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SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING Dr. K.R. Arora SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING [IN SI UNITS ] Dr. K.R. ARORS BEL (Civil: Ph. D. (HTD) Mi. DT. aWRS Civil Engg. Department “Engineering College, KOTA (Raj.) STANDARD PUBLISHERS DISTRIBUTORS NAI SARAK, POST BOX No.: 1066, DELHI-110006 Phones : 23262700, 23285798, Fax: 23243180 email: ‘www = 102.0 kgf/m> kNiin® um? 0.02 1 kN/m* = 0.1021/m* Nim? gmit/m? 0.102 1 kN/m? = 0.102 gmf/em* Nim gti 0.102 1N/m = 0.102 kgf/m Nem kgtm 0.102 AN-m = 0102 kgf&m Nesia? kkgf-secim? 0.102 1N-8/m? ~ 0,102 kgf-sec/m? Note : 1 poise = 0.1 Nem? = 1.02% 107 kgf-secim? 1 bar = 100 kN/m? co) CONTENTS Chapter Page No. i 4. PART I. FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL MECHANICS Introduction 3-12 1.1, Definition of soil, 1; 1.2. Definition of soil mechanics, 2; 1.3. Definition of Soil Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering, 2; 1.4. Scope of soil Engineering, 2; 1.5. Origin of Soils, 4; 1.6. Formation of Soils, 5; 1.7. Transportation of Soils, 6; 1.8. Major Soil Deposits of India, 7; 1.9. Comparison of Soils with “other materials, 8; 1.10. Limitations of Soil Engineering 8; 1.11. Torminology of different types of soils, 9; 41.12. Cohesive and Cohesiontess Soils, 15; 1.13. Brief History of Soil Engineering, 11; Problems, 12. Basic Definitions and Simple Tests 13-44 2.1. Introduction, 13; 2.2 Volumetric Relationships, 14, 2.3 Water content, 15; 2.4. Units, 1; 2.5 Volume ‘Mass Relationship, 16; 2.6. Voluthe-Weight Relationships, 17, 2.7. Inter-refation between Mass and Weight Units, 18; 28, Specific Gravity of Solids, 19; 2.9. Three-Phase Diagram inn Terms of Void ratio, 20; 2.10. Three-Phase Diagram in Terms of Porosity, 22; 2.11. Expressions for Mass Density in Terms of Water Contant, 23; 2.12, Expression for mass density in terms of water content, 24; 2.13. Relationship between Dry Mass Density and Percentage Air Voids, 25; 2.14. Water Content Determination, 26; 2.15. Specific Gravity Determination, 30; 2.16. Measurement of Mass Density, 32; 2.17. Determination of Void Ratio, Porosity and Degree of Saturation, 36; Illustrative Examples, 37; Problems, 42. Particle Size Analysis 45-68 3.1, Introduction, 45; 32. Mechanical Analysis, 46; 3.3. Sieve Analysis, 46; 3.4. Stokes’ Law, 47; 3.5. Preparation of suspension for sedimentation analysis, 49; 3.6. Theory of Sedimentation, 50; 3.7. Pipette Method, 51; 3.8. Hydrometer Method, 52; 3.9. Relationship Between Percentage Finer and Hydrometer Reading, 55; 3.10. Limitation of Sedimentation Analysis, 57; 3.11. Combined Sieve and Sedimentation ‘Analysis, 57: 3.12. Particle Size Distribution Curve, 57; 3.13. Uses of Particle Size Distribution Carve, 59; 3.14, Shope of Particles, 59; 3.15. Relative Density, 60} 3.16. Determination of Relative Density, 61; Illustrative Examples, 62; Problems, 66, Plasticity Characteristics of Soils 69-88 4,1. Plasticity of Soils, 69 4:2, Consistency Limits, 69; 43. Liquid Limit, 70; 44. Cone Penetrometer Method, 73; 4.5. Plastic Limit, 73; 4.6. Shrinkage Limit, 74; 4.7. Altemative Method for determination of shrinkage limit, 75; 4.8. Shrinkage Parameters, 76, 4.9. Plasticity, Liquidity and Consistency Indexes, 78; 4.10, Flow Index, 78; 4.11. Toughness Index, 79; 4.12, Measurement of Consistency, 80; 4.13. Sensitivity $0; 4.414. Thixotropy, 81; 4.15. Activity of Soils, 81; 4.16, Uses of consistency Limits, 82; Illustrative Examples, 83; Problems, 87. Soil Classification 89-106 ‘5.1. Introduction, 89; 5.2. Particle Size Classification, 89; 5.3. Textural Classification, 91; 5.4, AASHTO Classification System, 92; 5.5. Unified soil Classification System, 72; 5.6. Comparison of AASHTO and USC systems, 95; 5.7. Indian Standard Classification Syste 5.8, Boundary Classification, 99; 5.9. Field Identification of Soils, 101; 5.10. General Chatacteristics of Soils of Different Groups, 103; Illustrative Examples, 103; Problems, 105. Clay Mineralogy and Soil Structure 107-119 6.1. Introduction, 107; 6.2. Gravitational and Sucface forces, 107; 6,3. Primary Valence Bonds, 108; 6.4. ‘Hydrogen Bond, 109; 6.5, Secondary Valence Bonds, 110; 6.6. Basic Structural Units of Clay Minerals, (ili) 111; 6.7. Isomorphous Substitution, 112; 6.8. Kaolinite Mineral, 112; 6.9. Montmorillonite Mineral, 112; 6.10. Ilite Mineral, 113; 6.11, Electrical charges on clay minerals, 113; 6.12. Base Exchange Capacity, 114; 6.13, Diffuse Double Layer, 114; 6.14. Adsorbed Water, 116; 6.15. Soil Structures, 116, Problems, 118, 7. Capillary Water 120-133 7,1. Types of Soil Water, 120; 7.2. Surface Tension, 120; 7.3. Capillary Rise in Small Diameter Tubes, 121; 4, Capillary Tension, 122; 7.5, Capillary Rise in Soils, 123; 7.6, Soil Suction, ‘125; 7.7. Capillary Potential, 125; 7.8. Capillary Tension During Drying of Soils, 126; 7.9. Factors Affecting Soil Suction, 126, 7.10. Measurement of Soil Suction, 127; 7.11-2RFast Hedve, 128; 7.12, Frost Boil, 129; 7.13. Prevention of Frost Action, 129; 7.14. Shrinkage and Sieiting Of Soits, 129; 7.15. Slaking of Clay, 130; 7.16. Bulking of Sand, 131; 7.17. Capillary Siphoning, 13%; Mustrative Examples, 131; Problems, 132. 8. Permeability of Soil 134 - 162 8.1. Introduction, 134; 8.2. Hydraulic Head, 134; 83. Darcy's Law, 135; 8.4. Validity of Darcy's Law, 136; 85. Determination of Coefficient of Permeability, 136; 8.6. Constant Head Permeability Test, 137; 8.7. Variable-Head Permeability Test, 138, 88. Seepage Velocity, 140; 8.9. General Expression for Laminar Flow, 141; 8.10. Laminar Flow through Porous Media, 142; 8.11. Factors affecting Permeability of Soils, 143; 8.12. Coefficient of Absolute Permeability, 145; 8.13. Pumping Out Tests, 146; 8.14. Pumping in ‘Tests, 148; 8.15. Coefficient of permeability by Indirect Methods, 151; 8.16. Capillarity- Permeability Test, 152; 8.17, Permeability of Stratified Soil Deposits, 154; Illustrative Examples, 156; Problems, 160. 9. Seepage Analysis 163 - 188 9.1, Introduction, 183; 9.2. Laplace’s equation 164; 93. Stream and Potential Functions, 165; 9.4. Characteristics of Flow Net, 167; 9.5. Graphiical Method, 168; 9.6. Electrical Analogy Method, 168; 9.7. Soil Models, 171; 9.8, Plastic Models, 172; 9.9. Flow Net by Solution of Laplace's Equation, 172; 9.10 Flow Net in Earth Dams with a Horizontal Filter, 173; 9.11. Seepage through Earth Dam with sloping Discharge face, 175; 9.12. Seepage through’Earth Dam with Discharge angle less than 30°, 176; 9.13. ‘Seepage through Earth Dam with Discharge angle greater than 30°, 177; 9.14. Uses of Flow Net, 178; 9,15. Flow Net for Anisotropic Soils, 180; 9.16. Coefficient of Permeability, in an Inclined Direction, 182; 9.17. Flow Net in a Non-homogencous Soil Mass, 182; Illustrative Examples, 184; Problems, 185, 10. Effective Stress Principle 189-217 10.1. Introduction, 189; 10.2. Effective Stress Principle, 189; 10.3. Nature of Effective Stress, 190; 10.4. Effect of Water Table Fluctuations on Bifective Stress, 192; 10.5. Effective Stress in a Soil Mass under Hydrostatic Conditions, 193; 10.6. Increase in effective Stresses due to surcharge, 195; 10.7. Stresses in Soils saturated by Capillary Action, 195; 10.8. Seepage Pressure, 197; 10.9. Force Equilibrium in Seepage Problems, 198; 10.10. Effective Siresses under Steady Seepage Conditions, 200; 10.11. Quick Sand Condition 201; 10.12. Seepage Pressure Approach for Quick Condition, 203; 10.13. Effect of ‘Surcharge on Quick Conditions, 203, 10.14. Failures of Hydraulic Smuctures by Piping, 204; 10.15. Prevention of Piping Failures, 206; 10.16. Design of Graded Filter, 207; 10.17. Effective Stress in Partially Saiurated Soils, 209; Illustrative Examples, 210; Problems, 215. 11. Stresses Due to Applied Loads 218-255 11.1 Introduction, 218; 11.2, Stress-Strain Parameters, 218; 11.3. Geostatic Stresses, 219; 11.4. Vertical Stresses Due to Concentrated Loads, 221; 11.5. Horizontal and Shear Stresses Due to Concentrated Loads, 223; 11.6. Isobar Diagram, 225; 11.7, Vertical Stress Distribution on a Horizontal Plane, 225; 11.8. ‘Influence Diagram, 226; 11.9. Vertical Stress Distribution on a Vertical Plane, 227; 11.10. Vertical Stresses Due toa Line Lond, 227; 11.11. Vertical Stresses Under a Strip Load, 229; 11.12. Maximum Shear Stresses at a Point Under a Strip Load, 232; 11.13. Vertical Stresses Under a Circular Arca, 233; 11.14. Vertical Stress Under Comer of a Rectangular Area, 234; 11.15, Vertical Stress at any Point Under a Rectangular ‘Area, 236; 11.16, Newmark’s Influence Charts, 237; 11.17. Comparison of Stresses Due to Loads on areas of Different Shapes, 239; 11.18. Vertical Stresses Under Triangular Load, 240; 11.19. Vertical Stress Under ‘Trapezoidal Loads, 241; 11.20, Stresses Due to Horizontal Loads, 242; 11.21. Stresses Due to Inclined Loads, 242; 11.22. Westergaard’s Solution, 243; 11.23. Fenske’s Charts, 244, 11.24. Approximate Methods, 245; 11.25. Contact Pressure Distribution, 247; 11.26. Limitations of Elastic Theories, 248; Mlusirative Examples, 249; Problems, 253. (ix) 12, Consolidation of Soi 12.1, Introduction, 256; 12.2. Initial, Primacy and Secondary Consolidation, 257; 12.3. Spring Analogy for Primary Consolidation. 257: 12.4. Behaviour of Saturated Soils Under Pressure, 258; 12.5. Consolidation ‘Test, 259; 12.6. Determination of Void Ratio at Various Load Increments, 264; 12.7. Consolidation ‘Test Results, 263; 12.8, Basic Definitions, 265; 12.9. Terzaghi’s Theory of Consolidation, 267, 12.10. Solution of Basic Dilferential Equation, 271; 12.11. Determination of Coefficient of Consolidation, 277; 12.12. Preconsolidation Pressure, 280: 12.13. Causes of Preconsolidation in Soils, 281; 12.14, Final Settlement of a Soil Deposit in the Field, 281; 12.15. Time Settlement Curve, 283; 12.16. Ficld Consolidation Curve, 284; 12.17, Secondary Consolidation, 285; 12.18. 2-D Consolidation Equation in Cartesian Coordinates, 287; {2.19. 3-D Consolidation Equation in Cylindrical Co-ordinates, 289 12.20. Sand Drains, 291; 12.21 Effect of Lateral Stiain on Consolidation, 294; llustrative Examples, 295; Problems, 302. 13. Shear Strength 306 — 356 13.1. Introduction, 306; 13.2, Stress System with Principal Planes Parallel to the Coordinate Axes, 306; 13.3. Mobr’s Circle, 307: 144. Principal planes inclined to the coordinate axis, 308; 13.5. Stress system with Vertical and Horizontal Planes not Principal Planes, 309; 13.6, Important Characteristics. of Mohe's Circle, 311: 13.7. Mohe-Coulomb ‘Theory, 312: 13.8, Revised Mohr. Coulomb equation, 313; 13.9. Different Types of tests and Drainage Conditions, 313: 13.10, Mode of Application of Shear Force 314; 13.11. Direct Shear Test, 314; 13,12. Presentation of Results of Direct Shear Test, 316; 13.13. Merits and Demerits of Direct Shear Test, 318; 13.14, Triaxial Compression Apparatus, 318; 13.15. Triaxial Tests on Cohesive Soils, 321; 13.16. Triaxial Tests on Cohesionless Soils, 322; 13.17. Merits and Demetits of ‘Teiaxial Test 13.18. Computation of various Parameters, 324; 13.19. Prescntation of Results of ‘Triaxial Tests, 325 13.20. Effect of Consolidation Pressure on Undrained Strength 328; 13.21. Relationship Between Undrained Shear Strength and Effective Overburden Pressure, 329; 13.22, Uncontined Compression ‘Test, 34k, 13.23, Vane Shear Test, 332; 13.24. Pore Pressure Parameters, 333; 13.25. Mobr-Coulomb Failure Criterion, 337; 13.26. Modified Failure envelope, 338; 13.27. Stress Path, 339; 13.28, Shear Strength of Partially Saturated Soils, 341; 13.29. Hvorslev's Strength Theory, 342; 13.30, Liquefaction of Sands, 343; 13.31. Shear Characteristics of Cohesionless: Soils, 344; 13.32. Shear Characteristics of Cohesive Soil 13.43. Choice of Test Conditions and Shear Parameters, 347 Illustrative Bxamples, 347; Problems, 353, 256-305 14. Compaction of Soils 357-375 14.1. Introduction, 387; 14.2, Standard Proctor Test, 358; 14.3, Modified Proctor Test, 360; 14.4, Compaction of Sands, 361: 14.5. Jodhpur Mini Compactor Test, 362; 14.6. Harvard Miniature Compaction ‘Test, 362; 14,7. Abbot Compaction Test, 362; 14.8. Factors Affecting Compaction, 362; 14.9. Elfect of Compaction on Properties of Soils, 364: 14.10, Methods of Compaction Used in Field, 366; 14.11. Placement Water Content, 367; 14.12, Relative Compaction, 368; 14.13. Compaction Control, 368; 14.14. vibroflotation Method, 369: 14,15, Terra Probe Method, 370; 14.16. Compaction by Pounding, 370; 14.17, ction by Explosives, 371; 14.18. Precompression, 371; 14.19. Compaction Piles, 374: 14.20. ius Methods of Compaction, 371: Musirative Examples, 372; Problems, 374, 376-390 1, Introduction, 376; 15.2, Mechanical Stabilisation, 376; 15.3. Cement Stabilisation, 377; 15.4 Lime ilisation, 380; 15.5, Bituminous Stabilisation, 381; 15.6. Chemical Stabilisation, 382; 15.7. Therm: Stabilisation, 383: 15.8. Electrical Stabilisation, 384; 15.9. Stabilisation by grouting, 384; 15.10 Stabilisation by Geotoxtile and Fabries, 388; 15.L1, Reinforced Earth, 387; Problems, 389. 16. Drainage, De-watering and Wells 391-414 16.1. Introduction, 391; 16.2. Interceptor Ditehes, 391; 16.3, Single Stage Well Points, 392; 16.4. Multistage Well Points, 393; 16,5. Vacuum Well Points, 393; 16.6. Shallow Weil System, 394; 16.7. Deep Well System, 394: 16.8. Horizontal Wells, 394; 16.9, Btectro-Osmosis, 394; 16.10. Permanent Drainage ‘Atier Construction, 395; 16.11, Design of Dewitering Systems, 396; 16.12. Discharge from a Fully Penetrating Slot, 396: 16.13. Discharge from a Partially Penetrating Slot, 399; 16.14. Discharge in a Slot irom Both sides, 400; 16.15. Well Hydraulics, 401; 16.16. ‘Terms Used in Well Hydraulics, 402; 16.17. Discharge From a Fully Penetrating Well, 403; 16,18, Discharge From a Partially Penetrating Well, 404; 16.19. Interference among Wells, 408; 16,20. Spherical Flow in a Well, 497; 16.21. Discharge From an Open Well, 407; 16.22. Adverse Effects of Drainage, 409; Illustrative Examples, 409; Problems, 412. © "ART MH. EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 17. Site Investigations 415-439 174. Tntroduetion, 415; 17.2. Planning a Sub-Surface Exploration Programmes, 416; 17:3. Stages in Sub-surface Explorations, 416; 17.4, Reconnaissance, 417; 17.5. Depth of Exploration, 417; 17.6. Lateral Extent of Exploration, 419; 17.7. Open Excavation Methods of Exploration, 420; 17.8. Borings: for Exploration, 420; 17.9. Auger Boring, 420; 17.10. Wash Boring, 420; 17.11. Rotary Drilling, 422; 17.12 Percussion Drilling, 422; 17.13. Core Drilling, 422; 17.14. Types of Soil Samples, 423; 17.15. Design Features Affecting the Sample Disturbance, 423; 17.16. Split- Spoon Samplers, 424 17.17. Scraper-Bucket Sampler, 425; 17.18. Shelby Tubes and Thin Walled Samplers, 425; 17.19. Piston Samplers, 426; 17.20. Denison Sampler, 426; 17.21. Hand-Carved Samples, 426; 17.22. Standard Penetration ‘Test, 427; 17.23. Cone Penetration ‘Tests, 429; 17.24. In-situ Vane Shear ‘Test, 431; 17.25. In-situ Test Using a Pressure Meter, 431; 17.26. Observation of Ground Water Table 432; 17.27, Geophysical Methods, 433; 17.28. Seismic Methods, 433; 17.29. Blectrical Resistivity Methods, 435, 17.30. Sub-Soil Investigation Reports, 437; Problems, 438. 18. Stability of Slopes 440-477 18.1. Introduction, 440; 18.2. Basis of Analysis, 441; 18.3, Different Factors of safety, 441; 18.4. Types of Slope Failures, 442; 18.5. Stabifity of an Infinite Slope of Cohesionless Soils, 444; 18.6. Stability Analysis fan Infinite Slope of Cohesive Soils, 446; 18.7. Wedge Failure, 447; 18.8, Culmann’s Method, 448; 18.9. $u = 0 Analysis, 450; 18.10. Friction Circle Method, 450; 18.11. Stability Charts, 453; 18.12. Swedish Circle Method, 455; 18.13, Stability of Slope Under Steady Scepage Condition, 460; 18.14. Stability of Slope Under Sudden During Construction, 461; 18.15. Stability of Slopes During Construction, 462; 18.16. Bishop's Simplified Method, 463; 18.17. Other Methods of Analysis, 466; 18.18. Improving Subility of Slopes, 467; Illustrative Examples, 467; Problems, 475 19. Earth Pressure Theories 478-516 19.1. Introduction, 478; 19.2. Different types of Lateral Earth Pressure, 478; 19.3. Barth Pressure at Rest 480; 19.4. Rankine's Earth Pressure Theory, 481; 19.5. Rankine’s Bartir Pressure when the Surface is Inclined, 485; 19.6. Rankine’s Earth Pressure in Cohesive Soils, 491; 19:7. Coulomb's Wedge Theory, 494; 198. Coulomb's Active Pressure in Cohesionless Soils, 494; 19.9. Rehbann's Construction for Active Pressure, 497; 19.10. Culmann’s Construction for Active Pressure, S01; 19.11. Coulomb's Active Earth Pressure for Cohesive Soils, 502; 19.12. ‘Trial Wedge Method, 503; 19.13. Coulomb's Passive Earth Pressure for Cohesionless Soil, 504; 19.14. Passive Pressure By the Friction Circle Method, 505, 19.15. Determination of Shear Strength Parameters, 507; Ilustrative Examples, 508; Problems, 515. 20. Design of Retaining Walls and Bulkheads 517-549 20.1. Introduction, $17; 20.2. ‘Types of Retaining Walls, 517; 20.3. Principles of the Design of retaining Walls, 517; 20.4, Gravity Retaining Walls, 520; 20.5. Cantilever Retaining walls, 524; 20.6. Counterfort Retaining Walls, 523; 20.7. Other Modes of Failure of Retaining Walls, 524; 20.8. Drainage from the Backlill, 525; 20.9, Types of sheet pile Walls, 526; 20.10. Free Cantilever sheet pile, 527; 20.11. Cantilever Sheet Pile in Cohesionless Soils, 528; 20.12. Cantilever Sheet Pile Penetrating Clay, 530; 20.13. Anchored Sheet Pile with Free Earth support, $32; 20.14. Rowe's Moment Reduction Curves, $34; 20.15. Anchored Sheet Pile with Fixed Earth Support, S35; 20.16. Design of Anchors, 536; Illustrative examples, $38; Problems 547. 21. Braced Cuts and Coffer Dams 550-569 21.4. Inttodvetion, 550; 21.2. Lateral Barth Pressure on Sheetings, S81. 21.3. Different ‘Types-of Sheeting and) Bracing Systems, 553; 21.4. Design of Various Components of Bracing, 554; 21.5. Types of Coffer Dams, 556; 21.6. Design of Cellular Coffer dams on Rock, $59; 21.7. Design of Cellular Coffer dams on Soil, 562; Illustrative Example, 564; Problems, 568, 22. Shafts, Tunnels and Underground Conduits 570-586 22.1. Stresses in Soil in the Vicinity of Vertical Shaft, 570; 22.2 Stresses in Soil around Tunnels, 574; 22.3. Construction of Earth Tunnels, $72; 224, Arching in Soils, 573, 22.5. Types of Underground Conduits, Gi) 575; 226. Ditch conduits, 575; 22.7. Positive Projecting. Conduits, $77; 22.8. Negative Projecting Conduits, $80; 22.9. Imperfect Ditch Conduit, $82; 22.10, Tunneled Conduits, $82: 22-11. Loads on Conduits Due to Surface Loads, 583; 22,12, Construction of Conduits, 583; Mlustrative Examples, $84; Problems, 585. 23. Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 587-635 23,1, iniroduction, $87; 23.2. Basic Definitions, $87; 23,3. Gross and Net footing Pressure, S88; 23.4, Rankine’s Analysis, 390: 23.5. Hogentogler and Terzaghi’s Analysis, $91; 23.6. Pranckl’s Analysis, $92; SH Texzaahi’s bearing Capacity Theory, $93: 23.8. Types of Shear Failures, 96: 23.9. Ultimate Bearing Capacity in case of Local Shear Failure. 597; 23.10 fect of Water table on Bearing Capacity, 600: 23.11 Bering Capacity of Square and Circular Footings, 6OL; 23.12, Meyerhol's Bearing Capacity Theory, 602; 53.13, Hancen's Bearing Capacity Theory, 604; 23.14. Vesie's Bearing Capacity Theory, 605; 23.15. 18 Ceale’ Method 606; 23.16. Skempton's Analysis for Cohesive Soils, 607; 23.17, 1S Code Method for Cohesive Soil, 608: 23.18 Heave of the Bottom of the Cut in Clay, 608; 23.19. Foundations on Layered Chay, 610; 2320, Bearing Capacity from Standard Penciration tes. 610; 23.21. Eeeentrcally Loaded Foundations, 611; 23.22 Settlement of Foundations, 612; 23.23. Loads tor Seitlemient Analysis, 613: F524, Immediate Settlement of Cohesive Soils, 613; 23.25. Immediate Settlement of Cohesionless Soils, G1; 23.26, Consolidation Sertlement in Clays, 615; 23.27. Settlement of foundations on Cobesionless Soils, 616; 23.28. Accuracy of foundation Seitlement Prediction, 617; 23.29. Allowable Setlement, 617; 33:30, Allowable Soil Pressure for Colrsionless Soils, 618; 23.31. Allowable Soil Pressure for Cohesive Sells, 62k, 23.32, Presumplive Bearing Capacity, 621: 23.33. Plate Loud Test, 621; 23.34. Housel's Method for design of Foundation, 625; Illustrative Examples, 625; Problems, 625. 24. Design of Shallow Foundations 636 - 670 24,1. Types of Shallow foundations, 636; 24.2./Depth of Footings, 637; 24.3, Foundation Loading, 639: 34.4, Principle of Design of Footings, 640; 24.5, Proportioning Footings for Equal Settlement, 641; 24.6 Design of Strip Footings, 641; 24.7, Design of Spread Footings, 643; 24.8, Design of Eeventrcaly loaded spread footings, 644; 24.9, Combined Footings, 645; 24.10, Revtangular Combined Footings, GS 24-0. ‘Trapezoidal Footing 647; 24.12, Strap Footings, 648; 24.13. Principles of Design of Mat Foundations, 649% 2iL td, Common Types of Mat Foundation, 651; 24.15. Design Methods for Mat Foundation. 653: 24.16. Conventional Design of Raft Foundations, 653; 24.17. Design of combined footing by Elastic Line Method, 685; 24.18, Finite Difference Method for combined Footings, 656; 24.19. Elastie Plate Method 657; 24.20, Finite Difference Method for Mats, 658: 24.21. Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction, 659: Mlustrative Examples, 660; Problems, 669. 25. Pile Foundations 671-705 25.1, Introduction, 671: 25.2. Necessity of Pile Foundation, 671: 25.3. Classification of Piles, 672: 25.4 Pile Diving, 674, 25.5, Construction of Bored Piles, 675; 25.6, Driven Castin-stu Concrete Piles, 676 25.7. Load Carrying Capacity of Piles, 677; 25.8, Static Methods for Driven Piles in Sand, 677; 25.9. Static Methox! for Driven Piles in Saturated Clay, 681; 25.10. Statie Method for Bored Piles, 683; 25.11 Factor of Sofety, 684; 25.12. Negative Skin Friction, 684 25.13, Dynamic Formulae, 685: 25.14: Wave Equation Analysis, 687; 25.15, Ins penetration tests for Pile capacity, OBB: 25.16, Pile Load Test, 688; 28.17, Other types of Pile Load test, 690; 25.18. Group Action of Piles, 690 25.19. Pile Groups in Sand and gravel, 691; 25.20, Pile Groups in cay, 692; 25.21. Settlement of Pile Groups, 692: 25.22 Sharing of Loads in a Pile Group, 694 25.23, Tension Piles, 694; 25.24. Laterally Loaded Piles, 696; Mlustrative Examples, 697; Problems, 704. 26. Drilled Piers and Caissons 706-721 26.1. Introduction, 706; 26,2. Drilled Piers, 706; 26.3. Construction of Drilled Piers 708: 26.4, Advantages and Disadvantages of Driled Piers, 709; 26.5. Design of open Caissons, 710; 26.6, Construction of open Caissons, 713: 26.7. Pneumatic Caissons, 714; 26:8. Consiniction of Pneumatic Caissons, 715; 262. ‘advantages. and Disadvantages. of Pneumatic Caissons, 715; 26.10. Floating Caissons, 716; 2610. Stability of Floating Caissons, 716; 26.12. Advantages and Disadvantages of Floating Caissons, 717; Mustrative Examples, 717: Problems, 720 27. Well Foundations 722-754 27.1. Introduction, 722; 27.2. Different Shapes of Wells, 723; 27.3. Grip Length, 723; 27.4. Forces Acting 29, 0. 31, (aii) on the Well Foundation. 724: 27.5. Terzaghi's Analisis, 725: 27.6. Banetjee and Gangopadhyay's Analysis, 728: 27.7, Simplified Analysis for Heavy Wells, 733; 27.8, IRC method, 734, 27.9, tndiviary Components of the well, 739; 27.10, Sinking of Wells, 742; 27.11. Measures for Rectification of Tits and Shifis, 744; Iustrative Examples, 746; Problems, 754 Machine Foundations 785-7712 28.1, Introduction, 755; 28.2. Types of Machine Foundations, 755 Basic Definitions, 756; 28.4 Degree of Freedom of a Block Foundation, 757: 28.5. General Criteria for design of Machine foundations, 78: 28.6. Free: Vibration 789; 28:7. Forced. Vibration, 761; 28.8. Vibration Analysis of a Machine Founclition, 763: 28.9. Determination of Natural Frequency, 765; 29,10. Design Criteria for Foundations of Reciprocating Muchines, 766; 28.11, Reinforcement and Construction Delis, 767; 28.12. Weight of Foundation, 767; 28.13. Vibration Isolation and Control, 767; Ilustrative Examples, 768; Problems. 771 Payement Design 773-787 2): Types of Pavements, 773; 29.2. Basic Requirements of Pavements, 775; 29.4, Functions of Ditferent Components of Pavement, 774; 29.4. Factors Affecting Pavement Design, 775, 29.5, California Bearing Ratio Test, 775; 29.6. Design of Flexible Pavements, 777; 29:7. Group Index Method, 777 298, CBIe Method. 778: 29.9. California Resistance Value Method 778; 29,10. Mel eod Method, 779; 29.11. Teiaxial Test Method, 780; 29.12. Burmister’s Method, 780: 29.13. Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction, 781; 29.14 Nestergaard’s Analysis, 782; 29.15. Temperature stresses in Rigid Pavements, 784; 29.16. Combined Stresses in Rigid! Pavements, 785: Ilustraive Examples, 785; Problems, 786, Laboratory Experiments 788-816 30.1, To determine the water content of a sample by ovendrying method, 788: 30.2. To determine the water content of a soil by pyonometer method, 789: 30.3. To determine the specific gravity of solids by the density bottle method, 789; 30.4. To determine the specific gravity of solids by pycnometer method. 791 423, To determine the dry density ofthe soil by core euter method, 792: 30,6. To determine the in-situ dey Gensity by the ‘sand replacement method, 793: 30.7. To determine the dry density of a soil by Water displacement method, 798; 30.8, To determine the particle size distribution of a soil by sieving, 796, 3039. To determine the particle size distribution by the hydrometer method, 797; 30.10. To determine the Hiquid limit of a soit specimen, 800; 30,11. To determine the plastic limit of a soil specimen, 801; 30.12, To determine the shrinkage limit of a specimen of the remoulded soil, 802; 30.13, "To determine the Permeability of a soil specimen by. the constant-head permeameter, 804; 30.14, To. determine the Permeability of a soil specimen by the variable head permeameter, 805: 30.15, To determine. the consolidation characteristics of a soi specimen, 807; 30.16, To determine the shear parameters ofa sandy soil by direct shear test, 809: 30.17, To determine the unconfined compressive strength of a cohesive eal S11; 30.18, To determine the compaction characteristic 6f a soil specimen by Proctor’s test, 812: 30.19, To determine the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of a soil specimen, 813. Introduction to Rock Mechanics 817-837 31.1 Introduction, 817; 31.2. Geological Classification of Rocks, 817; 31.3. Basic Terminology, 818; 31.4 Index Properties of Rocks, $19: 31.5. Unit weight (or mass density), 819; 31.6. Porosity, 820; 317 Permeability, $20: 31.8, Point ond strength, 821; 31.9. Slaking and Durability, 822; 31.10. Sonic Velocity, 823; 21.11, Classification of Rocks for Engineering properties, 824; 31.12. Strength classification of Intace Rocks, 827; 31.13, Laboratory tests for determination of strength of Rocks, 828; 31.14. Stress-strain curves, #29; 31.15. Modes of Failure of Rocks, 831; 31.16, Mohr-Coulomb Criterion for Rocks, 832; 31.17, Shear Strength of Rocks, 833; 31.18, Hardness of Rocks, 834: 31.19. In-situ stresses in Rocks, 834; 31.20, Measurement of in-situ stresses, 836; Problems, 837 ii) 32, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 838 - 863 30.1. Introduction, 838; 32.2. History of Earthquakes in India, 838; 32.3. Seismic Zones of India, 84 324, Magnitude of an Earthquake, 840; 32.5. Intensity of Earthquakes. 842; 32.6. Effect of Ground motion on Structures. 844; 32.7. General Principles of Earthquake-Resistant design, 846; 328. Desi Seismic coefficient, $48; 32.9. Design Seismic forces, 849; 32.10. Site-Specific Response spectra, 85 32.11, Hozards due to Earthquakes, 851; 32.12. Liquefaction Phenomenon. 852; 32.13. Factors Aflect Liguetaction, 854; 32.14. Assessment of Susceptibility of a Soil to Liquefaction, 8545 32.15. Prevention of Liquefaction, 857; Illustrative Examples, 858; Problems, 861; Selected References, 863 Appendix A—Glossary of Common Terms 864-868 Appendix B—Miscellaneous Objective-Type Questions 869 - 876 References 877-881 Publications of Bureau of Indian Standards 882 - 883 Index 884-886 PART— FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL MECHANICS 1 Introduction 1.1. DEFINITION OF SOIL ‘The word ‘soil’ is derived from the latin word solium which, according to Webster's dictionary, means the upper layer of the earth that may be dug or plowed; specifically, the loose surface material of the earth in which plants grow. The above definition of soil is used in the field of agronomy where the main concern is in the use of soil for raising crops. In geology, earth's crust is assumed to consist of unconsolidated sediments, called mantle or regolith, overlying rocks. The term ‘soil’ is used for the upper layer of mantle which can support plants. The material which is called soil by the agronomist or the geologist is known as top soil in geotechnical engineering or soil engineering. The top soil contains a large quantity of organic matter and is not suitable as a construction material or as a foundation for structures. The top soil is removed from the earth’s surface before the construction of structures. ‘The term ‘soil’ in soil engineering is defined as an unconsolidated material, composed of solid particles, produced by the disintegration of rocks. The void space between the particles may contain air, water or both. ‘The solid particles may contain organic matter. The soil particles ean be separated by such mechanical means as agitation in water. ‘Anatural aggregate of mineral particles bonded by strong and permanent cohesive forces is called ‘rock’. It indurated material that requites drilling, wedging or blasting for its removal from the earti’s surface. Since the terms weak and strong have different interpretations, the boundary between soil and rock is rather arbitrary. In case of a partially disintegrated rock, it is extremely difficult to locate the boundary between soil and rock. Fig. L1 shows a cross-section through the earth’s surface, indicating the nomenclature used in geology, aah Ground surtace _Ground surface Top soil 7 =e sts — =e Mantle (regolith) . Soil | = GK aS 5 DISK: (a) Nomenclature in Geology (b) Nomenclature in Soil Engineering Rock Fig. 1.1, Nomenclature 2 SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING and in‘Soil Engineering. It may be ted that the material which is called mantle (regolith) in geology is known‘as soil in Soil Engineering. 1.2. DEFINITION OF SOIL MECHANICS The term ‘soil mechanics’ was coined by Dr. Karl Terzaghi in 1925 when his book Erdbawmechanic on the subject was published in German. According to Terzaghi, ‘Soil mechanics is the application of the laws of mechanics and hydraulics to engineering problems dealing with sediments and other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the mechanical and chemical disintegration of rock, regardless of whether or not they contain an admixture of organic constituents’. Soil mechanics is, therefore, a branch of mechanics which deals with the action of forces on soil and with the flow of water in soil. ‘The soil consists of discrete solid particles which are neither strongly bonded as in solids nor they are as free as particles of fluids. Consequently, the behaviour of soil is somewhat intermediate between that of a solid and a fluid. It is not, therefore, surprising that soil mechanics draws heavily from solid mechanics and fluid mechianies. As the soil is inherently a particulate system. soil mechanics is also called particulate mechanics. Rock mechanics is the science dealing with the mechanics of rocks. 13. DEFINITION OF SOIL ENGINEERING AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Soil engineering in an applied science dealing with the applications of principles of soil mechanics to Practical problems. It his a much wider scope than soil mechanics, as it deals with all engineering problems related with soils. It includes site investigations, design and construction of foundations, earth-retaining structures and earth structures. Geotechnical engineering is a bronder term which includes soil engineering, rock mechanics and geology. ‘This term is used synonymously with soil engineering in this text. 1.4. SCOPE OF SOIL ENGINEERING Soil engineering has vast application in the construction of various civil engineering works. Some of the important applications are as under : Lead Load 2 Column j~—Column Ground Level Ground level ; Soil. : "Footing = MS ah 3 Pile (a) Shallow foundation Hara’ Stratton (b) Pile foundation Fig. 1.2, Different types of foundations, INTRODUCTION 3 @) Foundations—Every civil engineering structure, whether it is a building, a bridge, or a dam, is founded on ot below the surface of the earth. Foundations are required to transmit the load of the structure to soil safely and efficiently. A foundation is termed shallow foundation when it transmits the load to upper strata of earth. A foundation is called deep foundation when the load is transmitted to strata at considerable depth below the ground surface (Fig. 1.2). Pile foundation is 2 type of deep foundation. Foundation engineering is an ‘important branch of soil engineering. (2) Retaining Structures—When sufficient space is not available for a mass of soil to spread and form a safe slope, a structure is required to retain the soil. An earth retaining structure is also required to keep the Retaining wall Soil Earth essure Dredge level Earth pressure ' {a) Retaining walt (b) Sheet pile Fig. 1 soil at different levels on its cither side. The retaining structure may be a rigid retaining wall or a sheet pile bulkhead which is relatively flexible (Fig. 13). Soil engineering gives the theories of earth pressure on retaining structures. @ Stability of Slopes—If soil surface is not horizontal, there is a component of weight of the soil which Retaining structures. Highway Embankment slope @) Excavation slope «b) Fig. 14, Slopes in (a) filling and (8) outing, tends to move it downward and thus causes instability of slope. The slopes may be natural or man-made Fig. 1.4 shows slopes in filling and cutting, Soil engineering provides the methods for checking the stability of slopes. (@) Underground Structures—The design and construction of underground siruciures, such as tunnels, shafls, and conduits, require evaluation of forces exerted by the soil on these structures. ‘These forces are discussed in soil engineering. Fig. 1.5 shows a tunnel constructed below the ground sutface and a conduit laid below the ground surface. 4 SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING (a) Tunnet {b) Conduit Fig. 1.5, Underground strtues. (S) Pavement Design—A pavement is a fiat crust placed on eal Geabgede) fee the Sy Sur teins purpose of providing a smooth and strong sutface on which vehicles can move. ‘The Pavement consists of surfacing, such as a bitumen layer, base and subbase (Fig. 1.6). ‘The behaviour of subgrade under various conditions of loading and environmental changes is studied Subgrade (soil) | in soil engineering, Fig. 1.6. Pavement det Earth Dam—Earth dams are huge structures in which soil is used as a construction material (Fig. 1.7). The earth dams are buill for creating, water reservoirs. Since the failure of an earth dam may cause widespread catasitopiie, extreme care is taken in its design and construction. It requires a thorough knowledge of soil engineering, U/S Slope—=— ~~ Shell is _- (Pervious soil) Fig, 1.7. Earth Dam. (2) Miscellaneous Soil Problems—The geotechnical engineer has sometimes to tackle miscellaneous problems related with soil, such as soil heave, soil subsidence, frost heave, shrinkage and swelling. of soils. Soil engineering provides an in-depth study of Such problems. 1.5. ORIGIN OF SOILS Soils are formed by weathering of rocks due to mechanical disintegration or chemical decomposition. ‘When a rock surface gets exposed to almasphere for an appreciable time, it disintegrates or decomposes into small particles and thus the soils are formed, Soil may be considered as an incidental material obtained from the geologic cycle which goes’ on continuously in nature, The geologic cycle consists of erosion, transportation, deposition and upheaval of soil (Fig. 1.8), Exposed rocks are eroded and degraded by various physical and chemical processes. The products of erosion are picked up by agencies of trans- portation, such as water and wind, and are caried to new locations Transportation where they are y deposited. This shifting Deposition Upheaval of the material disturbs Fi eats Ore

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