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GA ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE — INTERMEDIATE C.B.A. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE FOR THE INTERMEDIATE DIPLOMA Propared by Alberto Rojas Montano (A. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE QUESTION FORMATION 1.- PREDICATE QUESTIONS sn mo SEED strstr Exercise 1.- Put the words in the correct order to form questions. 1. night did / go / out / you / last? Did you go out last night? 2 Z where / you Tlast/ weekend /go1 did? Where did you go last weekend? 2 3. kind of like /you7 what do 7 TV programs ? What kind of TV programs do you like? 2 4 do/ this school / know / who [at / you? Who do you know at this school? 5 you /how/ play /sport/ often/do? How often do you play sports? 2 6. you / do / what / at weekends / do// usually? What do you usually do at weekends? T tired you ate / today? ‘Are you tired today? 2 B. go/ did /swimming /they / When ? When did they a0 swimming? 2 9 they /did/ When /a hill / climb ? When did they climb a hill? 2 10. they /dd/ When / bicycles / ride ? When did they ride bicycles? 2 11. many / your / are / how /in / people / family / there ? How many people are there in your family? 2 12. architect/ she /an/is ? Is she an architect? 2 13. do/ see/ often / you / parents /how/ your? How often do you see your parents? 2 Exercise 2.- According to the underlined answers, write the questions. 1. Tom has gone somewhere. Where has Tom gone? 2 2. This book belongs to somebody. Who does this book belong to? Propared by Alberto Rojas Montano 2 (A. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 3. Somebody lives in that house. Where does somebody live? 4, This word means something. What does this word mean? ? 5. They were taking about something. What were they doing? 2 6. Something fell on the floor. Where did something fall? 2 7.‘The library is somewhere near Where is the library? 2 8. She borrowed the money from somebody. What did she borrow from somebody? 2 9. She can't understand something. What can't she unsderstand?_ 2 10. My neighbor has just married an actress. Who has you neighbor just married? 2 11. It's gold and fogay. How is the weaher?_ 2 12. That lake is three meters deep. How deep is the lake? 2 73. These children will be taken on an excursion next weekend. When will these children be taken on an excursion? 2 2. SUBJECT QUESTIONS [Whe does John love? Who loves John? \John loves Mary. Sally loves John, Object Question Subject Question + Auxiliary verb? + Auxiliary verb? YES NO + Word order? + Word order? Question word Who} POSITIVE SENTENCE| Asrotiary (dors) Question word (Whe) Suijoot (Joh) Verb loves) Verb (love) ? Ete (Jobe)? Exercise 1.- According to the answers, write the questions. 1. | came to see you. Who came to see me? 2 & She is worried about you ie 2 2 3. travelled to India with my boyfriend. Who traveled to India with her bovfirend? 4. George arrives late every day. 2 5. He was looking at the new building Who was looking at the newbuilding? Prepared by Alberto Rojas Montaio 3 (YA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 6. He is writing from Paris. Who is writing from Paris? 2 7: ntermed John about he eS Who informed John about the meeting? 2 8. My manager invited John to the meeting. Who invited John to the meeting? 2 9. Acar accident caused him multiple fractures. What caused him multiple fractures? 2 10. She believes in ghosts. a CONDITIONAL FORMS — | CS) energnoes | | range Iypometcal x) won tne ntery "uel || @ Hou hed come fo das. Toe Srowim, Ses | Soc. a 1 wx buy ate gt wa betaine econ [patente hens a | Jo yo seus have pasa he eam 1O toca hae oe 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition ) 3rd condition c) 3rd condition ) 3rd condition ) 3rd condition ) 3rd condition C) 3rd condition ¢) 3rd condition c) 3rd condition ©) 3rd condition ¢) 3rd condition ©) 3rd condition ©) 3rd condition ¢) 3rd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition 2nd condition Exercise 1. Identify the conditional forms used in the following sentences. 1. Ifyou pour oil on water, it floats. a) tst consition b) 2. She will come if you invite her. a) tst condition b) 3. She'd have helped if you'd requested it. a) tst condition b) 4. Ifyou worked hard, you would pass. a) tst condition b) 5. If] were you, | wouldn't do it. a) tst condition b) 6. If had the time, | would come. a) 1st condition b) 7. I'd handle the situation if | were in charge. a) tst condition b) 8. If you'd run, you would have won. a) tst condition b) 9. 1 will buy a car if | get my rise. a) tst condition b) 10. If it weren't so late, I would go shopping a) tst condition b) 11. He'd have called his mother if he hadn't texted her. a) tt condition) 12. | would buy a Ferrari | nad a lot of money. a) 1st condition b) 13. If we'd known of your arrival, we'd have been there. a) 1st condition b) Exorciso 2.- Complete the sentencos with tho corroct form of the vorbs. 1. lft had time, |___(go) shopping with you. would go 2. Ifyou (speak) Engish, you will get along with them perfectly. speak 3. Ifthey had gone for awalk, they __(turn) the lights off. would have tuned 4. Ifshe (come) to see us, we will go to the 200. comes 5. I would have told you, if | 6. Would you mind if | (see) him. nad seen (close) the window? closed 7. Ifthey (ask) me, | wouldn't have said no. had asked 8. My friend (meet) me at the station if he gets the afternoon off. meets otf (neg. break) it, nobody would fix it. didnt break Propared by Alberto Rojas Montano (A. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 10. If my father (wake) me up, Illtake the bus home. wakes 11. Ifthey left now, they___(be) in London by lunchtime, would be 12. You (not fail) the exam if youd studied a bit harder. wouldn't have failed 13. If we'd brought @ map with us, we __(not be) lost now. wouldn't have been Exorciso 3.- Complete tho sontoncos with the correct form of the vorb and your own ideas. Ifyoulike, you__for two days. can go away ai the film in the cinema, | wouldn't have watched it on TV again. hac seen Ifthe parents bought the cat, their children _very happy. would be Metal___ if you heat it. melts He ___my e-mail if he'd been online yesterday evening. would have seen . They'd have been able to return the bottle if they the labels. hed read 7. lfshe_up her room, she must find the receipt. makes 8. What__if you had a million dollars. would you buy 9. Where would you live if you _ younger.were 10. If you__ fora little moment, Ill tell the doctor you are here, wait 11. Ifitrains, the boys hockey. won't play 12. ithe his own vegetables, he wouldn't have to buy them. grew 13. Jim whisky distilleries if he travelled to Scotland, would visit VERB TENSES IN ENGLISH ENGLISH VERB. TENSE I study Enoish. | will study Enaish. am studying | wil be studying English English, have studied | willhave studied nats. Engksh. Ihavebeen Iwill have been “studying English, studying Engish Exercise 1.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 41. Lusually (g0) to school by bus. go 2. Yesterday morning, | (get) up at 6:30. g0t 3. We needed some money, so we (sell) our car. sold 4."__she ever___(0e) to Spain?"Has - been 5."What___Peter___(do) now?" Is - doing 68. Please don't make So much noise. |_(study) for my online degree. am stusying 7.Water___ (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius. boils 8. Caroloften (play) tennis with her father. plays is cating is -naseatee 9. Now, Ron (call) Jill again. It___(be) the third time he ____(call) her this evening, 10. It____(rain) now. It___(begin) raining two hours ago. So, it____ (rain) for two hours. 11.___you (hear) anything from Tom since Christmas?Hiave- heard = 9er hae renee 12.°___it____(rainy?" she always __(ask) me. |s- raining - asks 13."___you____ (go) out lastnight" Did - go 14, New York (be) one of the largest cities of the world. 15. Thishouse (cost) 35,000 pounds in 1980.cost Propared by Alberto Rojas Montano 5 (A. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE Exercise 2.- Choose the correct option. 1.1___ for seven hours last night. a) was slept b) slept c) has slept 2.1____ that you were here. a) wasn't knowing.) didn't knew ) didn't know 3. When I came to this city,|__ anyone. 2) haven't known b) didn't know. c) wasn't knowing 4.1 don't know how ___ 2) dance b)dancing c) to dance 5. You__my brother, have you? a) havent seen b) didn't see c) didn't saw 6. Where ___ last night? a) have you gone ») did you went c) did you go 7.1__ im bed when | heard the accident outside. a) was lying b)lay c) have lain 8. Did you just__ mea liar? a) call b) called. c) have called 9. She is a mean person. | don'tlike ___ to her. 4) tak b) talking c) have talk 10. You know where I ive -|____ in the same place for the past three years. a) have been living b) had lived c) was living 11. Kaori is a new student at UCD in Denver, but she ___in Denver for almost a year. a)lived —b) has lived ©) has been living d) has lived OR has been living 12. She___ English at Spring for 9 months. a) studied b)hasstudied —_c) studied OR had studied 13. She had studied English at Spring for 9 months before she __ at UCD. a) was get accepted —b) got accepting —_¢) got accepted 14. Kaori ___ English in Japan, but when she came to America, she. a) studying b)had studied —_c) was studied 16. ..., but when she came to America, she __ listen and speak welll with Americans. PASSIVE VOICE [The passive Is formed By using the appropriate tense of the vorb to be + pest participle, ‘Active Voice sssive Voce They repar cars ars are repaired They are repairing te ca. The caris being epare. They repared the ca. Tre ar was repared, They were repairing ie car. Te car was being repaired They wil ropa tre Tear wil be repated They have repaired the car {ha a has Deon repated Thay had pated 19 car Tho car had been repavred Thay wll have repaid he car Th ca mil have been repaired They wil rae to repair te car. Tre car wil have tobe repaired. —_ | She cughtto have resired tho cer. Tho car ought to have been repaked. Ho hs people admiring fs ew cat |He Fas his nw car being admired. Having repaired cor Te cay, having been repre, You mus repair ts cr. Ti car mut be repaired. Exercise 1.- Complete the sentences using “passive voice” with the correct verb tense. 1. My car / damage / last night. Simple Past My car was damaged last night, 2. This computer / make / in the USA. Simple Future This computer will be made in the USA. 3. The machines / make / in Scotland. Simple Present The machines are made in Scotland. 4. The President /kill ‘last night. Simple Past ‘The president was killed last night. 5. The money / change into dollars 7at the bank. Simple Present ‘The money is changed into dollars at the bank. Propared by Alberto Rojas Montano 6 (A. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 6. The parcel / post / yesterday. Simple Past The parcel was posted yesterday. 7. Cheese /make / from milk. Simple Present Cheese is made from milk B The children / give / some food. Simple Future The children will be given some food. 3. The house / paint/ every year. Simple Present “The house is painted every vear 70. Several people /hurt /in an accident last night. Simple Past Several people were hurt in an accident lastnight 71. This girl / expect/ at home at ten. Simple Present This girl is expected at home at ten. 12. Tel that this was the best way. Simple Past was told that this was the best way. . 13. The bed/ sleep in / by the big dirty dog. Simple Past ‘The bed was slept in by the big dirty dog. 14. My friend / follow / by many beautiful giris. Simple Future ‘tiend will be followed by many beautiful girl. - Exercise 2.- Change the sentences from “Active Voice” to “Passive Voice”. 1, He has lent her the umbrella. The umbrella was lent to her 2. He gave me good advice. Good advice was dventome 3. Dad promised us some money. ‘Some money was promissed to us by dad. ¥. Theyil give him a reward. A reward will be given to him. . 5. He told me the whole story. ‘The whole story was told to me by him. & They have sent her the bil. “The bill has been sent to her by them, . 7. She'll show us the way. The way will be shown to_us by them 8. He has paid her a lot of money. A lot of money has been paid to her by him 9, Peter wrote it down correctly. __itwas wrtien down correctly by Peter. TO. Noise kept him awake. He was kept awake by noise, 11. Dad sometimes takes me fo the station. Lam sometimes taken to the station by my dad. 12. Shell give me his address. His address will be given to me by her. 73. John collects money. Money is collected by John. Prepared by Alberto Rojas Montaio 7 (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE ‘THE CAUSATIVE VERBS ‘Coud you help mete crase the whiteboard Exercise 1.- Fill in the blanks using “Causative Verbs”. 1. m going to have Tom 00k _ (look) into my laptop to see what is wrong. 2. Her father will not let the girl ary (marry) with that poor guy. 3.1 made my cousin _call__(call) her and apologize. 4. | really must get a plumber _t0 1 (fix) the central heating. 5. They ought to have someone {2pl2¢e (replace) the broken windows. 6. The instructor made her students _wrile (write) an essay about their hometown. 7. The boss had his secretary _call_(call) Ms. Jackson. 8. His wife lets him _eat_ (eat) fast food. 9. She makes her husband _d0_(do) exercise. 410. Mil get John jo do (do) it when he comes home. 11. The students were made'o come(come) earier. 12. | got my mother {0 60 (do) it. 13. His father always forces him!© S'US)(study) hard. He's quite upset about this 14. The visitors made him cany_ (carry) a lot of luggage. 16. I don't know why they let her little daughter _buy_ (buy) a lot of clothes. Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with “causative verbs” in the correct tense. 1. When you were a child, did your parents make. you help with household chores? 2. Whatkind of chores did they make you do? 3. Did they _get_ you to go outside and play if you didr't help out? 4. Did they _let__ you have friends over after school? 5. If you and your friends caused any trouble, did they make. your friends go home? 6. Did your mom _heve_ your lunch prepared for you before you left for school? 7. Ordid she _have_you buy your lunch at school? 8. After you did your homework, did you have _it checked by your parents or an older brother or sister? 9. Did the teachers ‘ak kids stay after schoo if they caused trouble? 10. Did a bigger kid ever _get_ you to do something you didn't realy want to do? 11. Did your mother make_ you change your clothes after school? 12. Or did she _g2t__ you to play in your school clothes? 13. Did you always have your assignments prepared before you went to cass? 14. How much recess did your schoo! get _ you to have each day? 18. What did they _get_ you to do if you disobeyed school rules? Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafio a (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE PASSIVE CAUSATIVE The passive form of HAVE/GET (have/get + something + Verb yas: paricipto)) umeans: pay or ask someone to do something without mentioning the person. ‘Get In passive form is used in informal speech. Examples: + Thaven’t had the cat } + Please get the car repaired. é Exercise 1.- Read each situation and answer the question using “passive causative”. 1. The Vet is testing Vero's puppy. What is she doing? ‘She's having her puppy tested. 2 If Mathew doesn’t work hard enough, his boss will take away his benefits. What will happen to him? He will get nis benefits taken away. 3. John is having problems with his car, the mechanic will repair i. What wil John do? Joho will have his car repaired. 4. Someone is trimming our grass. What are we doing? We are having our grass trimmed. 5. Doctors will be vaccinating children against smallpox What must you do? must get my children vaccinated - 6. The tow car is towing Mike's car. What is Mike doing? Hes’ his car towed. 7. Mr. Johnson dry cleans his suits every week. What does he do? He gets his sutts dry cleaned. 5. Susan has being paying a boy to walk her two dogs. What has she be doing? ‘She has been getting his dogs walked. 3. A professional chef prepares all Governor's meals every day. What does the Governor do? He hets his meals prepared every day. 10. A professional wedding planner organized their ceremony. What did they do? “They had their ceremony organized. Exercise 2.- Choose the correct option. 1. 1 got lost and some stranger helped me my way. a)find b)tofind c) found — d) finding 2. Where did you get your car__? We need some work done on our Toyota, a)torepair b) repair c) repaired ¢) repairing 3. Just wait here. Illhhave someone your suitcases up to your room. a) bring b)to bring c) brought) has brought 4. The students got the teacher their test unti the following week. a)toposipone b) postponé_c) postponed —d) will postpone 5. | think you should have your doctor at that cut on your arm. It looks serious. a)looks b) look c)tolook b) boked 6. We got our neighbors after our dog while we were away. a)looks b) look ¢)tolo0k ~—d) ooking 7. Living in Quebec really helped me French quickly. a)leam b)toleam c) learned _d) learning 8. Have your friend me if he has any other questions. a) call b) tocall_c) called Propared by Alberto Rojas Montatio. 9 (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 9. We need to have our computer out for viruses. a) check b)tocheck c) chacked 10. had to have my digital camera after | dropped it in the water. a)fix b)tofix c)fixed d) had fixed ADJECTIVE CLAUSES + He adjective clese is mult-wond that contais a subject and a ¢ Mepaten deen apa vee ean renren Sen eG ‘verb that ells more infomation about anoun i 2 sentence. ey DEFINITION «sae ce ee noted ase tems | RELATIVE A ere ee tne acamplete though, dthat's hy they ae refered to as | PRONOUNS sentence Here the mos! important gi to spot» reative gota con pecan pn toner bt ee oe tea jects nested n ec cas. aes Prop wero pnt ew bun oxen ae oat pe Oe {Neate he eee ar woes eh ne: ee oh oe 5 ens treo epee eer ee ExAMPLES © ues chsh mr ml tone {Theron tbe pe ments stan Bae Anette cementeeearecan’ | angesreneatccnsroresos none Nes i ow ed bed 0 yl Exercise 1.- Combine the sentences into one using “adjective clauses”. 1. The man was sick. He looked very pale. “Thd man who lookes very pale was sick 2. He was sitting in the emergency room. It was very crowded. He was sitting in the emergency room which was very crowded. 3. Anurse was nearby. He called to her. A nurse to whom he called was nearby. The nurse called a doctor. She came quickly. The nurse who came quickly called a doctor. 5. The doctor asked him to lie down. She looked very worried. The doctor who looked very worried asked him to lie down. 5 She gave the man an injection. Itmade him go to sleep. ‘She gave the man an injection which made him go to sigep. 7. The Olympic snowboarding event was exciting. Many people watched it on TV. ‘The Olympic snowboarding even which many people watched on TV was exciting. 5 Ttwas the first time snowboarding had been included in the Olympics. Snowboarding is a new sport. It was the first time snowboarding which is a new sport had been included in the Olympics. B-The competition was very exciting. A Canadian won it The competition which a Canadian won was very exciting 10. The winner, Ross Rebagliat, lives in Whistler, BC. Many young snowboarders admire him. The winner, Ross Rebagliati, who many young snowboarders admire, lives in Whistler, B.C. TT. The theft was committed last night by him. The police has caught the man. The theft was commited last night by the man who the palice has caught. 12. The French language is different from the Latin language. Latin was once spoken throughout Europe. The French language is different from Latin language which was once spoken throughout Europe 13. Can you tell me the reason? | want to know it. Can you tell me the reason which | want to know? Exercise 2.-Complete the following sentences with an adjective clause. 1, Hinever forget the time when _| got married. Propared by Alberto Rojas Montatio. 0 (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 2. | gave up my seat on the bus to a woman whose _Daus were really big. 3. The person whom _you were following suddenly fainted 4. Everyone criticized my opinion, which _was one of the best 5. Often, people who __ dict ike to study ‘end up being successful 6. Many people find Maryland, where _people are happy , exciting Exercise 3.- Choose the correct option. 1. Sam is the boy shaved his head--he is completely bald now. a) who ) that c) which 2. The food she is buying looks healthy. a)who b)that c) which 3. A dishwasher is a machine washes dishes. a)who b)that c) which 4. The bat is the only mammal can fly. a) who b) that c) which 5. Look! That's the singer mother is from my hometown. a) whose b) that c) who's 6. I don't like dogs: jump on me. a) whose b) that c) whom 7. felt bad for the guy failed the exam. a)who b)that c) which 8. Jasmine is a flower is white and very fragment. a) who b) that c) which 9. They are filming the girl birthday is today. a) whose b) that c) who 10. There's the couple dancing you liked so much. a) whose b) that c) who 14. The git won the first prize is my niece. a) who b) whom ¢) which 12. The forest through we travelled was dark and gloomy. a) that b)which c) who 13. My sister__ lives in Mexico is a nurse. a) who b) whom c) which REPORTED SPEECH 1. Simple Present 1. Simple Past Pi3.Gan 3. could 2. Present Continuous 2. Past Continuous: 7a May, 7d might 3. Simple Past 3. Past Perfect 15, Might 715. might ‘4 Past Continuous. “4. Past Perfect Continuous | 16 Would 76. would 5. Present Perfect 5. Past Perfect, 17. Coud 77 could ‘6. Present Perfeci Continuous _| 6. Past Perfect Continuous —_|-18. Should 78- should 7. Past Perfect, 7. Past Perfect "19: Ought to 18. ought to ‘Past Perfect Contmuous | 8. Past Perfect Continuous 1-20. Must 20; had to (obligation) 9. Simple Future 9. would 20. must (logical conclusion) 10. Future Continuous 10. would be Ving i. imperative: 99 21.10.90 11 Future Perfect 11 would have Vie "22. Nogative: don't ge 22-nol to 72. Futute Perfect Continuous | 12 would have been Ving Exercise 1.- Choose the correct option. 1. ‘She is my best friend,’ he said. He said that she __his best friend. a)is b)was c) has been 2. ‘She will help us," he said. / He said that she help them. a) will b) would ¢) could 3. want to go,’ he said, He said that he togo. a) wants b)wanted c)had wanted 4.'She must leave now, he said. / He said that she leave then. a) must_b) had toc) Both are OK 5. I can't help you." he said. / He said that he help me. a)can't b) couldn't ¢) wouldn't 6. ‘lam busy,’ he shouted. / He shouted that he. busy. a)is b)was c) has been 7.‘Idontt want to go,’ she said. / She said that she togo. a) didn't want b)doesn'twant c) don't want 8. ‘She is waiting for us,’ he said. /He said that she for them. a) is waiting —b) was waiting c) has been waiting 9. ‘Ihave visited all the continents.” he said. / He said that he all the continents. a) visited b)has visited c) had visited 10. ‘She has been living alone for years, he said. / He said that she alone for years. ) was living b)has been living c) had been living 11. ‘Ihave watched that movie.’ he said. / He said that he that movie. Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafio " (QB ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE a) have watched b)had watched c) has watched 12. They will have gone,’ he said. / He said that they a) will have gone b) would go. c) would have gone 13. 1 haven't seen Barbara since last year.’ => Brendan told me a) he didn't see Barbara since last year _b) he hadn't seen Barbara since the year before ) he hadn't seen Barbara since last year 14. ‘Have you signed the contract?" + Suzan a) told me if | had signed the contract _b) asked me whether I had signed the contra ©) said if | signed the contract Exercise 2.- Change these questions into the “reported speech”. 1. ‘Where is he?" She asked me _ "here he was > 2. What are you doing?" She asked me __what | was doin: A 3. “Why did you go out last night?” She asked me __why | had gone out last night » 4. “Who was that beautiful woman?” She asked me __who that beautiful woman was. xX 5. “Howis your mother?" She asked me __how my mother was g 6. ‘What are you going fo do at the weekend?” She asked me __what| was going lo doatthe weekend 7. ‘Where will you live after graduation?” She asked me__where i woul live after the graduation g 8. ‘What were you doing when I saw you?” She asked me __what | had been doing when | saw her 9. "How was the journey?” She asked me _ ow the journey had been 10. "How often do you go to the cinema?” She asked me __how often | went to the cinema 11. ‘Do youlive in London?” She asked me __if lived in London 12. ‘Did he arrive on time?” She asked me __if he had arrived on time. Exercise 3.- Change these Imperative Forms using “reported speech”. 1. “Please help me carry this” She asked me __{© help her carry that 2. “Please come early” She askedme _tocomeeay 3. "Please buy some mik” She asked me _to buy some milk ; 4. "Don't smoke!” She askedme _notiosmoke 5. “Tidy your room!” She asked me _{0 tidy my room . 6. Waithere!” She asked me __to wait there 7. “Don't do that!” She asked me __nolto co that 8. “Eat your dinner!” She asked me __'0 eal my dinner 9. ‘Don't make a mess!" She asked me _fiol io make a mess, 10. ‘Do the washing-up!’ She asked me _ ‘0 Go the washing up 11. "Do your homework!” She asked me _tocomynomework 12. ‘Goto bed!” She asked me _ 10.90 to bed 13. ‘Don't be late!” She asked me __not {o be late Exercise 4.- Rewrite the sentences using “Reported Speech”. 1. Mr. Brown said, “I was watching TV last night." Mr. Brown said (that) __he was watching TV the night before. 2, Sandy explained, "I saw the accident at the comer of High Street” Sandy explained (that) she had seen the accident af the comer of High Street 3. Bob said, "We had a wonderful time at Peter's party.” Bob said (that) _ they had had a wonderful time at Peter's party. le lala ly Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafio 2 (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 4. The farmer said, "I didn't see her.” The farmer sald (that) _pe hadnt seen her pa 5. Will and Tim said, "We were very happy about the present.” Will and Tim said (that) they had been very happy about the present 6. Mr. Jones said, “As a young boy | collected stickers.” Mr. Jones said (that) _as a voung bay he had collected stickers 7. Peter reported, "We played a lot of tennis last year.” Peter reported (that) they had played lot of tennis the vear before. 8, Mother said, "I have a headache." Mother said (that) _ she hao a headache - 9. The Clarks told us, "We drove right down to Athens last summer.” The Clarks told us (that) they had driven right down Athens the summer before 10. Helen said, “I'm watching the late-night show." Helen said (that) _shie was watching the late-night show 11. Peter said, "They were interested in other counties.” Peter said (that) 12. Mr. Cooper said, "I take my medicine regularly.” Mr. Cooper said (that) EMBEDDED QUESTIONS |What time isit? Do you know what time itis? | Doeshelie vegetables an you at he thes vagetbin |Did you do it? wonder if you did it. | Oost youspest Engh Don tl me you dot spas eng |whereis the gym? Couldyou tel me where the gyn is? Haveyou eer tri snake? Isonder yu have ver ied ke How much is it? —y have node how much itis Exercise 1. Change the direct questions into “Embedded Questions”. 1. Can she swim? | wonder i she can swim. 2. When can they come? wonder when they can come. 3. Ought I to work tomorrow? | wonder if | ought to work tomorrow. 4, Why must she leave? wonder why she must leave. 5. Must he cook tonight? | wonder if he must cook tonight. & Why should Iieave early? 7. How well can she swim? Lwonder how well she can swim, 8. Why ought he to become a doctor? L wonder why he ought to become a doctor. 3. Can he work on Monday? wonder ifhe can work on Monday. Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafio rn (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 10. Why can't they leave now? |. wonder why they can't leave now. 11. Should he get there before 77 _Lwonder ithe should geitetve before, 0 12. When should we go? wonder when we should go. 13. Can he come to the restaurant? Lwonder ithe can come to the restaurant 14. Must she leave? 15. What can't we bring onto the plane? wonder what we can't bring into the plane. Exercise 2. Choose the correct option. 1. a) Does anyone know what is the color of an eagle's egg? _b) Does anyone know where I left my glasses? ) Does anyone know why was today's meeting postponed until next week? 2. a) Please tell me what your plans are after you graduate. _b) | was wondering if you knew what time sit ) Have you decided what are you going to order from the menu? 3. a) Does anyone know why Carol was absent from class yesterday? _b) I wish | knew what is the time now. ) Have you decided whether or not are you going to buy a new car? 4. a) Please tell me what did he say about my project. _b) | was wondering are they going to get married. c) Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like on the weekend? 5. a) I have no idea how long does it take to get there. _b) | wonder how long it takes to get there. ) Do you know how ong itis taking to get to the university from here. 6. a) Can you tell me where is the new student from? _b) Can you tell me where the new student is from? ) Can you tell me from where is the new student? 7.) I don’t know how much time you have been living in this house. b) I don’t know how long you've been living in this house. ) I don't know how long have you been living in this house. 8. a) dike to know why you are acting so weird. b) I'd like to know why are you acting so weird. ©) I'd like to know why act you so weird. 9. a) Do you have any idea is who the man in black? b) Do you have eny idea who's the man in black? ¢) Do you have any idea who the man in black is? 10. a) I'd like to know how can I contact her. b) Id like to know how I can contact her. ©) I'd like to know how do | contact her. 11. a) | was wondering where you found it._b) | was wondering where did you find it? ) was wondering where found you it. 12. a) Could you tell me what are you afraid? _b) Could you tell me what you are afraid? ©) Could you tell me what you are afraid of? 13. a) How long itis going take to finish the project? _b) How long is it going to take to finish the project? ) How long i's going to take to finish the project? 14. a) Do you know if ishe going to come? b) Do you know if he's going to come? ©) Do you know whether is he going to come? 15. a) Would you mind telling me how much did the sofa cost? b) Would you mind telling me how much cost the sofa? ¢) Would you mind telling me how much the sofa cost? Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafio “ (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE TAG QUESTIONS Cer 1. She is collecting stickers, isn't she _? 2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, don't we _? 3. You have cleaned your bike, hnaven't you ? 4. John and Max don't like maths, do they ? 5. Peter played handball yesterday, didn’the _? 6. They are going home from school, aren't hey _? 7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, did she __? 8. He could have bought a new car, couldn't we ? 9. Kevin will come tonight, wonthe _? 10. tm clever, _aren't|__? 11. Mr. McGuinness is from Ireland, isn't he 2 12. The car isn't in the garage, js 2 13. Youare John, erent vou? 14, She went to the library yesterday, cin she 7 15. He didn't recognize me, _dic he 2 Exercise 2.- Choose the correct option. 1. I'm not interrupting anything, ? a)lam b)aren't! c)am! 2. 11am quite stupid, 2 a) aren't! b) am! not c) am! 3. I should go now, 2 a) aren't! b) shouldn't c) dont | 4. Elisabeth has passed the test, a)has she b) hasn't she c) hasn't Elisabeth 5. You won't do anything stupi 2 a) will you b) shall you ¢) won't you 6. They had already been in Pars, 2 a)didn't they b) had they c) hadn't they 7. Jimmy passed the exam, 2 a)doesn'the b) didnt he c)isnt it 8. You work nights, 2 a)are you b)do you c)dont you 9. David was trying to hide something from us, 2 a)wasn'the b) weren't he c) was he 10. Peter can't keep a secret, 2 a)isntthe b)does he c) can he 11. Youmet Sam yesterday, _? a) did you b) didn'tyou_c) hadn't you 12. She canruna mile in 5 minutes, __? a)canit she b)can she c) does she 13. The child recognized her grandparents instantly, _? a) did she b) didnt she _c) hadn't she 14, The man sells fruits in a local market, _? a) does he b)doesn'the c) hasn't he 15. She said nothing,__? a) didnt she b) did she c) hadn't she Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafio 6 (BIA ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE MODALS PRESENT MODALS PASTMODALS (EECIRoe a Erma Modal Ceo Sma ‘Ability + tcan speak Spanish CAN Permission + Cant goto the bathroom? Probability + ttcan't be Mart He sin London, Past ability + He could swim when he was 6 years old Past permission |. neceudgo tothe tt. coun . Probability ors) + cou get mich hoter in July. Request +1 oul end you my wotbook. May [Probabiieyses [tna now omonon. Permission + May Leame ie? MIGHT | Probability (25% oti] « might rain today Must [Prchiition + Yeu mast speak louly bret [Probabilityneoy.) | + is quite dark.t musi be ater 8 cctock| [SHOULD |Advice + You shouldn't smoke. Its heathy Exercise 4.- Fill in the blanks with a word from the box. can, have to, may, might, must, should 1. George has travelled a lot. He can speak many languages. 2. Ican hear you quite well. Youshould not shOUt. jsay/might 3. I'm not sure where | will go for my holidays, but !__go to Italy. 4. She must_not ride her bike at night without lights. I's not allowed. 5. She should not eat so much chocolate because i's bad for her figure. 6.1 cant understand him. He should speak louder. 7. Its later than | thought. Ihave togo now. 8. You__a better trainer if you want to improve yourself. should get 9. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she _help you. 10. Youshould not vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it. can, couldn't, have to, might, must, ought to, shouldn't, was able 11. It's very cold today. Do you think it__ snow later? might 12. You_____ leave your door unlocked when you go out. must 13. They___have filed the car with petrol before they set off. might 14. My motorbike broke down in the middle of nowhere, but luckily! __to fix it. was able 15. Mum says we __ watch TV after we've finished our homework. can 16. You don't pick me up at the station. | can get a taxi.don't have to 17. This is impossible, it be a mistake! must 18. Jim ___ have seen me because he walked past without saying ‘Hello’. could Exercise 2.- Fill in the blanks with a word from the box. must have, might have, couldn't have, should have, could have, may have, can't have 1. He gone to Russia. He doesnit have a passport. couldn't have 2, Tom and Jack are so selfish - they been there for you! should have Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafo 6 (CYA. ACHIEVEMENT PREPARATION COURSE - INTERMEDIATE 3. You__seen her. She was standing next to you. must have 4. explained it to her but she _ misunderstood - my Japanese isnt very good. might have 5. Welll ask at the reception desk. Someone ___handed the keys in.°9uld have 6. | don't know why there weren't any buses yesterday. There __ been a strike, but I'm reallly not sure.™ust have 7. A James was at the party last night. B: He____been. He's in Mexico. coulin'thave 8.1___let you know what was happening but | forgot. should have 9. There was so much traffic. There__ been an accident. ust have 10. | saw his car in frontoof the building. He__ been here. must have Exercise 3.- Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the modal perfect. 1, Maybe he learned Spanish as a child. He _"™ght have learned Spanish as a child. 2. Itwas a mistake to ask him to do it. You __ shouldn't have told him to do it 3. | am sure Peter didn’t enjoy his holiday. Peter couldn't have enjoyed his holiday. 4. It's possible that the teacher saw me. The teacher mish have seen me, 5. Itwas unnecessary for you to study this unit. You shouldn't have studied this unit 6. Itwas a bad idea to park outside the train station. We shouldn't have parked outside the ain station 7. think you were wrong to buy the new car. You shouldn't have hough! a new car 8. Perhaps, | left the book at home because it's not here. | might have left the book at home 9. Maybe, she didn't mean what she said of you. She might not have meantwhat che cad ofvou 10. 'm sure that he took your jacket by mistake. He must have taken your jacket by mistake Exercise 4.- Choose the correct option. 1. She __be very pleased with herself. She got the best grades. a)hasto b) must c) cannot 2._____I go to the bathroom, please? a)May b)Must c) Would 3.1____ move the table. It was too heavy. a) couldn't b) mustn't c) shouldn't d) wouldn't 4. Aready as a child Mozart___play the piano beautitlly ‘@) could. b) should c) would 5. You ___ tired. You've only just got out of bed! a)don't have to be b) can't be c) mustn't be 6. Ireally__ try to get fit a)may b)must c) would 7. | didn't feel very well yesterday. !__eat anything. a) cannot b) couldn't c) mustn't 8. You__forget your sun cream. I's going to be very hot a) don'thave to b) mustn't) couldn't 9.1____ talk already before | was two years old. a) could b) should c) would 10. Iwas using my pencil a minute ago. It__be here somewhere! a) can_b) could c)must_d) would 11. Idon'tlike____get up early on a Sunday. a) being able to. b) being allowed toc) having to. 12. 1___hnelp you, but | don't want to. a) can to _b) could c) wouldn't 13. You___ look at me when | am talking to you. a) could b) should c) would 14, Weiegggereleehleaee>Bags not be left unattended. a)can b)must c) may 15. You___ eat so much chocolate. It's not good for you. a) don't have to b) mustn't c) shouldn't Propared by Alberto Rojas Montafio oo

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