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As judges and debaters of this house, I stand before you today in support of the

motion "This House regrets the increase in AI-generated arts." Artificial intelligence

has made significant advancements across multiple fields; however, we believe AI

artwork poses a threat to society that needs to be addressed immediately.

Art has long been used as an expression of human creativity, emotion and

individuality. It allows individuals to convey unique perspectives, stir memories and

challenge social norms. But the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in artistic fields raises

serious concerns - let's examine why AI-generated artwork has increased so


AI-generated art poses a great threat to creativity in several ways. Art stems from

human feelings, thoughts and experiences - grappling with its complexity while

translating emotion into tangible forms as well as giving insight into human

conditions - but AI is an insufficient replacement - lacking real emotions and

experiences it may produce technically excellent art without losing its soul; by

encouraging AI artwork we risk undermining creative value altogether.

AI-generated artwork also threatens the careers and livelihoods of human artists,

who rely on art to earn a living and express themselves uniquely. Art produced by AI

may become mainstream over time, leading to an explosion in automated works

while demand drops dramatically for artwork produced by humans - this could result
in many unemployed artists being driven from the industry, reducing diversity across

its entirety.

AI-generated art may perpetuate stereotypes and biases. Since AI algorithms utilize

existing data that may contain biased or discriminatory material, unwittingly

reproducing these biases when creating artwork could cement negative stereotypes

into society as a whole. The consequences for not only art, but also culture and

perceptions can be significant.

AI-generated artwork could lead to an erosion in the relationship between art and

audience. Human-produced art provides unparalleled emotional resonance and

relatability; art produced from real human experiences can serve as a powerful way

of building empathy among its consumers; yet AI-generated pieces lack this personal

element, leading to an impersonal relationship between itself and its consumers.

AI-generated artwork is an impressive example of technology's potential; however,

its unchecked growth comes with risks and downsides that should not be ignored. Art

is an invaluable source of soul, diversity and genuine human connection in our lives.

Automation should never come at the cost of creative expression - for these reasons

alone we regret AI's uncontrolled expansion and thank all artists who contribute their

artistic skills! Thank you.

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