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TUGAS KELAS .8 Terry : Thanks.

Well, Jane, please tell Bram

about it as soon as he comes home.
Reno : Hello. May I speak to Andy, please? Jane : I will. Don’t worry about it.
Andy : Hello. Andy speaking. Who am I Terry : Thank you for your help, Jane.
speaking to? Jane : Don’t mention it. Sorry, Terry, there’s
Reno : Andy, it’s me Reno. someone at the door. Bye.
Terry : Bye, Jane.
Andy : Oh, Reno. What can I do for you?
Reno : Will you go to the Boy Scout activity
3. What should Jane do after
this afternoon? ending the phone call?
Andy : Yes. And you? A. To see a doctor.
Reno : Me too. By the way, can we go B. To tell Bram about Terry’s message.
C. To accompany Terry to see a doctor.
D. To meet someone at the door.
Andy : Absolutely, we can. I’ll wait for you
Reno : O.K., Andy, thanks. Bye. 4. What does Jane say when she
Andy : Bye, Reno. wants to extend the talk?
1. The phone call is about A. She says, “Don’t mention it.”
________. B. She says, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”
C. She says, “Sorry, Terry, there’s
A. Andy’s intention to come to Reno’s house
someone at the door. Bye.”
B. Reno’s intention to come to Andy’s house
D. She says, “By the way, have you seen a
C. Reno’s intention to go to the Boy
Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6.
D. Reno and Andy’s plan to join a Boy
Scout activity Shannon, it’s me, Marlon. Are you O.K., girl?
2. “I’ll wait for you here.” I have called you many times, but couldn’t
reach you. I’m just worried about you. Please
The word ‘here’ refers to ________.
contact me or send me a text when you have
A. Andy’s house got this message.
B. Reno’s house 5. Marlon sends the message
C. Andy’s school because ________.
D. Reno’s school A. Shannon could reach him
Read the dialog and answer questions 3 B. he wants to meet Shannon
and 4. C. he’s worried about Shannon
Jane : Hello. Jane speaking. D. Shannon doesn’t want to speak with him
Terry : Hello, Jane. This is Terry. May I 6. What should Shannon do after
speak to Bram, please? hearing the message?
Jane : I’m sorry, Bram is out at the A. Meet Marlon as soon as possible.
moment. Would you leave a message for him? B. Call Marlon as soon as possible.
C. Go home as soon as possible.
Terry : Yes. Could you please tell Bram that D. Go to Marlon’s house.
I won’t be able to come for the Boy Scout Read the text and answer questions 7 to 10.
activity this afternoon? I’ve got We had a three-day camp in
a problem with my eyes. Tawangmangu resort last week. The location
Jane : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope was on the slope of Mount Lawu. There was a
you’ll get better soon. river with clear water not far from our camp
Terry : Thank you, Jane. site.
We brought cooking and eating utensils.
Jane : By the way, have you seen a doctor? We also had food supply. There were noodles,
Terry : Yes, I have. He asked me to take a eggs, fish, some canned food, mineral water
rest for a while. and biscuits.
Jane : That’s good then. On the first day, we set up the tents and
cooked food for our lunch. After taking a rest
for 10. “My team was a runner up in the
a while, we walked around to see the tug-of-war and . . . .” (Paragraph 5)
surrounding area. The scenery was very
What does the underlined word mean?
beautiful. The weather was cold all day long
A. The first winner.
so we had to wear thick jackets. We inhaled
B. The second winner.
fresh air which we hardly got in town. We all
C. The third winner.
were very happy.
D. The loser.
In the evening, we had dinner together.
Read the text and answer questions 11 to 15.
We had hot lemon tea and boiled noodles.
After that, we made a camp fire. We played The Cherry Tree
guitar and sang songs together. We did enjoy By: M.L.Weems
our good time that night. When George Washington was about six
At the second day, we went tracking until years old, he was made the wealthy master of
11 a.m. After having lunch and taking a rest, a hatchet of which, like most little boys, he
we had competitions, such as tug-of-war, was extremely fond. He went about chopping
futsal and everything that came his way.
a guessing game. My team was a runner up in
the tug-of-war and the One day, as he wandered about the
champ in the guessing garden amusing himself by hacking his
mother’s pea-sticks, he found a beautiful,
game. Unfortunately, my young English cherry tree, of which his father
team lost in the futsal. was most proud. He tried the edge of his
Then, in the evening, we hatchet on the trunk of the tree and barked it so
that it died.
performed some dramas.
On the third day, we packed our stuff and
Some time after this, his father
went home. We planned to have another camp
discovered what had happened to his favorite
activity at the end of this semester.
tree. He came into the house in great anger,
7. When did the campers have a and demanded to know who the mischievous
camp fire? person was who had cut away the bark.
A. On the first day. Nobody could tell him anything about it.
B. On the second day. Just then George, with his little hatchet,
C. On the third day. came into the room.
D. On the last day. “George,” said his father, “do you know
8. The following statements are who has killed my beautiful little cherry tree
TRUE about the yonder in the garden? I would not have taken
five guineas for it!”
text, except ________. This was a hard question to answer, and
A. the camp activity was held for two days for a moment George was staggered by it, but
B. there was a clean river near the camp quickly recovering himself he cried: “I cannot
site tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie! I
C. the campers had to bring their own stuffs did cut it with my little hatchet.”
and food The anger died out of his father’s face,
D. the writer had to wear thick jackets and taking the boy tenderly in his arms, he
because it was cold said:
9. The following utensils were what “My son, that you should not be afraid to tell
the campers the truth is more to me than a thousand trees!
brought, except ________. yes, though they were blossomed with silver
and had leaves of the purest gold!”
A. plates Source: September 3, 2010
B. spoons <http://www.inspirational
C. tents>
D. a spade 11. What can you learn from the
A. We have to be honest. I will turn you into a frog.” I was so startled
B. We should care and love to each other. that I just stared at it.
C. We shall not blame other people if we 16. A. happy B. good
don’t have a proof. C. interested D. disappointed
D. We shall solve any problems calmly
and wisely. 17. A. It B. She
12. What does the third paragraph C. He D. They
tell us about?
A. The death of a cherry tree.
B. The naughty boy. 18. entering – the
C. The angry man. earth – when – his – father
D. The honest boy. 1 2 3
4 5
13. “He tried the edge of his hatchet shoke – office – was – the quake
on the trunk of the tree and barked it 6 7 8 9
The correct arrangement of the words is
so that it died.” (Paragraph 2) ________.
The word ‘it’ refers to __________.
A. 5–8–1–7–4–3–9–6–2
A. the garden
B. George’s hatchet B. 8–5–1–4–7–3–9–6–2
C. his mother’s pea-sticks C. 1–4–7–3–9–6–2–5–8
D. a young English cherry tree D. 5–8–1–4–7–3–9–6–2
14. “Some time after this, his
Read the text and answer questions 19
father discovered what had happened . and 20.
. . .” (Paragraph 3)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Revealed.
B. Protected.
C. Searched.
D. Found out.
15. George used ________ to bark
his father’s favorite tree.
A. a knife
B. a handsaw
C. an ax
D. a sickle
For questions 16 and 17, complete the text
with the correct words.
On a bright and sunny day I went
fishing. When I reached the jetty, I put
a worm on the hook and threw the line in and 19. The brochure is about ________.
waited for the fish to bite. I was very A. any information about Bali
B. an invitation to visit Bali
(16) ________ when I did not catch anything C. what and where Bali is
after waiting for three hours. D. the culture of Bali
I pulled the line and to my surprise, there
was a small fish at the end of the line.
(17) ________ was so small that I did not feel 20. Which of the following is NOT
anything on the line.
I was even more surprised when the fish TRUE according to the text?
started to talk, “Let me go; otherwise A. People cannot enjoy Mount Agung.
B. There are the best Asia’s hotels available d. A birthday card
in Bali.
C. Visitors can enjoy marvelous dances in 4. The writer sent the card above to her .....
Bali. a. Grandmother
D. Bali has beautiful beaches. b. Grand father
The text below to answer questions 1 to 3! c. Mother
d. Father

5. From the text we know that ....a

a. The writer is a strong person
b. The writer hope her/his grandpa a speedy
c. The writer will beat her/his sickness
d. The writer is hospitalized with her/his

The text below to answer questions 6 to 8!

1. To whom will you send the card above?

a. A student
b. An educator
c. A happy person
d. An ordinary student

2. Why did the writer send the card?

Because ....
a. She wanted to encourage her teacher
b. She wanted to congratulate her teacher
c. She wanted to say the reason to be good
d. She wanted to entertain her teacher 6. How old is Abby?
a. Seven years old
The text below to answer questions 3 to 5! b. Seventeen years old
c. Seventy years old
d. Seventy seven years old

7. The text above is written to ...

a. to congratulate someone on his birthday
b. to invite someone to attend a party
c. to welcome Abby at home
d. to celebrate Abby's graduation

8. How long the party will be held?

a. Two hours
b. Three hours
c. Four Hours
d. Five Hours
3. What is it ?
a. An invitation card The text below to answer questions 9 to 10!
b. A greeting card
c. A condolence card
a. Can you give me some water, please?
b. May I help you?
c. Would you like to drink?
d. Do you want to drink?
13. Jack: Nick, did you watch Arsenal versus
Nick: I did. It was a great soccer match, I think.
Jack: Well, I missed it, too bad.
From the dialogue what are they talking
a. A great match.
b. Football Match.
c. Football Player.
d. Playing Football.
14. Nick: I did. It was a great soccer match, I
The underlined sentence tells us
about _______
a. Nick’s suggestion.
b. Nick’s clarification.
c. Nick’s opinion.
d. Nick’s information.
15. Brian: _________________?
9.When the party will be held? Dolph: Press the upper left button!
a. In the morning Brian: OK.
b. In the afternoon a. Is everything fine with the television?
c. In the evening b. Do you know where the toilet is?
d. At night c. Would you mind helping me over the table?
d. Could you tell me how to turn the TV
10. From the text, we can conclude that ... volume down?
a. The party will be held in the restaurant 16. A man: Excuse me, Madam. __________
where to get to the nearest bank?
b. You can contact by phone to give
A woman: Oh, just follow this street. Turn
right on the first traffic light. The bank is on
c. All of students of class 2017 will come to
your left.
the party
A man: Thanks so much.
d. Dinner will not be available in the party
A woman: No problem.
a. What do you think?
Choose the correct answer! b. Can you give me?
11. (In a restaurant) c. Would you please tell me?
Waiter: What can I do for you, sir? d. May I help you?
Guest: _________________
Waiter : Certainly, Here you are.
Guest: Thanks. Questions 17 & 18 based on the
a. Will you write the menu? following dialogue!
b. Do you know the menu?
May: What do you want to eat for breakfast,
c. Can I have the menu, please?
bread or rice?
d. Could you like the menu?
Jane: Well, some bread, please.
12. Tom: I’m so thirsty, ______
May: OK.
Jane: Sure, here you are.
17. From dialogue above, what are May &
Tom: Thank you.
Jane talking about?
a. What to have for breakfast. 21. What does the letter tell us about? It tells
b. The taste of rice. about______________
c. How to eat some bread. a. spending holiday in Ende.
d. The size of bread and Rice. b. interesting trip to Jakarta.
18. The underlined sentence in the dialog c. visiting the magic volcano.
above means _______________ d. refreshing activity on holidays.
a. Asking bread and rice. 22. When did Tommy go back to Jakarta? He
b. Having bread for breakfast. went back to Jakarta __________
c. Giving something to eat. a. On Friday.
d. Offering something to eat. b. On Saturday.
19. Bellboy: This is your room and here is your c. On Sunday.
suitcase, Madam. d. On Monday.
Guest: Thank you. 23. How do you think the coach felt? It felt
Bellboy: May I help you with the suitcase, _________
Madam? a. hot
Guest: _________ , maybe later. b. warm
Bellboy: With pleasure, Madam. c. cool
a. No, thanks. d. dry
b. That’s very kind of you. 24. “There, I was met by a jeep”. The word
c. Sure. ‘met’ in the sentence means _________
d. Certainly. a. dropped.
20. Betty: May I help you clean your room? b. stopped.
Linda: __________________ c. brought.
Betty: Alright then. I can leave you now. Bye! d. picked up
a. Thank you so much. 25. “I have been there for the two-day trip.”
b. Thanks, but I can do it by myself. The word ‘there’ refers to _______
c. Yes, of course. a. Ende
d. Sure. b. Kalimutu
Text for 21-25 c. Airport
d. Lake

Text for 26-27

26. Who cannot play golf on the land?

a. Someone who has a car.
b. Someone who has a golf stick.
c. Anyone who can drive a car.
d. Anyone who wants to play golf.
27. Who are not allowed to drive on this land?
a. Any vehicle with engine drivers.
b. Anyone walking through the land.
c. Any golf players. experience.
d. Any bicycle riders. d. She braves to go there alone.
Text for 28-32 30. When did the writer go to Bali?
MY HOLIDAY IN BALI a. She was the 2nd grade of senior high
by Julia school.
When I was the 2nd grade of senior high b. She was the 2nd grade of junior high
school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were school.
there for three days. I had many impressive c. She was the First grade of junior high
experiences during the vacation. school.
The first day, we visited Sanur Beach in the d. She was the First grade of senior high
morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise school.
together. It was a great scenery. Then, we 31. We could enjoy the green and shady
checked into the hotel. After prepared forest. ( Paragraph 5 )
ourselves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so What does the italicized word mean?
many other tourists there. They were not only a. crowded with the trees and animals.
domestic but also foreign tourists. b. full of trees and it is very often raining.
The second day, we enjoyed the day on c. the cool condition because of the gentle
Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many wind.
water sports such as banana boat, jet sky, d.protected from direct light from the sun by
speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu island trees or building.
to see many unique animals. They were 32. We could make a close interaction
turtles, snakes, and seabirds. We were very with them ( Paragraph 4 )
happy. In the afternoon, we went to Kuta The underlined word refers to _______
Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed a. monkeys.
the beautiful wave. b. turtles.
The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We c. snakes.
could enjoy the green and shady forest. There d. birds.
were so many monkeys. They were so tame Text for 33-37
but sometimes they could be naughty. We William’s report
could make a close interaction with them. We went to Thailand for our summer vacation
After that, we went to Sukowati market for last year. It was our first trip to Asia. We loved
shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought it. We spent a week in Bangkok and did
some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs. something different every day. We went to
In the evening, we had to check out from the the floating market very early one morning.
hotel. We went back home bringing so many We didn’t buy anything there, we just looked.
amazing memories of Bali. Another day, we went to Wat Phra Keo, the
28. What did the writer enjoy on Tanjung famous Temple of the Emerald Buddha. It was
Benoa beach? really interesting. Then we saw two more
a. water sports, unique animal, sunset, and temples nearby. We also went on a river trip
sunrise. somewhere outside Bangkok. The best thing
b. water sports, the beautiful wave, and about the trip was the food. The next time we
banana boat. have friends over for dinner, I’m going to cook
c. water sports including a speedboat and Thai food.
unique animals. 33. What is Wat Phra Keo? Wat Phra Keo
d. water sports, unique animal, and sunset. is __________
29. The writer is right to decide Bali as the a. A person from Thailand.
appropriate tour destination. It is b. A tourist from Asia.
proved ___________ c. A well-known Buddha temple.
a. She has an unforgettable experience. d. A cook from Thailand.
b. She was very satisfied. 34. From the text, we know that the writer
c. She was proud of writing about her ____________
a. Has been to Asia before. 41. When I was in school, I _____ my
b. Has never been to Thailand before. homework every day.
c. Often visits Bangkok. a. Do
d. Visited Thailand many times. b. did
35. “Then we saw two more temples nearby”. c. am doing
The word ‘nearby’ has the same meaning d. done
as ________ 42. It always _______ when we lived in
a. far Seattle.
b. close by a. is raining
c. stand by b. was rained
d. come by c. rained
36. “The next time we have friends over for d. was raining
dinner”. The underlined phrase means ______ 43. The train finally _____ for Jakarta at 8 this
a. come over to a friend. morning
b. go over to some friends. a. leaved
c. visit a friend. b. lived
d. invite friends. c. life
37. “It was really interesting”, The word ‘it’ d. Left
refers to _______ 44. While the mother was preparing dinner,
a. Thailand we … the dishes
b. Asia a. washed
c. Wat Phra Keo b. wash
d. Buddha c. are washing
Text for 38-40 d. were washing
45. When I _____ breakfast, the phone
suddenly rang.
Dear Kristanto, a. had
I just got back from Yogyakarta. The weather b. am having
was _____(28)_____ the whole week, and I c. was having
really had a great vacation. I walked along d. have had
Malioboro Street on the first day. The next 46. Yesterday at six o’clock, our cat _______
day I went shopping and ______(29)______ the mice.
some batik clothes at Beringharjo Market. I a. was eating
went to Yogyakarta Palace one day. Guess b. were eating
what? I saw the Sultan. I enjoyed my c. has eaten
______(30)______ Well, that’s all for now. d. eats
Cheers, 47. Arrange into a good sentence!
Suzana When(1) – TV(2) – Was(3) – they(4) – I(5) –
38. a. bad watching(6) – came(7)
b. gloomy a. 5-3-6-2-1-4-7
c. nice b. 5-3-6-1-2-4-7
d. impatient c. 4-3-6-2-1-5-7
39. a. buy d. 7-6-2-1-1-3-7
b. bought 48. Arrange into a good sentence!
c. buys week(1) – Jakarta(2) – family(3) – visited(4) –
d. am buying Alina(5) – her(6) – in(7) – big(8) – last(9)
40. a. Palace a. 6-3-4-5-7-8-2-9-1
b. shopping b. 9-1-5-4-6-3-8-7-2
c. Malioboro c. 5-4-6-8-3-7-2-9-1
d. vacation d. 8-3-4-5-7-6-2-9-1
49. Arrange into a good paragraph!
1.There, I met Rudi.
2.We planned to see again sometime.
3.He was my classmate in elementary school.
4.After spending three hours there, we went
5.I went to city zoo last week.
6.We were talking a lot about our childhood.
a. 5-1-3-2-6-4
b. 5-1-3-6-4-2
c. 1-5-3-6-4-2
d. 1-3-5-6-4-2
50. Arrange into a good paragraph!
1.The view from this place was very amazing.
2.Last weekend I and my friends, Vicky, Vinda,
and Laras hiked to Gunung Penanggungan.
3.After three days, we went home.
4.Then we went down into the valley and
there we camped by the river in Gunung
5.We could enjoy the fresh air around our
6.We started very early on Saturday and
reached Oro-oro Ombo for lunch.
a. 2-6-1-4-5-3
b. 6-1-2-5-4-3
c. 2-5-1-3-6-4
d. 6-2-1-4-5-3

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