Analysis of Rider and Child Pillion Passenger Kinematics Along With Injury Mechanisms During Motorcycle Crash

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Traffic Injury Prevention

ISSN: 1538-9588 (Print) 1538-957X (Online) Journal homepage:

Analysis of rider and child pillion passenger

kinematics along with injury mechanisms during
motorcycle crash

Julaluk Carmai, Saiprasit Koetniyom & Wasif Hossain

To cite this article: Julaluk Carmai, Saiprasit Koetniyom & Wasif Hossain (2019) Analysis of rider
and child pillion passenger kinematics along with injury mechanisms during motorcycle crash,
Traffic Injury Prevention, 20:sup1, S13-S20, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2019.1616180

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2019, VOL. 20, NO. S1, S13–S20

Analysis of rider and child pillion passenger kinematics along with injury
mechanisms during motorcycle crash
Julaluk Carmai , Saiprasit Koetniyom, and Wasif Hossain
Automotive Safety and Assessment Engineering Research Centre, The Sirindhorn International Thai–German Graduate School of Engineering,
King Mongkut’s University of Technology, North Bangkok, Thailand


Objective: Traffic fatalities among motorcycle users are intolerably high in Thailand. They account Received 8 November 2018
for 73% of the total number of road fatalities. Children are also among these victims. To improve Accepted 4 May 2019
countermeasures and design of protection equipment, understanding the biomechanics of motor-
cycle users under impact conditions is necessary. The objective of this work is to analyze the over-
Motorcycle accident;
all kinematics and injuries sustained by riders and child pillion passengers in various accident multibody simulation; finite
configurations. element simulation; rider
Methods: Motorcycle accident data were analyzed. Common accident scenarios and impact kinematics; child pillion
parameters were identified. Two numerical approaches were employed. The multibody model was passenger;
validated with a motorcycle crash test and used to generate possible accident cases for various injury mechanisms
impact conditions specified to cover all common accident scenarios. Specific impact conditions
were selected for detailed finite element analysis. The finite element simulations of motorcycle-to-
car collisions were conducted to provide insight into kinematics and injury mechanisms.
Results: Global kinematics found when the motorcycle’s front wheel impacts a car (config-MC)
highlighted the translation motion of both the rider and passenger toward the impact position.
The rider’s trunk impacted the handlebar and the head either impacted the car or missed. The
hood constituted the highest head impact occurrence for this configuration. The child mostly
impacted the rider’s back. Different kinematics were found when car impacted the lateral side of
the motorcycle (config-CM). Upper bodies of both rider and child were laterally projected toward
the car front. The windshield constituted the highest proportion of head impacts. The hood and
A-pillar recorded a moderate proportion. The rider in finite element simulations with config-MC
experienced high rib stress, lung strain, and pressure beyond the injury limit. A high head injury
criterion was observed when the head hit the car. However, the simulation with config-CM exhib-
ited high lower extremities stress and lung pressure in both occupants. Hyperextension of the
rider’s neck was observed. The cumulative strain damage measure of the child’s brain was higher
than the threshold for diffuse axonal injury (DAI).
Conclusions: This study revealed 2 kinematics patterns and injury mechanisms. Simulations with
config-MC manifested a high risk of head and thorax injury to the rider but a low risk of severe
injury to the child. Thorax injury to the rider due to handlebar impact was only found in simula-
tions with config-MC. However, a high risk of skull, lower extremity, brain, and neck injuries were
more pronounced for cases with config-CM. A high risk of DAI was also noticed for the child. In
simulations with config-CM the child exhibited a higher risk of severe injury.

20.5 million registered motorcycles in 2017. Small motorcycles
In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO 2015) with a capacity less than 125 cc accounted for 86% of motor-
reported that 73% of road deaths in Thailand involved riders cycle domestic sales in 2016 (Board of Investment Thailand
and pillion passengers of 2- and 3-wheeled vehicles, which is 2016). They are often used as daily transportation to send
6 times that of other vehicles. Motorcycles are considered a children to schools. Save the Children Thailand (2014)
convenient and cheap mode of transportation. The reported that there are 1.3 million child motorcycle pillion
Department of Land Transport, Thailand (2017), reported passengers. In 2009, it was reported that 62% of traffic injuries

CONTACT Julaluk Carmai Automotive Safety and Assessment Engineering Research Centre, The Sirindhorn International
Thai–German Graduate School of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, North Bangkok, 1518 Pracharat 1, Wongsawang, Bangsue, Bangkok
10800, Thailand.
Associate Editor Giovanni Savino oversaw the review of this article.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher’s website.
ß 2019 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in
any way.

in Thailand were among children under 15 years old and considered. However, finite element simulation can provide
were due to motorcycle accidents (WHO, Regional Office for more accurate results, including detailed injury analysis.
South-East Asia 2015). In addition, 37% of motorcycle injuries However, it is relatively computer-intensive and not optimal
in Thailand occur to the head and neck (WHO, Regional to simulate many impact conditions. Only 3 simulation con-
Office for South-East Asia 2015). In order to improve counter- ditions were selected for finite element simulations so that
measures, understanding of kinematics and injury mechanisms further detailed investigation on occupants’ injuries could be
of rider and child passengers during a crash is necessary. This performed. In addition, whole-body collision simulations
article aims to analyze the overall kinematics and injuries sus- were performed because they provide an understanding of
tained by motorcycle riders and child pillion passengers in potential injury risk to various body segments.
various accident configurations.
Since 2002, there has been only one complete report on in-
Materials and methods
depth motorcycle accident investigation in Thailand
(Kasantikul 2002). A total of 723 motorcycle accident cases in Motorcycle accident data classification formed the basis for
Bangkok were investigated. The motorcycle speed was between simulation work in this research. Selection of simulation
20 and 50 km/h and the speed of other vehicles was between configurations was based on the analysis of these data.
11 and 40 km/h. Recently, Karnjanapollert et al. (2018) recon- Multibody simulations were employed to generate additional
structed motorcycle accidents in Thailand. The range of possible motorcycle accidents cases based on identified real-
speeds found from the reconstructions was 30–60 km/h. world accident scenarios. Three simulation conditions were
However, up-to-date, in-depth motorcycle accident data are selected based on the results of multibody simulation for
rare in Thailand. Macro accident data are inadequate to pro- detailed injury analyzes using finite element simulation.
duce effective vehicle-related safety solutions or countermeas-
ures. Multibody simulations have often been used to virtually
generate pedestrian and cyclist accidents, which subsequently Motorcycle accident data classification and common
provides an understanding of the kinematics and injury mech- accident scenarios
anisms of pedestrians/cyclists (Bourdet et al. 2014; Fiest et al. Motorcycle accident data were provided by a Thai insurance
2009; Magriet et al. 2012; Untaroiu et al. 2010; Watson et al. company that insured 80% of registered motorcycles. They
2006). Utaroiu et al. (2010) developed an advanced method- were analyzed in terms of frequency and pattern. All data
ology that combined multibody simulations and an optimiza- were classified according to type of crash, type of other vehicle
tion technique to identify the adult and child pedestrian pre- involved, rider and passenger age range, injury severity level,
impact postures and vehicle speeds. Fiest et al. (2009) also and injured body region. The classification of data for each
used combined approaches of multibody simulation and finite category is shown in Figures A1–A6 (Appendix A, see online
element simulation to investigate the relevance of rotation- supplement). The total number of motorcycle accidents in
induced head injuries to pedestrians hit by a large flat-front 2014–2015 was 615,542, and 58.7% of motorcycle accidents
vehicle. In addition, Watson et al. (2006) and Magriet et al. were due to the rider losing control. Sideswipe/angular colli-
(2012) employed a multibody dynamics model as a tool to sion was the second highest, accounting for 30.5%. The num-
study cyclists’ kinematics during crash. They found that the ber of rear-end (2.3%) and head-on (0.003%) collisions was
head impact of the cyclist was further rearward than that of low. Accidents with passenger cars (40.6%) were most com-
the pedestrian. The head impact angles were also different, mon, followed by collisions with pickup trucks (14.9%).
although the head impact velocity was similar. Bourdet et al. Common age ranges for the rider were 14–20 years (22.9%)
(2014) simulated a large number of pedestrian and bicyclist and for the passenger, 10–19 years old (30.4%). Around 20%
accident scenarios involving small electric vehicles using multi- of victims sustained serious and severe injuries. Fatalities
body simulations. In relation to physical or virtual motorcycle accounted for 1.12%. Head injury constituted 50.3% of all
crash tests, ISO 13232 (International Organization for fatalities. Common accident scenarios were identified from
Standardization [ISO] 2005) is usually employed to set up sideswipe/angular collision because they accounted for the
crash configurations (Deguchi 2003; Mukherjee et al. 2001; highest portion when considering only fatalities and severe/
Namiki et al. 2003). Seven scenarios are recommended in ISO serious injuries. Common scenarios included motorcycle/other
13232 (ISO 2005) for assessment of protective devices installed vehicle changing lane or overtaking, motorcycle/other vehicle
on a motorcycle. They include 143-9.8/0, 114-6.7/13.4, 413-0/ making a U-turn, and turning at a junction or turning into an
13.5, 413-6.7/13.4, 412-6.7/13.4, 414-6.7/13.4, 225-0/13.4. alley across the path of the other. These are summarized in
In order to improve the understanding of the kinematics Table A3 (Appendix A, see online supplement). The identified
of the rider and child pillion passenger, a number of acci- scenarios were also classified into 2 impact configurations,
dent cases with various impact conditions are required. including (a) motorcycle impacting other vehicle (config-MC)
Multibody modeling is an inexpensive computerized tool and (b) other vehicle impacting motorcycle (config-CM).
suitable for simulating a large number of cases. It was
employed to generate a number of possible accident cases Multibody motorcycle–car collision model setup
based on defined impact parameters so that the typical kine-
matic patterns were drawn from these generated data. A motorcycle–car collision model was developed using the
Nevertheless, the kinematics obtained were carefully consid- multibody simulation program PC-Crash. The child pillion
ered because the vehicle deformation was not well passenger was also included in the model because the

Table 1. Multibody simulation conditions.

Impact configuration
Parameter Motorcycle impacting car (config-MC) Car impacting motorcycle (config-CM)
Impact position Lateral Front F (center of front wheel)
P1 (half of car length) P3 (one-sixth of car width) M (center of motorcycle length)
P2 (one-sixth of car length) P4 (half of car width) R (center of rear wheel)
Impact angle (anticlockwise from axial axis of car) 30 , 45 , 60 , 90 , 120 , 150 120 , 150 30 , 45 , 60 , 90
Motorcycle impact speed (km/h) 20, 30, 40, 50 Stationary
Car impact speed (km/h) Stationary 20,30,40,50,60
Total 64 conditions 60 conditions

accident data showed a significant number of child pillion the other vehicle frequently occurred at the front bumper
passengers (Figure A4) in motorcycle accidents. First the and the area between the front corner and the front door.
impact configuration was set to be the same as that in the The motorcycle was set to impact the lateral side of the car
experiment of Koetniyom et al. (2018). The motorcycle was at position P1 (half the car length) and P2 (one-sixth of the
set to impact the car at 42.2 km/h. The height and weight of car length) with 6 impact angles (Table 1). However, only
the rider and child were set to be same as those of the 50th 120 and 150 impact angles were assigned to position P3
percentile rider dummy (1.75 m, 78 kg) and the P6 child and P4 at the front bumper because an angle of 180 or
dummy (1.17 m, 21 kg) respectively (Figure A8, see online more did not represent the scenarios of interest.
supplement). The simulation results were compared to the
experimental results for validation.
Car impacting motorcycle configuration (config-CM)
The car front end was set to impact the lateral side of a sta-
Multibody simulation configurations and conditions tionary motorcycle (Figure A7b). Three impact positions
(Figures A7b, A8) including front wheel (F), center of motor-
The validated motorcycle–car collision model was employed
cycle length (M), and rear wheel (R) were selected to represent
to generate more accident scenarios. This enabled a study of
accident scenarios when a motorcycle was changing lanes,
the effects of the parameters that are insufficiently available
overtaking, turning, or making a U-turn. The positions were
in real-world situations, such as impact speed, position, and
selected based on Kasantikul’s (2002) investigation, which clas-
angle, which encouraged further investigation into rider and
sified the points of first collision on the motorcycle’s lateral
passenger kinematics as well as head impact location during
side into front, center, and rear (Figure A9, see online supple-
a crash. Because the anthropometry of Thai population is
ment). Four impact angles between 30 and 90 were selected
smaller than the 50th percentile dummy, the rider was
to represent the scenarios of interest (Table 1).
scaled to represent an average Thai rider in the age group
14–20 years. A rider with a height of 1.59 m and weight of
52 kg was used for subsequent studies. Two impact configu- Finite element motorcycle–car collision model setup
rations obtained from the accident analysis were considered
(Figure A7, see online supplement). Impact parameters A finite element motorcycle–car collision model was devel-
including speed, position, and angle were specified to gener- oped (Figure B1, Appendix B, see online supplement). The
ate accident simulations that represented accident scenarios NCAC Toyota model was utilized for the simulations. Meshes
(Table A3) in the previous section. Impact speeds for both of some components were refined to 3–4 mm (Figure B2, see
simulation configurations were selected based on the studies online supplement). The revised model was validated against
of Kasantikul (2002) and Karnjanapollert et al. (2018). the crash test data. The motorcycle’s finite element model was
Simulation conditions are summarized in Table 1. These developed using reverse engineering (Appendix B). The
simulation conditions also included some configurations rec- dimensions and weight of the main components were meas-
ommended by ISO 13232 (ISO 2005) such as 413-0/13.4 for ured (Figures B3, B4, see online supplement). The thickness of
config-MC and 143-9.8/0 for config-CM. However, the the motorcycle frame, handlebar, tire, rim, and front fork tube
motorcycle speed of 50 km/h was used instead of 48.24 km/h was also measured and was reflected in the shell elements.
and 40 km/h was used for the car speed instead of 35.28 km/ Spokes were modeled using beam elements and the engine
h. Furthermore, the impact angle and position recom- was assumed rigid. The seat was simplified using rubber com-
mended in 412-6.7/13.4, 135-114/13.4 were also considered. posite behavior. Material properties were obtained from the
experiments. The dynamic behavior of the shock absorber was
simplified using spring elements and its stiffness was obtained
Motorcycle impacting car configuration (config-MC) from the experiment. Details of the model are given in
The front wheel of the motorcycle was set to impact the sta- Appendix B. A validation with the experiments was performed
tionary car with 4 impact speeds as detailed in Table 1. Four for the front wheel impact because it is the first point of con-
impact positions (Figure A7a) were selected to represent tact with the other object in a frontal collision (Figures
accident scenarios when a car was changing lanes, overtak- B8–B10, see online supplement). The whole motorcycle kine-
ing, turning, or making a U-turn. Furthermore, Kasantikul matics was qualitatively compared with a crash test. Fifth per-
(2002) reported that the points of first collision contact on centile and 6-year-old occupant human body models

(THUMS) were employed. Their heights and weights were

close to those of the rider and passenger models used in mul-
tibody simulations. Both THUMS models were validated in
terms of component response and whole-body kinematics (Ito
et al. 2017; Iwamoto et al. 2007; Kimpara et al. 2005; Shigeta
et al. 2009; Watanabe et al. 2012). The postures of THUMS
were adjusted by forced displacement applied to nodes of
bones of upper and lower extremities. Presimulations were
performed to position each body part but prestrains were not
considered in the main simulations. Details of the THUMS
positioning procedure are illustrated in Appendix C (see
online supplement). Beam elements with 0.2 failure strain
were used to tie the rider’s palms to the handlebar and the
child’s palms to the rider’s hip bone. The motorcycle with the
occupant model was combined with the car model. Gravity
was applied to all models. A friction coefficient of 0.1 was
assumed for the contacts between THUMS and other parts. Figure 1. Comparison of kinematics of the rider and the child passenger during
The friction coefficient for the car–ground–motorcycle was a crash.
assumed 0.3. Two impact configurations, config-MC and con-
fig-CM, were set up (Figures A7, B1).

Finite element simulation conditions and injury indices

Three simulation conditions were selected to represent a
motorcycle impacting a car at the lateral position as well as
the front position and a car impacting a motorcycle. Based
on the multibody simulation results, the impact conditions
Figure 2. Typical kinematics and head impact locations of the rider and the
that led to severe head and chest injuries were considered child pillion passenger.
for detailed injury investigation. Illustration of each selected
condition is provided in Table D1 (see online supplement). kinematics are shown in Figure 1 and Figures D1 and D2 (see
Justification of each selection was explained in the Results online supplement). The child’s head impacted the A-pillar
section. Injury indices and criteria for each body part were and the rider’s head impacted the front window. The rider’s
postulated as summarized in Table D2 (see online supple- head rebounded rather than entering the compartment
ment). A head injury criterion (HIC15) of 700 was utilized because the car was modeled as a rigid body. This slightly
to evaluate skull fracture (NHTSA 1999). It was calculated affected the child kinematics after impacting the A-pillar. The
based on the linear acceleration at the head center of grav- child’s head peak linear acceleration was 789.4 g in the simula-
ity. Brain cerebral contusion will occur when the principal tion, which is slightly higher than the 777.8 g in the experi-
strain on the brain exceeds 0.3 (Margulies et al. 1985). ment (Figure D3, see online supplement). The difference was
Furthermore, the risk of diffuse axonal injury (DAI) was only 1.49%. Overall, the simulation results were comparable
estimated using a cumulative strain damage measure with the experiment during the first impact. The model was
(CSDM). DAI occurred if the percentage volume of ele- employed for kinematics study. In total, 124 simulations were
ments having a maximum principal strain over 0.25 conducted for config-MC and config-CM.
exceeded 42.5% (Takhounts and Eppinger 2003). A 0.81 Typical kinematics are shown in Figure 2 (see also
strain level was assumed as an indicator of risk of cervical Figures D4–D5 and D7–D8, online supplement). Each
ligament damage (Bass et al. 2007). To postulate on lung impact configuration revealed different global kinematics.
contusion, a pressure index with a ±10 kPa threshold was For config-MC, the front wheel of the motorcycle hit the
utilized (Schaffer et at. 1958). A principal strain of 0.3 was car, and both rider and child were translated toward the
also used for predicting soft tissue injury (Yamada 1970). impact position at the first instance. If the impact angle was
Bone fracture was assumed to occur once the Von Mises less than 60 , the motorcycle tended to slide forward along
stress reached 130 MPa (Arnoux et al. 2008). the side of the car. The occupants were then translated fur-
ther away from the wheel’s first contact position (Figure
D4b). If the angle was greater than 60 , the front wheel did
Results not often slide away from the impact position and the rear
Multibody simulations wheel raised up. The occupants translated toward the wheel
impact position (Figure 2, left) until the rider hit the handle-
Multibody simulation results were first compared with the bar. The lower extremities and abdomen were blocked by
experiment. The child’s head impact velocity was 40 km/h in the motorcycle and the upper body and the head hurled for-
the simulation and 40.5 km/h in the experiment. Occupant ward. The rider’s trunk also impacted the handlebar. It was

observed that the occupant’s head may not strike the car
directly depending on the impact position, angle, and speed.
Simulations with impact position P1 resulted in rider’s head
impact for all speeds and angles, whereas with positions P3
and P4, head impact occurred only at an angle of 150 for
all speeds. Simulations with impact position P2 at a 30
angle showed no head strikes against the car for all speeds,
similar to positions P3 and P4 at a 120 angle. The hood
was the location with the most occurrences (29.7%) of
rider’s head impact (Figure D6, see online supplement), and
the A-pillar, windshield, and front window constituted 12.5,
9.4, and 7.8%, respectively (Figure D6). No impact of the
rider’s head occurred 28% of the time. The head striking the
B-pillar, C-pillar, or rear window was found only at impact
position P1 with 120 and 150 angles. The child’s head
mostly made contact with the rider’s back (62.5%) or the
Figure 3. Simulations of config-MC with condition MC.1 (position P3, angle
hood (10.9%). In addition, the child fell down without the 120 , speed 20 km/h).
head impacting the car 23.4% of the time.
On the other hand, simulations with config-CM revealed (close to the A-pillar) and the child’s head striking the A-
different kinematics. After the front of the car impacted the
pillar, for which severe head injury is expected. All selected
occupants’ legs, their upper bodies were projected laterally
simulation conditions are summarized in Table D1
toward the car front (Figure 2, right; Figure D8) and then
(Appendix D, see online supplement).
rotated before their heads impacted the car. However, if the
The overall kinematics and head impact locations
impact position was at the front wheel, which is before the
obtained from the multibody simulations and the finite
seating position, the car did not impact the occupants dir-
element simulations were compared for each corresponding
ectly. The motorcycle then rotated (Figure D7b) and no
condition (Figures D10, D11, see online supplement).
instances of head impact against the car were observed.
Kinematics through time are illustrated in Figures D12–D14
These constituted 40 and 48.3% of simulations with config-
CM for the rider and the child, respectively (Figure D9, see (see online supplement). Global kinematics were similar but
online supplement). The windshield was the location on the slightly different head impact locations were observed. The
car most often struck by the rider’s head (43.6%) and the difference is due to the deformable motorcycle and the car
child’s (30%) head. The hood accounted for 10.9 and 13.3% structure in the finite element simulation.
for the rider and the child, respectively. The A-pillar ranked For condition MC.1, the finite element simulation exhibited
third, with a significant number of head impact occurrences no head strike against the hood due to the direct impact of the
(10.9% for the rider and 5% for the child). torso and handlebar (Figure 3; Figure D10a). The torso was
blocked and slowed down and the lower extremities did not
make contact with the car. In multibody simulation, the right
Finite element simulations side of the handlebar contacted the torso and then rotated.
Simulation conditions were selected based on the multibody This allowed the rider to move forward and hit the hood.
simulation results. The first 2 conditions were selected from Thorax injury was very likely to occur (Figure 3), due to
config-MC, which represented scenarios when the car was the direct impact of the torso against the handlebar. Three
changing lanes, making a U-turn, or turning right at a junc- ribs experienced stress that exceeded the 130 MPa threshold
tion across the motorcycle’s path. Because it is possible that for fracture (Table D2). Seventy-six percent of lung volume
the motorcycle either impacted the front or the side of the had internal pressure exceeding the postulated injury criteria
car, one location was taken from the front and one from the (Schaffer et al. 1958). It was also found that 78% of heart
side. The first simulation condition was impact position P3 volume had a strain exceeding the 0.3 criteria for soft tissue
(front), with a 20 km/h speed and 150 angle. This condition injury (Yamada 1970). The risk of rider’s head injury was
(MC.1) resulted in the rider’s head hitting the hood (29.7% low (HIC15 ¼ 23.5, maximum brain strain ¼ 0.19) because
head impact occurrences) and the torso contacting the the head did not hit other objects. Lower extremity stress
handlebar (expecting serious thorax injury). The second was low for both occupants. Because the child struck the
condition (MC.2) was impact position P1 (side), with a rider’s back, the HIC15 was only 59. It was observed that a
40 km/h speed and 45 angle. This condition resulted in the small portion of the child’s brain (0.5%) near the brain stem
rider’s head striking the A-pillar, which could lead to serious experienced strain that exceeded 0.3. CSDM-0.25 was only
head injury. The third condition was selected from config- 2%. Although the child’s rib stress did not exceed the postu-
CM, which represented the motorcycle changing lanes, over- lated fracture limit, almost 60% of the lung volume had
taking, turning, or making a U-turn across the car’s path. pressure beyond the injury threshold. The child’s maximum
The simulation with impact position at the rear wheel of the lung strain was as high as 1.2.
motorcycle at 40 km/h and with a 45 angle (condition For condition MC.2, the rider’s head hit the lower edge
CM.3) revealed the rider’s head impacting the windshield of the A-pillar in finite element simulation and hit the upper

Figure 4. Simulations of config-MC with condition MC.2 (position P1, angle Figure 5. Simulations of config-CM with condition CM.3 (position R, angle 45 ,
45 , speed 40 km/h). speed 40 km/h).

edge of the A-pillar in multibody simulation (Figure 4; As a result, the child’s right back hit the fender, followed by
Figure D10b). The head impact speed was lower in finite the head hitting the A-pillar. The child’s HIC15 was 2,127,
element simulation due to the deformation of both vehicles. leading to high risk of skull fracture (NHTSA 1999).
The motorcycle front wheel slightly deformed and slid along Maximum brain strain (emax ¼ 0.86) was higher than 0.3.
the car and the bodies made contact with the side of the CSDM-0.25 was 48%, which implied the possibility of DAI.
car. The rider’s head hit the A-pillar, resulting in a high In addition, 72.5% of lung volume had pressure beyond the
HIC15 (1,344), but brain strain was lower than 0.3. The injury criteria (red area in Figure 5). After the hip slid on
child’s head hit the rider’s back, resulting in a low HIC15 of the hood, the rider’s elbow struck the windshield, followed
173; 2.7% of brain volume had strain exceeded 0.3 limit. by the rider’s back and the head; 62% of the lung had pres-
Nevertheless, the CSDM level was insignificant. Lower sure exceeding the injury criteria. Only 18% of the lung had
extremity stress was less than the postulated fracture limit strain beyond 0.3. The rider’s HIC15 was 1,518, and a high
for both occupants. The occurrence of thorax injury for risk of skull fracture was expected. Brain strain was insig-
both occupants was likely because the right part of the nificant. Because the initial shoulder impact with the car
upper body impacted against the door. Two right ribs of the arrested the movement of the rider’s torso, the momentum
rider had a tendency to break because the stress exceeded of the head swayed it backwards before contacting the wind-
the limit. In addition, 72.5% of the lung volume had internal shield. The swinging motion led to neck hyperextension
pressure exceeding the injury criteria (Figure 4). Heart and (Figure 5). High strain was found on cervical discs C2–C3
lung strain, which exceeded the 0.3 threshold, accounted for (emax ¼ 0.625). However, this value is still less than the
almost 78% of volume. Similarly, in the child’s thorax, one damage criterion of 0.81 (Bass et al. 2007).
rib (no. 8) had stress just beyond 130 MPa; in addition, 60%
of lung volume had pressure exceeding the limit. The child’s
maximum lung strain was also high (2.2). Discussion
For condition CM.3, the head impact location of both The simulation results revealed 2 different overall kinematics
occupants in finite element simulation slightly shifted to the and injury mechanisms for each impact configuration.
left of the occupants (Figure D11). The rider’s head location Typical global kinematics found in the simulations with con-
moved closer to the A-pillar and the child’s head impacted fig-MC involved initial forward translation of the rider and
the outer edge of the A-pillar. The head impact speed was the passenger as well as the motion of the motorcycle after
slightly lower in the finite element simulation. the first collision contact of the front wheel. It was observed
The hood leading edge (HLE) firstly made contact with that when the front wheel impacted the car at a small
the lower extremities, resulting in high stress above the frac- impact angle (less than 60 ), the motorcycle rotated on a
ture limit on both the rider’s tibia and femur. However, the vertical axis, causing the occupants to be thrown sideways
child’s femur did not directly impact against the HLE, which flat against the car. The rider’s head impact location
struck the right leg below the knee. Furthermore, because depended on the impact position. The impact position near
the right leg was trapped between the car and the motor- the front end tended to result in no head impact against the
cycle, the child’s left tibia was extended outward by the car. The main injury mechanisms were due to body’s side
frame of the motorcycle. The bending in the left tibia led to impact against the car. Lower limbs exhibited a low risk of
stress beyond the fracture limit (Figure 5). After the first bending or fracture because the limbs interacted with a rela-
contact, the pelvis of both occupants ran onto the hood. tively flat door panel, unlike the HLE. Risk of thorax injury
Both upper bodies twisted and moved toward the car front. was noticed due to the torso side impact. The risk of the

rider’s skull fracture depended on the location of head Eppinger 2003). The validity of CSDM has not yet been fully
impact. Striking against a stiff part like the A-pillar would proved.
lead to a high HIC and hence possible skull fracture. For an
impact angle greater than 60 , the motorcycle tended to
rotate on a horizontal axis, the rear wheel then raised up,
and both occupants were ejected upwards while translating. The authors gratefully acknowledge Proactive Co. Ltd for
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