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DOKUMEN -1- 05 U
T A M A/ IX / 2020

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari, tanggal : …, .. ..................... 20..
Kelas : IX ( Sembilan ) Waktu : WIB
1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nama, nomor peserta, dan kelas pada lembar jawaban yang telah tersedia !
2. Bacalah lebih dahulu setiap soal sebelum Anda mengerjakan !
3. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah !
4. Periksalah kembali pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas !

I. Untuk mengasah dan menguji kemampuan cara berpikir anda secara rasional, logis,
dan kritis, pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara memberi tanda silang
(X) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D pada lembar jawab !

1. Choose the following sentences Text for number 4 – 7

whichexpression of “congratulation”… Donita is the winner of the National
A. Great Storytelling Contest. Now she’s
B. Poor you are! intervied by one of Altansa Magazine
C. Get well soon my friend crew,
Rianda Rianda
: Congratulation on your
D. Don’t be sick success as the winner
ofstory telling contest.
2. The following sentence is expression of
hope… Donita : Thank you. It is an honor.
A. I like a nice house Rianda : The way you told story is very
B. I need a nice house impressive.
C. I would like to have a nice house Donita : Thanks. I practiced a lot.
D. I wish I had a nice house Rianda : Did you do it by yourself?
3. Roni : I won the swimming Donita : I didn’t. My teacher and
competition yesterday. mytrainer help me.
Dimas : Really? That’s very great. Rianda : You must be grateful to them.
Congratulation! Donita : Very much. They did great
Roni : …. job.
Dimas : You are welcome. Rianda : Tell us more about the
The correct expression is… storythat you chose.
A. Oh, don’t mention it Donita : I told a folktale and a fairytale.
B. I hope you say so Rianda : What are they about?
C. Thanks for saying so Donita : Both of them are about
D. That’s very great respecting others.
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Rianda : Good choices 9. Almira : Wonderful. You run like a

pan-ther. I am sure you will win the race.
Donita : I’d like young people learn
about respecting others. Fathan : ….
The suitable expression is….
Rianda : OK. Thanks for coming, We
A. I hope so, thanks.
hope you always keep
studying hard and have B. Thanks God, Thank you Almira.
more achievements. C. Thanks a lot almira, I am not sure.
Donita : My pleasure D. Good work, I am proud of you Almira
4. How many participants are in the dialogue? 10. Nuri has just finished practicing singing.
A. 2 She will sing in the celebration of the
B. 3 Indo-nesia Independence Day. Shinta
C. 4 praisesher that she sings like a real
D. 5 singer, andshe will get a big applause
for that. Shinta : “You sing like a singer.
5. Who interviewed Donita? .”
A. Donita’s friend Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice
B. Rianda’s friend ofyou.”
C. Rianda A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause
D. Donita B. Congratulate to Nuri
6. What are talking about? C. I’m sorry
A. People who help Donita in D. You are a good student
StorytellingContest. 11.
B. Donita’s achievement as the winner
ofStorytelling Contest.
C. How to respect Storytelling Contest.
D. The process of Storytelling Contest.
7. “They did a great job” The word Look at the picture and choose the best
“they”refers to…. wish...
A. Donita and Rianda A. Congratulation on your sickness
B. Donita and her friend B. Why are you sick?
C. Donita’s teacher and trainer C. Don’t be sick
D. Donita’s classmate D. Get well Soon, my friend
Text for number 12 - 13

Dear Esther
Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of singing
contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We
are all very proud of you. We wish you all the best in pursuing your
dream to be a popular singersome day.

Look at the picture and choose the
Chair person of Class 9 A
A. Have a great school day my friend
B. Have a nice trip!
C. Congratulation on your graduation.
I’mhappy for you
D. What a wonderful birthday
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12.The text is for ... of FL2SN ½ cup sugar

A. the best graduate student ½ teaspoon vanilla
B. the best student 2 large eggs
C. the best singer 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
D. the best teacher
1 prepared Graham cracker crust
13. The text above shows that . . . Directions:
A. Esther is the best singer Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at
B. the writer is one of the contestants medium speed until well-blended.
C. Esther is the best student Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in chocolate chips
D. Rudy is Esther’s special friend then pour batter into Graham cracker
chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup mini
semi sweet chocolate chips on top if
14. Faiz : What’s up? You look so sad. you desire).
Rizki : My brother got sick and he Bake at 35 calcius for 40 minutes, or
isstill hospitalized
16. How many persons is the cake for?
Faiz : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry
A. 4
tohear that. How is he now?
Rizki : B. 5
He is getting better
C. 6
Faiz : nowOh, …. D. 7
Rizki : I hope so
The suitable expression to complete the 17. The goal of the text is to tell about....
dialogue above is…… A. how to beat cream cheese
A. I hope he will get well soon B. how to blend sugar and vanilla
B. I hope he gets sick C. how to bake chocolate cheese and
C. I hope he is still hospitalized cake
D. I hope he looks so sad D. how make chocolate cheese cake

15. Dayu : “Who won the football match 18. “Beat cream cheese...” The
yesterday?” underlinedword means....
Udin : “Our team did. We won two A. spread
toone.” B. blow
Dayu : “Well done. C. mix
D. cut
.”Udin :
19. How many steps are there?
“Thank you.” A. 2
A. I’m glad to hear that. B. 3
B. That’s too bad C. 4
C. I’m sorry. D. 5
D. You’re welcome
Text for number 16 – 20 20. Do we need 2 large eggs to make
A quick and easy cheese cake recipe
A. Yes, we do
Yield : 6 servings B. Yes, we are
Prep. Time :5 minutes C. No, we don’t
Cook Time : 40 minutes D. No, we aren’t
Total Time : 45 minutes
16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages,
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Text for number 21 – 25 25. What is the last step?

Tikka Kebab A. Cut inions into quarters
Ingredients : B. Put cubes of lambs on bamboo
1. Cubes of lamb
C. Grill them
2. Squares of green pepper
D. Serve them with a salad
3. Onions
4. Salad Text for number 26 – 30
5. Tikka seasoning mixture You are going to need eggs, milk,
sugarSteps :
Step :
First break the eggs. Then, pour a quarter
1. Cut inions into quarters of the milk in the bowl. After that add a
2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of smallspoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk,
green pepper and onion squares and sugar. Put a piece of bread in the
on bamboo skeweres and bowl withthe eggs, milk and sugar. Turn
marinate them in Tikka seasoning over the bread. Now, put some butter in
3. Grill them the pan. Turn on the stove. When the
4. Serve them with a salad (curry like pan is hot, take the bread out of the
seasoning from India) bowl and put it into the pan. After you
cook one side of thebread, cook the other
21. What does the word “them” in step 2 side. After you finishthe first place of the
referto? bread, cook the other pieces. Now you
A. Onion, bamboo skewers and salad have French toast.
B. Cubes of lamb and onions
26. These are tools to make the recipe,
C. Cubes of Lamb, onion, and
squareof green pepper
A. Milk
D. Squares of green pepper and onion
B. Bowl
22. What does the writer write the text for? C. Spoon
A. To tell how to make Tikka Kebab D. Stove
B. To inform how to serve a salad.
27. What is the social function of the text ?
C. To explain how to make salad
A. to describe French toast
D. To discuss how to make cubes
B. to explain about French toast
C. to tell the reader how to make
23. How many ingredients are needed Frenchtoast
tomake Tikka Kebab? D. to entertain the reader with French toast
A. Three
28. Who is the text better addressed to?
B. Four
A. An expert chef
C. Five
B. A student learning at home
D. Six
C. A husband left by his wife
24. What is the step after marinating D. A mother at home
thelambs and onion squares?
A. Cutting onion into quarter 29. What is the step before put some butter
inthe pan?
B. Grilling the lambs and onion squares
A. Pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl.
C. Serving the lambs and onion squares
B. Add a small spoon of sugar.
D. Putting the lambs and onion squares
C. Turn over the bread.
D. Turn on the stove.
SMP - BAHASA INGGRIS -5- 05 / PTSGs / IX / 20..

30. “You are going to need.” The 33. What is the last step?
expressionbelongs to ….. A. Melt the chocolate with the butter.
A. event B. Combine the mixes you made.
B. steps C. Put a knife in the mix.
C. materials D. Eat them 15 minutes after you
D. purpose tookthem out of the oven.
Text for number 31 – 35 34. “The knife must be moist” These
How to Make Brownies wordsare synonym of moist, except….
Ingredients A. Dry
• 150gram of butter. B. Damp
• 150gram of dark chocolate. C. Humid
• 300 gram of flour D. Soggy
• 4 eggs.
• 600 gram of regular sugar 35. “Eat them 15 minutes after yuo took
them out of the oven”
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
The underlined word refers to….
A. Chocolate
B. Butter
1. Melt the chocolate with the butter.
C. Brownies
2. Stir the eggs with the sugar and
thevanilla extract. D. Eggs
3. Preheat the oven at low temperature
4. Combine the mixes you made. Text for number 36 – 40.
5. Add the flour and stir with a Let’s make fruit salad. To make this
woodenspoon. salad we need mangi (not too ripe),
6. Grease a brownie tin. apple, grapes, mayonaise, and grated
7. Add a little flour to cover the tin. cheese. Here the steps: (36)…, choose
8. Add the brownie dough. the fruit and make sure they are nice
and ready to make salad. Wash all of
9. Bake for 10-30 minutes.
them. Second, …(37) the grapes in
10. To check the brownies, put a knife
half and remove their pits. Then, chop
inthe mix. The knife must be moist!
the mango and the apple. Then slice
11. Eat them 15 minutes after you them into bite-sized pieces. Next, place
tookthem out of the oven. all choped grapes, mangoes, and
31. What is the knife for? applesinto a bowl. After that, blend the
A. To cut the dark chocolate mixed fruits with mayonnaise.
B. To check the brownies Then, …(38) them withgrated
C. To melt the chocolate cheese. Finally please serveand enjoy.
D. To stir the eggs
Complete the paragraph with the correct
32. What is the writer intention to write words.
A. To describe about bronies 36. A. First
B. To tell how to make brownies B. After that
C. To explain the steps to make C. Next
brownies D. Finally
D. To narrate a story
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37. A. crush 40. Arrange these sentences based on the

B. Boil pictures above to make cooking instruc-
C. Cut tions.
D. Freeze (1) Put noodles into 2 glasses of briskly
boiling water.
(2) Your delicious noodles are ready to be
38. A. Sprinkle served.
B. Season (3) Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and
C. Marinate chili powder in a bowl.
D. Soak (4) Mix the noodles well with all of the
39. The man is hungry three (5) Cook the noodles and simmer for 3
noodles1 2 3 4 5 minutes.
6 A. (4) – (3) – (5) – (1) – (2)
B. (2) – (1) – (5) – (3) – (4)
of “ bowls – C. (3) – (5) – (1) – (4) – (2)
ordering7 89 D. (1) – (5) – (3) – (4) – (2)
The best arrangement of the words to be
a good sentence is ....
A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 5 – 8 – 7 – 6
B. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 5 – 8 – 7 – 6
C. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8
D. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 9 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6

41. Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression
Wulan : How about your result of the Science Competition, Joko?
Joko : I won the competition yesterday.
Wulan : Really? That’s very great.(a)
Joko : Thank you very much. (b)
Wulan : You’re welcome

42. Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression

Samudra : (a) ,Kusut. Many happy return of the day.
Cinta : Thank you, Sam. You are the first who congratulates me
Samudra : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. (b)
Cinta : Thank you very much. You are really my best brother.
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43. Match the following statements in column A with the correct responses in column B !

The following text is for number 44

How to Save a Wet Cell Phone

1. Take the phone out of the water as soon aspossible.
2. After removing the phone from water, quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths to
laythe phone on while you remove thebattery.
3. Remove all other accessories such as memory cards, and protectivecovers.
4. Dry your phone with soft cloths or atowel.
5. Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice overnight. The rice can absorb some
remainingmoisture from thephone.
6. Plug it into its charger. If it still does not work, take your cell phone to an authorizeddealer.

44. Based on the text above, answer these following questions.

a. What is the purpose of writing the textabove?
b. Why should we place the phone in a bowl of uncooked riceovernight?
45. Rearrange the following jumbled words into a meaningfulsentence.
a. first – vegetables – all – the – thoroughly – wash
b. cookies – on – cool – the – finally – rack – to – leave


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