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Reclaimer: The Unofficial Halo Wargame 4.

Combat Phase - Players take it in turns activating

one of their units to shoot a ranged weapon or to
- Disclaimer - fight in melee where eligible. Each unit may only
activate to fight once per round. Once a player
Halo © Microsoft Corporation. ‘Reclaimer The Unofficial has activated all their eligible units they must skip
Halo Wargame’ was created under Microsoft's "Game their turn. Once all players have activated all their
Content Usage Rules" using assets from the Halo units the next phase begins.
Franchise, and is not endorsed by or affiliated with
Microsoft. 5. End Phase - Break off unit engagements. Players
then calculate objective points and victory conditions. All players lose all unspent Requisition
points (unless otherwise stated). The round then
- Game Overview - ends and a new round begins. If this was the final
round then the game ends unless overtime is
Summary of a Game: A game of reclaimer is broken down applied.
into a number of game rounds. The amount of these rounds
depends on the scenario chosen - however each round will Rolling For Initiative: During the start phase each player
proceed in the same manner as broken down below. Once a rolls a D6 and adds on any modifiers. The player whose final
round is complete - the process begins again with a new result is highest (roll off draws) may choose to either claim
game round until either a victory condition is achieved by initiative for this turn or pass it to their opponent. The player
one side - or the players run out of rounds (at which point a with initiative activates first in each phase of the turn - this
victor is then determined based on current objectives). comes with advantages and disadvantages depending on
the game state; making the choice entirely up to the player.
The Game Round: Each game round is broken down into a
number of phases. Within each phase the player with Requisition Points & Commands: Requisition points are a
initiative for that turn acts first by activating one of their resource players can use to buff their forces in various ways
units (or making their command choices); before proceeding throughout the battle using ‘Commands’. All players gain 2
to the other player(s) in turn. Requisition points per turn during the start phase of each
turn. Plus an additional 2 Requisition points for each turn
1. Start Phase - Players roll a D6 for initiative. The beyond the first (to a maximum of 8). Each command costs
player with the highest final modified roll may a certain amount of requisition points to activate and can
choose to either claim initiative for this turn or either be only used in the command phase or in reaction to
pass it to the opposing player. In addition all a certain event (or sometimes both). Commands that can
players gain Requisition points depending on the only be used in the command phase are chosen and
game turn. selected all at the same time during this phase before the
next player chooses theirs. Reactive commands are used
2. Command Phase - Starting with the player with when specified in the individual profile. Either way, once
initiative; players take turns spending requisition used note down and reduce the pool of requisition points
points on their command abilities available to you have to spend; note a player may not spend more
them. Once a player has chosen all of their command points than they have.
command abilities the next player may choose
their own until all players have taken a turn. Note The commands available to a player are dictated by the
that many command abilities are reactive and commander they have chosen and are shown on their
don’t have to be chosen in this phase. See ‘Commander Board’. Note that should the commander unit
requisition points & command for more details. fall in battle; the player will no longer be able to issue
commands. Some commands have limitations on when
3. Action Phase - Players take it in turns activating they can be used or what units they can target. Each
and moving a single one of their units. Each unit command notes when/where it is applicable.
may only activate to move once per round. Once
a player has moved all their units they must skip Command Limit: Note that a unit (unless otherwise
their turn. Once all players have activated all their specified) may only be targeted by a single type of
units the next phase begins. A player may elect to command once per turn (though may be targeted by more
activate a unit to move without actually moving then 1). Though you may use the same Command multiple
the unit - though this still counts as that player's times against other units where applicable.
turn. See movement for more details.
Targeting Allied or Enemy units: Unless otherwise stated
within the command text itself - Commands (and their
effects) may only target allied units. Anytime a unit is
mentioned assume it means allied unless otherwise stated.

- Movement - A unit may also jump gaps between terrain so long as the
gap is no wider than half the distance of the unit's base
Moving: During its activation a unit may move up to its movement value. Both jumping and climbing can only be
movement allocation in inches in any direction (and turning performed as part of a normal movement or a charge action
corners as wished). It may not end up within 1” of an enemy (not while sprinting).
unit (see charging) and cannot cover another unit’s base at
any point. A unit may move through allied units freely but - Combat -
not enemy units and must instead move around them
(always staying outside of 1”). A unit does not have to move Ranged Combat: When activating a unit to make a ranged
its full allocation during its movement or may choose to attack you must first pick a weapon profile from that unit to
remain stationary - either way it counts as activating once use and choose an eligible target. Note that some weapons
chosen. have multiple profiles to choose from. Unless otherwise
stated a unit may only ever attack with a single weapon
Sprint: Instead of moving normally a unit may elect to profile per activation (no matter how many they have as
‘sprint’. When performing a sprint action a unit may not options). To be eligible an enemy unit must be within line of
climb or jump gaps (see further below). This otherwise sight of the attacking unit and within range of the unit's
counts as a normal movement action though the unit may weapon profile (check the range thresholds the weapon
add on an additional half its movement value to the distance profile can target). If a unit has no eligible targets it may not
it can move this turn. In addition though, any unit that be activated to make a ranged attack.
sprints in its turn may not make an attack during the
following combat phase (it counts as already activated); Once a target is chosen the defender rolls their single
unless otherwise stated. evasion defence dice and calculates any modifiers (such as
cover etc). The final score is the target number the attacker
Charging: Instead of moving normally a unit may elect to needs to roll. The attacker checks the range threshold then
‘charge’. This follows all the normal restrictions of a basic rolls one dice of the type shown under their accuracy for
movement though the unit may add on an additional half its each RoF the weapon has at this range and calculates any
movement value to the distance it can move this turn. In modifiers to each dice. Any modified results that equal or
addition however the unit must end within 1” of at least one exceed the target's evasion value cause a hit. Note that a
enemy unit (though still cannot pass through enemy units or natural roll of a 1 (after any rerolls) is always a miss
move within 1” unless charging them). These units then regardless of modifiers; as no matter how easy the target -
count as ‘engaged’ (see below). A unit may not charge if the shooter can still botch their shot. See damage below.
there are no eligible units in range.
Optional Rule - Fluke Shots: As you will quickly realise
If a unit elects to charge but upon final results (after abilities from the above it is possible for a high evasion target to roll
etc) does not have enough movement value to reach the a value higher then is possible for a low accuracy attacker;
engagement range of any enemy unit it moves as close to thus invalidating all their attacks. This is a normal part of the
the nearest enemy unit as possible with its movement game and represents the defender simply ducking out of
allocation. harm's way without incident. If you prefer however you can
use this optional combat rule as below;
Engaged Movement Phase: Units that are engaged in
melee are stuck in close combat. They may not make any When rolling accuracy; if the highest roll on the dice
further movement during the movement phase. At the end (factoring in modifiers) is not enough to equal or exceed the
of the round all engagements end and units are moved 1” target's final evasion result apply the following. Count the
apart to show this. This is explained in greater detail later. A difference in value between the max possible calculated
player may still activate a unit engaged in melee; if only to accuracy value and the target evasion value. For each dice
‘spend’ that activation. that rolls the max die value, roll a blue damage dice for each
point different. If all blue dice show at least 1 pip (damage);
Terrain: In general most low level terrain such as cover then the shot lands and is calculated as usual.
obstacles do not impede a unit's movement. Some terrain
can be noted as impassable to regular movement however; E.G - A unit with accuracy D4 is firing at a unit with final
preventing a unit from moving directly through it. A unit may evasion value of 6. For each roll of 4 on the accuracy dice;
climb an object as part of its movement allowance though; roll two blue damage dice. If both show damage icons (are
simply moving vertically up the side of the obstacle from the not blank) then that single shot hits (and is calculated in the
base - so long as there is a legal place for the unit to end its normal way). If the firing unit rolls multiple 4’s; do this
movement and clear place for them to climb (use common process once for each.
sense for this rule).

Splitting Fire: When selecting targets for a ranged attack - and calculates any modifiers. Any modified results that
weapons with more than 1 RoF value may choose to split equal or exceed the target's defence value cause a hit. As
their fire across multiple targets. To do this first calculate the with ranged attacks any natural rolls of a 1 (after rerolls) are
final Rate of Fire if variable. Then select a primary target for always a miss regardless of modifiers. See damage below.
the attack. You may split your Rate of Fire as you choose
across this unit and any others within 2” of the primary Unit Engagement: A unit is engaged if it is within 1” of an
target resolving each attack separately. enemy unit. This should only ever occur as the result of a
unit charging another unit or when specifically stated as part
Cover: During combat your units may gain defensive or of an effect. While engaged a unit may not move out of
offensive modifiers - notably cover is a very common one. engagement unless otherwise stated. A unit in engagement
Cover applies under any of the following circumstances; may only attack the unit(s) it is engaged with either using
their base melee profile, a melee weapon or another option
● A unit is targeted by a ranged attack and is within where stated. If all the units engaged with a unit are
1” of an intervening obstacle (the obstacle is destroyed or otherwise removed/moved the unit no longer
closer to the attacker then the target is) which can counts as engaged and may act as normal.
offer cover (walls, sandbags, large crates, vehicles
etc). This means units can sometimes appear to At the end of the round any units that are still engaged
be in the open but still benefit from cover items (because both sides are still alive) break off. Move the units
(as they dodge into cover when fired upon). at least 1” (0.5” each) apart; they no longer count as
● A unit is targeted by a ranged attack and only engaged and may act as usual in the next turn. In order to
50% or less of the target unit is visible to the continue fighting in melee one of the units must charge (or
attacker (due to intervening obstacles). another rule which allows engagement) the enemy again
and resume the engagement during their normal activation.
If a unit has cover it gets a +1 bonus to its evasion dice
against ranged attacks - cover never applies when being Shooting Into Engagement: Units may shoot at targets in
targeted by a unit in engagement with the unit in question. engagement which are eligible under the normal targeting
Note that units may only ever benefit from cover once per checks. Units engaged in melee get a -1 modifier to their
roll (like all effects & modifiers). evasion roll against ranged attacks. In addition though, any
natural attack rolls of 1 (after rerolls) against engaged
Blast Weapons: Some weapons have a blast radius, enemies strike an allied engaged unit instead of missing as
allowing them to hit multiple targets with a single attack. usual. Resolve damage against this friendly target as if it
When making an attack with a blast radius, pick a point on were an enemy unit. If there are multiple allied units in the
the ground/terrain visible to the attacker (and within range). engagement the one struck is the closest one to the
All units (friend or foe) within the blast radius (the value shooter.
shown next to the blast value) of the point are potentially
struck by the attack. Treat each target independently and Damage: For each attack that successfully strikes the
roll for attack / evasion as normal factoring in all appropriate opponents defence; damage is caused. For each hit roll the
modifiers for each attack separately. Defenders however dice shown (see damage dice) within the appropriate
cannot benefit from cover when struck by a blast attack. For weapon range threshold to calculate the number of
the purposes of three-dimensional terrain the blast radius is damage. For each point of damage reduce the health of the
considered a sphere with radius of the blast value. target unit by the same amount. If a unit is ever reduced to 0
or less health they are removed as a casualty. Sometimes a
When checking range thresholds - treat the target point unit may recover health - but it may never exceed it’s
distance as the range for all units within the blast radius. A starting value (unless otherwise stated).
cunning player may use this to maximise their damage
output in certain situations by utilising the blast radius to get Melee Damage For melee attacks every unit has a melee
within the best range threshold. strength value stated on their unit card which is used if they
have no dedicated melee weapon profile they are using for
Melee Combat: When activating a unit to make a melee this combat. This is considered their base strike damage
attack you must first pick a weapon profile from that unit to value and is sometimes modified by various effects.
use and choose an eligible target. Note that some weapons
have multiple profiles to choose from. To be eligible the Shields: Shields work like extra health points on top of your
target must be engaged by the attacking unit. If a unit has unit's wounds stat and are tracked in the unit profile. Each
no eligible targets it may not be activated to make a melee point of shields absorbs a point of damage and these points
attack. are removed before wounds are removed. Any damage left
once shields are depleted is applied against the unit's
Once a target is chosen the defender rolls their single health as normal. Shields may also regenerate in the start
evasion dice and calculates any modifiers. The final score is phase at a rate of 1 point per turn unless otherwise stated.
the target number the attacker needs to roll. The attacker Note that shields may never go above their starting value
then rolls one dice of the type shown under their martial stat (again unless otherwise stated).

- Additional Rules & Clarifications - No attack (ranged or melee) or evasion results final modifier
may ever be higher/lower then +/- 2. Always calculate the
Requisition Points: Unless otherwise stated all players gain full modifiers first and then cap the final at 2 if greater.
2 Requisition points per turn during the start phase of each
turn. Plus an additional 2 Requisition points for each turn Range Thresholds: When firing a weapon you must
beyond the first (to a maximum of 8). The below outlines the compare it to your weapons ranged thresholds - you may
generic Requisition points curve; only target units within applicable range thresholds (if a
weapon has no RoF at a certain range; it cannot be used at
Turn 1: 2 Requisition Points that distance). The range thresholds are as follows;
Turn 2: 4 Requisition Points
Turn 3: 6 Requisition Points Point Blank: 0” - 6”
Turn 4+: 8 Requisition Points Short: 7” - 12”
Medium: 13” - 18”
Requisition points are not saved between rounds - and if Long: 19” - 24”
not used are wasted. Extreme: 25”+

Rerolls: Certain abilities may allow you to reroll dice If players cannot agree exactly which threshold a unit falls
throughout the game. Unless otherwise stated, dice may into - flip a coin to determine. Always measure from closest
only ever be rerolled once per player and the second result base edge to closest base edge. The shortest possible
stands (even if worse). If two players have rerolls for the threshold always takes precedence in cases where a unit
same die roll then the player who is currently activating crosses the distance line.
rerolls second (the interrupting player rerolls first -
potentially allowing their die to be rerolled again). Note all Damage Dice: When called to roll a damage dice - these
roll based traits are based on unmodified dice rolls not the are referring to the unique coloured damage dice as shown
final result. E.G. if a unit has +1 accuracy and rerolls 1’s below with their respective values. If you do not have
when attacking; it will reroll the dice rolls of 1 before access to the unique dice - appropriate alternatives can be
applying the modifier to the second result. used (a generic D3 or D6 for example).

Variable Values: Some effects have dice built into their Blue Die: 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 Average Result: 1
value; for example an ability might have a characteristic of White Die: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 Average Result: 2
D4 +1. When called to use these values simply roll the dice Red Die: 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 Average Result: 3
shown and add on the fixed value to find your final total. If
called to do a number of these rolls at the same time - treat Another way of treating these dice is as D3’s with modifiers.
each independently. The blue die being D3-1, White just D3 and red D3+1.

Rounding Up: Some effects may require you to halve Aura Effects: Many units have effects that provide benefits
values to find a new result or adjust them by a percentage. to allied units of a particular type. These units may also
In these cases players always round up. So half the value of benefit from this aura themselves as long as they are also
9 is 5 for the purposes of the game event. applicable per their keywords. Bear in mind a unit may only
benefit from a specific ability once - so multiples of the
Modifiers: At various stages of the game you will get the same aura will not stack (but different ones will).
opportunity to modify your rolls. Modifiers (both good and
bad) are always mandatory when applied. As stated under Wounded: Some abilities and effects in game mention a
rerolls - modifiers are applied once the base roll is finalised ‘wounded’ status for units. A unit is wounded anytime it has
(after the reroll is taken if any). Note that modifiers may less health points then it’s starting value. Note that lost
never take a single value below 0 (it counts as 1 instead). shield points do not count - and should the unit ever return
Note that units may only benefit from a single modifier once to full health it no longer counts as wounded.
per roll (the same modifier does not stack); but they may
benefit from multiple different modifiers which apply the Weapon Traits / Unit Traits: On a unit's profile it will have a
same or similar effect. selection of traits for both the weapon and the unit itself.
This is noted by the weapons name being listed in brackets
Premeasuring: At any point in the game any player may next to the ability. Weapon abilities only take effect when
check any measurements / ranges they wish anywhere on using that weapon profile. When making melee attacks (or
the board and for any units. There is no limitation on using another weapon profile) those effects are not counted.
checking measurements.

Maximum Modifiers: Through various means it is possible

to stack modifiers against your accuracy, martial and
evasion dice. There are limits to just how
effective/ineffective an attack or dodge can become though.

- Building An Army - - Game Setup & Scenarios -

1. Choose a faction. Overview: When starting a game first determine the points
2. Calculate points limit for the game. level of the game (using the below chart for guidance). This
3. Choose a Commander unit. points limit shows the size of the army each player may
4. Spend points to buy units.. bring using their army books and should be completed
before the game begins. Once forces are made agree which
Choosing a Faction: Reclaimer has a number of factions to board edge will be counted as the top edge - this will
choose from covering the various races of the halo universe. define where the deployment zones are generated (as
When making an army select one of the factions - this will shown by the diagrams) and set up terrain to the
give you the choice of unit profiles to build your army from satisfaction of all players to create a balanced battlefield.
and the special attributes and command abilities you can Once confirmed either pick a scenario all players can agree
utilise during your game. on or roll to randomly determine (scenarios are given
numbers to make this easier to determine). Once one is
Building your Army: The scenario chosen will have a set chosen proceed with the setup and instructions for the
number of points to spend on your army. You can use these individual scenario.
points to buy units from the unit profiles available for your
force - though you must pick a commander first (see below). Victory By Annihilation: Some scenarios allow victory by
You are not restricted to what units you add unless stated. annihilation in addition to their standard victory conditions.
In these situations if one player (or team) is the only one left
The Commander: When building an army you must first with units on the battlefield at any point the game ends and
select from one of the commander options for your chosen they are considered the victor by annihilation. Note that
faction. This gives you a free ‘commander’ unit and their units in reserve do not count as being on the battlefield - so
corresponding commander board. The commander board a victory by annihilation can be achieved while there are still
shows the commands you may use through the game by units to deploy. In scenarios where this does not apply - a
spending your requisition points. In addition there may be player can still win even with no units currently on the field
various passive effects which are in play for your faction (follow the scenario rules).
depending on if the commander is still present on the
board. If you lose your commander unit for whatever reason
you may no longer use their commands for the remainder of Points Size of the Game: The points size of the game
the game unless otherwise stated. Note that you may only determines how large the forces are that each player can
ever have 1 commander unit. bring to the field. Below are some suggested points values;

Supply Limits: Most units have supply limits; which indicate 200: Small Game
a soft cap on how many you can deploy.. You may take 250: Standard Game
copies of this unit up to its supply limit for the regular price 300: Large Game
shown; any further you add costs the ‘oversupply’ price as 400: Huge Game
shown on the profile (the second points value). Note that
some commanders may change these limits.

Variants: Many units have variants with different weapon

loadouts or even different traits - they might even cost
different amounts. Units with the same name always count
as the same unit regardless of their stats - for example;

Sangheili Minor (Plasma Rifle)

Sangheili Minor (Carbine)
Sangheili Minor (Needler)

All count as the same unit ‘Sangheili Minor’ for the

purposes of supply limits.

Character Units: Some units have the ‘Character’ keyword.

This indicates that they are a unique named character from
the Halo Universe and as such there may only ever be one.
When building an army you may only include one of any
particular named character. If there are multiple versions of
a character (with different titles after the hypon) you may still
only take 1 amongst all variants.

- Advance - Victory Conditions: No victory points for objectives are
(1) scored during the first turn. Every turn after; during the end
phase players gain 1 victory point for each objective they
Opposing strike teams are sent forth to claim a valuable have currently under their control - plus an additional 1 for
strategic location and defend it from enemy counter-attack... holding the centre objective and/or for the objective in an
enemy deployment zone. Players can also gain an
Setup: Divide the board into the four deployment zones as additional 2 victory points for slaying the enemy
shown in the diagram; each 9” x 24”. Where shown in each commander. The player with the most victory points at the
deployment zone place an objective marker and in addition end of the game is victorious. Victory by annihilation is
place a single objective marker in the very centre of the available for this scenario.
Overtime: By the end of the 5th turn if the game is close -
an overtime might be applied. If neither player has at least a
2 victory point lead over their opponent then a further 6th
turn is played. A final 7th overtime turn is played if by the
end of the 6th turn still no player can claim a 2 point lead
(and therefore win the game). By the end of this final turn
however whoever has the most points wins by default (or a
draw is called if the points are tied).

Deployment Zones: Once setup is complete each player

rolls a D6 for deployment (roll off ties). The player who rolls
highest may choose to either take initiative for deployment
or pass it to their opponent. Whichever player has initiative
selects a single deployment zone from the four and marks it
with a token to show it has been claimed by this player. The
non-initiative player is then automatically assigned the
opposite deployment zone (A-C or B-D) and marks it as
claimed. The other two deployment zones are considered

Army Deployment: Starting with the player with initiative,

players take it in turns deploying one of their units within
their deployment zone. Once all players have deployed all
their units the game starts and the first turn begins..

Objectives: Each objective is claimed by whichever player

has more units within 3”. In addition the objectives in the
claimed deployment zones are automatically claimed by the
player who claimed that zone (during the setup stage) if no
units are present within the 3” range. The centre objective
and the two objectives in the neutral deployment zones
count as being claimed by no one if no units are able to
claim them. Objectives with an equal number of allied and
enemy units within the claim range are considered
contested and do not count as claimed for either party.

Game Length: This scenario lasts for 5 rounds - though up

to an additional two overtime rounds may increase the
length of the game.

- Divide & Conquer - Game Length: This scenario lasts for 5 rounds - though up
(2) to an additional two overtime rounds may increase the
length of the game.
Two allied contingents meet to seize valuable battle
objectives from disparate enemy forces... Victory Conditions: No victory points for objectives are
scored during the first turn. Every turn after; during the end
Setup: Divide the board into the four deployment zones as phase players gain 1 victory point for each objective they
shown in the diagram; each 9”x 9”. At the centre of each have currently under their control - plus an additional 1 for
deployment zone place an objective marker and in addition holding the centre objective and/or for each objective in an
place a single objective marker in the very centre of the enemy deployment zone. Players can also gain an
map. additional 2 victory points for slaying the enemy
commander. The player with the most victory points at the
end of the game is victorious. Victory by annihilation is
available for this scenario.

Overtime: By the end of the 5th turn if the game is close -

an overtime might be applied. If neither player has at least a
2 victory point lead over their opponent then a further 6th
turn is played. A final 7th overtime turn is played if by the
end of the 6th turn still no player can claim a 2 point lead
(and therefore win the game). By the end of this final turn
however whoever has the most points wins by default (or a
draw is called if the points are tied).

Deployment Zones: Once setup is complete each player

rolls a D6 for deployment (roll off ties). The player who rolls
highest may choose to either take initiative for deployment
or pass it to their opponent. Whichever player has initiative
selects a single deployment zone from the four and marks it
with a token to show it has been claimed by this player. The
non-initiative player then selects two other zones which
haven’t been claimed and claims them in the same fashion.
Finally the initiative player claims the last unclaimed
deployment zone.
Army Deployment: Starting with the player with initiative,
players take it in turns deploying one of their units within
one of their two deployment zones. Note that they do not
have to evenly spread their forces and can deploy as few or
as many units in each zone as they choose (or even none).
Once all players have deployed all their units the game
starts and the first turn begins..

Objectives: Each objective is claimed by whichever player

has more units within 3”. In addition the four objectives in
the deployment zones are automatically claimed by the
player who claimed that zone (during the setup stage) if no
units are present within the 3” range. The centre objective
counts as being claimed by no one if no units are able to
claim it. Objectives with an equal number of allied and
enemy units within the claim range are considered
contested and do not count as claimed for either party.

- Frontline - Victory Conditions: No victory points for objectives are
(3) scored during the first turn. Every turn after; during the end
phase players gain 1 victory point for each objective they
Forces clash in direct head-to-head engagement as they have currently under their control - plus an additional 1 for
attempt to create a breach in enemy lines... holding each neutral objective and/or plus an additional 2
for holding each objective in an enemy deployment zone.
Setup: Divide the board into the two deployment zones as Finally players gain a victory point for each unit they have in
shown in the diagram; each 36” x 9”. Where shown in each the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game. The
deployment zone place two objective markers and in player with the most victory points at the end of the game is
addition place the 2 neutral objective markers across the victorious. Victory can only be achieved by points and not
middle of the map. by annihilation.

Deployment Zones: Once setup is complete each player

rolls a D6 for deployment (roll off ties). The player who rolls
highest may choose to either take initiative for deployment
or pass it to their opponent. Whichever player has initiative
selects a single deployment zone from the two and marks it
with a token to show it has been claimed by this player. The
non-initiative player is then automatically assigned the
opposite deployment zone and marks it as claimed.

Army Deployment: Starting with the player with initiative,

players take it in turns deploying one of their units within
their deployment zone. Once all players have deployed all
their units the game starts and the first turn begins..

Objectives: Each objective is claimed by whichever player

has more units within 3”. In addition the objectives in the
claimed deployment zones are automatically claimed by the
player who claimed that zone (during the setup stage) if no
units are present within the 3” range. The two objectives in
the neutral area count as being claimed by no one if no
units are able to claim them. Objectives with an equal
number of allied and enemy units within the claim range are
considered contested and do not count as claimed for
either party.

Game Length: This scenario lasts for 5 rounds. There is no

overtime in this scenario.

- Carnage - Victory Conditions: Players gain a victory point for each
(4) enemy unit they take out of action during the course of the
game. Players can also gain an additional 2 victory points
A botched operation has left allied troops scattered and for slaying the enemy commander. At the end of the game
surrounded by enemy forces. A desperate close quarter players gain a further victory point for each unit they have
firefight ensues as each side battles for survival... left on the battlefield. Victory by annihilation is available for
this scenario.
Setup: This scenario requires no initial setup as there are no
objectives and deployment zones are determined by the

Deployment Zones: Each player rolls a D6 for deployment

(roll off ties). The player who rolls highest may choose to
either take initiative for deployment or pass it to their
opponent (see additional rules). Starting with the player with
initiative each player takes turns placing a neutral
deployment token on the board until each player has placed
3 each. Deployment tokens may not be placed within 3” of
a board edge or within 9” of another token.

Army Deployment: Starting with the player with initiative,

players take it in turns deploying one of their units within 3”
of any available deployment token. A deployment token is
available to a player if no enemy unit has yet been placed
within 3” of it (it may be helpful to mark deployment tokens
as claimed by particular players - but this has no further
bearing on the game). Players must place units next to
unoccupied tokens first until none remain - at which point
they can distribute their forces freely amongst their available
tokens. Once all players have deployed all their units the
game starts and the first turn begins - you may choose to
remove the deployment tokens at this point as they will take
no further part in the game.

Game Length: This scenario lasts for 5 rounds. There is no

overtime in this scenario.

Additional Rules: The player who does not receive

deployment initiative automatically counts as winning the
initiative roll on the first game round (and may choose who
gets initiative).

- Vital Intel -
(5) Overtime: By the end of the 5th turn if the defender's
commander is slain but victory has not been achieved by
A commander with vital strategic data has been located in a the attacker then a single overtime turn is played out. If the
vulnerable location away from allied lines. A strike team has attacker cannot claim the intel by the end of this 6th turn
a single opportunity to surround and eliminate this target then the game ends with defender victory.
before transmitting this data to allied forces in orbit. With a
relief force closing quickly - time is running out...

Setup: Divide the board into the three deployment zones as

shown in the diagram; two attacker 36”x 6” zones and a
defender 16”x 8” zone in the centre of the map.

Deployment Zones: Once setup is complete each player

rolls a D6 for deployment (roll off ties). The player who rolls
highest may choose to either be the attacker or the

Army Deployment: Starting with the defending player,

players take it in turns deploying one of their units within
their deployment zone(s). The attacker deploys in either of
the (A) zones and may spread their forces across these two
zones as they wish. The defender can only deploy within the
(B) zone.Once all players have deployed all their units the
game starts and the first turn begins..

Game Length: This scenario lasts for 5 rounds - though a

single overtime round may increase the length of the game.

Victory Conditions: The defending commander holds the

intel. In order for the attacker to claim it they must first slay
this commander unit. Once slain, place an objective marker
on their last location to represent the intel. To claim the intel
the attacker must have an allied unit within 1” of the marker
during the end phase. If they do, the intel is transmitted
successfully and the attacker is victorious. The defender is
victorious if the intel has not been claimed by the attacker
by the end of the game. In addition the attacker cannot gain
victory by annihilation - only via successfully claiming the
intel. The defender however can gain victory by annihilation
as this has effectively halted the attackers efforts.

- Advanced Unit Traits - VISR: In the command phase - during the player's
activation this unit may mark an enemy unit with VISR.
Unit & weapon traits as well as their effects are noted on Eligible units are within 18” of this unit and within LoS. Place
individual units profiles. However some are too long to note a VISR token next to the target unit to indicate it has been
their full use on the profiles and instead their rules are marked. Units may be marked multiple times - with effects
covered here (where specified); increasing in severity based on the number of marks
present. See the chart below to see the effects. The effects
Active Camouflage: When targeted by a ranged attack; this stack per number of marks - so a unit with 3 marks suffers
unit gains a defensive advantage depending on the range from the first, second and third effect.
threshold of the attack. Compare to the following grid;
1+ If a unit with the VISR trait makes a ranged attack
Point Blank (6”): No Effect targeting this unit - it may not benefit from cover
Short Range (12”): +1 Evasion Modifier modifier(s) or active camouflage modifier(s).
Medium Range (18”): +2 Evasion Modifier
Long Range (24”): This unit cannot be targeted. 2+ If a unit with the VISR trait makes a ranged attack
Extreme Range (25”+): This unit cannot be targeted. targeting this unit - the attacking unit may reroll a
single damage dice.
When this unit takes damage from an attack; this trait is
disabled and provides no further benefit for the rest of the 3+ If a unit with the VISR trait makes a ranged attack
round. It activates again in the start phase of the next round. targeting this unit - the attacking unit gets a +1
accuracy modifier.
Combat Initiative: Once per round during either the action
or combat phase the owning player may choose to activate During the end step remove all VISR marks from all units
this unit before the player with initiative's first unit. This unless otherwise stated.
interrupts the normal flow of the phase and this unit's action
is resolved first. Once resolved - return to initiative order.
Note that if the player with initiative uses this; this can lead
to them activating multiple units in a row. If both players
choose to activate units with this (or similar) effect - then
use initiative to determine order and return to a typical
sequential 1 unit per player activation until all units with this
ability are activated; then return to regular activations.

Martyrdom: This unit may never make ranged or shooting

attack actions, nor may it ever claim objectives, count for
victory points or pick up items. When activated during the
combat phase - this unit may choose to explode (even if it
sprinted). If it does all units (friend or foe) within 2” take an
automatic hit of strength . This is not a regular
attack and does not roll to hit versus evasion. Once
performed this unit is removed. In addition if this unit is
removed from combat for any other reason (such as being
slain from an attack) it immediately explodes on the spot per
the above rules.

Orbital Deployment: At the start of the game this unit may

be held in reserves off the board. During any action phase
you may activate this unit to deploy it anywhere within the
command range of an allied unit (regardless of whether it is
applicable to that commander), within your starting
deployment zone(s) or within 6” of a unit with the recon trait.
They may not be deployed into the engagement range of
enemy units. It can move no further in the turn it deploys
but can then otherwise act as normal. For the purposes of
this turn the unit counts as having moved in the action
phase. Once deployed this trait has no further effect.


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