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“Every place holds some meaning to it in the way it is organized” my grandfather used to say.

It’s been 5
years since he passed away from blood cancer last stage. I always admired him for not giving up in the
face of death, he used to smile away the pain maybe because he didn’t want to worry us; anyways it will
always remain a mystery now. I wonder what death feels like… Ahh! Look at me sitting in an office
surrounded by tables, chairs and all the things that makes it the worst place to be in. I guess, grandfather
was right about places. The clock hits 5 and everyone starts to pack their things; eager to leave this
place, it almost seems as if this place is some kind of dungeon where people are imprisoned by their
consumer mind-set, he thought as he paced towards the elevator as if his life dependent on leaving this
place as quickly as possible. So, what was today like? Waking up early, brushing, bathing, getting ready,
working then going back to home too tired to do anything -- even socialized.

As the elevator was going down floor by floor. Every floor passed was indicated by the ‘ting’ sound which
was annoying to him. Suddenly, the sound became rapid as if someone is hitting the bell of his house
again and again and again. This was the last thing he remembered, the next time he woke up everything
has changed!

Woah! What happened, his eyes are closed, where am I? Did I die or something is this what afterlife
looks like…Nothingness. Suddenly, a flash of light appears brighter than the sun making him almost
blind, seconds later he finds himself in a dark cave inhabit by fireflies or so he thought. What is this
place? I’m pretty sure I was in the elevator than everything vanished, almost feels like a dream. I can
barely see anything, Lets go along the path laid before me, maybe I’ll find an exit there. As he moved
along the dark cave, he hears noises that he hasn’t hear before, he thinks, it’s in his head and moves
along the path. I’m walking for so long, but can’t seem to find an exist. Is that…? He runs. HELLO! HELP!
ANYBODY THERE?! He finds a group of people waring strange cloths, laced with swords, arrows, staff;
some of them looked like human while other not so much, he is scared, but manages to ask them about
the cave or if they know the exit. Hello! My name is Ayush, would you happen to know the exist from this
cave, I’m lost. They stare at him in shock! This is not a cave it’s a labyrinth and you’re at one of the
deepest levels. We are here because, we were trying to out run the creatures. CREATURES!!! WHAT! What
kind of creatures? Who are you mister? Why don’t you know about labyrinths? Are you an other-
worlder? Wait! What? Other-worlder! What does that even mean? Suddenly, a sharp screeching sound
starts to come from the deeps of the cave. There is not time to explain this to you. We have to move
towards the upper floors fast. Can you wield a sword? What sword? NO! Khuwa, give him your dagger. A
lot of questions were in my mind as to where, how and why am I here? Is This some kind of elaborate
joke or Is this really happening. Soon, He join together with the group and start to climb upwards; He
doesn’t say much, the shock of all of this happening to him is to much. All he knows is to get-out of this
place alive, all of his reasoning can come later.

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