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Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

5 4 3 2 1
Content The presentation is well- The presentation is mostly The presentation provides basic The presentation is lacking in The presentation is
researched, informative, and informative and engaging, information about the exhibit's content, leaving the audience with a incoherent,
engaging. It provides a clear with some room for theme, purpose, and limited understanding of the disorganized, or
and comprehensive overview improvement in clarity or significance, but lacks depth exhibit's theme, purpose, and completely lacking
of the exhibit's theme, depth. It covers the main and engagement. significance. in content.
purpose, and significance. points of the exhibit's theme,
purpose, and significance.
Visuals Visuals (e.g., images, charts, Visuals are used to support Visuals are included but lack Visuals are present but are unclear, Visuals are absent or
graphs) are used effectively the content but may require clarity, relevance, or integration irrelevant, or distracting. They do entirely irrelevant to
to enhance understanding and some improvement in clarity into the presentation. They not enhance understanding. the presentation. Did
engagement. They are clear, or relevance. They enhance minimally contribute to Somewhat compromised the use of not used recycled
relevant, and well-integrated understanding to some understanding. Compromised recycled materials in the materials at all.
into the presentation. extent. Compromised the use the use of recycled materials in representations.
Compromised the use of of recycled materials in the some of the representations.
recycled materials in all the representations.
Delivery The presenter speaks clearly The presenter is generally The presenter's delivery is The presenter's delivery is unclear, The presenter's
and confidently and clear and confident but may somewhat unclear or lacking lacks confidence, and is distracting. delivery is
maintains good eye contact need to improve eye contact confidence. There are issues Poor eye contact and pacing unintelligible,
with the audience. The or pacing. The presentation with eye contact or pacing that significantly hinder audience incoherent, or
presentation is well-paced mostly engages the audience. impact audience engagement. engagement. entirely ineffective.
and engages the audience
Organization The presentation is well- The presentation is mostly The presentation is somewhat The presentation is disorganized, The presentation is
structured, with a clear well-structured but may organized but lacks clear making it difficult to follow. entirely
introduction, body, and benefit from improved transitions or coherence in Transitions are lacking. disorganized,
conclusion. Transitions transitions or organization in parts. making it impossible
between sections are smooth some parts. to follow.
and logical.
Audience The presenter actively The presenter attempts to The presenter makes minimal The presenter's attempts at audience The presenter does
Engagement engages the audience through engage the audience, but it efforts to engage the audience, engagement are ineffective or not make any effort
questions, interaction, or may be limited in scope or resulting in limited interaction confusing to engage the
other techniques. Audience effectiveness. Some audience or involvement. audience.
involvement enhances the involvement is evident.

Sub Totals
Rating: (Based on
Overall Score

Signature of Professor Date

Over Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

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