So Alan Linear

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KERTAS EX Bahagian A 1. Pada satah Cartes di ruang jawapan, lukis garis urus x ~ y ~ 4 = memuaskan ketaksamaan linear x — 4<0. On the Cartesian plane in the answer space, draw the straight line x ~ y region which satisfies the linear inequality x = y = 4 <0. |, Seterusnya, lorek rantau yang 4 =0. Hence, shade the [3 markahl3 marks) Jawapan/Answer: 2, Diberi persamaan linear y = -2x + 4, tanpa melukis graf garis lurus, tentukan sama ada setiap titik berikut memuaskan y =-2x +4, y > -2v-+ 4 atau y < 2x + 4. Given the linear equation y = -2x + 4, without drawing the graph of the straight line, determine whether each of the following points satisfies y = -2x +4, y > 2x +4 ory <-2x+4. @ C1, 0) (b) G2) © (4,0) @ G,-4) [4 markahl4 marks) Jawapan/Answer: (a) (b) © @ 35 3. Garis lurus pada satah Cartes di ruang jawapan mempunyai persamaan y = (x +c)", dengan ¢ dan x ialah integer. The straight line on the Cartesian plane in the answer space has an equation of y = (x + c)", where cand x are integers. (a) Nyatakan nilai n dan nilai c. State the values of n and c. (b) Seterusnya, lorek rantau yang memuaskan ketaksamaan linear y = (x + c)* pada satah Cartes itu. Hence, shade the region that satisfies the linear inequality y < (x +c)" on the Cartesian plane. [4 markah/4 marks] Jawapan/Answer: @ ) 4, Pada satah Cartes di ruang jawapan, lukis dan lorek rantau yang memuaskan sistem ketaksamaan linear berikut: On the Cartesian plane in the answer space, draw and shade the region which satisfies the following system of linear inequalities: y= 2x + 8, y <8 danand x <4 [3 markah/3 marks] Jawapan/Answer: Bahagian B 5. (a) (i) Pada satah Cartes di ruang jawapan, lukis dan lorek rantau yang memuaskan sistem ketaksamaan linear x +y > 5, y = x dan y <5, On the Cartesian plane in the answer space, draw and shade the region that satisfies the system of linear inequalities x + y = 5, y = x and y <5. (ii) Daripada graf yang dilukis di (a)(i), cari nilai minimum y apabila x = 2, From the graph drawn in (a)(i), find the minimum value of y when 3 2) [4 markah/4 marks] Jawapan/Answer: @ Gi) (b) @ Pada satah Cartes di ruang jawapan, lukis dan lorek rantau yang memuaskan sistem ketaksamaan linear y < x, 3y = x dan x <5, On the Cartesian plane in the answer space, draw and shade the region that satisfies the system of linear inequalities y = x, 3y = x and x <5. (i) Seterusnya, tulis sistem ketaksamaan linear yang memuaskan imej bagi rantau berlorek GW di bawah satu pantulan pada paksi- Hence, write the system of linear inequalities that satisfy the image of the shaded region under a reflection in the y-axis [5 markahlS marks] Jawapan/Answer @ a @ Nyatakan tiga ketaksamaan linear yang mentakrifkan rantau berlorek dalam rajah di atas. State three linear inequalities that define the shaded region in the above diagram. [3 markah/3 marks) Jawapan/Answer: (b) Kelas tuisyen ingin mengambil x orang murid lelaki dan y orang murid perempuan. Jumlah bilangan murid itu tidak melebihi 20 orang. Bilangan murid lelaki tidak lebih daripada tiga Kali bilangan murid perempuan. Bilangan maksimum murid perempuan ialah 12 orang. A tuition class wants to take in x boys and y girls. The total number of the pupils is at most 20. The number of boys is not more than three times the number of girls. The maximum number of girls is 12. (i) Tulis tiga ketidaksamaan linear, selain x > 0 dan y = 0, yang mewakili situasi itu. Write three linear inequalities, other than x = 0 and y = 0, which represent the situation. Gi) Pada satah Cartes di ruang jawapan, Iukis dan lorek rantau yang memuaskan sistem ketaksamaan linear yang dibina di (b)(j). On the Cartesian plane in the answer space, draw and shade the region that satisfies the system of linear inequalities constructed in (b)(i). [5 markahlS marks] Jawapan/Answer: @ di)

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