Alkali Elements (Hydrogen)

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Group 1- Alkali Metals (Hydrogen)

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Group 1, 1 electron in outer level, +1

Alkali Metals
Oxidation state; basic hydroxide
-inflammable air
-lightest element
Messerschmitt process Commercial Production of Hydrogen
protium, deuterium, tritium Isotopes of Hydrogen
most common and stable hydrogen iso-
A heavy isotope of hydrogen with one
proton and one neutron in the nucleus
Heavy water
D2O (Deuterium Oxide) It is used as Solvents in NMR spec-
Haber process, Hydrogenation Industrial Uses of Hydrogen
•Universal Solvent, Omnipresent,
•Maximum density at 4°C and
•Chemically Stable Compound
Water • Readily act as a ligand, and or base, or
and Oxidizing or reducing agent
•Room Temperature 25°C (0.994 densi-
1. Water of crystallisation,
2. Water of Hydration,
3. Zeolite,
4. Lattice,
5. Natural or Mineral,
6. Alkaline,
The 12 Types of Water
7. Carbonated,
8. Chalybeate
9. Lithia,
10. Saline,
11. Sulfur,
12. Siliceous
water associated when crystal precipi-
Water of crystallization
tate from aqueous solution
Group 1- Alkali Metals (Hydrogen)
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-water contained in a crystal

Water hydration -water associated with cations and or an-
ions of assault in solution on crystal
Zeolite Water Physically Held water
Water coordinated in a cationic complex
Lattice water or held in definite lattice structure of the
contain dissolved minerals or materi-
als indigenous to the region, varying
Natural or Mineral Waters amounts of suspended matter, dissolved
atmospheric gases and metabolic de-
composition products.
Na2SO4 and MgSO4 with NaHCO3
Alkaline Waters
(makes it Alkaline)
carbonated water charge white in the earth with CO2
contains Fe in solution or suspension
Chalybeate water
(brownish with ferrogenous taste)
contains lithium in the form of carbonate
or chloride
lithia waters
do not contain appreciable quantities of
lithium, either as carbonato or chloride
purgative waters: High amounts of
saline waters
MgSO4, Na2SO4, NaCl
contains H2S and deposit S upon expo-
sulfur waters
sure to atmosphere. (yellow)
siliceous waters soluble alkali silicates
Temporary and permanent hardness 2 types of water hardness
• contains mainly dissolved Ca and Ma
temporary hardness
• can be removed by boiling (ppted as
• contains mainly dissolved Ca and Mg
sulfate and chloride in water
Group 1- Alkali Metals (Hydrogen)
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permanent hardness
• Can be removed by ion exchange resin
Potable waters, Bacteriostatic water, wa-
ter for injection USP, and sterile water for 4 other important waters
fit to drink, free from coliform, water treat-
potable water
ed to remove insoluble matter
sterile water for injection with one or
more antimicrobial agents have been
bacteriostatic water for injection, USP added; not for IV; benzyl alcohol as bac-
teriostatic agents, (causes gasping syn-
drome for inconates
pyrogen free; solvent for parental prod-
water for injection, USP
ucts; large-scale manufacturing
sterile water for injection for extemporaneous compounding


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