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Gravidity = Number of pregnancies, including any EDC - Estimated date of confinement

current pregnancies (regardless of current gestational EDD/B - Estimated date of delivery/birth
Term births = Number of pregnancies carried to 37+ * GET THE LMP (Last Menstrual Period)
Preterm births = Number of births between 20-37 Formula:
weeks EDC= + 1 year
- 3 months
Abortions/Miscarriages = number of pregnancies which
+ 7 days (best for LMP - April to December)
ended in miscarriage or abortion. Include in parity if
past 20 weeks.
EDC = +7 days
Living children = the number of living children (this is
+9 months (best for LMP - Janurary to March)
where multiples count individually)
EXAMPLE #1  LMP is July 23, 2020
 A woman with a history of 5 pregnancies: 2 births = April 30, 2021
at 39 and 40 weeks, and 3 miscarriages before 20
weeks. EXAMPLE #2
= G5 T2 P0 A3 L2  LMP is September 2, 2016
= June 9, 2017
 A woman currently pregnant with a history of 1
miscarriage (22 weeks).
 A woman with twins born at 32 weeks, history of 2 AGE TEMP PR RR BP
miscarriages (11 and 9 weeks), and currently NEW 36.5° Awake: 30 - 60 100/50
pregnant. BORN C - 120 - mmHg
= G4 T0 P1 A2 L2 37.6° 160bpm
C Asleep:
100 bpm
Cry: 180
OF VITAL SIGNS INFANT 36.5° 100 - 120 20 - 30 100/60
TEMP 36.5°C to 37.4°C or FEBRILE >38 C - bpm mmHg
97.8°F to 99.1°F HYPOTHERMIC <36 37°C
BP 100/60mmHg and HYPERTENSIVE >120/80 TODDLER 36.5° 90 - 110 20 - 24 99/64
139/89mmHg HYPOTENSIVE >90/60 C - bpm mmHg
RR 12 to 25 breaths TACHYPNEA >18 37°C
per minute BRADYCHPNEA <12 PRE- 36.5° 85 bpm 16 - 22 100/60
PR 60 to 100 beats per TACHYCARDIA >100 37.4°
O2 95% and above DESATURATION is less
SAT than 85-93%
Ab Antibody Lab Laboratory
ABC Airway, Breathing, Circulation L Liter
abd Abdomen liq Liquid
ABG Arterial Blood Gases LLQ Left Lower Quadrant
ac Before meals LMP Last Menstrual Period
AD Right ear LOC Loss of Consciousness
ad lib As desired LP Lumbar Puncture
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder LUQ Left Upper Quadrant
ADL Activities of Daily Living meds medications
adm Admitted/admission mg milligram
Ag Antigen MI Myocardial Infections
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome mL milliliter
AL Left ear mmHg millimeters in mercury
AM Morning mod moderate
amb ambulatory MRM Modified Radical Mastectomy
amp ampule MROD Medical Resident on Duty
amt amount MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
ANS Autonomic Nervous System MSW Multiple Stab Wound
approx Approximately nebul nebular/a spray
aq Water NGT Nasogastric Tube
AU Each/both ear no. number
BBT Basal Body Temperature NOD Nurse On Duty
BID Twice a day NPO Nothing by mouth
BM Bowel movement NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammataroy drug
BOW Bag of Water NSD Normal Spontaneous Delivery
BP Blood Pressure NSS Normal Saline Solution
bpm Beats per minute OB/GYN Obstetric - Gynecology
BRP Bathroom privileges OBROD Obstetrician resident On Duty
BS Blood sugar OD Right eye
Once a day
BSE Breast Self Examination OF Osteorized Feeding
BT Blood Transfusion OL/OS Left eye
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen OTC Over The Counter
Bx Biopsy OU Both eye
c with pc after meals
C Celsius PE Physical Examination
CA Cancer PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
CAD Coronary Artery Disease PKU Phenylketonuria
cap capsule PM Night
CBC Complete Blood Count PNS Peripheral Nervous System
CBR Complete Bed Rest po By mouth
CHF Congestive Heart Failure PRL prolactin
c/o Complains of PRN when necessary
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease PROD Pediatrician Resident On Duty
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation PT Prothrombin Time
Physical Therapist
CRF Chronic Renal Failure pt/px Patient
CS Cesarean Section PTB Pulmonary Tuberculosis
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid PTX Pneumothorax
CT Computed Tomography q every
CVA Cerebrovascular Accident qd everyday
CVD Cardiovascular Disease qh every hour
CXR Chest x-ray q2h, q3h every 2hours/3
DAT Diet as tolerated qhs every night at bedtime
DBP Diastolic Blood Pressure QID Four times a day
D/C Dilatation and crettage QOD Every other day
dc/disc discontinue RBC Red Blood Cell
DHF Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever RDA Recommended Daily Allowance
dil dissolve/dilute req Requisiton
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid REM Rapid Eye Movement
DNR Do Not Resuscitate rt/R right
DOA Dead On Arrival RLQ Right Lower Quandrant
DR Delivery Room RM Radical Mastectomy
DS Down’s Syndrome RN Registered Nurse
Dx Diagnosis RNA Ribonucleic Acid
ECF Extracellular Fluid ROS Review of Systems
ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram RR Respiratory Rate
Recovery Room
ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy RT Radiologic Technologist
EEG Electroencephalogram RTOD Radiologic Technologist On Duty
EENT Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat RUQ Right Upper Quadrant
elix elixir Rx prescription
ER Emergency Room s without
ET Endotracheal Tube SBP Systolic Blood Pressure
F Fahrenheit SC Subcutaneous
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar SG Skin Graft
fld fluid SI Seriously Ill
Fx Fracture SIDS Sudden Infant Deadth Syndrome
GA General Anesthesia Sig or S label
GAS General Adaptation Syndrome SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
GI Gastrointestinal SOB Shortness of Breath
GP General Practitioner soln solution
gr grain sos if it is needed
GSW Gun Shot Wound spec specimen
gtt drop ss One half
GUS Genitourinary System S/Sx Signs and Symptoms
GYN Gynecology STAT At once/Immediately
h/hr hour STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
Hgb Hemoglobin sup/supp suppository
Hct Hematocrit SW Stab Wound
HR Heart Rate syr syrup
HS at bedtime/before sleep tab tablet
HTN/HPN Hypertension TAHBSO Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Bilateral
Salphingo Oophorectomy
Hx history TB Tuberculosis
ICF Intracellular Fluid t/c To be consider
ICU Intensive Care Unit TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
ID Intradermal TID Three times a day
I and D Incision and Drainage TL Team Leader
IM Intramascular/Infectious TLC Tender Loving Care
IOP Intraocular Pressure TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
IPPA Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
I&O Intake and Output Tr Tincture
IUD Intrauterine Device Tx Treatment
IV Intravenous UA Urinalysis
IVF In Vitro Fertilization URI Upper Respiratory Infection
Intravenous Fluid
IVP Intravenous Pyelogram UTI Urinary Tract Infection
kg kilogram UTZ Ultrasound
KUB Kidneys, Ureter, Bladder UV Ultraviolet
VO Verbal Order VS Vital Signs
WBC White Blood Cells WNL Within Normal Limits
wt weight ↑ increase
↓ decrease @ at
N normal TC To consider
HAMA Home Against Medical Advice

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