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FerA Perera eon Doe cenomsrinaces Fwd: [CCSD Board] Public Records Request-School Board Vacancy 2 messages Kyo, Charles Fi, Sop 22,2025 a 3:41 PM Te! “Soukup, Deana” FY, itwill be due on Friday, September 29, 2023 by 5:00p.m. Please start collecting this information for the FOIA request. ———-- Forwarded message —~ From: David Glulan! Date: Fa, Sep 22,2023 at 1:41 Pat Set (0680 Bow Pati Recor aque eno oad Voarey To: cyltosd 80, |1am seekig the following lems related to the recent schoo! board vacancy. + Board member's resignation later. “Any news given to he publ about the board vacancy. + Board poy on fling vacancies (ound the board poles archived rom 2017, bu couldnt find ‘ha curent pales.) + Applications and resumes of those applying forthe positon. “Any notice fo the Regional Ofice of Education about the vacancy. + Any document showing te vole onthe appoinid board member ia September, —~ It you have any questions about his request, please fet ree to contact me ‘Thanks David Giuliani Reporter 50526-6067 ee Covering Elmhurst, La Grange, Hnsdal, Darian, Weslem Springs, Bur RidgsOlarehidon Hil a eee “Two, Sep 28,2023 a 3:59 PM Kyo, Taree — To: "Sulp, Deena” ott ee rare, 4924 (Get -Boad Reston M Gmail Amanda Frankel Board Resignation A message Margot Haris ear Distt 180 Board Members, ‘Mon Ju 24, 2028 at 3:99 PM 1 am moving outside of the district. Therefor, I will no longer be eligible to service on the board. My last day will be Monday, July 24, 2023, 1s has beon a pleasure working with you all in servicing the Willowbrook Corner Community. Sincerely, Marguitia Hacris npn gegcomnsvl e240 ewer patra E17TSISHSOESHTOSAEKsng ag 1 772SIGUSSSITESAS 1 Bur Ridge C..50. 160, aa Kyo, £8. ‘Superintendent ssyes1 otastoct rz ofa pun Ridge CCSD 180 sxrenitese ‘Where education and diversity meet to create real world success. Cohen Board of Education Vacancy Announcement July 31, 2023 Burr Rigo CCSO 180 js scceping aalesions tf he vacancy cesulting fom the ‘change vaidence af an elected voard riomoe Me Margutta Harr ari, wo nas eelecied in Ap 2021 recon resigned fram te Boar, The Saaré of eveaion ‘hanked Ms. Har for her wingness ta ere an the board, “Te sv select wil serve on he Board rom the date of appartment to Ap, 228. “The Sur Re 180 Boas of Calucaton approved our gol forthe coming schoo year. ‘The Board publay set ese goals to help prove dracon tthe teachers and sta fr ‘he coming year Al members ofthe sia sla from te Boas toe fenenes tothe secetaries fo the custodians wi be working hard towards he achievement of Wek (goals drng the schoo year. Improving student achievement, Creating 2 sae and progucwe school climate , Serving the needs ofl of our stents, Improve efficient management practices Applicants fr the Boar's vacancy mus be United States ctzen at ast 18 years of age, Resident of linais ad te Schl Dit! fra least one year, A rogistred voter witout a prohibited intros or contrac withthe dst and legally ableto old oon based on egal eatrictons, _Appleans should show fara withthe Board's poles regarding general dies and ‘esponsibilis ofa Board and a Board member, cling feucary responsibtes, ‘niet of iret, ties and gtban. The Boards polces are avaiable on he tet ‘Neb ste at nn ccedt0on. Alter expressing terest must be recoived by tne Supeintensent by the end of business "vesday, August 6, 2023 Prospective candies ll be nerviswad by the boar of edeaton. The boaré hopes to nar and seat te new Board member atthe September 11,2028 Board of Eaueaton Meeting, Please contac the Superintendent you should have adational uestons and thank ‘yout your interest in Sur Ridge CCSD 180. October 2019 2:70 ‘School Board Jes on the Schoo! Boat Elective office of a School Roard member becomes vacant before the term's expiration when any of the following occurs: |. Death ofthe incumbent 2. Resignation in wig filed withthe Secretary ofthe Board, 3. Legal disability, 4. Convition ofa felony, bribery, perjury, or othe infamous crime of of any offense involving violation of official cath or of a violent crime against a child, 5. Removal rom ofie, {6 “The devsion ofa competent tribunal declaring his or her election void, 7. Ceasing 0 be an inhabitant of the District or a particular are from which he or she was ‘fected, if the residential requirements contained in the School Code ae iolted, 8. Anillegal conflict of inert, oF 9. ‘Acceptance ofa second public otic thats incompatible with Board membership [ling Vacances Whenever a vacancy occurs, the remaining members shall notify the Regional Superintendent of Schools ofthat vacaney within five days after its oecurrnce and shall ill the vacancy until the next ‘regular board election, at which election a successor shall be elected to serve the remainder ofthe ‘unexpired term, However, ifthe vacancy occurs with las than 868 days remaining inthe term or less ‘han 85 days before the next regularly scheduled election, the person so appointed shall serve the emainder of the unexpired term, and no election to fill the vacancy shal be held. Members appointed by the remaining members ofthe Board to fill vacances shall meet any residential requiretens 83 specified in the School Code. The Board shal fill he vacaney within 60 days after i occured by & public vor ata mestng ofthe Board, Immediately folowing a vacaney on the Board, the Board will publicize it and accept résumés from District residents who are interested in filing the vacaney. Aer reviewing the application, the Board may invite the prospective candidates for personal interviews to be conduct during duly schoduled closed meetings LEGALRER: 105 1LC$5/10-10ands/0-1, CROSSREF: 2:40 Board Member Qualifications, 2:60 (Board Member Removal fom Office, 2:120 (Board Member Development) 270 Page tof 201 pay Nees Ean Stn Serv lot Asoc Sebo Bde Auk cae ero isn wih er lb sy Doe ‘August 6, 2023, Dear Ces 180 My name is Antoinette Treadway and tm viring to express my interest for the School Board opening. Like many of you, my mission isto see students succeed in our district. There is postive Impact when at team works together and succeeds which | have seen firsthand. ‘Once one understands the facts, he/she can start thinking and outlining what fallures exists. Students deserve a safe, nurturing environment to grow and be challenged. I've lived in this community for 12 years and | have seen many areas ‘of opportunities. Just lke so many of us, | love what’s been done and realize we have so far to go within our community. My love for children is the reason t became a foster parent. Also, | am in school for Nursing, an active leader within ‘my church and support my community with running fundraisers, crafts building positive outlets for students and their families [My passion is watching children grow because they are the future of tomorrow. My main focus is advocating for children so that growth becomes a reality. When students exceed at all grades levels and inal subjects; that’s success! Sincerely, Antoinette Treadway ust? 2023, De Chater Ke Burrege CCSD 180 ASWASt Pit Seect Bur Ridge, 60527 RE: Letter of Intent For CCSD 180 Board Vacancy Greetings Dr. Chai Kyle, My name is Amber M. Webber, and | am writing this letter to express my interestin the open board seat that is avalable. ve worked for \ialgreens for 15 years and | am currently a Store Manager that uns booth the pharmacy and frontend of the business. This inchudes ‘managing anywhere from 20-40 employees at a time, managing the fecal year budget, anc making sure that my store embodies our ‘company's vision and purpose at all times ‘have been inthe community 8 years, and have had etildron that ‘tended both AM and BRMS, My oldest two children are both BRMS ‘oraduates that currently atend Hinsdale South asa sophomore and @ senior, and my baby girls an incoming 8th grader et Burr Ridge. have been an active pancipantin the community over the years. From attending Board meetings, community mestings, as well as working with the Sherfds deperment and community tsk force to help ignite and support change in our community. | have had the opportunity to ‘experience what t maans tobe a parent in our community as wel as ‘he HS community, and both areas had some great moments, as well as Serving has alvays been a passion of mine. | heve served in church for the past 11 years, as walls serving in different organizations that my ‘hildeen have atended over the years. My desiato serve our schoo! ‘and familias has grown overthe years, and serving as a member of The Board has been a personal goal of mine for some time now, I'm prepared to help support the four goals that are setfor the upcoming schoo! year: * Improving student achievement ‘eno Mockingbird Lane WhlowbrosL 60527 * Creating a safe and productive school climate * Serving the needs ofall of our student + Improve efciont management practices In addition to supporting these goals | wll work wth other board members to help dull strategic pactnecshin adapt and maintain ccurent polis, and work to Ineroase family/parent involvement from ‘our eommuniy. Itwould bea privilege to help support not onl these four goals, but any fture goals that help support our administration, teachers, families, and most importantly ou children. Serving isnt something that take light, and |am grateful to have the opportunity to positively impact ‘our community, Best Regards, Artbr Webte ‘Amber M. Webber ey itd ae Dina Mal (CS0 Mn a yl, Charen coyfngcnd 0 org> [CCSD Board] Letter of intent a TT Tus Ag 8, 20290 204A Treviedensisoer oe Chars, tam tno apres yn hh act oad aoa at Bur Rge CCSDI80 Boao Gucaon. have sched Iyer f ert, agit wo er acon ay ated abt exlaing te cpa of ngs te Bur Ridge CCSO180 ta and conta ob atte iloson al rng qual eacason Ws enseonce en destin, | bse an ma poate pa 8 younave ary questions or oad taba pease ole a ntact re, weld be happy to aoe my (ican arab | can Sorbus to Bur alge CCSD 60 Bond of Caueton ‘Thar ou or emit epson. ‘Srcroy ear Webber ‘Seat om Prone {fy Later filet AMP pt POF Ltr ofRacommendsionO Decaf Box 1B BELatr occa ia, Chavos orwarded message ——- From: Kyl, Charles oie ocad 80 .oro> Data: Fe, Ju 28, 2023 at 552PM ‘Subject Open Board of Educaton Postion in CCSO180 To: Amber, wanted to notify you of an open Board of Education position in CCSD 180. | got the official letter of resignation from our BOE member Marquitta Harris who is going to move at the end of August and gave us her letter at Monday, July 24, 2023 Board of Education meeting. Her term was until April of 2025. The new opening would assume her term. am new as a Superintendent but was reading 105 ILCS 5/10-10, amended by P.A. 101-67 and it states I need to inform the Regional Superintendent within five days of the resignation. | believe we have 60 days to fill the position and my question to you is does the timeline start ‘on July 24 or July 257 ‘Thanks in advance for your help. It is my first opening and | wanted to make sure I followed ILSC. Is there anything else I need to do for the opening? Dr. Charlie Kyle Superintendent Burr Ridge CCSD 180 630-734-6600 ckyle@ocsd180.0rg ‘The COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT #180 Regular Meeting Anne M. Jeans Library September 11, 2023 -6:00 PM Minutes 1, GALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL President Frankel caled meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Roll call was made and the following members answered present: Members McCormack, Greiss, Frankel, Treadway, Willams, and Naja. Absent was Tuner ‘Also, present were Dr. Charles Kyle, Superintendent, Deena Soukup, Recording Secretary, Linda Pawiowicz, Director of Finance, Corey Boraz, Architect, Megan Dizanni, Teacher at AMJES, Gail Hahn, Girl Scout Leader, Renata Butauskiene, Resident Krystle Vanterpool, Teacher at AMJES, Victoria Hindenter, parent, JoAnn Krypel, Resident (oppose to Truck Stop) Rosemary Wagner, and Lynda Esposito, resident. A YES: Members McCormack, Gress, Treadway, Willams, Frankel, and Naar. Absent was Turner MOTION CARRIED Dr. Kyle introduced new Board member Antoniette Treadway and than Gir Scouts ‘spoke along with Leader Megan DiZanni McCormack motioned to renew the CCSD 180 E-Leaming Plan for for the 2023- 2024, 2024-25, and 2025-26 School Years. Motion was seconded by Treadway. A YES: Members McCormack, Greiss, Willams, Frankel, Treadway, and Najar. Absent was Tuer MOTION CARRIED McCormack motioned to open the public hearing on the CCSD180 FY 24 District Budget and seconded by Treadway. A YES: Members McCormack, Greiss, Willams, Frankel, Treadway, and Naja. Absent was Turner MOTION CARRIED MeCormack motioned to close the public hearing on the COSD180 FY 24 District Budget and seconded by Greiss. A YES: Members MeCormack, Greiss, Wiliams, Frankel, Treadway, and Najjr. Absent was Turner ‘MOTION CARRIED McCormack motioned for approval of the FY 24 budget and Compensation Reports as presented. Williams seconded. A YES: Members McCormack, Greiss, Wiliams, Frankel, Treadway, and Najjar. Absent was Turner TION CARRIE 2. CONSENT AGENDA Member Wiliams motioned, Greiss seconded the motion to approve the consent ‘agenda items A through J. A YES: Members McCormack, Greiss, Treadway, Willams, Frankel, and Najer. Absent was Tuer MOTION CARRIED ‘A. Minutes from the August 14, 2023 Meeting of the Board of Education Minutes, BB. Interim bills and paid accounts payable in the amount of $589,032.35. C. August P-Card Disbursements in the amount of $3,692.43, D. total August-September 2023 bills and disbursements in the amount of $1,303,854.69. “The consent agenda also includes the approval of the: F ~The approval of Co-Curricular Assignments and Non-CBA Academic Clubs for the 2023-24 school year. G.-The approval ofthe District Nurse/CSN Stipend for 2023-2024 H.-Approval of BRMS Cross Country, Boys and Girls Basketball, Softball, Cheer Coach for 2023-24 School Year |. Approval of Anne M. Jeans Custodian ~ J-Approval of Sue Johnson's resignation/retirement BRMS Snacks and Chats (Amy Sansone) Lego Ciub (Amy Sansone) Ukulele (Amy Brockman) Drama Club (AmyBrockman/Lancor) Host Choir Festival Proposal (Brockman) Spring Play (BrockmaniLancor) AMJES Fall Garden Club (Elaine Weil) Spring Garden Club(Elaine Weil) ‘Art Ciub(Ruth Livingston) Choir rd/ath(Amy Brockman) Lego Glub(Ann McVady) ‘ABC Bootcamp(Emily Golembiewski and Maggie Cranley) JV Boys and Girls BasketballVarsity Girls Basketball - Mike LaCassa ‘IWNersity Cheer - Kanisha Davis Girls Softball - Emma Ruff Cross Country - Alison Pitlock S.NOTICES/GOMMUNICATIONS, ‘A, Newspaper/Journal Articles Dr. Kyle shared the ink to Studio GC's websito that features the fine arts auditorium, dance classroom, LRC, and gym improvements. Studio GC has submittod this project toa trade magazine and it willbe published in October. It is great to share the incredible capital improvements that have been made to improve the experience of our students and staff at CCSD 180. B, Regional Office of Education (ROE) Correspondence C. State Organization Correspondence (ISBE/ASS) 2, Board of Education Required Training Information Dr. Kyle reminded the board members that they are required to participate in {wo types of training. The frst is the Open Meetings Act traning (you can get this through the Attorney General's office) and the Board member training (¢hrough (ASB) the Professional Development Leadership Training (PDL) and Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA), The Open Meetings Act Training is avallabe for free on the Attomey Gonerat’s web sito (The web site is: http:/oiaiattomeygeneral.nev). You vill need to register and then print out your certificate of completion For the Professional Dovelopment Leadership Training (POLT) and Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) taining, the easiest way to Complete this training is to doit onsine atthe IASB website. The district has signed you up fortis training, and you will receive an e-mail from IASB regarding the training D. Superintendent Correspondence Community Member Communications Dan Janosek om the Cmamunity House Share the update abot Haloween Event that Wi bo hei t Anna Mt. Jeans Elementary Sonal Dat, we ar ooing fx school eedbeck on preeed dates wth he goal of cading as fais as possi: 2. Fasilies Use Information ‘The Community House has focused ther offorts on bringing a basketball league to our students. Potenal dates for practice and games were discussed. E, Freedom of Information Act Requests The district has not been in receipt of any Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests this past month. Which wil be reflected in the September Mins. F. SASED Correspondence 3. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Dr. Kyle discussed his opportunity to travel with the th grade students and faculty to the Feed My Starving Children Service Learning Field Trip on August 25, 2023, The Bin grade packed 66 boxes and 38,016 meals. That is enough fo fed 4104 kids @ dally meal fora year. He was also impressed with how hard our students and sta worked to pack as many bags of food at Feed My Siarvng Children. It was the fist ime that we had done that field trip since Covld. Itwas a great start to the school year. He than attended the BRMS home Cross Country meet this Tuesday vs. Gower and Westview Middle Schools. CCSD 180 had approximately 20 members of our girls and boys cross country meet and it was an incredible race. Our students did well and represented BRMS with pride. We have had three home softball games this year. We have 14 student athletes who are leaming the sport and getting better every gamo. Finally, the Superintendent is working with the IASB trainer for our CCSD 180 Board of Education training. The date the trainer could do on Saturday in September did ‘not work with all of our BOE members, so he is going to send a Google Document ‘out with availabilty for September and October to complete our Board of Education training. Improving Student Achievement ‘A. Creating a safe and productive school climate a. Parent-Teacher Organization and Community House Engagement Aativtles “The Community House is weking with members of cur community ané CCSD 160 on afl {est evant for Halloween. We are working out the datos, mes, et as | publish this BOE packet. (Repeat) Dr. Kyle shared an email summary of the June 2023 Willowbrook Coalition meeting attended by Tracy Ritchey. Serving the needs of all of our students b. Enrollment Information (Our current district enrollment is 501. This is an increase from last month's, 484. Dr. Kyle and Linda reminded the Board that this Is the daily average umber. ur district enrolment, as of the last day of school, May, 2023, for all students (including pre-K) was: 505, B. Efficient Management Practices. a. Facilities and Maintenance Update and Planning All of the summer construction projects have offically come to Completion. Dr. Kyle thanked Robert Koc and Linda Pawiowicz for thelr attention to detail and work they put into making sure all of the summer Construction projacts were completed on time. ‘This year, we have added bells back to Burr Ridge Middle School. They have been helpful to our students to get from one class to another on time. One request that came from the bells being used again was to have clocks on the walls. Since the Board of Education approved the solar project at BRMS, | anticipate more details on the summer work schedule to install the solar panels during the summer of 2024. NAFIS and Impact Aid Information NAFI The National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS) represents, the 1,100-plus federally impacted public schoo! districts that together ‘educate more than 10 million students across the nation. Federally impacted ‘school districts aro those located on or near nontaxable Federal property— including mittary installations; Indian Trust, Treaty and Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act lands; Federal low-income housing facilities; and national parks, national laboratorias and other Federal buildings and property. These ‘School districts, which are demographically and geographically diverse, receive Impact Aid, a Federal education program that reimburses schoo! districts for the lost local revenue and additional costs associated with tho presence of Federal propery. . Negotiations Update "Negotiations botwoon the TOP and CCSD 180 began in June and have ‘continued throughout July. There was a breakdown in August and the TOP requested the services of a mediator to help with negotiations. We have agreed to a mediator and are in the process of picking dates to continue negotiations with the TOP and a mediator in September and October. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS, ‘A. Attendance, Lunch, and Student Discipline Report ‘There were distrct-wide student suspension referrals (6 BRMS and § AMJES) during the time between August 17, 2023 and the September 2023 BOE. meeting ‘The administration Is not recommending any further disciplinary action for any of these suspended students. Additionally, no parent requested an appeal of a suspension. As no further action is requested, this information (and the information from the attached SSC student referral repors from each school) will sorve as a summary to the Board of Education. Member Najjar would lke to have a break out of In & Out of School Student suspensions and IEP. Dr. Kyle will provide, B. CCSD 180 Family Newsletter and Staff Newsletter Victor Hernandez and Tracy Ritchey are the two creating the monthly family and slaff newsletters for the 2023-2024 school year. Tracy writes the parents! newsletter and Victor writes the staff's monthly newsletter. They meet and work together on both newspapers before they are published and sent out to staff and Parents. 5, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/HEARING OF PETITIONS Williams motioned to open 6:30 p.m. the public hearing & perticipation, mation was ‘seconded by Greiss. A YES: Members McCormack, Greiss, Willams, Frankel, Treadway, ‘and Najar. Absent was Turner MOTION CARRIED ‘Two residents did a presentation opposing the new construction of a 24 hour Gas/Truck Siop on 91% and Route 83. “Say No" to traffic, noise, air, pollution, demolition of local businesses and forested land. They urge all residents to go to the next Dupage Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on October 12, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.for public comments in Wheaton. One of our parents also addressed her concem about this project. ‘McCormack motioned to close the public hearing & participation at 6:45 p.m., ‘motion was seconded by Wiliams. A YES: Members MeCormack, Greiss, Wiliams, Frankel, Treadway, and Najar. Absent was Turner MOTION CARRIED 6. CURRENT BUSINESS. A Serving the needs of all of our students ‘2. CCSD 180 Special Education Behavioral Intervention Committee This committee is a product of 105 ILCS 5/14-8.05, BOE Policy 2:150 Committees, and BOE Policy 7:230 Misconduct by Students with Disabilities. In anticipation of the needs of this committee, we have already started the work prior to the motion listed below, We met as a committee on Thursday, August 10, 2023, meeting state expectations. Treadway motioned for the approval to establish and maintain the Special Education Behavioral Intervention Committee of both principals, the special ‘education director, the superintendent with the advice of parents with students with disabilities, other parents, teachers, administrators and others with expertise in behavioral interventions for special education students, as presented. The motion was seconded by McCormack. A YES: Members McCormack, Gress, Willams, Frankel, Treadway, and Najjar. Absent was Tumer MOTION CARRIED B. Creating a safe and productive school climate C. Efficient management practices a, Approval ofthe FY 23 Audit The Superintendent reports that our ausit with Lauterbach & Amen LLP went very well. We finished on time and without extensions. Lauterbach was very professional in the completion of their audit and provided us with a great deal of lead time. In regards to the management letter, the auditor's review cf our management practices was very complimentary. Many of the recommendations were in regards to the new Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) updates. There was a transportation budget that was over budget. That was due to the increased number of after-school buses and special education transportation. We have taken their recommendations into account and have applied them to the 2024 Budget, Naljar motioned for approval of the FY 23 audit, review of the management letter, {and approval ofthe annual financial report as presented. McCormack seconded. A YES: Members McCormack, Grelss, Willams, Frankel, Treadway, and Najjar. Absent was Tumer MOTION CARRIED D. Improving Student Achievement Recommadation to serve more hot breakfast 7. CALENDAR A. September 11, 2023-Board of Education Meeting Anne M. Jeans Library. (6:00 PM) B. September 18, 2023-Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35AM. C. NWEA MAP Testing September 11-22 2023 D. Indigenous Peoples Day October 9, 2023, E, October 6, 2028~-CCSD 180 Parent Checks Available On-Line and vie Teachers F. October 16, 2023-Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35AM G. October 30, 2023-Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35AM H. November 6, 2023~Board of Education Meeting BRMS Library (6:00PM) |. November 13, 2023-Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35AM J. November 20-21, 2023-Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30PM K. November 22-24, 2023--Thanksgiving Break (Schools and Offices Closed) L December 4, 2023--Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35AM M. December 11, 2023-Board of Education Meeting BRMS Library (8:00PM) N. December 23, 2022--January 7, 2023~Winter Break Schools Closed ©. December 25th and 26th, 2023-Winter Break Schools and Offices Closed P. January 1 and 2, 2024-Winter Break Schools and Offices Closed Q. January 8, 2024--Winter Break Ends—School Resumes. R. January 22, 2024~Late Start Day (Both Schools) Students Arrive at 9:35AM S. January 15, 2024--Schools and Offices Closed (MLK Day) T. January 22, 2024~-Board of Education Meeting BRMS Library(6:00PM) 8. ADJOURNMENT Member Wiliams motioned, Treadyway seconded the motion to adjourn at 7:01p.m, [A YES: Mombors McCormack, Grelss, Treadway, Wiliams, Frankel, and Najar. Absent was Tumer MOTION CARRIED. President, Board of Education Secretary, Bd. of Education * Burr Ridge CCSD. 180 Chars gle EdD e Saperinendent, ; sswisi oy" seeet arr dye, L627 Burr Ridge CCSD 180 ur Rg 8 Fax (630) 325-9450 Gijle@eest180 ore Where education and diversity meet to create real world success. ‘August 22, 2023 Hand Delivered and E-Mail Dear Ms. Treadway, Thank you for volunteering to be a member of the Burr Ridge CCSD 180 Board of Education. ‘as you know, this is a very important time for the Burr Ridge C.CS.0. 180 Board of Education, While we face many challenges, we have always faced them as a team of dedicated board members, administrators, eachers, staff, parents and students. We look forward to your Involvement on that team. To help you prepare for the exciting challenges ahead, |, or Amanda Frankel would be happy to meet with you to review board policy and governance. The district's goals, ‘objectives and policy manual are already available on our web site, and/or will be delivered to your home as well thave included information from the iinals Association of School Boards as away to get acquainted with the board of education structure and role in Ilinos. !have also attached the district's Board Member Handbook which will provide more local information related to aur district. Additionally, the board's secretary, Deena Soukup, will be in touch with you to provide you with Information on how to access our on-line meeting agenda software | want you to know that | would be happy to meet with you to discuss the district and the board functions/activities at any time. Please feel free to contact me If you have any questions ‘Thanks again for volunteering and I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Chant Key Superintendent Community Coles Trustee ee May development adi traning. atnng Sesion wil be csadsted oa Joe 10. open bre 0 | a LOLNO Nae ISBE APPROVED PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP Poy Ame) 1 em LL cl MAY PRE REGISTER —- TODAY! oa ot2 sesso MAY FullDay Training YRTUAL ABOUT US INFORMATION ee Chicsgo | Champaign | Colinsvile | Lisle | Rockford PO sourbbins:schwaa com Mandatory Board Member Training ints iB Tanng Who sas eo ‘coma Requirements: Receive Training Timeline, cpmsiteo rc |, coeviing | tony testoat | sonar Sucsnonas | sear | ag | ae ery oraurotnns | peoneneemais ancetmatoet | tare an fermion | ngage | txyetgtions | coinenima | usc reece dd | eens eecetctasers | escmeeras| ese eee | acaltetiee, | cameues, | masmae is ooucesnaaes | lsadeskptitis | “arcyelat intone ec ce, | ena ie | se prefect | Peformance | Avani mapa | section mcm | rimmvaingon | St tine Bilainncon | Aimee | Seaitamemne | eegess | taboos on means | sees, | ‘aepecome see siten® | Termin gets nena on eas Fo conc Uris Fly Otero rl Cure 3) E997 1, (pte 209 a Asan Son Gore AR Reseed, 2 TASB sexcsezis swath come SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK Adopted December 14, 2015 “Being a member ofa board of education Is one of the most important {Jobs that a person can hold, and it should be reserved for people who hhave the courage, the fortitude, and the desire to make a difference.” Theta Sect earn ‘Table of Contents (CHAPTER 1: Peso Pot phy nnn need ‘CHAPTER 2: ASW Foundations Pines Of Fic GOAN -neomr—nnenennnn The Bo Claes fe Dt Page The Bo Comets Wi he Comm anne TheDoad Bopas Suprinede Toe Boat Des Ady ‘Tee Bad Mont Pees. ‘oe Bead Tes Repos Fe te. Setrl Bont Mente Opti tnd Expects Expt fr Een owe td Dl of Te Sn! oe. Inde. sssnaad resasnRaaasnaestanenen} Caleegng Less Seer ° (CHAPTER 4 Blcoing A Seo Bot Memb ne op ID Reus Be School Dew Meet nee ou Seto! 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