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18/9/23, 15:54 (30) Feed | LinkedIn

Your paid strategy is an extension of your marketing strategy.

👉 It isn't its own thing.

Your marketing strategy includes:

1.) Positioning
2.) Messaging
3.) Packaging
4.) Targeting
5.) Narrative
6.) Content
7.) Pricing

Your paid strategy includes:

1.) Media planning and budget allocation

2.) Audience data/targeting
3.) Campaign structure
4.) Content distribution
5.) Channel objectives
6.) Segmentation
7.) Bid strategies
8.) Ad Creative
9.) Channels
10.) Keywords

Paid ads CAN help you distribute messaging, content, and offers
at scale to your ICP.

Paid ads CAN help inform your marketing strategy with data
feedback loops. 1/2
18/9/23, 15:54 (30) Feed | LinkedIn

However, your paid ad strategy DOES NOT replace your

marketing strategy.

I'd challenge CMOs to ask their in-house marketing team to

walk them through their marketing strategy.

Could you explain what your company's marketing strategy is? If

not, it's a good time to get with your VP of Marketing to better
understand it so you can execute a better paid strategy.

Vladimir Blagojević and 75 others 2/2

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