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An upcoming visitor, a dignified guest, we don’t need to rearrange our schedule to meet him.

The guest is irrelevant to our schedule. ALlah has made it the end of your schedule. It is the
angel of death. He takes us from this world ot the next. His sole responisinliy is to transition us
to next world. The angel of death that has been assigned to you shall take care of you. There is
one head angel in charge and for every human there is one angel of death for each of us. Death
is not talked about, a morbid topic. A neccessary topic of life. Not talking about it will not change
realuty of it. Nobody can deny death. People some say This only world we wil not be
ressurrected and they must say we will will live and die and they cannot reject death. They can
try and run from death ALlah says ther are people who want to live 1000 years. Even if I were to
gve that much it woldn’t stop death. Death is a reality. Kullu nafsin tha eqatul mawt. Allah says
simply We did not give eternal life to anybody, beautiful to prophet. If you rasul will taste death
do they think they willl live forever. If allah gave eternity he would give it to rasul. ALlah says you
rasul will die and so will they. Nobody on eath escapes death. ALlah has kept the secret of the
timing of death from even the angel. Rasul says that ALlah knows 5 things only ALlah knows. he
knows when doj is and when rain falls and gender of baby and noone knows what will happen
tomorrow and noone knows the land they will die in and the time of death. A mystery of ALlah.
The death of every person comes at a time decreed by Allah. ALlah says noone can die except
that ALlah has conditioned it. hypocrites say they shouldn’t have fought so they would’t die.
Allah says no they would’ve been forced out to die. No matter where you are death will overtake
u. ALah says Allah created both death and life. Death is a creation like life is a creation. He
mentions death before life even thought it makes sense to do otherwise. Death is the eternal life
and life is temporary which is why it is menitoned first. Hadith that the average age of my
ummah will be between 60 to 70 and few will go beyond 70. How long will these years be. Rasul
says in much detail about the details in people’s life about death. Allah says the pangs of death
that signify sufferring that is very painful. Aisha said he was sweating profusely from these
pangs. These pangs are not evil but are precursors to death. THere will be a millisecond of time
u will see angel while on earth. Allah says you were attempting to deny this and today when you
see angel of death the covering will have been lifeted and eyes will be clearer. Tawbah is cut off
when you see the angel of death. ANgel will take soul. Rasul says that in Musnad Ahmed that
when ruh leaves body the eyes follow it and people look straight up because of this. The
righteous’s death will be different than the death of the fasiq or disbeliver. it is at this point when
angel comes with his entourage of other angels when you are dead. THose who said ALlah is
our lord and they were firm in this statemnt the Angels will all come down they will be as far as
the eye can see and they will be happy. The person will be scared. Angels will say don’t be
scared we will take care of you in this world and the next. This is something that will happen to
the believerse. Rasul will say the believer’s heart will leave body bearutifully like water Angels
will bring flowers and shrouds or janah then the soul will go up. Allah will say write his name in
the highest register. ALlah will say to ruh to go back to Earth except for shaheed will fly in janah.
Munkar and nakeer will ask your religion who you worshipped and your attitude to Muhammad
saw. You must know and act upon the pilosphy of life. Were you really following Islam and
ALlah. The believer will only resond right if ALlah gives tabaat to let person answer. The fasiq
and fajir who lived impious life. The milisecond of seeing angels punishment feel like a millienia.
As soon as bad people see them they will say no it’s not our fault we didn’t have luxury or we
were persected. If you were persectured then you shouldn’t have lived there and should’ve
moved. Allah says his ruh will be extracted like wet cotton pulled through an iron comb. The ruh
wants to stay. The angels will begin torture and bring fumes of hell. Doors of samaa will be shut
for them as long as the camel cannot pass through the eye of a needle. The ruh will be
registered in the evil tanking. Then the qabr punishment will start. Rasul says some of you will
be rested and punished in grave. I can hear them and I wish I could make you listen to them,
but if you knew this you would be scared to buary your dead. Ib Majah:Rasul says I have not
seen anything more terrifying (he has seen punishments of hell) than punishments of qabr. Allah
said that I command you to remember frequently the destroyer of pleasures which is death. We
already mentioned about death that none likes to think about it. People were running away from
it. and they are trying to run from it but they will never be able to run away from it. It is the death
of is in this world but the beginning of a real lifde in the next world. 15-20 years for sleeping
15-20 in youth and 30-40 for dunya. QUran says on DOJ ALlah will ask people how many years
did you have on Earth. People will look around and see that they have ahrdly any good deeds.
They will think how did I live this way when I knew the DKH was coming. Everyone will get in on
that day. These hasanaat I have must mean I wasn’t given a real chance on Earth . They will
say oh allah give another chance and I swear I will do better. Those that have a dsw deeds will
say you only gave a day or half a day. Instead of reubking or chalenging themselves and
deluded that they will challenge Allah. You only gave half or one day to do this. Theysay go
check with Angels. They are so messed yo/ Why do we know these conversation so that we are
not the ones who will make those excuses. We want to be the ones who say come look this is
our book when he get his book in his right hand. How did he get his book in his right hanf. I
knew about my hisab and prepared for it. Our religion tells us the questions that will be asked in
DOJ. Like a professor telling the question s on an exam. Death will not ignore us and will catch
up to us. A scholar says it amazes me how people decorate their houses and they have one
less day to sleep. They don’t care about home of akhirah. Every night they get one day closer.
One guy asked sheikh what is the most amazing thing from your life. The most amazing thing is
that people are surrounded by death and it never occurs to him that he will die too. The body
carried or washed or transported to grave and placed down will be my body. People who loved
us will shovel dirt on us. Let the wise person know that you must change now. There is still time
to change. THink about death frequently to become more Islamic. Rasul said increase in the
remembering of that which will destroy all pleasures.

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