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Engineering in 2011-
Facing up to the challenges

Here’s to a new year and a new beginning for Malaysian engineers. And they
certainly have much to look forward to this year. Their expertise will be in demand
for numerous projects under the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) and the National
Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) announced by the Prime Minister
last year.
Jurutera met up with Dato' Paduka Ir. Prof. (Dr) Keizrul bin Abdullah,
Imme­diate Past President, and Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr Jeffrey Chiang Choong Luin,
Honorary Treasurer of IEM, for their views on the outlook of engineers in 2011.

Although the world’s financial system has not yet fully He stated that it is all a question of
recovered, Malaysia has reported a better growth rate than supply and demand. He believes
expected. For one, Dato' Paduka Ir. Prof. (Dr) Keizrul pointed prices will become more affordable
out that the country is going to embark on the 10MP this as demand increase.
year. There is also the construction of the RM36 billion mass Another example he provided
rapid transit system (MRT) under the ETP, which will create a was the energy saving bulb. Now-
knock-on effect on the local economy. adays, many homes have made
However, he feels that conditions are a little more uncer- the switch to these bulbs, firstly
tain for the manufacturing sector as it will depend on how because the price of these bulbs
the global economy performs in 2011. Overall, he believes is now more affordable, and also Dato' Paduka Ir. Prof.
that the infrastructure projects from the 10MP should create because homeowners are now (Dr) Keizrul
a knock-on effect that will be favourable for the manufactu­ more conscious of the fact that in
ring sector as well. the long term, they save money. This, he pointed out, will
Dato' Paduka Ir. Prof. (Dr) Keizrul said, “From the enginee­ eventual­ly happen for other types of green technology.
ring point of view, we should be better off than last year. This Dato' Paduka Ir. Prof. (Dr) Keizrul said, “As a society,
year, we should concentrate on green technology. Instead we have become very dependent on electricity. Most
of just manufacturing the standard cars of today, local com- homeowners these days install air conditioners for the whole
panies should collaborate with foreign car manufacturers to house. Instead, we should reduce our energy consumption
build hybrid cars. With the increasing price of petrol, car own- by not using air conditioners or by using appliances that are
ers would want to make the switch to hybrid models.” more energy efficient.”
He believes that one of the major challenges that At the same time, he added that engineers have to
engineers will face this year is society’s growing concerns increase the energy efficiency of these appliances. An air
on climate change and global warming. He said, “Engineers conditioner that is 10% more energy efficient might make
will have to be more conscious of this need. Indeed, we very little difference for a household. However, when millions
have been looking at how we can translate our effort into a of households are taken into consideration, even a small
greener output. Currently, a lot of effort is being invested into change will make a significant difference for the country.
green technology, green building and ways on how we can He pointed out that this scenario also applies when
be more energy efficient, and I believe this will continue well engineers design a green building. He said, “They have to
into 2011.” look at how they can conserve energy with the orientation of
Dato' Paduka Ir. Prof. (Dr) Keizrul pointed out that building and the use of natural lighting. All of this falls under
engineers have always been a part of everything that society green technology. If the engineers want to be successful,
use daily. By choosing to go green, engineers will have to they will have to focus on these areas. IEM, on its part,
consider how they can give society something as good or should also highlight this issue in the Bulletin more frequently
even better, but through a more environmentally friendly for its members to know where it stands.”
process. This includes encouraging the public to make the Not surprisingly, in the coming year, Dato' Paduka Ir.
switch to hybrid cars and supporting organic farming. Prof. (Dr) Keizrul would like to see more engineers focusing
So how can this be achieved? Currently, despite the full on green technology and the environment. He stated that
excise duty exemption by the Government under Budget IEM is currently producing a number of position papers and
2011, hybrid cars below 2,000cc are still priced at a premium. many of the topics are looking at issues relating to the latter.

8 Jurutera January 2011

cover story

For example, one of the position papers is on the topic of idea what it is. To clear the misunderstandings, IEM is now
water quality and the environment, while others are focusing making it a priority to help its members understand the issue
on erosion and sediment control, and safety relating to so that engineers can come up with the right solutions.
earthquakes and buildings. He said, “It would be nice to live in a world where being
At the same time, IEM is organising many seminars, environmentally friendly is part of everything we do. And I
courses and talks related to green technology to create believe the engineers are going to be a key player in this
more awareness among its members. A worldwide survey whole process, be it designing green buildings or hybrid cars,
found that almost 50% of the participants have never heard or appliances that are more energy efficient.” n
of global warming, and those who have heard of it have no

Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr Chiang’s wish for in many arranged overseas business and trade fairs, or even
this year is that IEM members will internatio­nal business meetings with overseas partners in
work hard on their self-development, governmental and business arenas.
not only for the purpose of gaining IEM is also the only institution that assesses and eva­
competency professional develop- lua­tes graduate engineers applying to be recognised profes-
ment (CPD) hours, but also in pur- sional engineers. Those who are experienced and eligible
suit of excellence in their workplace should take on this challenge and move up to a higher plane
and personal satisfaction in get- of competition, and contribute their skills to the betterment of
ting the job well done. He pointed the society at large.
out that IEM has always organised Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr Chiang said, “At the very least, all
Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr Chiang well-structured talks, seminars and engineers should take the opportunity to improve themselves
courses to assist its members to and their employed engineers in up-to-date engineering
achieve their targets, and he hopes that members and even knowledge and technology – all of which are available at
non-members among the engineers will register and attend IEM, through its many organised seminars, courses and even
such events. conferences, in which a number of reputable international
He said, “From my point of view as the Honorary speakers are invited.”
Treasurer, this will generate much needed revenue for IEM, He believes that, to move ahead, one important issue
which can then be pledged by various Technical Divisions that needs to be addressed is the soft skills of some of the
into the IEM Building Fund. For those who are not aware, engineers, in particular, communication skills and people-
IEM still owes the bank to the tune of over RM10 million for to-people inter-relational skills. He finds that this is sadly
the purchase of the Wisma IEM building, which has been lacking, particularly among the younger graduate engineers,
used to provide facilities for talks, seminars and courses for especially those who have not been exposed to overseas
all engineers.” training.
Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr Chiang believes that the biggest Ir. Assoc. Prof. Dr Chiang said, “The usage of the English
challenge that engineers will face in 2011 will be in the form language among the engineers, in terms of proficiency in
of competition, i.e. competition for the best projects, for the speaking and writing, needs much improvement. Only by
best employed engineers, for recognition through awards, realising this shortcoming and addressing the problem head-
for opportunity to expand locally and internationally, for the on will they be formidable enough to face stiff competition
latest technology, for financial or research grants, for the best from anybody, especially incoming foreign engineers from
engineering practices, and so forth. neighbouring ASEAN countries and nearby regions. This
He said, “In fact, such challenges are healthy and are will eventually happen with the service sector opening up its
much needed to keep Malaysian engineers on their toes in doors to international
the face of globalisation. From a personal point of view, I competition.”
believe the profession will gain tremendously from the com- However, all is not
petition if the winners are fairly judged on merit. This applies lost. He believes that if
to both private and public engineering projects.” Malaysian engineers
He stated that, in reality, the challenges faced by can take up and over-
Malaysian engineers may not be on a level playing field. come such challen­
Hence, for passionate engineers, they may have to rely ges, then the outlook
on their creativity and ingenuity to stay ahead of the pack for the coming year
regardless of the challenges that they face or the competitors should be good. This
that are in the fray. will, in turn, benefit the
Through IEM, he pointed out that many opportunities and society as a whole,
facilities are provided for members to sharpen their skills and and perhaps result in
harness their resources to rise up to higher levels of com- fewer failures and the
petition. For example, IEM has in place a Business Club, collapse of buildings
which IEM members are encou­raged to join and participate and infrastruc­tures. n

January 2011 Jurutera 9

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