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Holy Prophet (P.B.U.

H) met Az Zubair while migrating to medina who also gave him and Hazrat Abu
Bakr some white clothes to wear and when the Muslims of medina came to hear about Holy Prophets’
arrival, they were delighted and waited for him every day. Finally, the Holy Prophet arrived at medina
and stayed with Bani Amr ibn e Auf for ten nights and established Masjid-e-Quba there. Then Holy
Prophet mounted on his she-camel and proceeded till his camel knelt at the place of the two orphans
Suhail and Sahl who gifted this place to Holy Prophet and he established a mosque there and prayed for
the goodwill of the Ansar and Emigrants.
Holy Prophet changed the name of Yathrib to Medina Al Munawwara. After announcing his mission, the
two infamous tribes Aws and Khazraj finally stopped the war between and united together since the Holy
Prophet established the bond of brotherhood among them and him as their guardian. The Emigrants
were called “Muhajireen”.
To defend against enemies, the Holy Prophet established a charter between the Jews and
Muslims. The charter was constituted based on them becoming a single nation and uniting to defend
against all kinds of enemies with all the independence to practice any religion they belonged to and Holy
Prophet will be the chief magistrate of the nation. Although, some ill-will concealed from the normal
people were planning mutiny to join the enemies of Islam as soon as they came in the vicinity of Medina.
So, the Prophet needed to keep an eye on outside as well as inside enemies since, in the second year of
Hijrah, The hostile attacks began on Muslim resources.
The first battle between Muslims and the Meccans took place at Badr, where 300 Muslims were
facing 1000 enemies led by Abu Jahl yet the Muslims emerged victorious with the help of Allah. The
captives were treated with extreme kindness instead of any misfortune. The second battle took place at
Uhud, where three thousand idolators under the command of Abu Sufyan fought the thousand Muslims
and Abdullah Ibne Ubayi betrayed the Muslims and left along with his three hundred hypocrite followers.
The battle was almost lost by the Muslims and they suffered a great loss of 70 men including Hazrat
Hamza. In these moments of suffering, Allah reminded them of the mistake they made of leaving their
positions and going for the worldly materials.
The mutinies kept increasing so Holy Prophet finally decided to take strict actions against them
and besieged Banu Qainqua who openly disregarded the Muslims who surrendered after 15 days and
Bani An-Nadir was banished from Medina after a besiegement. In the 4th year, the great battle of
Khandaq took place when Abu Sufyan gathered ten thousand men, and Muslims only had a thousand.
The Muslims to survive dug a deep trench which none of the infidels could pass due to the strong winds
at night and massive heat during the 20 days of the siege. The Muslims were also betrayed by Banu
Quraiza who had most of the fortresses and Abu Sufyan retreated from the battle due to lack of
resources too. To have allegiance with the Christians, Holy Prophet decided to assist them in all matters
and give them free independence so the ones living inside Medina don’t feel any hostility.
In the Sixth year of Hijrat, Holy Prophet decided to have a pilgrimage so he along with seven
hundred followers decided to go to Makkah unarmed, and the infidels and Muslims decided on the peace
treaty of Hudaibiya according to which they won’t be at war for 10 years. At last, the Holy Prophet
decided that the message of Islam should be universal so he dispatched convoys to spread the word of
Allah. A convoy went to the Embassy of Heraclitus, an emperor of the Romans and he treated them
nicely and sent back a conveyor of the message. The emperor called Abu Sufyan to ask questions about
the Holy Prophet’s traits and he was not meant to tell a lie for there were his companions to confirm his
answer. Hercules, the emperor of Byzantine then read the whole letter, the whole court fell into tears and
the message of Islam had become extremely prominent. Once in his tour, Hercules woke up in a sad
mood and his companions asked why he was sad, that he said he saw a dream about a conqueror who
practiced circumcision, and only the Arabs aside from the jews practiced it so he wrote a letter to his
friend in Rome to the geniuinity of the news about Muhammad being a Prophet which was confirmed by
the friend and Hercules accepted Islam.
The fourth battle of Khaibar took place when fourteen hundred infidels decided to go against the
Muslims and the Muslims tremendously won the battle. At the end of the seventh year of migration, the
Muslims performed Hajj and left in three days according to their treaty and finally converted Khalid Bin
Waleed, the sword of Allah to Islam.
Then, a force of three thousand men under Hazrat Zaid marched toward the Ghassanite to take
revenge for martyring the Muslim messenger where they were greatly opposed by the Arabs and
Romans and suffered a great loss and the Muslims retreated.
About the end of the seventh year, the Quraish broke the peace treaty and attacked Banu
Khuzah to which the Holy Prophet gathered ten thousand men to march toward Makkah to stop this
reign of injustice on January, 630. A day before, Abu Sufyan came to make terms but was instantly sent
back. Finally, the Muslims reached Makkah unopposed and the Holy Prophet recited Surah Al-Fatah on
the entrance on his favorite camel Al-Kaswa. The Muslim army entered the city unpretentiously and
peacefully. Holy Prophet himself destroyed 350 idols inside the Holy Kaaba.
He recited, "Allah is great. Truth has come and falsehood has vanished; verily falsehood is fleeting.". On
this occasion, Holy Prophet gave a sermon and ended all kinds of Racism, and declared that the most
Pious were the best ones in the eyes of Allah. The Muslims also captured Abu Sufyan after which he
embraced Islam. Holy Prophet told Al-Abbas to keep Abu Sufyan at the top of the mountain so he could
tell which tribe was entering Makkah at that time. Holy Prophet also decided to cover the Kaaba in cloth
now. He also held an assembly at Al-Safa for those who wanted to join allegiance with the Holy Prophet.
Holy Prophet set small convoys to spread the word of Allah to all ends of Makkah and thus Makka was
At these times, the tribes of Hawazin and Tahkif showed disregard to the message and they were
utterly defeated in the battle of Hunain. Some of the members of these tribes were captured later on, and
they begged for mercy and Holy Prophet freed them setting this great example as a teacher. Many
hearts turned towards the softness of Holy Prophet and accepted Islam.
The ninth year of Hijrah is known as the year of the embassies in which many of the tribes
accepted Islam and this conquest of Mekkah decided the fate of idolatry in Arab. the idolators if Taif, the
very people who did wrong to the Prophet asked for forgiveness and submitted themselves to Islam
during this period. A small group under Hazrat Ali was sent to destory the idols in Taif, on the approach
of the muslims, the leader Adi fled to Syria leaving his sister and the rest of his classmen at the mercy of
the muslims. When the daughter of Hatim was presented in front of the Holy Prophet she begged for
mercy and Holy Prophet set everyone belonging to her free and she returned to her brother and knowing
this event Aadi accepted Islam. At the end of 9th year, no idolator was allowed to do pilgrimage in kaaba
and by the tenth year, the whole mission was spread in Arab and beyond and Holy Prophets’ lifework
finally paid off.
On the return of the second month of pilgrimage, The Holy Prophet under the presentment of his
approaching end decided to bid farewell with a final sermon. On february 632, him along with one
hundred and forty thousand followers went from pilgrimage and Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) gave the last
sermon of his life at mount Arafat in which he decalred all muslims as brothers, their lives as sacred and
their rights over each other. He concluded his sermon by saying,”O Lord I have fulfilled my message and
accomplished my work”, to which everyone assembled and said:”Yea, verily you have”, then the Holy
Prophet said,”O Lord, I bessech You, Bear witness to it”.
After permorming pilgrimage, he returned to Medina. In the eleventh year of Hijra, the last year of
Holy Prophets’ life, he settled the organization of tribal and provincial communities, collected more
people to teach Islam, administering justice and collect Zakat.
The news of Holy Prophets’ sickness and failing health caused a lot of disruptions in some
districts, three pretenders arose claiming themselves to be Prophets namely Al-Aswad, Tulayha and
Haroun, Aswad succeeded in killing the governer of Sana but was taken down by the Persians and the
rest of the two were not suppressed until the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
The health of the Holy Prophet grew worse and his last days were example of serenity and
calmness. He was strong enough to lead prayers until three days before his death. He requested that he
might be permitted to stay at Hazrat Aishas’ house in this last days. The last time he appeared at the
mosque, he said, "O Muslims, if I have wronged anyone of you, here I am to answer for it; if I owe
anything to anyone, all I may happen to possess belongs to you.". After returning from the mosque, the
Holy Prophet died after a few moments while laying his head in the Bosom of Hazrat Aisha. Hazrat
Abbas prepared his burial and his body was duly washed and perfumed. Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) was
buried at the exact place he died. Thus ended the glorious life of the Holy Prophet. May the peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him.

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