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1. Writing about the causes and effect of a pollution type in your area.

Water pollution is becoming more and more serious in Vietnam. Nowadays, we

contribute in polluting the water bodies in many ways. Water Pollution is mainly
caused by improper discharge of household and industrial chemicals wastes into
the water. Water pollution brings a lot of bad effects to peopleand it also harms
to animals, trees .. Summary, we must save water and treat waste before
releasing it into the environment.

2. Write about an English speaking country.

There are many countries that speak English and making their native language.
America is one of them. America is also known as the United States and includes
fifty states. This is a very developed country with many large companies and
enterprises. It also has a large area. In the future, I hope the Americans and
Vietnamese will become good friends.

3. Write about a natural disaster in your area.

Typhoons and floods are very scary natural disasters for everyone. Every year, it
robs the lives of so many people, if we aren’t careful with it, it could cost us our
lives at any time. There are several measures to prevent floods and storms, such
as building houses in high places. If you live near areas prone to floods and
storms, you should take quick measures and always in a position ready to fight
floods and storms.

4. Writing to give opinions about the future roles of science and


In the future, technology and science will play a very important role. It can invent
flying cars, robots for housework. So the role of technology and science in the
future cannot be denied. Moreover, it also helps the earth grow stronger, many
new inventions are born to help people have a happier and happier life.
Therefore, each student must try to learn to develop science and technology in
the future.

5. Describing people on another planet.

Imagine one day , you will be an astronaut who are going to explore the Jupiter
and suddenly you meet a alien. Well in my opinion , I think that he or she may be
very nice and have a similar figure like in some movies we watch. I think they'll
have two eyes. With green skin and lots of hair. I think their food will be ice. They
live on rocks. I think aliens are very happy and sociable. If I met them I would
hide if they were aggressive and I would say hello if they were friendly. And my
sense would be very good.

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