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) Sulostate A thin siicon Wate Siroves as the 2

Substnate. His usually doped koth imburaities to

create .n jurctýsr ohch forms the bolie buildig
blocK of the Soan cell
) Front Corkact ?- Atoamsparnent conductive togen
cften mae af inaiu n Oride (T).is ahpied
the tot sunfece of the sillicon wafern.hie ye
alloos light to enter ohile enabing collection
gendraated eectaons
) tati-reflccling Caatina 3- AHhis layen of anti-nelact
ve mateoia is deboited on te faont
surofae to
minimige Ught reiletien and enhonce bght absor
i) PN Jancten a silesn kD afero has tto
p-type (editi and mtyee( magattr) yens, Creatod
gintodueing Sjaecifi mturitiy. Thi pn,jmctien
cmates an elaetose fud hat drves setorated
chargs toward dilerent side
w BacK Gontact an
of the siGemn oafen, Encapsulation &-On the back
a meta contact is abpid,
tybically mal tat of aluminum an silve.
Tie Ceract colletts he ecte tn eurrent
le å b the cell 6 frootect the soloro cell tnngxoa
msistune and mechanical tess A2 e zneatsulate t
blasti CoYern
v) Wiing -Multiple solor cells are coneced in
poroallel to torom a Salorn module.
ton oe ined
toathon create a Solarn
to hise
Eloeto ical Cornectiens
boxs are addod to 3Cometens
the pone to
elactrical conmetions for
exteyoma po betwen
System. pane nd the
is the madient ight and heat
Soloyo eneray haonesged amd
Omited y the Sm hat com be powern, Sueh as elacta
ceventec mto usable foens of
city an haat.
This enegg can ke eabtnea using teha
olapies Gki salon Aants or Soloro Bhoomal szstem,
and clean eneay
allows us to genloate sustanable
fo varoiou abpatiens
2Give o shoot desc roiptien houd solao heat can
Coleatien - Solo pamels n phato valtaie Pv
i) Solan
Ise baels
cels ome wsed to cabtune gunlight that
Contain Semi esndetoo matenials aksonfo
photons fraom the n sunlzht. cneatirg an eloctaic
Current Beough te phatoolteie eeot
) Cenyen sion he absme kunbight's ercro is
Conueroted om hotens into n eletre
This Crrent cnsists o direct woent (oc)
a)Tnyer sion $ ASnloro inyenten is wsed to convet
ha De elactaicit; into allemalig curent a)
Shith s the tye of elocteicit sed in mast homeg
amd buginyel
i) Dshoibukiem Te genoroated At eloetreiot can
and othen
elochaiea devices Oihin tha lbudin9 oro focily
Discuss the canstrouction oof a Solom Calu .
A soloro cell is,also Knodn as a
photovoltare cel)
Converots Sunizht diretly into electalcita
tor elertcity gontration
su) Bsatalinattsn Industroial Prootees Solar pond
Con btvide heat fo vaníows industroial
þroocesse, teducina the neud forr tossil fue
i) AquocultreiWaron water coldenfoom the pohd tam
Suþpot fish foming in

What is flat plate celleetoro ?

A Hat blate colleton is a tate of solare huranal
Collector Used to enbturo Sunight nd convent it
oate hating spoce htatig. T consists of a fat
vectorgulan (utualy
abiooing suefae
imjide.TE ahs ovaoirg suntace abionbs the sunlight ard
Cenverots it into heat, hich ig dhern nantfoed to a
fuld Coften saten orn air) loa'mg thmorugh pipes
chanmel pithin the collectao. The heated is an

Hat plate colleefor is conmnony usea in Solsr water

hoater amd solor thenmal
What iS auo mas (A)eoding
Ho does it varils with mgu Soloriadiatio
Ar mas tferes to thepnth
it fenelg through th eanthg atmosphere
ing dhe erth's Suroface. It is a measre befone
wed in
Soloro enony caleulationg to aceount fore the attemuationd
oto reductien Solore m adiante (neoming solero
enonga) due to the atmogphn
Avg mas 'is denoted the symbol "AM" and
i's ertresed as a roation, tatially
where x is a mumamical value. Tha valwof x vsmie
sdoes hot mix wilh uppero kogerehis reNents hot
Ta4 thagh thoough conve olor7.

Sterage oyes)
hos tte higkest salnity , making the densero amd
lus ay to mr toth Wppee oyers 1he oater
n this oyer haats ub amd Temain Strea
due to the difesentes in tified
Sunight palges thsugh the tot tonvee tive
layoro, haatig the onten)
becomes eys deçe amd oiseto the erofare alossg
cabl nteo fom belo to takes its are 1ie
yoeusa irenlation ts ub a convectien cycle in the
ubpero ayer, sih taonfen heat to he nonconNee
tienal e andbsHom Cayers .
In Be men-
nty preYents the coryeetve
nter toom Koye, te ineroing sali
mining Dith the wppn
loyer. Tais isyulalion efect mónimizes
Conne clton, heleng to heat los thyaou
dierene beten te oyes mantatn the temanature
Bston o Conyective (ayer stores the
eXAA n the of Om 0ater. Ws
Con be wed foo YoriBus Stored hoat
keatng, industoial abpitisn Such ag 'Sfhace
eheratibn haat enie

) Spare heothg TRe siomed themmal enegg Can

oe we fo froide heat for resi dentia! are
Commey al ghate
) Electricity GeOYalisn -1he worom wate trom
Ha psnd con be Used to frrodue Sqstem, hich
doaiYe a to tunbine Conheted to a geneaton
Sinte 4he solor call aksonps bny blue light
6'676 Xn34 31Då

Vmax 4
$) D schematícally a Solar pond and datuss
dhe worhing faoin ci pla of a solar pond.

Cowectíve zone
Nn-Cavectire 20ne
Hot aler
solare pond is a tunige ant
eolecion 8tem thot wi a
ybe of solan
body of water to trob and, orgehellno
etorae olaro enrga .
designd to collected absono mdstooe soa
d Strauetune and layens
o'strmare pond tybically Consi st of serera
i) Tep Zone &-1kis uppe loger
Yaelotvey, amd heat the aten, ohich aloas dunligit
to tametoàte s-sair ontay
loyee is OOm amd buagont, oatera The water in hi
and halping to oomoting
trmsr haat to the (oereonection aye.
tonsiti en 20n2 oith inreasirg sainity As He
oaten beecomeg more ine t becomes
dorser nd
Tab electoica esnthet
Ntybe matema!
-P- type materia
PN yunti'on

Base Contaot

Sslar- Cel
euivalant circuit of a Sar cell
madule. find ar the exbressign for eiruit volko ge.
ot the module

Voc = Open crcuit voltage

Tdoalig focter, tytialy aroound !.
K Boltzmamn Csnitamt /1:38 xlo23
Tz Absolte temþerature in kelvin

whin the terminals ane ghert to gafher.

Shotrt oreut urrent
Ouwttut arent
Io =

ldue Gzht ofawe

Cöud ae the maimyn sutpnt volBage )
Tha mayi mUm output voltge of a Solarr cell
is detemintd by the enaroga o4 the absobed
on the omae at hith the sunliyht entereyl
he atmgphoe. T most cpmtn ony ued
yaue is cs
cooresponds to tha solsr aition at
AM 5, which
the eanth's kunsate uhen he sun is directly
ueohtad , amd ight path is the shontest thtugh
he atmosphe
As ong'e of sum okornges hratugteut thecy
amd sath the tti latitude ot the location , tha path
lergth mereaseS, ond the ain mas valu become
Righsr This mians the sunight has to pas throough
greater thickness of the atmagghuge ahich deody to
cogoroptiom, attenig ond reducbion . in te intensty
of solarr aiatien

Tk osneepit of ain mas is porticulfay no

nt n photovoltaics amd Soon enargy osweh becau
SL iH kelbsto sando ndize meastrements o sola
no imdro difereni eoraitisns oloo plots amd
davices ame often tested amd charectarniged sing
Sandered emdiion tomespenaing to AM5,shích
aoOsS differont Coations ond times
Ko eensdratien wken
Photovolkaie cell oro dolar cell
) what is Fhotovolaie cell. estbie the
machanism ot pV (ell
) Guxrant veltoge Tebatienship grofh
) What is iu factan of pV cell.
iv) Adyantang ond dis amvamtage of

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