyingi zitatokea kati yetu. [ ]
40. Hii ni kwa kuwa uhuru wa hiari ni sehemu ya maendeleo yetu. [ ]

Soma kwa makini habari hii kisha ujibu maswali (41-45) Kwa kuandika jibu sahihi katika karatasi
ya kujibia yaani (OMR) kwa kutumia kalamu ya wino wa bluu au mweusi.

Wakati maua yanapochanua mara kwa mara tunaweza kuona vipepeo na nondo wazuri wazuri
wakirukaruka juu ya maua, ambapo hata wao wenyewe huonekana kama maua. Usiwabeze vipepeo
na nondo hao wadogo wadogo kwani mababu zao waliishi kizazi
baada ya kizazi katika dunia hii tangu miaka 6000 iliyopita. Maumbo ya vipepeo na nondo
yanafanana. Lakini tukiwachunguza zaidi tunaweza kugundua kwamba wadudu hao wanatofautiana
si kwa maumbo tu bali hata kwa desturi za maisha yao. Wakati vipepeo na nondo wanapofyonza
asali ya maua unaweza kugundua kwamba wanapotulia tuli mabawa ya vipepeo huwa yanasimama
wima na nondo huwa yanapanuliwa upande. Miili ya vipepeo ni mirefu na myembamba kuliko ile ya
nondo. Vipepeo na nondo wanatofautiana pia katika papasi zao. Papasi za kipepeo ni ndefu nazo
huonekana kama mjeledi wenye fundo nchani mwake. Papasi za nondo zina malaika wengi nazo
hulandana na unyoya . Papasi za kipepeo na nondo zina kazi nyingi, pamoja na kuwa viungo vya
fahamu, Pia huhisi harufu. Baadhi ya nondo huweza kuhisi harufu zilizoko umbali wa kiasi cha
kilometa 2.5.

41. Kichwa cha habari hii chafaa kuwa_____________
42. Neno “kulandana” kama mwandishi alivyotumia kwenye habari lina maana gani?__________
43. Vipepeo na nondo kwa rangi ni mithili ya _________________
44. “Usiwabeze” kama lilivyotumika katika habari hii lina maana ya _________
45. Katika habari uliyosoma moja ya kazi za papasi ni ____________________


Maelekezo kwa msimamizi wa mtihani.
1. Hakikisha wanafunzi wanasikiliza kwa makini unaposoma habari.
2. Soma kwa sauti na kwa umakini ukihakikisha wanafunzi wote wanakusikiliza.
3. Wanafunzi hawapaswi kujibu maswali wakati ukisoma habari hii.
4. Soma mara mbili kisha waruhusu kujibu maswali kwa usahihi.
5. Sehemu hii itachukua muda wa dakika tano.


Zubeda ni mwanafunzi wa darasa la nne katika shule ya msingi Mashujaa.

Tangu akiwa mdogo alikuwa akiishi na shangazi yake aitwaye Zuhura. Kila
siku Zubeda alikuwa akijiuliza moyoni mwake lini atapelekwa kwa wazazi
wake. Siku moja alikata shauri; akamuuliza shangazi yake, “kwanini ninaishi
kwako badala ya kuishi kwa wazazi wangu”? Shangazi alimjibu, “Tulia
Zubeda, ipo siku utajua”. Zubeda hakuridhishwa na jibu hilo lakini

Shangazi alibaki akiwaza sana kuhusu swali aliloulizwa na Zubeda. Moyoni

mwake alikuwa akijua ukweli kwamba Zubeda ni yatima. Wazazi wake wote
wawili walifariki kwa ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Zubeda pia ni mwathirika wa
ugonjwa huo. Shangazi aliendelea kutafakari njia nzuri ya kufikisha ujumbe
huo kwa Zubeda.

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