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Amenorrhoea Absence or cessation of menstrual periods.

Anorexia Loss of appetite.

Anuria Failure of the kidneys to produce urine.

Arthralgia Pain in a joint.

Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity causing

abdominal swelling.

Shaky movements and unsteady gait caused by the brain’s

Ataxia failure to regulate the body’s posture and the strength and
direction of limb movements.

Bruxism Habit of grinding the teeth, usually during sleep.

A general weight loss, weakness and wasting associated

with chronic disease.

Limping, usually referring to intermittent claudication.

Intermittent claudication is a cramping leg pain which is
induced by exercise and relieved by rest. It is caused by an
insufficient supply of blood to the affected muscles.

Involuntary contraction of muscles producing contortion of

the body and limbs.

Bluish-purple discoloration of the skin and mucous

Cyanosis membranes resulting from an inadequate amount of
oxygen in the blood.
Dysmenorrhoea Painful menstruation.

Painful or difficult sexual intercourse experienced by a


Dyspepsia, also known as indigestion which causes pain or

discomfort in the lower chest or abdomen.

Dysphagia Difficulty in swallowing.

Dyspnoea Difficulty in breathing.

Dysuria Difficult or painful urination.

Enuresis Involuntary passing of urine.

Epistaxis Nosebleed.

Febrile Relating to or affected with fever.

Flatulence Excess amount of gas in the stomach and intestines.

Haematemesis Vomiting of blood.

Haematuria Presence of blood in the urine.

Haemoptysis Coughing up of blood.

Hoarseness Voice changes e.g. rough or harsh in sound.

Hypoxaemia Abnormally low levels of oxygen in the arterial blood.

Yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes, indicating excess

bilirubin in the blood.
General feeling of being unwell which may be
Malaise accompanied by identifiable physical discomfort and may
indicate the presence of disease.

Black tarry faeces due to the presence of partly digested

blood from higher up the digestive tract.

Excessive heavy bleeding occurring at menstruation, which

may be associated with excessively long periods.

Micturition Urination.

Myalgia Pain in the muscles.

Nausea Feeling one is about to vomit.

Nocturia Need to wake up during the night to pass urine.

Odynophagia Pain on swallowing.

Oedema Excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissues.

Oliguria Production of an abnormally small volume of urine.

Breathlessness that prevents the patient from lying down,

Orthopnoea so that the patient has to sleep propped up in bed or
sitting in a chair.

Orthostatic Low blood pressure that occurs when standing up from

hypotension sitting or lying down.

Otalgia Earache.

Pallor Abnormal paleness of the skin.

Spontaneously abnormal tingling sensations. It is
sometimes described as pins and needles.

Pharyngitis Inflammation of the pharynx.

Excessive thirst, leading to the drinking of large quantities

of fluid.

Polyuria Production of large volumes of urine.

Pruritus Itching.

Purulent Forming, consisting of, or containing pus.

Pyrexia Fever.

Rhinitis Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane.

Rhinorrhoea Persistent watery mucous discharge from the nose.

Abrupt attack of shivering and feeling cold, accompanied

Rigor by a rapid rise in body temperature which often marks the
onset of a fever.

Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen.

Passage of abnormal increased amounts of fat in the

faeces due to the reduced absorption of fat by intestine.

Noise heard on breathing (high pitched sound) when the

trachea or larynx is obstructed.

Syncope Fainting.

Tachypnoea Rapid breathing.

Sensation of sounds in the ears or head in the absence of
external sound.

Xerostomia Dry mouth.

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