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Speaker: Mulkamonov Nizor

Target Job Title: Sales Representative at Kirby Company

1.1 Attention grabber (one sentence): Attention grabber is a famous quote from Roy Bartell who is
considered to be one of the most famous and successful salesmen of twentieth century and a
person who made his fortune by staring from being extremely poor to building the biggest Sales
Venture Company in the heart of New York city “Wall Streets “

"The key to successful selling is not to convince, but to consult." - Roy Bartell

1.2 Introduction of the speaker (one sentence): I am really glad to see all of you today and welcome to
my presentation My name is Nizor Mulkamonov, and I am a first-year undergraduate student at KIMEP
University majoring in International Relations.

1.3 Thesis statement (one sentence including the preview of the main arguments):
Today I am standing here in front of you to convince you that I am the most suitable candidate for the
Sales Representative position because I acquire relative knowledge and desire in this field, possess a
spectrum of transferable skills and have exceptionally strong working ethic and dedication.

Transition #1: Now I would like to proceed with this topic with a little bit more details.


2.1 : Argument #1 (one sentence) For many years I have been absorbing relevant theoretical knowledge
and have been educating myself to fit he needs of the job
Evidence: To pursue this job I have in my possession relevant educational background in sales
accompanied with extreme enthusiasm and passion about this craft. To illustrate my big desire to pursue a
career in this field, for many years I have been looking for opportunities to develop my skills and
knowledge in sales by participating in many sales-related courses. One of them #knowledgeacademy the
biggest online training platform in the world where I had a chance for 3 months to get acquainted with the
fundamentals of online sailing. In addition to that later on I have managed to find absolutely free
webinars conducted by sales guru Grand Cardone and become a member of sales people from all around
the world consequently receiving emails from Cardone Capital team with valid sales prompts and
relevant information about sales representativeness. Furthermore to my fortune I have attended his online
tutorial on raising qualification of salespeople on Instagram platform

Transition #2: Now it is time to move to my second argument.

2.2: Argument #2 (one sentence) During my high school and my journey at Kimep university I had
managed to develop a spectrum of important transferable skills
Evidence: As sales representative vacancy requires a spectrum of hard skills to acquire and in order to
meet the need of this job, I am currently honing my transferable skills which are among most valued
skills right now. During my journey at Kimep university I was able to hone my presentation,
communication and analytical skills and managed to take courses like Business for Computer Application
where we had acquainted with the basics of Microsoft Excel for business purposes. In addition to that I
have managed to take ICDL (International Computer Driving License) which demonstrates my ability
and competence to use commonly used computer applications for different purposes. I feel really
confident on making and performing a different type of speeches because I have took Academic Speaking
course which is extremely and highly unique course where I have learned different types of speeches to
improve my public academic and nonacademic speaking skills which are required for this job.

Transition #3: And now let’s hear my third and last argument.

2.3: Argument #3 (one sentence) I possess strong work ethics and dedication to the work
Evidence: Currently as a student in the university I am able to meet all the deadlines in my current studies
and prioritize important things very efficiently. For instance I can bring my current academic
performance as an example I have relatively good Grade Point Average of 4.3 and never managed to
upset any of my professor to illustrate that I can provide you with the recommendation letter from my
college professors and with all of this I really want to show that I am really eager to begin my journey at
Kirby Company as a Sales representative and look forward to grow simultaneously with the company to
show my loyalty and effort to this job I am absolutely fine with the minimum wage at the very first steps
of my journey at this company

Transition #4: And now we have nearly approached the end of the speech so let’s
summarize all the main ideas from the speech!


3.1 Summary of main points (one sentence) In today’s highly competitive labour market I consider
myself to be a standout candidate due to my pertinent knowledge it the field, important skills and
unconditional eager for the work.
3.2 Call to action
I am certainly confident with my position. I have been very happy that you had me today and now it is up
to you to decide what would you do with the speech I have conducted for you, and I hope you would
make a right decision for both my and your companies prosperity.

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