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Professional Academy of the Philippines

Brgy . South Poblacion, City of Naga , Cebu. Tel. Number (032)2736484

“Your Future, Our Promise.”

S.Y. 2023-2024
First Quarter Examination
Philippine Politics and Governance

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Year and Section: ___________________ Score: ______________

DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. It refers to a set of activities associated with the governance of a country or an area.

a. Politics c. Governance
b. Government d. Law

2. A branch of knowledge that deals with systems of government and the analysis of political activity and behavior.
a. Politics c. Government
b. Political Science d. Governance

3. The following are conceptions of politics except one.

a. As the art of government c. As power and distribution of resources
b. As public affairs d. As revamp and reconstruct

4. Which of the following best describe politics?

a. Branch of knowledge c. Set of complex activity connected with governance
b. Set of interests d. None of the above

5. Politics is what government or states do, this is politics as

a. Art of government c. Compromise and consensus
b. Public affairs d. Power and distribution of resource

6. Politics as public affairs is

a. What government or states c. Resolving conflict
b. Public life d. Takes place in every level of social interaction

7. When politics becomes the process of conflict resolution, then politics is

a. Art of government c. Compromise and consensus
b. Public affairs d. Power and distribution of resource

8. Which of the following best define politics as power and distribution of resources?
a. What government or states do c. Resolving conflict
b. Public life d.Takes place in every level of social interaction

9. is important to give people a strong voice in determining what their government should do.
a. Political will c. Political leaders
b. Political system d. Political institution

10. It is the central concern of political institution

a. Law c. Governance
b. Power d. Party list

11. If political system is to give people strong voice; is to express their will.
a. Political will c. Political leaders
b. Political system d. Political institution

12. The following are roles of political system except one.

a. Protection from external enemies c. Definition and internal order
b. Resolution of group differences d. Pursuit of interests
13. is a formal body invested with the authority to make decisions in a given political
a. Government c. Legislative
b. Governance d. Judiciary

14. It is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented.
a. Government c. Legislative
b. Governance d. Judiciary

15. The following are characteristics of governance except one.

a. Determines who has power c. How other makes their voice heard
b. Who makes the decision d. Instrument for the purpose of governance

16. Which of the following is a characteristic of government?

a. Determines who has power c. How other makes their voice heard
b. Who makes the decision d. Instrument for the purpose of governance

17. The following are related to governance except one.

a. Authority c. Accountability
b. Decision-making d. Freedom

18. is the fair legal frameworks that are enforced impartiality.

a. Rule of law c. Responsiveness
b. Transparency d. Accountability

19. Which of the elements of governance pertains to institution and processes try to serve all stakeholders within
a reasonable time frame?
a. Rule of law c. Responsiveness
b. Transparency d. Accountability

20. If governance makes men and women the key cornerstone, it is exercising
a. Participation c. Transparency
b. Rule of law d. accountability

21. It is the science of ideas.

a. Ideology c. Theology
b. Sociology d. Psychology

22. is when people understand their own business, and their own interests better.
a. Conservatism c. Liberalism
b. Socialism d. Fascism

23. If liberalism is to individual freedom; is to gradual social change.

a. Conservatism c. Liberalism
b. Socialism d. Fascism

24. The following are characteristics of socialism except one.

a. Individual freedom c. Equality
b. Collectivism d. Opposed capitalism

25. Which of the following set of values and beliefs of liberalism was adapted by the Philippine government?
a. Labor movement c. Government ownership
b. Freedom d. Militarism

26. is the moral standard of fairness and impartiality.

a. Justice c. Truth
b. Equality d. Freedom

27. If liberalism is to freedom; is to tradition

a. Socialism c. Feminism
b. Conservatism d. Fascism

28. Which of the following best describe fascism?

a. Militarism and violence c. Labor movement
b. Government ownership d. Individualism
Four items 29 – 32: Identify the following political ideologies based on their functions.

a. Liberalism c. Socialism
b. Conservatism d. Fascism

29. Applies a wide range of political ideas. C

30. Influenced by a variety of movements concerned with equal rights for all citizens A

31. Seeks to preserve all that is good about the past B

32. All values arise from the state and the individual has no right D

33. A capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in accordance with A’s wishes.
a. Justice c. Equality
b. Power d. Truth

34. A power that is based on fear

a. Coercive c. Legitimate
b. Reward d. Expert

35. The following are kinds of power except one.

a. Coercive c. Legitimate
b. Refinement d. Expert

36. Which of the following bases refer to expert power?

a. Power is based on fear c. Power is based on specific skills or knowledge
b. Power is based on admiration of another d. Power is based on the ability to distribute rewards

For items 37 – 44: Identify the nature and consequences of power in politics.

a. Coercive power
b. Reward power
c. Legitimate power
d. Expert power
e. Referent power
37. A manager enforces positive reinforcement to his/her employees. B

38. Superior inflict punishment to their subordinates. A

39. Identical to authority and closely aligned with reward and coercive C
40. Based on extent others attribute knowledge and expertise D
41. A person is attractive and has desirable resources or personal characteristics E
42. Example of these are increase in salary, promotions and recognition B
43. It does not depend on relationship with others; rather on position or role the person holds C
44. Credibility comes from having right credentials and display of tangible evidence of knowledge. D
45. is people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common habits and
a. State c. Land
b. Nation d. Tribe

46. It is the self-identification and/or common identity of people may be built upon a common language, history,
race or culture.
a. State Land
b. Nation Tribe
47. is the status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth or naturalization
a. Ethnicity c. Locality
b. Nationality d. All of the above

48. Ethnicity is to group; is to words

a. Nationality c. Language
b. Religion d. Locality

49. Which of the following is an example of ethnicity?

a. French c. German
b. Spanish d. Asian
50. Its is the belief in the reality of the mythological, supernatural or spiritual aspects of a religion.
a. Faith Religious belief
b. Religion d. None of the above

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