Legislation On Banksman

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Construction Regs 2013:

 Sec 20 - (1) Adequate precautions shall be taken in any excavation, shaft, earthwork,
underground works or tunnel to—
 Sec 41 - (2) On all construction sites on which transport vehicles, earth-moving or
materials-handling machinery or locomotives are used—
( a ) safe and suitable access ways shall be provided for them, and
( b ) traffic shall be so organised and controlled as to secure their safe operation.

 Sec 45 - Where any vehicle or machinery is used for tipping material into any
excavation or shaft or over the edge of any embankment or earthwork or into water
adequate measures shall be taken where necessary so as to prevent such vehicle or
machinery from overturning or from overrunning the edge of such excavation, shaft,
embankment, earthwork or water.

Guide to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work 2010 Update (General
Application) Regulations 2007 - Chapter 2 of Part 2: Use of Work Equipment :
 Reg 41 - An employer shall ensure that—
(a) if work equipment is moving around in a work area, appropriate traffic rules are
drawn up and followed.
(b) organisational measures are taken to prevent employees on foot coming within
the area of operation of self-propelled work equipment and, if work can be done
properly only if employees on foot are present, appropriate measures are taken
to prevent them from being injured by the equipment:
 Communication with equipment operator (Radio/Hand Signals)
 Visibility aids on equipment
 High-visibility clothing, and head and foot protection
 Speed of equipment operation.

HSA - Workplace Transport Safety Reversing Vehicles Guidelines

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