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Find the gerunds and the infinitives

Read the following text and find the gerunds and the infinitives along with the verb or
phrase which has triggered the gerund or the infinitive. The first one has been
underlined as an example for you. Good luck!

I was so excited! My parents had promised to give me a holiday as a present for all
my hard work at school this year. I was so looking forward to going to Germany, I
really wanted to visit Berlin, there were so many things I really needed to visit:
Checkpoint Charlie Museum and anything left over from the old Berlin Wall. I was
so interested in learning about the history of the place.

The problems then started... First there was the passport issue. I am sure I remember
sending the application off. I am certain I was on my way home from school and I
remembered to stop at the post office and send it. Or did I? Did I stop walking and
put it in the post box or not? I appear to have problems with my memory.

Next there was the plane ticket. My parents preferred to travel on cheap airlines, but I
wanted to fly in luxury! I deserved to fly with a proper airline after all my hard work
at school, surely? It seemed to be the case that they were coming around to my way
of thinking but then they started to encourage me to look for cheap flights again!
Eventually they refused to pay for the expensive flights, so I had to make do with
Ryan Air, again!

The third problem was the accommodation. I couldn't help wanting to stay
somewhere really cool, but my parents expected me to stay in an upmarket hotel
somewhere in the middle of nowhere! I defended wanting to stay in a youth hostel by
arguing it was the right place for a young person to stay. They considered allowing
me to stay there but after discussing staying there alone for ages, they finally did not
permit me to book my choice of accommodation!

The final issue was that I planned on meeting up with some school friends whilst
abroad. My parents advised me to stay away from 2 of my chosen 3 friends as they
were bad influences! They would not even consider allowing me to meet up with
these 2, let alone stay with them for a few nights! Unbelievable! Parents, who'd have

The final result is that I have no passport, a cheap flight booked to somewhere vaguely
within the vicinity of Berlin, with a hotel booked in the middle of nowhere where the doors
close at 10 pm, so I couldn't even go out if I wanted to! Looks like I have a trip to Cornwall
to look forward to. Great present for all that hard work...

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