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Observing children’s dramatic play is a

relevant source of assessing their skills and
C. Caregivers and teachers cannot eradicate the
1. Teacher Laura announced an activity to create a sources of stress from children’s lives, but they
letter about our loved ones who are in heaven now. can provide an environment that helps to
She makes sure that she delivers it appropriately prepare
without no harm. Which suggestions for children with the tools necessary to cope with
countering stress in the classroom is this? many of those stressors.
A. Avoid D. All of the above
B. Preventive Stress-Coping Behaviors in Children
C. Support for Loss 8. Kostelnick and colleagues (2001) offer several
D. General Teaching Skills suggestions for countering stress in the classroom.
Which of the following does not belong to the group?
2. Which type of an emergent, Meaningful Study of A. Dealing with the Effect of Environmental
the Concept of a Community is this scenario: Stress
Teacher Zeph shows a picture of an unfinished B. Support for Loss
and messy classroom to her class as part of the C. General Teaching Skill
discussion. One of her students suddenly reacted D. A Safe Growth-Enhancing Environment
to the construction of a room.
A. The Stimuli 9. Mrs. Bernardo is a grade 3 teacher, she often forces to
B. The Extension speak and scolds a student when he/she does not answer
C. Forms of Representation her question. Which of the following describes the said
D. The Kindergarten scenario?

3. Over lunch in the teacher’s room, Ms. Kuhn shared A. Stereotyping families
some stories of the children’s excitement with the B. Pushing children to talk when they
fifth-grade teacher, who asked if her class could are not ready
“buddy” with the kindergarteners and help them. C. Looking for a "quick fix"
A. Webbing D. Being inflexible or insensitive to the
B. The Stimulus needs of parents
C. Forms of Representation
D. Finding/Using Resources, Collaborating 10. The general thinking skills have four domains.
Which one doesn’t belong to the group?
4. Teachers can add to the images of distant places A. Recognize and respect individual coping styles.
and times for children through the use of___ B. Maintain ongoing surveillance of all children
a. Video Files with regards to threats.
b. Picture Files C. Use non-verbal attending skills.
c. File Manager D. Promote divergent thought (opportunities for
D. Photo Files alternate solutions).

5. Children encourages to think, build meanings, and

make real connections to some of the concepts
recommended by the National Council for Social Studies
(NCSS), which includes the following EXCEPT:
a. Interdependence
b. Global Understanding
c. Human need and wants
d. Cultural diversity

7. These following statements are CORRECT except:

A. Providing space and time for dramatic play is
one way to help children try to cope with
environmental upheaval.

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