Ed 105 Module

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Course Code: Course Title: The Teacher and the Community, Credit Units: 3

Ed 105 School Culture and Organizational Leadership

Course Description:

This course focuses on society as a context upon which schools have been established. Educational
philosophies that are related to the society as foundation of schools and schooling shall be
emphasized. Further, principles and theories of school culture, and organization leadership shall be
included to prepare prospective teachers to become school leaders and managers.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Articulate the rootedness of education in the philosophical, socio-
cultural, historical, legal and political context IIILO1
2. Establish school-community partnerships to enrich the learning environment
and to strengthen community’s engagement in the educative processIILO5
3. Link teaching-learning to the experiences, interests of the wider school
community and other stakeholdersIILO6
4. Demonstrate fulfillment of the professional ethics, accountability
and transparencyIILO4
5. Promote professional and harmonious relationships with internal (Learners,
parents, fellow teachers and school head) as well as external stakeholders

WEEK Learning Outcomes Activities

Unit 1. Philosophical Thoughts On Education
Discuss at least 6 philosophical Activity – Reading Activity
thoughts on education Analysis – Online/F2 discussion
Activity – Small Group Abstraction – Interactive
Discussion Lecture
In the six philosophies we had Application
taken up, what do you think is 1. Small Group Discussion
most applicable to the Philippine 2. Reflection
educational system?
3. LET Clincher

Unit 2. Historical Foundations of Education

1. Answer questions regarding the Activity - Reading Activity
history of education. Analysis – Small Group
Find a group and be ready to Abstraction – Interactive
share your findings via Online Lecture
Discussion Application
1. Group Discussion
2. Write a reflection paper about the 2. Reflection Paper
relationship between school and 3. LET Clincher


Let’s Reflect
Write a reflection paper
basing from the given questions
Education is a social
function of society, and schools
are agents of socialization, have
our schools prepared our
graduates in their varied roles in
our society? Are our graduates
competent enough to face the
21st century challenges?
Describe your feelings through a
3 paragraph reflection.

Unit 3. Social Science Theories and Their Implications to Education

. 1. Write a reflections on how the Activity – Telling a Parable
three Social Sciences theories Analysis – Group
explain the nature of society and Discussion on the Parable
their Influences and implications Abstraction – Online Group
to Philippine Education. Discussion
Reflection Writing Application
How do the three theories 1. Reflection Paper
explain the nature of society 2. Quiz
and their influences implications 3. Let Clincher
to education.

2. Identify the 3 Social Science

Theories that influence
Philippine Education
Identification. Write your answer
on the blank provided.
Unit 4. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino Character
1. Discuss the strengths and Activity – Reading of the
weaknesses of the Filipino Moral Recovery Report of the
character former Sen. Letecia Ramos
Analysis – Online Group work
Let’s Check for Understanding Discussion
Fill in the table with what is Abstraction – Interactive
asked: Lecture
2. Cite ways by which schools can 1. Answering of Questions
counteract the weaknesses of
the Filipino character
2. Filling up the Graphic
Research and write an essay how Organizer
schools can counteract negative
3. Net Activity
traits through its hidden
4. Reflections
5. LET Clincher

Unit 5. Global Issues that Concern School and Society

1. Discuss at least 2 global issues in Activity – Research work on
society the 10 World Issues and the
17 Sustainable Development
Do the following Activities: Goals for 2015-2030
Write a 3 paragraph Essay based Analysis – Small Group
from the Top 10 Global Issues and Discussion
the 17 SDGs choose two global Abstraction – Online
issues/SDG which you think have Discussion
greatly affected our country and Application
give suggestions on how schools 1. Answering of questions
must address these issues.
on Global Issues
2. Writing of Position Paper
2. Explain proposed solutions to
3. LET Clincher
issue. (Please refer above)

3. Write a position paper

Read the issue and write a
position paper. Base your
position paper on the given

Unit 6. Why and How of School and Community Partnership

Discuss 1. Explain the relationship Activity – Online Discussion
at least between the school and the Analysis – Informal Online
community. Debate
Abstraction – Online Lecture
Application – Let’s Apply Application
1. Student Video
Pretend that you are an Presentation
Instructor/Professor in this course, 2. Reflections
The Teacher and the Community,
School Culture and Organizational LET Clincher
Leadership. The learning outcome
of your lesson is: To explain the
sociological and legal bases of
school and community partnership,
how will you proceed? Deliver your
lecture through a video
2. Identify sociological bases of
school and community
partnership (LET Clincher)
3. Cite examples of school –
community partnerships

Let’s Reflect
As a student teacher, Have I
involved myself in school and
community partnership? In what

Unit 7. The Teacher and the Community: Teacher’s Ethical and Professional
1. Elaborate on Community Activity - Group Activity
expectations from teachers and Analysis – Online Discussion
on teachers’ expectations from Abstraction - Power Point
communities Presentation/interactive
Describe Teacher’s Ethical and 1. Write a Letter of Query
Choose at least 3 ethical behavior 2. Create Power Point
expected from a professional Presentation
teacher based from the Article III of 3. Reflection
the Code of Ethics for Professional 4. LET Clincher
Teachers, Write a 3 paragraph

2. Describe teacher’s Ethical and

Professional Behavior

A principal hired a teacher applicant

who has not reached the Registered
Qualified Applicants (RQA 70)
because, principals have the
discretionary power to choose and
hire applicants. You qualify in the
ranking because you reached RQA
70 and is in the ranking system.
You write a letter of query to the
concerned principal.

Unit 8. Organizational Leadership

1. Explain the meaning of Activity – Group Online
Organizational Discussion
Leadership Analysis – Interactive
Abstraction - Power Point
2. Distinguish between Leadership 1. Answering of Questions
and Management 2. Reflections
3. Research on CQI and
3. Explain the Three Kaizen
Leadership Models 4. LET Clincher

Write a concise Essay about the

given topics:

1. What makes a school head a

good manager at the same time a
good leader. Base your answer
from your personal experience as a

2. Which MODEL of leadership you

like, and why? Choose three school
heads in your previous school years
and tabulate the leadership models
that they used and give support that
will show their respective leadership
Unit 9. The School Head in School Base Management (SBM)
1. Explain the Meaning, Activity – Power Point
Advantages, Presentation
Disadvantages and demands of Analysis – Small Group Online
SBM Discussion
Make a Group Power Point Abstraction - Interactive
Presentation explaining SBM Lecture
2. State practices aligned to SBM Activity
3. Explain the Roles, Functions and 1. Creating Power Point
Competencies of School Heads in Presentation on SBM
SBM 2. Simulation
Simulation: Record this for Video 3. Follow-up Quiz
Presentation 4. LET Clincher
Simulate a meeting called by the
school to address the following
problems: 1) litter in school grounds
and classrooms, 2) bullying among
students, 3) poorly motivated
students, and 4) vandalism. Apply
the principles of SBM.
Rubric for Video Presentation

Unit 10. Creating a Positive School Culture

1. Explain the meaning of school Activity – Reading Activity
culture. (Not necessary) Analysis – small group

2. Discuss how school culture Abstraction – Group Reporting

affects learning
Net Activity and Writing an Essay 1. Answering of questions
Research on “Silent Curriculum” and 2. Net Activity with
state how it can affect learning? Writing an Essay
3. Net Clincher

3. Cite ways by which you can

contribute to the building of
school culture.
Suggest at least 5 ways to establish
positive school culture and
10 school practices that for you are
undesirable school culture. Fill in
the table matrix for your answers.

Course Requirements

 Per unit outputs as specified in the assessment

 End of the course learning log (reflective journal) and portfolio
(compilation of outputs) from each unit
 Closure Activity

Course Instructions/Guides
Unit 1
Philosophical Thoughts on Education

Education is life. It is the lifeblood of our society. Without it, society and
civilization would soon stop progressing and no longer be serving its purpose to
bless humanity It has always been thought of, how did this happen? In this Unit, six
foundational philosophies are discussed to answer the question stated above? This
unit will enlighten the minds of our soon to be teachers.

Unit Intended Learning

At the end of the Unit, students are expected to:

Discuss at least 6 philosophical thoughts on education(CILO1)

– Let’s read

Read the conversation then answer in the Analysis phase of the lesson In

Grade 3 Science class:

Teacher: What is the function of the mouth

Pupil : It is to break the food into smaller pieces.
Teacher: Very good! What about the stomach?
Pupil : It is to digest food.
Teacher: Very good ! Perfect And what about the small intestines? Pupil
: They are to absorb the food nutrients

Let’s Analyze

What classroom scenario is/are being depicted in the convo between the teacher and
pupils? Online Discussion

Student’s Observation:
Abstraction - Let’s conceptualize (Interactive Lecture)

Most lessons that transpire in the classroom are devoted to teachers asking low
level questions. We are not against facts, but isolated facts make no sense but when
combined properly with other facts become meaningful. It is the duty of the teacher
to connect these facts to make learning more meaningful.

Below, are educational philosophies that would guide teachers on how lesson
be taught so learners can learn

Educational Philosophies

- John Locke (1632 – 1704): The Empiricist Educator

 Learning comes primarily through the senses

 Simple ideas become more complex through comparison, reflection and
generalization – the Inductive Method
 Questioned the traditional view that knowledge came exclusively from
literary sources, particularly the Greek and Italian classics
 Opposed to ‘divine rights of Kings’
 Political order should be upon government and people; civic
education is necessary
 People should be educated to govern themselves intelligently and
responsibly (Ornstein, 1984)

- Herbert Spencer (1820 – 1903): Utilitarian Education

 Introduced the concept of “survival of the fittest”

 Social development had taken to an evolutionary process by which
simple societies had evolved to a more complex societal systems
characterize with humanistic and classical education
 Individualized society require vocational and professional education
Based on scientific and practical objectives rather than on a very general
educational goals associated with humanistic and classical education

 Educational curriculum emphasized practical, utilitarian and scientific

subjects that helped human kind master the environment
 Was not inclined to rote learning; schooling must be related to life and to
 Science and other subjects that sustained human life and prosperity should
have curricular priority
 Individual competition leads to social progress. The fittest survives.
 (Ornstein, 1984)
- John Dewey (1859 – 1952): The Constructivist Education

 Education is a social process, school is related to the society that it serves

 Children are socially active who want to explore their environment and gain
control over it
 Education is a social process where children are brought to participate in
 The school is a special environment established by society for the purpose of
simplifying, purifying and integrating social experience of the group so that it
can be understood, examined and used by children
 The school is to contribute to the personal and social growth of
 Used scientific or reflective method
 Past ideas, discoveries and inventions were to be used as materials for dealing
with problems. The accumulated wisdom of cultural heritage
need to be tested. If they serve human purposes, they become part of
reconstructed experience.
 The school should be social, scientific and democratic. It is a miniature
society which is a means of bringing children into social participation
 The school should be scientific as it is a social laboratory in which
children and youth could test their ideas and values. In here, the learner
acquires the disposition and procedures associated with scientific or
reflective thinking and acting.
 The school should be democratic because the learners are free to test all
ideas, beliefs and values
 The school should be used by all. No barriers of customs or prejudice or
segregate people. People ought to work together to solve common problems.
 Coercive style of administration and teaching is out of place because they
block genuine inquiry and dialog.
 Education is a social activity and the school is a social agency that helps
shape human character and behavior
 Values are relative but sharing, cooperation and democracy are
significant human values that should be encouraged by schools
(Ornstein, 1984)
 The ideal learner is not just one who can learn by doing, conduct experiment
but one who can connect accumulated wisdom of the past and the present.
 Schools are democratic institutions where everyone is welcome and is
encouraged to participate in the democratic process of decision-
making. Both stakeholders and students experience democracy in schools.
- George Counts

Education is not based on eternal truths but is relative to a particular society

living at a given time and place

 Schools should cope with social change that arises from technology
 There is a cultural lag between material progress and social institutions and
ethical values
 Instruction should incorporate a content of a socially useful nature and
problem solving methodology. Students are encouraged to work on problems
that have social significance
 Schools become instrument for social improvement rather than the
agency for preserving the status quo.
 Teachers should lead the society rather than follow it.
 Teachers are agents of change
 Teachers are called on to make important choices in the controversial areas
of economics, politics and morality because if they failed, others would make
decisions for them.
 Schools ought to provide education that afford equal learning
opportunities to all students (Ornstein, 1984

- Theodore Brameld (1904 – 1987): Social Reconstructionism

 It emphasizes the reformation of society

 It contends that humankind has moved from agricultural and rural
society to an urban and technological society
 It asserts that schools should critically examine present culture and
revolve inconsistencies and conflicts to build a new society not just change
 Technological era is an era of interdependence and so education must be
international in scope for global citizenship
 Education is designed “to awaken students consciousness about social
problems and to engage them actively in problem solving”
 Are firmly committed to equality or equity in both society and education.
Barriers of socio-economic class and racial discrimination should be
 Emphasized the idea of an interdependent world. The quality of life
needs to be considered and enhanced on a global basis (Ornstein, 1984)
 Education is not a privilege of the few but a right to be enjoyed by all. A
right that all citizens regardless of race, and social status must enjoy.

- Paulo Freire (1921 – 1997): Critical Pedagogy

 Believed that systems should be changed to overcome oppression and

improve human conditions
 Education and literacy are the vehicles for social change. In this view,
humans must learn to resist oppression and not become the its victims, nor
oppress others
 Freire saw teaching and learning as a process of inquiry in which the child
must invent and reinvent the world
 Teachers must not see themselves as the solo possessors of
knowledge and their students as empty receptacles
 Conscientization process between teachers and students’ democratic
relationship is necessary
 Freire’s critical pedagogy is problem-posing education
 Dialog is central element to this pedagogy

Let’s Apply

Activity – Small Group Discussion

In the six philosophies we had taken up, what do you think are the contributions
of each philosophy to the educational practices in the Philippines?

6 Philosophies Contributions to Education





Let’s Reflect

Write a two paragraph reflection on how these philosophies of education

influence the present educational practices in our country.

LET Clincher

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. Which is NOT TRUE of Social Reconstructionism?

A. The use of problem-solving activities
B. School as an agent of change
C. The making of a New Society
D. Introduce a new society

2. Which teaching practice goes with “banking system” of education contrary to Paulo
Freire’s educational philosophy?
A. Rote memorization
B. Project-based learning
C. Problem- based learning
D. Community inquiry

3. Which teaching goes with Social Reconstructionism?

A. Stress on isolation
B. Inequality and inequity as normal for an international society
C. Building of an interdependent world that is international in scope
D. Narrow concept of nationalism

4. Why is Spencer’s educational thought described as utilitarian?

A. He emphasized vocational and professional education based on scientific and
practical knowledge
B. He stressed on general educational goals associated with humanistic and
classical education
C. He eliminated the vocational and professional education
D. He stressed a balance of specialized and general education in the curriculum

5. For which educational practice was John Dewey?

A. Problem-solving
B. Banking Method
C. Emphasis on the humanities
D. Teaching of the classics
Unit 2
Historical Foundations of Education

History helps in shaping the present as well as the future. Dr. Jose Rizal,
Philippine National hero once said, “ Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa kanyang
pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa kanyang patutuhuhan.”

In this unit, a preservice teachers have to get a glimpse of the past in

order for them to understand the present and to prepare for the future.
Educational histories of the world in general as well as of the Philippines shall be
discussed in this unit.

Unit Intended Learning Outcome

1. State the relationship of society and school(CILO2)

2. State facts on how schools transmit cultural values from education
history in the world and in the Philippines(CILO1)
3. Explain the meaning of socialization as a function of schools(CILO1) (CILO2)

Activity - Let’s Read This

“When a school introduces

and trains each child of
society into membership
within such a little
community, saturating him
with the spirit of service, and
providing him with the
instruments deepest and best
guaranty of a larger society
which is worthy, lovely, and
Analysis– Let’s Analyze

Small Group Online Discussion

Answer the following Questions:

1. What is the function of schools according to John Dewey?

2. Who create schools? Support your answer.
3. Give the relationship between school and society.

Abstraction– Let’s Conceptualize

Interactive Lecture – Power point Presentation (Listen attentively and fill

in the table matrix below)

Periods in Educational History

Below are key periods in educational history from 7000 B.C. to AD 1600.

Table !. Points of emphasis on Education in History

Key Periods in Educational History

group of
Primitive -
Education 7000
B..C. –
5000 B. B.
Education 1600
B.C. –
300 B.C.

750 B.C. –
AD 450
AD 700-
AD 1350
AD 500-
AD 1400
AD 1380-
AD 1500
AD 1500-
AD 1600

School is an institution created by society. Education is a function of society and

as such arises from the nature and character of society itself. Society seeks to preserve
itself and to do this it maintains its functions and institutions, one of which is
education, to assure its survival, stability and convenience.

John Dewey described one’s membership into a society as the socialization

process. Socialization is a’ process of learning the roles, statuses and values
necessary for participation in social
institutions….”(Brinkerholl, D. 1989) Anticipatory socialization is role learning that
prepares us for future roles. Because of anticipatory socialization, most of us are
more or less prepared for our future roles.

There are two significant institutions as agents of socialization: the family and
the school. It is in the family that we learn self-concept from childhood, This
determines on how the child interacts within the groups outside the family.
The school is an institution charged by the society to impart specific knowledge
and skills necessary for the proper and smooth functioning on a society. It is also
tasked in the transmission of cultural values of a certain

The History of the Philippine Educational System

The nature and character of Philippine society are reflected in the

educational process in the periods of Philippine history.

The education history of the Philippines has five significant periods, that helped in
shaping the educational system of the country. The six periods are:
1) The Pre-colonial Period, 2) Spanish Period, 3) American Regime, 4)
Japanese Occupation, and 5) Post-colonial Period.

The Pre-colonial Period

Education was informal an unstructured, decentralized. Parents were the first

teachers. Education basically to prepare children to become good husbands and wives
but less academic work. Tribal tutors were the Babaylan or Katalonan.
Education During the Spanish Era

The Educational Decree of 1863 provided a complete system of education from

elementary to collegiate level. Education that time, was formal and organized.
Authoritarian in nature and the teachers were Spanish missionaries. Children learn
Christian doctrine, sacred songs and music and prayer to prepare them for
communion. The educational law of 1863, had already provided the teaching of 3Rs,
history of Christian doctrine, Spanish language, vocal music, agriculture for boys and
needle work for girls.

Education during the American Regime (1898-1946)

There was a free and compulsory education in elementary which was established
by the Malolos Constitution. In 1898, the first American school was established in
Corregidor. Trainings were done through the schools that were opened in Manila and
instructions were manned by Chaplains and Military Officers of the US Army.

The University of the Philippines was the first state school with the university
status in the country established in 1908.

The Department of Public Instruction set up the three level school system, primary
level, intermediate level or the seven-year elementary level curriculum and the four-
year junior college and later the four year program.

Changes that occurred during the Commonwealth Period (1935-1942),

- Executive Order No. 134, signed by Pres. Manuel L. Quezon,

designation Tagalog as the National Language
- Executive Order No. 217, Quezon Code of Ethics was taught
- Executive Order No. 263, teaching of Filipino, as the national language
in the senior year of all high schools and in all years in the normal
- Education Act of 1940 (C.A. 586), approved in August 7, 1940
provided the following:
- Reduction of elementary years from 7 to 6 years
- Fixing school entrance at age 7.
- National support for elementary education

The Japanese Education

Aims of Japanese Education in the country:

- Make the people understand the position of the Philippines as a

member of the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
- Eradication of the idea or reliance upon Western States
- Fostering a Filipino Culture based on Oriental consciousness
- Elevating moral giving up materialism
- Diffusion of elementary education and promotion of vocational education
- Diffusion of Japanese Language in Philippines and the termination of
English in schools
- Developing love of labor

Post-Colonial Education

Education was aimed at:

- Realization of democratic ideals and way of life

- Permanency of the Civil Service Eligibility of teachers pursuant to R.A.
1079, June 15, 1954.
- Compulsory daily Flag Ceremony in all schools including the singing of
the Philippine National Anthem pursuant to R.A. 1265, approved , June
11, 1955
- Inclusion of Jose Rizal’s Life, works and writings in the curriculum
- Nationalization of elementary education and abolishment of
matriculation fees
- Magna Carta for teachers was passed into law, R.A. 467 For further
developments, read from https://www.k12academics.com/Education

Let’s Apply

Find a group and be ready to share your findings via Online Discussion


A. 1. Why do we need to bother with the educational goals of the past which is past which we
can no why longer undo? Why is the study of educational history valuable?
2. Why was the focus of education valuable in different places and at different periods in
world history? What does this point to regarding relationships of schools and society?
3 Basing from what you have learned from the history of education in the world and the
Philippines, has the Philippine Educational system been able to fulfill its function to
help shape our nation, if it has, in what aspects or ways, show some evidences.
4 Are schools effective agents of socialization in preparing Filipino graduates for
their job roles? Show some evidences

Let’s Reflect

Write a reflection paper basing from the given question below:

Education is a social function of society, and schools are agents

of socialization, have our schools prepared our graduates in their
varied roles in our society? Are our graduates competent enough to
face the 21st century challenges? Describe your feelings through a 3
paragraph reflection.

Rubrics for Scoring Reflections

Criteria Fails to Meet Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Your

Expectations 3-4 5-6 Expectations Score
1-2 7-8

Clearly Fails to meet this Disorganized, leaves Paper has intro, Easy to read, topic
organized, criteria by obvious reader wondering body, and introduced,
introduction, disregard for the what is being said, conclusion but may organization clearly
body, conclusion expectations stated in abrupt ending take a re-reading to evident with proper
the criteria; understand introduction, body,
Disorganized and the conclusion
reader cannot follow
the paper at any length
Does this paper The topic of the paper Student does not The entire paper’s The student’s reflection
address the is not addressed at all, clearly Identify his/her content relates to about the the topic is
prompt or the Fails to stick to the reflections about the the prompt or topic; explained in clear
topic topic therefore fails to topic; may veer from the student explains language; immediately
meet this criteria the topic his/her reflections interesting and
about the topic but supported with detail
may take a re-
reading to

Paragraph Fails to meet this Paragraphs are Each paragraph has Each paragraph has a
Organization and criteria by obvious disorganized ; ideas a central idea that is central idea; ideas are
Writing Style disregard for the are included which supported by connected and
expectations stated to do not relate to the details; ideas are paragraphs are
the criteria main idea; ideas are connected and developed with details;
not connected important points paper is easy to read
and have little or no make sense and “flows” naturally in
supporting details; an organized pattern
one sentence
Does this paper Fails to meet this Paper is shallow and The paper shoes that Paper provides
show evidence criteria by obvious does not present the student has evidence (through the
of deep thought disregard for the detailed evaluation of thought about the use of description’
about the topic? expectations stated to reflection about the topic although the details, and use of
the criteria topic; little use of written presentation nursing literature) that
nursing literature to may appear weak or the student has
support thought lack clarity; use of examined his/her own
nursing literature to belief systems and
support thought related this to their
current views about the
topic; use of nursing
literature to support
1 2 3 4


Basic writing More than 8 4-7 grammatical, Between 1-4 No errors what so ever,
expectations: grammatical, punctuation, or BWE grammatical, or
Mechanics, punctuations, or BWE errors punctuation, or BWE
spelling, errors errors, but they are
grammar or minor and do not
punctuation detract from the
errors paper.
Use of Fails to meet this Choppy; sentences Paper expresses the Paper is easy to read
transitions to criteria by obvious do not connect or ideas of the author; and make sense the first
connect disregard for the transitions well; ideas sentences relate to time it is read. It is
sentences and expectations stated in do not connect one another; mat interesting and well
ideas the criteria take re-reading to written; sentences
understand connect and flow
Correct choice of Fails to meet this Improper use of Occasional wrong No wrong word choice
verb tenses, criteria by obvious language or slang; word choice; or slang;
words, correct disregard for the Wrong word choice; Somewhat wordy Uses correct verb tense
use of pronouns expectations stated in appears “padded” but not enough to and pronouns.
the criteria detract from the Well written and use of
summary; May words
occasionally use the
wrong tense.
1 2 3 4


Following APA Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Exceeds this by
professional criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error completely meeting all
writing Style of disregard for the of these requirements
using 12 point expectations stated in with no exception
Times New the criteria; 3 or more
Roman font, 1 errors
inch margins all
around, correct
APA headings
`Correct format Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect title page,
of title page criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error running head, page
including disregard for the numbers, and page
running head, expectations stated in justification
page numbers, the criteria; 3 or more
correct page errors
Correct use of Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect use of citations
citations within criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error within paper per APA
paper according disregard for the format; correct
to APA; Correct expectations stated in reference page
APA reference the criteria; 3 or more
page errors

LET Clincher

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.
1. Education is a function of society. What does this imply?
I. Citizens are taught what society considered most important.
II. Society determines curriculum to be taught.
III. Those in education taught what they believed should be taught
regardless of society’s need.
A. I only C. II and III
B. I and II D. III only

2.If education is a function of society then it has to be

A. Relevant C. for a selected few

B. Complete D. free

3. Complete the analogy. Athenian education: Well-rounded development of

individuals. Spartan education:
A. Military Training
B. Religious formation
C. Liberally educated
D. Wholistically developed person
4. While the Japanese taught the Filipinos love for labor, the Americans taught
the Filipinos
A. Citizenship in a democratic country
B. Survival skills
C. Love for country
D. Dignity of Labor

5. Schools are tasked for socialization. Which one is correct the correct
explanation of socialization?
A. Developing the young to become socialite
B. Learning the roles, statuses and values necessary for
participation in society
C. Developing speaking and relating skills
D. Developing the socialite to remain forever young
Unit 3 Social Science Theories and Their Implications

to Education
Sociologists today use three theoretical perspectives which offer theoretical
paradigms: functionalist, conflict and symbolic in explaining how society influences
people, vice versa, and each perspective uniquely conceptualizes society, social forces
and human behavior. Intended

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Explain the three social sciences theories and their implications to


Activity - Telling a Parable

The Parable of the Stomach

One day, the parts of the body gathered together for a conference. The objective of
the conference was to determine who was the most important part of the body.

Immediately the conference started, and the participants were now ready to make
their report and make a defense on why he/she must be considered as the greatest
member of the body. The Brain presided over the meeting, claiming that he has all
the functions the body needed, that the body cannot move without him, the Heart
responded that without her, blood cannot circulate
in the body and soon it would die due to lack of oxygen in the brain. There was chaos
now, and each one was bragging for his position in the group. There was commotion.
Stomach was trying to make Anus realize that he was useless and has very little
function in the body. But what was more painful was, he already taunting at Anus, and
was pointing his finger at him and said, “Anus, of us here, you are the weakest, no
work at all,” Anus got so depressed and was so sad. He felt unwanted, and soon, he
slept the whole day and neglected his menial task. Soon, Stomach was full. He
grumbled and felt bloated. To their dismay, the whole system became weak, so
weak that the whole body was in pain. That night, the Body was restless, sleep was
out from her…they decided that they have to see the doctor, the diagnosis, Stomach
was full and could not take out the food taken in by mouth, for Anus would not DO
anything for them, Anus has to function, if not, all of them would die!

What has to be learned from this simple conference?

Analysis - Let’s Analyze the Parable

Online Group Discussion

1. In your own opinion, what is the connection of this parable to our topic which
is social science theories and their implications to education?
2. What significant message does the story impart to us?
3. What is the relationship of the parts of the body that is parallel to the
functions of people in society.
Abstraction - Let’s Conceptualize

Interactive Discussion

The story of the parable of the Parts of the Body teaches us that society cannot
avoid conflicts, but these conflicts become healthy when members understand their
roles for the better functioning of the members of society and the activities each one is

To better understand the nature of society and our roles and functions the three
theories of society will help us understand these roles and functions: Structural-
functional theory, Conflict Theory and Symbolic Theory.

2. Structuralist-functionalist Theory

Herbart Spencer, is the proponent of this theory. It focuses on how education

serves the need of society through the development of skills encouraging social
cohesion. The role of schools is to prepare students for participation in the institutions
of society. Education is concerned with the transmission of core values for social
control. Education is concerned with socializing people by bringing together people
from different backgrounds. Functionalism sees active social change as undesirable
because the various parts of society will compensate naturally for any problem that
may arise.


3. Conflict Theory

Conflict theorists find potential conflict between any groups where inequality
exists: Racial, gender, religious, political, economic, etc. Conflict theorists note
that unequal groups usually have conflicting values and agendas, causing them
to compete against one another. The constant competition between groups
forms the basis for the ever- changing nature of society


4. The Symbolic Interactionalist Theory Perspective

Three tenets of the symbolic interactionist theory:

a. An individuals action depends on meaning

b. Different people may give different meanings to the same thing.
c. Meanings change as individuals interact with one another.

The symbolic interactionist perspective, also known as symbolic

interactionism, directs sociologists to consider the symbols and details of everyday
life, what these symbols mean, and how people interact with one another.

Language is the predominant symbol among people. According to the symbolic

interactionalist perspective, people attach meanings to symbol and then they act
according to their subjective interpretation of these symbols.

Let’s Apply

Reflection Writing

How do the three theories explain the nature of society and their
implications to education.

Rubrics for Scoring Reflections

Criteria Fails to Meet Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Your

Expectations 3-4 5-6 Expectations Score
1-2 7-8

Clearly Fails to meet this Disorganized, leaves Paper has intro, Easy to read, topic
organized, criteria by obvious reader wondering body, and introduced,
introduction, disregard for the what is being said, conclusion but may organization clearly
body, conclusion expectations stated in abrupt ending take a re-reading to evident with proper
the criteria; understand introduction, body,
Disorganized and the conclusion
reader cannot follow
the paper at any length
Does this paper The topic of the paper Student does not The entire paper’s The student’s reflection
address the is not addressed at all, clearly Identify his/her content relates to about the the topic is
prompt or the Fails to stick to the reflections about the the prompt or topic; explained in clear
topic topic therefore fails to topic; may veer from the student explains language; immediately
meet this criteria the topic his/her reflections interesting and
about the topic but supported with detail
may take a re-
reading to
Paragraph Fails to meet this Paragraphs are Each paragraph has Each paragraph has a
Organization and criteria by obvious disorganized ; ideas a central idea that is central idea; ideas are
Writing Style disregard for the are included which do supported by connected and
expectations stated to not relate to the main details; ideas are paragraphs are
the criteria idea; ideas are not connected and developed with details;
connected important points paper is easy to read
and have little or no make sense and “flows” naturally in
supporting details; an organized pattern
one sentence
Does this paper Fails to meet this Paper is shallow and The paper shoes that Paper provides
show evidence criteria by obvious does not present the student has evidence (through the
of deep thought disregard for the detailed evaluation of thought about the use of description’
about the topic? expectations stated to reflection about the topic although the details, and use of
the criteria topic; little use of written presentation nursing literature) that
nursing literature to may appear weak or the student has
support thought lack clarity; use of examined his/her own
nursing literature to belief systems and
support thought related this to their
current views about the
topic; use of nursing
literature to support
1 2 3 4


Basic writing More than 8 4-7 grammatical, Between 1-4 No errors what so ever,
expectations: grammatical, punctuation, or BWE grammatical, or
Mechanics, punctuations, or BWE errors punctuation, or BWE
spelling, errors errors, but they are
grammar or minor and do not
punctuation detract from the
errors paper.
Use of Fails to meet this Choppy; sentences Paper expresses the Paper is easy to read
transitions to criteria by obvious do not connect or ideas of the author; and make sense the first
connect disregard for the transitions well; ideas sentences relate to time it is read. It is
sentences and expectations stated in do not connect one another; mat interesting and well
ideas the criteria take re-reading to written; sentences
understand connect and flow
Correct choice of Fails to meet this Improper use of Occasional wrong No wrong word choice
verb tenses, criteria by obvious language or slang; word choice; or slang;
words, correct disregard for the Wrong word choice; Somewhat wordy Uses correct verb tense
use of pronouns expectations stated in appears “padded” but not enough to and pronouns.
the criteria detract from the Well written and use of
summary; May words
occasionally use the
wrong tense.
1 2 3 4


Following APA Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Exceeds this by
professional criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error completely meeting all
writing Style of disregard for the of these requirements
using 12 point expectations stated in with no exception
Times New
Roman font, 1 the criteria; 3 or more
inch margins all errors
around, correct
APA headings
`Correct format Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect title page,
of title page criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error running head, page
including disregard for the numbers, and page
running head, expectations stated in justification
page numbers, the criteria; 3 or more
correct page errors
Correct use of Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect use of citations
citations within criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error within paper per APA
paper according disregard for the format; correct
to APA; Correct expectations stated in reference page
APA reference the criteria; 3 or more
page errors

Let’s check for understanding: Answer the questions religiously:

Short Quiz: Identification. Write your answer on the blank provided.

I. Which theory is referred to:

a. The overall health of society depends upon the healthy functioning of
its institutions. .
b. Meanings that individuals give to symbols change over
time. .
c. Faulty communication can result from differences in the perception of
the same events and symbols. .
d. Schools teach humanitarian attitude, altruism, democracy, civil rights,
and other positive aspects of society to preserve society and social
order. .
e. When one institution fails to function another institution ought to come
in to perform the function for the stability of society. .
f. A new society comes as a result of the resolution of clash between
powers that be and the workers. .
g. Two opposing sides are welcomed. This paves the way to
change. .
h. When one institution fails to perform its function, the other institutions
showed come in for the preservation of society. .
i. One weakness of this theory is this is focused on small
interactions. .
j. Differences in meaning of symbols for both sender and receiver result
to misunderstanding. .

LET Clinchers

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. Which is an application of the functionalist theory?

A. Schools must do their part to socialize children or else children
will turn out to be delinquent citizens.
B. Schools must teach students to accept their status in life for there
is nothing that they can do.
C. Schools must make learners understand that in life there will
always be the powerful and the powerless.
D. Schools must teach students to speak in clear symbols.
2. Who is associated with the conflict theory?
A. Weber C. Durkheim
B. Marx D. Dewey

3. Which theory states that it is okay to have classes in society?

A. Functionalism C. Symbolic Interactionalism
B. Conflict Theory D. Social Darwinism

4. According to the functionalist theory, what happens when one institution

fails to do its part?
A. Other institutions get paralyzed
B. The non-functioning institution gets eliminated
C. Other institutions take over the function
D. The non-performing institution gets penalized
5. For an ideal interaction in the community what must be observed?
A. The symbol must be contemporary
B. Don’t use symbols
C. Those involved must analyze the meaning of the symbol
D. The symbol must be clear to both giver and receiver
Unit 4 The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino


Schools are there for society. Schools are tasked to addressed some social issues
or problems. We have a number of issues but let us focus on the strengths and
weaknesses of the Filipino character. Schools can capitalize on the strengths of the
Filipino character to eliminate the weaknesses.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Discuss the strength and weaknesses of the Filipino character(CILO4)

2. Cite ways by which schools can counteract the weakness of the Filipino

Activity – Let’s read this

The former Sen. Letecia Shahani, submitted to President Corazon

Aquino this excerpt on “Moral Recovery Program Building a People,”
Building a Nation,” and this is what the Task Force discovered:

 Extreme family centeredness

 Extreme personalism
 Lack of discipline which would result to ningas cogon
 Passivity and lack of initiative
 Colonial mentality
 Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality
 Lack of analysis and self-reflection
 Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection
 Emphasis on porma rather than substance

These weaknesses are rooted in many factors: home, social and

economic environment; culture and language; history; religion; educational
system; mass media; leadership and role models. Change is possible,
however, and the following goals are proposed to develop in the Filipino:
(1) a sense of patriotism and national pride;
(2) a sense of common good; (3) a sense of integrity and accountability;
(4) the values and habits of discipline and hard work;
(5) the value and habits of self-reflection and analysis; the
internalization of spiritual values and the emphasis on essence rather than
on form, (Shahani, Letecia. (1988). A Moral Recovery Program: Building
a People, Building a Nation.
Let’s Analyze

1. Do you agree with the findings? Explain your answer.

2. According to the report, one weakness of the Filipino character is lack of

analysis and emphasis on “porma.” And this weakness is reinforced by an

educational system that is more in form than substance. What is meant by:
 system that is more in form rather than substance?
 Do you agree that the Philippine education system is more in form
than substance? Why? Why not?
3. Share your answers to the group through online discussion.

The Filipino Character: Strengths and Weaknesses

Basing from the report of Sen. Letecia Ramos Shahani, we learned that the
Filipino character has its strengths and weaknesses. Earlier, the Filipino weaknesses of
character were mentioned. The strengths of the Filipino character are:
pakikipagkapwa-tao, family orientation, joy and humor, flexibility, adaptability and
creativity, hard work and industry, faith and religiosity and ability to survive.

There is so much good in the Filipino, but so much needs to be changed. Many of
our strengths are also our sources of our weaknesses. Shahani’s report explains that
famlly-orientation becomes in-group orientation that
prevents us from reaching out beyond the family o the larger community and the
nation. In our personalism. We are warm and caring but this leads us to lack of
objectivity. We are concerned with people we know. In our flexibility, we
compromise precision and discipline. We are a joyful people with a sense of humor
but we can’t take things with humor all the time for serious problems need serious
analysis. Our faith in God is our source of strength but this makes us dependent on
forces outside us, do nothing that makes us submissive to God’s will. We are good at
pakikikapwa-tao and so we can easily empathize but we can at the same time be
envious of others. We can be hardworking and yet can be lazy and passive in the


Education in schools

So that it will not be “more in form and substance,” Philippine schools have to
intensify values education in the curriculum. In response to this report, Values
Education now Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao was introduced as a separate subject in
the basic education curriculum under the Values Education Framework that was
conceptualized under Dr. Lourdes Quisumbing, then Secretary of Education in 1988-

Let’s Check for Understanding

Fill in the table with what is asked:

1. List the strengths of the Filipino character and write how it

becomes a weakness.
2. List the weaknesses of the Filipino character and write how it can
be a strength.

Strengths It becomes a weakness when

Weaknesses It becomes a strength when
Research and write a three - paragraph essay explaining how a school’s
hidden curriculum can help counteract negative traits? Research on Hidden
Curriculum then write about your discovery.
Rubric for scoring Essay
Excellent Very Average Needs Unacceptabl
Good improvement e
10 7 5 3 1

Ideas The paper is The paper The writer is Topic is well- The paper has
clear and is mostly beginning to defined and/or no clear sense
focused. It focused, define the topic, there are many of purpose or
holds the and have even though topics central theme.
reader’s some good development is The reader has
attention. details still basic or to make
Relevant general. inferences to
details and get the central
quotes enrich meaning. Some
the central details are
theme missing.
5 4 3 2 1

Organizatio The Paragraph The Sentences The writing

n organization s are organizational within lacks sense of
enhances mostly structure is paragraphs direction.
and organized, strong enough make sense, Ideas, details,
showcases in order, to move the but the order or events
the central and makes reader through of paragraphs seem stung
idea or sense to the text does not. together in a
theme. The the reader. without to loose or
order, much random
structure of confusion. fashion, there
information is no
is compelling identifiable
and moves internal
the reader structure.
through the
5 4 3 2 1
Sentence The writing The The texts The texts The reader
fluency has an easy writing hums along seems choppy has to practice
flow, rhythm, mostly with a steady and is not easy quite a bit in
and cadence. flows, and beat, but tends to be read order to give
Sentences usually to be more orally. this paper a
are well built, invites businesslike fair
with strong reading. than musical, interpretive
and varied more reading.
structure mechanical
that invites than fluid.
oral reading.
5 4 3 2 1
Convention The writer The writer The writer The writer Errors in
s demonstrate understan shows seems to have spelling,
s a good d good reasonable made little punctuation,
grasp of writing control over a effort to use capitalization,
standard of conventio limited range conventions; usage, and
writing n and of standard spelling, grammar
conventions usually writing punctuation, and/or
(e.g., uses them conventions. capitalization, paragraphing
spelling, correctly. Conventions usage, repeatedly
punctuation, Paper is are sometimes grammar distracting the
capitalization easily read handed well and/or reader and
, grammar, and errors and enhances paragraphing make the text
usage, are rare; readability; at have multiple difficult to
paragraphin minor other times, errors. read
g) and uses touch-ups errors are
conventions would get distracting
effectively to this piece and impair
enhance ready to readability.
readability publish.
6 5 4 3 2
Presentatio The form and The format The writer’s The writer’s The reader
n presentation only has a message is message is receives a
of the text few understandabl only garbled
enhances the mistakes understandabl message due
ability for the and is e in this e occasionally, to problems
reader to generally format. and paper is relating to the
understand easy to messily presentation
and connect read and written of the text,
with the is pleasing and not typed.
message. to the

LET Clincher

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. How can schools help fight the Filipino lack of analysis?

A. Do teaching to the test
B. Give out-of-context drills
C. Make students solve problems
D. Let students write their observation

2. When does the Filipino faith and religiosity become a weakness?

A. When he does nothing to help himself and waits for God to help
B. When he totally submits himself to God’s will after having done
all he could.
C. When he forgives his enemies and so appears weak
D. When he prays every day and every night

3. What’s wrong with the Filipino sense of humor?

A. Porma over substance or essence
B. Love for education
C. Desire for upward mobility
D. Fatalism

4. Which Filipino weakness is proven in his penchant for diploma?

A. Porma over substance
B. Love for education
C. Desire for upward mobility
D. Fatalism
5. What does the teacher encourage when she looks at students’
questions in class as indicator of inattentiveness?
A. Critical Thinking
B. Love for study
C. Passivity
D. Pakikisama
Global Issues that Concern Schools
and Society
The world has become a global village. We have become a global community.
What a small world after all, what happens in the small part of the globe affects us
all. In this unit, we will discuss issues that affect the world and propose solutions to
these global issues.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Discuss at least two Global issues in society;(CILO10

2. Explain proposed solutions to issues.(CILO1)
3. Write a position paper about some pressing issues on
corruption in the Philippines(IILIO1)
Activity – Let’s Google These

The 10 Global Issues and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for

2015-2030. Base your answers from the link given below.

List top 10 World Issues 17 SDGs 2015-2030

Present this to the class via online reporting.

Source: https://www.inc.com/business-insider/world-top-10-problems-

Analysis - Let’s Analyze

1. How are the Global issues ranked?

2. Do these 10 Global issues correspond to the 17 SDGs 2015-2030?

Abstraction – Let’s Conceptualize

Online Discussion

The Top 10 Global Issues and How They Can Be Addressed

As a student, explain each of the Ten Global Issues that confront us at present.
Application – Let’s Apply

Do the following Activities:

Write a 3 paragraph Essay based from the Top 10 Global Issues and
the 17 SDGs choose two global issues/SDG which you think have
greatly affected our country and give suggestions on how schools must
address these issues.
Read the issue and write a position paper. Base your position paper on the
given rubric.

For more ideas on Writing a Position Paper: Google it on


Position Paper Rubrics:

Thesis Excellent Good Poor Fail

10 %
Clear thesis/position Clear thesis/position Clear thesis/position Thesis/position is vague No thesis or position is
stated in the paper. stated in the introduction. stated but not in the and could be clearer. stated in the paper.

Style & Excellent Good Poor Fail

2.5 % No or minimal errors in Few errors in grammar, Grammar, punctuation & Fails to use proper

Grammar, Punctuation, grammar, punctuation, & punctuation & spelling spelling errors occur grammar, punctuation

and Spelling spelling. with minimal frequently and distract and spelling in paper.
distraction of paper's from the flow and
flow & main content. understanding of the
paper's content.

Organization & Excellent Good Poor Fail

10 % No or minimal errors in Few errors in sentence Paragraph structure lacks Fail to use proper

Proper use of sentence & sentence & paragraph & paragraph structure single supporting point, sentence & paragraph

paragraph structure structure, Structure aids the Sentences are convoluted structure to organize
Sentence structure is paper's organization & wordy without paper.
strong, varied, & mature Sentence & paragraph conveying succinct
Transitions are smooth, structure aid flow of thought,
Sent. & paragraph. flow, ideas & arguments, Few well structured
advance development of ideas are logically transitions
thought. organized.
1.5 Points 0 Points
5 Points 3 Points
Content & Excellent Good Poor Fail
No or minimal errors in Few lapses in topic Frequent lapses in the Fails to clearly state
10 %
Purpose, voice & topic development, paper development, majority development of topic and paper's purpose,

topic/argument is coherent & arguments of paper is coherent & supporting material No clear voice/tone.

development, level of are persuasive, every comprehensible, Paper is incoherent, Paper's main point is

vocabulary appropriate statement connects to the Arguments are Lack of strong accurate, unclear & unfocused.

to topic. thesis, expands main persuasive, most believable examples,

point. statements expands Opinions are unsupported,
main point

Solution Excellent Good Poor Fail

10 %
Solution is provided. A clear practical solution A practical solution is A solution is provided but No solution or plan of
is provided which provided but no plan of it is not practical and no action is provided.
demonstrates a clear plan action. plan of action is evident.
of action.

Refutation Excellent Good Poor Fail

10 %
Use of counter- Clearly stated counter- Counter-arguments are Refutation is provided but No refutation is
arguments. arguments which are provided and are fairly counter-arguments are not provided.
organized and well organized and organized and evidence is
demonstrate evidence is used to either not used or is weak.
weaknesses/exceptions to support them.
arguments or evidence
discussed in paper.
Counter-arguments are
well supported.

Format Excellent Good Poor Fail

2.5 %
Proper use of APA style Entire paper follows Most of paper follows Some elements of Fails to follow
guidelines to aid flow of APA/MLA style APA/MLA style APA/MLA style guidelines APA/MLA style
content. guidelines with proper guidelines, cover page, are followed. guidelines.
use of cover page, parenthetical citations,
parenthetical citations, & & reference sections
reference page.
LET Clincher

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. Which does not belong to the group?

A. Noise Pollution
B. Water Pollution
C. Pesticides and Fertilizers
D. Violence

2. Which form of violence occurs when someone uses threats and causes fear in
the individual and gain control?
A. Verbal abuse
B. Psychological violence
C. Cultural Violence

3. Which is true of the Philippines?

A. Has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world
B. Has the highest literacy rates in the world
C. Has one of the highest literacy rates in the world
D. Has a lower literacy rate than Cambodia

4. What does SDG 15-30 mean?

A. Sustainable Development Goals after the MDG od 2015
B. Sustaining and Developing Gross National Product
C. Specific Development Goals for all nations
D. Sustaining Development Led by Giant Nations

5. Which applies to Sustainable Development Goals 2015=2030?

A. Adopted by the UN member developed nations
B. Adopted by the UN member developing nations
C. Not related to MDG 2015
D. To-do list for the sake for the entire humanity
Why and How of School and Community
6 Partnership

The school is always the official arm of the community. The needs of the community
are always answered by the school.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Explain what the school and community partnership means(CILO2) (CILO3)

2. Identify the legal and sociological bases of school and community

partnership(CILO1) (CILO2)
3. Cite examples of school-community partnerships(CILO2)

Activity - Let’s Do this

Small Group Discussion

1. Based for your school experiences, list down ways by which a community can
help a school and how the school can help the community. ViceVersa.
2. Come up with a list that enumerates how communities help schools and how
schools help communities.
Analysis – Let’s Analyze

Informal Online Debate

Based from your list, is there a REAL PARTNERSHIP between the school and
community? Or do you find one party (like the school) more favored because it gets
more help than the other? Defend your answer.

Abstraction – Let’s Conceptualize

Power Point Presentation

Opportunities for School-Community Partnership

In the following list, we can notice how communities affect schools and how
schools affect communities:

What can communities do for schools?

1. Brigada Eskwela
2. Curriculum development
3. Work experience program
4. Remediation and enrichment classes
5. Youth development Programs
6. Community Service
What can schools do for communities in return?

1. Classroom can be used for community organization meeting

2. School used as a polling center and venue for medical missions which it may co-
sponsor with the Rural Health Unit
3. Schools are used by the RHU for Mother’s class on child care
4. School used as evacuation centers
5. School facilities used for community assemblies
6. School basketball courts used for local celebrations and barangay sports league
7. Schools conduct livelihood skill-training programs for parents and out-of-
school youth by using school resources
8. Livelihood skill-training for parents and put-of-school youth by teachers

Legal Bases

 RA 9155, Governance of Basic Education Act, Sec. 10, states the responsibility
of school heads in “establishing school and community networks and
encouraging the active participation of teachers organizations, nonacademic
personnel of public schools, and parents- teachers-community associations.”
 Sec 3 of the same Act encourages “local initiatives for the improvement of
schools and learning centers and to provide the means by which…
improvements maybe achieved and sustained.”
 Batas Pambansa 232 Education Act of 1982, Sec. 7
 RA 8525, Adopt A-School Program Act
 Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015 Plan
 RA 9155
Read more on these Laws from Goggle to give you more learnings

Application – Let’s Apply

Pretend that you are an Instructor/Professor in this course, The Teacher

and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership. The
learning outcome of your lesson is: To explain the sociological and legal
bases of school and community partnership, how will you proceed?
Deliver your lecture through a video presentation.

Rubrics for Video Presentation

Criteria Excellent Good Fair 1-Needs

Rating Improvement
5 4 3 2
Content It covers all the It includes basic It includes essential The content
topics in depth with knowledge about information about the includes minor
details and the topic. The topic, but it has 1-2 details and it has
examples. The content seems to mistakes in the facts. several mistakes in
knowledge of the be good. the facts.
topic is excellent
4 3 2 1

Originality The product shows The product shows Uses ideas from other Uses ideas from
great originality. certain originality. people ( quoting other people
The ideas are It shows the use of them), but there is without quoting
creative and witty. new ides and of little evidence of them.
shrewdness. original ideas.
4 3 2 1

Use of There are not any Three or fewer Four spelling or More than four
mistakes in spelling mistakes grammar mistakes spelling of
Language spelling and or punctuation grammar mistakes
grammar mistakes

Let’s Reflect

Write a 3 - paragraph reflection paper on the given question

As a student teacher, Have I involved myself in school and community

partnership? In what ways?

Rubrics for Scoring Reflections

Criteria Fails to Meet Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Your

Expectations 3-4 5-6 Expectations Score
1-2 7-8

Clearly Fails to meet this Disorganized, leaves Paper has intro, Easy to read, topic
organized, criteria by obvious reader wondering body, and introduced,
introduction, disregard for the what is being said, conclusion but may organization clearly
body, conclusion expectations stated in abrupt ending take a re-reading to evident with proper
the criteria; understand introduction, body,
Disorganized and the conclusion
reader cannot follow
the paper at any length
Does this paper The topic of the paper Student does not The entire paper’s The student’s reflection
address the is not addressed at all, clearly Identify his/her content relates to about the the topic is
prompt or the Fails to stick to the reflections about the the prompt or topic; explained in clear
topic topic therefore fails to topic; may veer from the student explains language; immediately
meet this criteria the topic his/her reflections interesting and
about the topic but supported with detail
may take a re-
reading to
Paragraph Fails to meet this Paragraphs are Each paragraph has Each paragraph has a
Organization and criteria by obvious disorganized ; ideas a central idea that is central idea; ideas are
Writing Style disregard for the are included which do supported by connected and
expectations stated to not relate to the main details; ideas are paragraphs are
the criteria idea; ideas are not connected and developed with details;
connected important points paper is easy to read
and have little or no make sense and “flows” naturally in
supporting details; an organized pattern
one sentence
Does this paper Fails to meet this Paper is shallow and The paper shoes that Paper provides
show evidence criteria by obvious does not present the student has evidence (through the
of deep thought disregard for the detailed evaluation of thought about the use of description’
about the topic? expectations stated to reflection about the topic although the details, and use of
the criteria topic; little use of written presentation nursing literature) that
nursing literature to may appear weak or the student has
support thought lack clarity; use of examined his/her own
nursing literature to belief systems and
support thought related this to their
current views about the
topic; use of nursing
literature to support
1 2 3 4


Basic writing More than 8 4-7 grammatical, Between 1-4 No errors what so ever,
expectations: grammatical, punctuation, or BWE grammatical, or
Mechanics, punctuations, or BWE errors punctuation, or BWE
spelling, errors errors, but they are
grammar or minor and do not
punctuation detract from the
errors paper.
Use of Fails to meet this Choppy; sentences Paper expresses the Paper is easy to read
transitions to criteria by obvious do not connect or ideas of the author; and make sense the first
connect disregard for the transitions well; ideas sentences relate to time it is read. It is
sentences and expectations stated in do not connect one another; mat interesting and well
ideas the criteria take re-reading to written; sentences
understand connect and flow
Correct choice of Fails to meet this Improper use of Occasional wrong No wrong word choice
verb tenses, criteria by obvious language or slang; word choice; or slang;
words, correct disregard for the Wrong word choice; Somewhat wordy Uses correct verb tense
use of pronouns expectations stated in appears “padded” but not enough to and pronouns.
the criteria detract from the Well written and use of
summary; May words
occasionally use the
wrong tense.
1 2 3 4

Following APA Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Exceeds this by
professional criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error completely meeting all
writing Style of disregard for the of these requirements
using 12 point expectations stated in with no exception
Times the criteria; 3 or more
New Roman errors
font, 1 inch
margins all
around, correct
APA headings
`Correct format Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect title page,
of title page criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error running head, page
including disregard for the numbers, and page
running head, expectations stated in justification
page numbers, the criteria; 3 or more
correct page errors
Correct use of Fails to meet this Meets this criteria Meets this criteria Perfect use of citations
citations within criteria by obvious with 2 errors with 1 error within paper per APA
paper according disregard for the format; correct
to APA; Correct expectations stated in reference page
APA reference the criteria; 3 or more
page errors

Let Clinchers

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. Which one is true of a school-community partnership?

A. Both the school and community benefit
B. School is a recipient of assistance from community
C. Both school and community lose
D. Community helps school
2. Adopt – A – School Program allows private entities to assist which schools
A. Public elementary schools
B. Public secondary schools
C. Public tertiary schools
D. Public schools in all levels

3. “It takes a village to educate a child.” What does this statement imply?
A. PTA is more than enough partnership
B. Institutionalize school school-community partnership
C. School can substitute for absentee parents
D. Children need more minds
4. A program done before the start of classes in DepEd, where stakeholders
gather together to ensure that school facilities are ready for children’s use?
A. PTA Assembly
B. Brigada Eskwela
C. Palarong Psambansa
D. School Annual Councl Assembly
5. Which law supports school-community leadership?
A. RA 8525
B. RA 9155
C. EFA 2015
D. Batas Pambansa 232
The Teacher and the Community:

Unit 7 Teacher’s Ethical

and Professional Behavior

The professional teacher as a leader and model in the community is expected to
conduct himself/herself wherever he/she is. The Code of Ethics for Teachers, Article
III is the roadmap that guides him/her in dealing with the community.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Elaborate on community’s expectations from teachers and on teachers’

expectations from communities (CILO4)(CILO5)
2. Describe teacher’s ethical and professional behavior in the community by
giving concrete examples(CILO4) (CILO5)

Activity Let’s Read

In a group of 5, do the activity below

Here are quotes about teachers. Do you agree with each quotation?

“Teachers change
the world, one child
1. at a time
“Teachers, believe are
the most responsible
and most important
2. members of society

“Every child deserves a

champion, an adult who
will never give up on them,
who understands the
3. power of connection and

‘The influence of a good

4. teacher can never be

“I am a teacher,

I am not in it for the

I am a teacher.
It’s who I am,
It’s my passion, my
calling, and my


1. Reflect on your choice of quote? Post your message, feelings and photos in
the ITE FB page. Hash tags must include about yourselves, the ITERise and
the LuxMundi.

Analysis – Let’s Analyze

Basing from your activity and your own observation, have most teachers embody
the traits of being professional teachers?
Abstraction – Let’s Conceptualize

The 8 Sections of Article III of the Code of Ethics for Professional

Teachers refers to the community within the school and community
outside the school. The different sections of Article III give these details .

 Article III, Section I, Teacher as Facilitator of learning and development

of the youth.
 Section 2, “Leadership and initiative of the professional teacher to
participate in community movements for moral, social, economic and
civic betterment of the community.”
 Section 3, “Every Teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for
which the purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times
and refrain from activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and
other excesses much less illicit relations.”
 Section 4 “Every teacher to live for and with the community and shall,
therefore study and understand local customs and traditions in order to
have sympathetic attitude, therefore refrain from disparaging the
 Section 5, “Every teacher shall help the school inform the community
about the school’s work, accomplishments, needs and problems.” Here
the community refers to the internal and external stake holders. Internal
stakeholders include students, parents and teachers. The external
stakeholders include other parents in the community without children
enrolled in school, barangay officials and other government officials,
non-government organizations, government organizations,
alumni/alumnae and retirees.
 The Parents-Teachers Association, a forum for discussions on school
problems and how they can be solved.
 The School Governing Council a policy making body, that determines
general policies on student welfare, discipline, well-being, it is concerned
with the development and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
the School Improvement Plan, and reporting of the progress of the SIP
implementation to the Schools Division Superintendent and the
 Section 7, “Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant
personal and official relations with other professionals, with government
officials and with the people individually or collectively.”
 Section 8, “A teacher possess freedom to attend church and worship as
appropriate, but shall not use his position and influence to proselyte with

Application - Let’s Apply

1. Some parents got dismayed by the teacher adviser of their children because
he has been proselyting his faith to his students, and forcing students to
attend Church to where he belongs, and worst, he promised that those who
would be baptized in his Church will pass his exams. One parent shared this
problem to one of the teachers in the same school. As a teacher, you want to
help the parents of the students. You talked to the concerned teacher but he
would not listen
to you. The next step is, you want to bring now the problem to a higher level by
writing a letter of complaint to the Principal.
Pretend that you are now the teacher, you write a letter of complaint against
the concerned teacher addressed to your Principal.

Rubrics for Writing a letter of Complaint

4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Letter All 5 conventions 4 Conventions 3 Conventions 2 or less
are correctly used are correctly used are correctly used conventions are
Writing and placed and placed and placed correctly used or
Conventions placed

4 3 2 1

Spelling All sight words Most sight words Less than half of Little to no sight
are spelled are spelled sight words used words are spelled
correctly, and correctly, and are spelled correctly, and
uses knowledge uses knowledge correctly and does not use
of spelling of spelling does not appear knowledge of
patterns to spell patterns to spell to use knowledge spelling pattern
words correctly words correctly of spelling to spell words
patterns to spell correctly
words correctly
4 3 2 1

Conventions The letter is There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are 5 or
correctly capitalization capitalization and more
punctuated and and/or punctuation capitalization and
there are no punctuation errors or punctuation
punctuation errors errors
8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1

Purpose/ Purpose of the With some effort, There seems to There seems to
letter is clearly reader can be no clear be no clear
Organization purpose purpose
shown. Thoughts determine of letter. of letter.
and ideas are well purpose of letter. Thoughts and Thoughts and
organized Thoughts and ideas have poor ideas have little
ideas have good organization. to no
organization. organization

2. Choose at least 3 ethical behavior expected from a professional teacher

based from the Article III of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers,
Write a 3 paragraph essay.

Rubric for scoring Essay

Excellent Very Average Needs Unacceptabl

Good improvement e
10 7 5 3 1

Ideas The paper is The paper The writer is Topic is well- The paper has
clear and is mostly beginning to defined and/or no clear sense
focused. It focused, define the topic, there are many of purpose or
holds the and have even though topics central theme.
reader’s some good development is The reader has
attention. details still basic or to make
Relevant general. inferences to
details and get the central
quotes enrich meaning. Some
the central details are
theme missing.
5 4 3 2 1

Organizatio The Paragraph The Sentences The writing

n organization s are organizational within lacks sense of
enhances mostly structure is paragraphs direction.
and organized, strong enough make sense, Ideas, details,
showcases in order, to move the but the order or events
the central and makes reader through seem stung
idea or sense to the text of paragraphs together in a
theme.The the reader. without to does not. loose or
order, much random
structure of confusion. fashion, there
information is no
is compelling identifiable
and moves internal
the reader structure.
through the
5 4 3 2 1
Sentence The writing The The texts The texts The reader
fluency has an easy writing hums along seems choppy has to practice
flow, rhythm, mostly with a steady and is not easy quite a bit in
and cadence. flows, and beat, but tends to be read order to give
Sentences usually to be more orally. this paper a
are well built, invites businesslike fair
with strong reading. than musical, interpretive
and varied more reading.
structure mechanical
that invites than fluid.
oral reading.
5 4 3 2 1
Convention The writer The writer The writer The writer Errors in
s demonstrate understan shows seems to have spelling,
s a good d good reasonable made little punctuation,
grasp of writing control over a effort to use capitalization,
standard of conventio limited range conventions; usage, and
writing n and of standard spelling, grammar
conventions usually writing punctuation, and/or
(e.g., uses them conventions. capitalization, paragraphing
spelling, correctly. Conventions usage, repeatedly
punctuation, Paper is are sometimes grammar distracting the
capitalization easily read handed well and/or reader and
, grammar, and errors and enhances paragraphing make the text
usage, are rare; readability; at
paragraphin minor other times, have multiple difficult to
g) and uses touch-ups errors are errors. read
conventions would get distracting
effectively to this piece and impair
enhance ready to readability.
readability publish.
6 5 4 3 2
Presentatio The form and The format The writer’s The writer’s The reader
n presentation only has a message is message is receives a
of the text few understandabl only garbled
enhances the mistakes e in this understandabl message due
ability for the and is format. e occasionally, to problems
reader to generally and paper is relating to the
understand easy to messily presentation
and connect read and is written of the text, and
with the pleasing to not typed.
message. the

LET Clincher
Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. Which one is an ethnocentric teacher?

A. Does not look down on other culture or practices
B. Does not consider her culture as superior to others
C. Is not proud of her culture
D. Does not mind other people’s culture
2. What is a xenocentric teacher?
A. Looks at ones culture as superior
B. Looks at ones culture as inferior
C. Not mindful if ones culture is superior or inferior
D. At home with all cultures

3. A policy making body that’s made up of internal and external

stakeholders with which school heads and teachers relate?
B. Supreme Student Council
C. School Governing Council
D. Faculty Club

4. Who is not a member of the PTA

A. Parents who don’t have children enrolled in school
B. Parents whose children are enrolled in school
C. School head
D. Teacher representative
5. As a facilitator of learning, what are expected of a teacher?
A. You are not to fail any learner because of the “no child left behind
B. Make teaching and learning interactive
C. Use video clips
D. Allow learners to use gadgets in the classroom to enrich teaching learning
Unit 8
Organizational Leadership

It is expected that professional teachers who embark on continuing

professional development is a promotion along the way. This course will discuss on
some points of teachers as leaders and mangers for which one would become in the

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Explain what organizational leadership is (CILO6)

2. Distinguish between leadership and management (CILO6)
3. Explain the three leadership models(IILO5)

Activity - Let’s Make Some Representations

In a group of 5, do the activity below. Record your work and present it to the
class through online discussion.

Search an object that symbolizes a leader of an organization. Explain your

chosen symbol and why? .
Analysis – Let’s Analyze

Interactive Discussion

Based from the symbols you have chosen:

1. Who is fitted to become an organizational leader?

2. What do organizational leaders do?
3. What qualities do they possess that make them as leaders?

Abstraction – Let’s Conceptualize

Interactive Discussion through power point presentation

Organization while motivating individuals within the organization to successfully

carry out assignments in order to realize those goals. It works toward what is best for
individual members and what is best for the group at the same time.

Organizational leadership is also an attitude and a work ethic that empowers an

individual in any role to lead from the top, middle, or bottom of an organization.
Applied to the school setting, the school leader helps any one from the organization
not necessarily from the top to lead others.
Leadership Vs. Management

Does it follow that a good leader becomes a good manager or a good manager
becomes a good leader, or vice versa? Or I am a good manager at the same time a
good leader? Not necessarily.

A School Head must be both a Leader and a Manager

A school head must be both a leader and a manager at the same time. It is his duty
to implement what is the school’s mission/vision. Study the table below which would
give you the idea of what is the difference between a leader and a manager.

Managers Versus Leaders

Managers Leaders
Administer Innovate
Their process is transactional; meet Their process is transformational:
objectives and delegate tasks develop a vision and find forward
Work Focused People Focused
The goal is to get things done, they are The goals include both people and
skilled at allocating work. results. They care about you and want
you to succeed.

Have Subordinates Have Followers

They create circles of power and lead They create circles of influence and lead
by authority by inspiring.
They DO Things Right They DO the Right Thing
Managers enact the existing culture and Leaders shape the culture and drive
maintain status quo. integrity
Source: Dubrin, Andrew E. (2006) Essentials of Management7e, Mason, OH 45040

Types of Skills Demanded by Leaders

3 Broad types of skills: technical, human and conceptual.

Technical refers to any type process or technique like preparing power point

Human skill is the ability to work effectively with people and build teamwork.

Conceptual skill is the ability to think in terms of models, frameworks and broad
relationships such as long term plans. There are also leadership styles: autocratic,
consultative, democratic and laissez faire.

In this chapter, we will also discuss about Leadership Models:

The Situational Leadership

In situational leadership, situational leaders adept their leadership style to

situation of the members of the organization, e.i., to the readiness and willingness of
the group members. Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard characterized this
leadership styles into 4 behavior styles: selling/directing, telling/coaching,
participating/supporting, delegating.
https://teachthem.files.wordpress.com/2012/11situational-leadership- model.jpg

The Servant Leadership

Robert K. Greenleaf (1977) coined the word servant- leadership….servant first.

It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. The best example of servant
leadership is Jesus Christ. (Matt. 20:27)

The Transformational Leadership

Robert Kennedy said: “Some men se things as they are and ask why. Not.”
Transformational leader combines charisma, inspirational leadership and intellectual
stimulation to introduce innovation for the transformation of

the organization.

Application – Let’s Apply

Write a concise Essay about the given topics:

1. What makes a school head a good manager at the same time a good
leader. Base your answer from your personal experience as a student.
2. Which MODEL of leadership you like, and why? Choose three
school heads in your previous school years and tabulate the
leadership models that they used and give support that will show
their respective leadership style.

Rubric for scoring Essay

Excellent Very Average Needs Unacceptabl

Good improvement e
10 7 5 3 1

Ideas The paper is The paper The writer is Topic is well- The paper has
clear and is mostly beginning to defined and/or no clear sense
focused. It focused, define the topic, there are many of purpose or
holds the and have even though topics central theme.
reader’s some good development is The reader has
attention. details still basic or to make
Relevant general. inferences to
details and get the central
quotes enrich meaning. Some
the central details are
theme missing.
5 4 3 2 1

Organizatio The Paragraph The Sentences The writing

n organization s are organizational within lacks sense of
enhances mostly structure is paragraphs direction.
and organized, strong enough make sense, Ideas, details,
showcases in order, to move the but the order or events
the central and makes reader through of paragraphs seem stung
idea or sense to the text does not. together in a
theme. The the reader. without to loose or
order, much random
structure of confusion. fashion, there
information is no
is compelling identifiable
and moves internal
the reader structure.
through the
5 4 3 2 1
Sentence The writing The The texts The texts The reader
fluency has an easy writing hums along seems choppy has to practice
flow, rhythm, mostly with a steady and is not easy quite a bit in
and cadence. flows, and beat, but tends to be read order to give
Sentences usually to be more orally. this paper a
are well built, invites businesslike fair
with strong reading. than musical, interpretive
and varied more reading.
structure mechanical
that invites than fluid.
oral reading.
5 4 3 2 1
Convention The writer The writer The writer The writer Errors in
s demonstrate understan shows seems to have spelling,
s a good d good reasonable made little punctuation,
grasp of writing control over a effort to use capitalization,
standard of conventio limited range conventions; usage, and
writing n and of standard spelling, grammar
conventions usually writing punctuation, and/or
(e.g., uses them conventions. capitalization, paragraphing
spelling, correctly. Conventions usage, repeatedly
punctuation, Paper is are sometimes grammar distracting the
capitalization easily read handed well and/or reader and
, grammar, and errors and enhances paragraphing make the text
usage, are rare; readability; at have multiple difficult to
paragraphin minor other times, errors. read
g) and uses touch-ups errors are
conventions would get distracting
effectively to this piece and impair
enhance ready to readability.
readability publish.
6 5 4 3 2
Presentatio n The form and The format The writer’s The writer’s The reader
presentation only has a message is message is receives a
of the text few understandabl only garbled
enhances the mistakes e in this understandabl message due
ability for the and is format. e occasionally, to problems
reader to generally and paper is relating to the
understand easy to messily presentation
and connect read and written of the text,
with the is pleasing and not typed.
message. to the

Let’s Reflect

For the future (Scheduled Email)

Directions: Using your Gmail Account, set the date on March

30, 2030.

Topic: What kind of a teacher - leader would I be then? Write a letter to self,
send it to friends including me. (My Gmail Account: loquiasrosalin@gmail.com)
LET Clincher

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. Which is the essence of servant-leadership?

A. Leading is serving
B. Leading is making your subordinates feel your power over them.
C. Leading is ensuring that yourself is the first
D. Leading is changing

2. What is situational leadership all about?

A. A leader must first be a servant
B. A leader should fit leadership style to the followers’ capacity
C. A leader has the choice to select the kind of leadership he wants
D. Authoritarian leadership is the best because it is proven and tested

3. Which from among the leaders is interested to improve status of an

A. Authoritarian Leader
B. Situational Leader
C. Servant Leader
D. Laissez Faire Leader

4. Is a manger also a good leadr?

A. Yes
B. It depends on the person
C. Not necessarily
D. It depends on the organization

5. What must a leader do to attain innovation to affect substantially and

positively the school culture?
A. Sustain innovation
B. Introduce innovation one after another
C. Ensure that the change is welcomed by all, no exception
D. School head is the origin of the innovation
The School Head
Unit 9
in School-Based Management

The introduction of the School-Based Management in the Philippine

Educational System gives more power to school heads to direct the affairs in the
learning and development of learners. This chapter discusses the rewards and
challenges in implementing SBM on the part of the school head.

Unit Learning Outcomes

1. Explain the meaning, advantages, disadvantages and demands of SBM


2. State practices aligned to SBM.(CILO6)

3. Explain the roles, functions and competencies of school heads in SBM.

Activity – Let’s Read this

Power Point Presentation by the Teacher

In a far flung elementary school, pupils scored the lowest in the Mean
Percentage Score(MPS) in the last Grade 6 exit examination. Pupil tardiness
and absenteeism were rampant. Truancy is also another problem as many
pupils tend to cut classes because many spend their time playing video games
in computer cafes nearby.
The Teacher adviser called for a meeting with the parents, teachers and
leaders of the community and presented the problems in order to improve
school performance of the pupils.

The table below shows the suggestions:

Problem Cause Objective Persons Resources Timeframe Expected

Activity Involved Needed Outcome
1. Late To reduce PTA PTA Zero
Tardiness rising due tardiness to parents Meeting Tardiness
in th
to TV on 15 of
homeroom Teachers;
viewing; March
distance of
to school;
Computer Parents to
cafes limit TV

PTA to
met with
owners not
allow pupils
the café
from 6:30
AM and
Problem Cause Objective Activity Persons Resources Time Expected
Involved Needed Fram Outcome
2.Absen Games in To reduce Present PTA Mar Unexcus
teeism computer shops; unexcuse d problems officers; 30th ed
Pupils lack of absences to and seek Teachers absences
interest to go to zero solutions ; reduced to
school; in PTA School zero
Work in the farm meeting; heads
PTA talk
shops; Video clips
to come
up with
interestin g
lesson to Games
students to
to school

Analysis – Let’s Analyze

Let’s share our answers via online discussion

1. What were the problems of that far flung elementary school?

2. How did the teacher involve stakeholders solved the problems?
3. Could it had been much better if she did it by herself and didn’t involve
stakeholders? Give your opinion.

Abstraction – Let’s Conceptualize

Online Group Reporting

Group I. The School-Based Management System (SBM)

The School-based Management is a decentralized management initiative by

developing power or authority to school heads, teachers, parents and students. It is a
strategy to improve education by transferring significant decision making authority
from DepEd Central Office, regional offices, division offices to individual schools.
SBM provides principals, teachers, students, and parents greater control over the
education process by giving them responsibility fro decisions about the budget,
personnel, and the curriculum. Through the involvement of stakeholders in these key
decisions, SNM can create more effective learning environments for the learners.

SBM and the Principle of Subsidiary

(https://action.org/pub/religion-liberty/volume-6-number-4/principle- subsidiarity)
Group II. Advantages of SBM

The Strength of SBM

 Allow competent individuals in the schools to make decisions that will

improve learning.
 Give the entire school community a voice in key decisions.
 Focus accountability for decisions.
 Lead to greater creativity in the design of programs.
 Redirect resources to support the goals developed in each school.
 Lead to realistic budgeting as parents and teachers became more aware of
the school’s financial status, spending limitations, and the costs of its
 Improve morale of teachers and nurture new leadership at all levels.

Group III. Legal Bases of SBMs

The Philippine Constitution provides that Congress shall enact a local

government code that will institutionalize a system of decentralization
(Article 10, Sec. 3) whereby local government units shall be extended more
power, authority…The Local Government Code in 1991 is a fulfillment of
this Constitutional provision.

Conditions for the Success of the SBM

 Teachers and school heads are given the opportunity to make choices.
 Involvement of parents and teachers is strongly encouraged and
 Stakeholders are to participate in the development f a School
Improvement Plan. They must have a say on resource allocation to
meet specific needs.
 Higher authorities must actively encourage thoughtful
experimentation and innovation in an atmosphere where mistakes are
viewed as learning experiences. They are encouraged to share their
authority to the academic and largr community.
 Teachers are expected to be more reflective and problem solvers at
the same time.

Group IV. For SBM to be successful, it must have the following:

 have basic resources;

 have developed an effective school support system;
 are provided with regular information on their performance;
 are given advice on how they may improve; and
 emphasize motivational element in the management work of the

Source: https://www.teacherph.com> a-com…

https://www.slideshare.net> mobile
Group V. Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education

The institutionalization of SBM was strengthened by the Philippine

Accreditation System for Basic Education (PASBE), which was launched
through DepEd Order No. 64, s. 2012.

Read: http://www.teacherph.com/a-comprehensive-guide-to-based-
management-sbm/Accessed 9-2-2016

The agreed upon standards of quality or effective schools are grounded

on the four principles of A Child-and-Community – Centered Education
Systems (ACCESs), namely: 1) principle of collective leadership 2)
principle of community-based learning 3) principle of convergence to
harness resources for education.
Application – Let’s Apply

Make a Group Power Point Presentation explaining SBM

Rubric for Power Point Project

5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is Content Content is Content is Content is
accurate and is accurate accurate but questionable and inaccurate
information is but some information is information is not and
presented in a information is not presented presented in a information is
logical order not presented in a logical logical order, not presented
in a logical order making it making it difficult in a logical
order, but still difficult to follow to follow. order,
generally making it
easy to difficult to
follow. follow.

Slide Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation is Presentation

flows well and flows well. flows well. unorganized. has no flow.
logical. Tools are Some tools Tools are not No tools
Presentation used used show used in relevant used.
reflects correctly. acceptable manner. Lacking Insufficient
extensive use Correct understanding. slides. number of
of tools in a number of Correct number slides.
creative way. slides. of slides.
Correct Overall
number of presentation
slides. is interesting.
Slide Transitions Transitions are Smooth Smooth Very few No transition
smooth and transition are transition are transitions are used
interesting. used on used on most used and/or they
Transitions some slides
enhance the destruct from the
presentations presentation
Pictures. Clip Images re Images re Most images Most images No images
appropriate. appropriate. are are
Art &
Layout of Layout is appropriate inappropriate
images is clattered.
pleasing to the

Mechanics No spelling Few Some spelling Some spelling Many of

and spelling and grammar and grammar spelling and
grammar and errors . Text is errors,. Most of grammar
errors. grammar ni author’s text is in author’s errors and/ or
Text is in errors. words own words text is copied
author’s Text is in
words author’s
Technology Comprehensiv e General Acceptable Little understanding No
use of understandin g understanding of technology understandin g
technology of of technology. of
is technology technology

Simulation: Record this for Video Presentation

Simulate a meeting called by the school to address the following

problems: 1) litter in school grounds and classrooms, 2) bullying among
students, 3) poorly motivated students, and 4) vandalism. Apply the
principles of SBM.

Rubric for Video Presentation

Criteria Excellent Good Fair 1-Needs

Rating Improvement
5 4 3 2
Content It covers all the It includes basic It includes essential The content
topics in depth with knowledge about information about the includes minor
details and the topic. The topic, but it has 1-2 details and it has
examples. The content seems to mistakes in the facts. several mistakes in
knowledge of the be good. the facts.
topic is excellent
4 3 2 1

Originality The product shows The product shows Uses ideas from other Uses ideas from
great originality. certain originality. people ( quoting other people
The ideas are It shows the use of them), but there is without quoting
creative and witty. new ides and of little evidence of them.
shrewdness. original ideas.
4 3 2 1

Use of There are not any Three or fewer Four spelling or More than four
mistakes in spelling mistakes grammar mistakes spelling of
Language grammar mistakes
spelling and or punctuation
grammar mistakes

Let’s Check for Understanding

Put a check (/) before the statement that applies to SBM and an
(x) before those that don’t, write your reason for choosing your
answer. 2 points each.

1. In SBM, only the school head matters.

2. In SBM, the Schools Division Superintendent is the leader.
3. Parents who have no children in the school cannot be consulted in
4. School empowerment is the essence of SBM.
5. Students cannot be consulted by the school head because they are not
6. One advantage of SBM is the development of a sense of school
ownership among members of the academic and larger community.
7. SBM is aligned to the principle of subsidiarity.
8. SBM succeeds even if head is closed to ideas and suggestions.
Anyway, he/she is the head on whom the solution of the problem
9. One weakness of the SBM is delayed action because there must be
consultation of stakeholders.
10. SBM has no weakness, only strengths.
11. SBM is in keeping with the decentralization move as
encouraged by the Philippine Constitution,
12. SBM is school empowerment.
13. An authoritarian atmosphere encourages empowerment.
14. In SBM, experimentation is welcome.
15. In SBM, schools just wait for approved budget that includes
specific items to spend on.
LET Clincher

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

Select the letter of the correct answer

1. Is SBM, if implemented the right way, an effective way to

strengthen school and community partnership?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Depends on size of school
D. Depends on school location

2. Which is an advantage of SBM?

A. Fast resolution of problems in school because school head decides
B. Sense of ownership
C. In accordance with decentralization law
D. Total independence of schools
3. Which is the essence of SBM?
A. Reduced authority of school head
B. Absolute freedom of education stakeholders
C. Principal empowerment
D. School empowerment

4. For SBM to succeed, which must be present

A. Effective school support system
B. Leader with a strong personality
C. Docile community
D. Low expectation

5. . With SBM in mind, which does not belong?

A. Decentralized management
B. Devolution of power to schools
C. School empowerment
D. Centralized management
10 Creating a Positive School Culture

School culture matters. This to great extent how well students perform.
School culture is a creation of all people in school and in the community
especially that of the school heads. It can be positive or negative. School
culture can facilitate learning, a school must aim to create a positive culture
because, it matters a lot.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Explain the meaning of school culture (CILO2) (CILO3)

2. Discuss how school culture affects learning (CILO2)
3. Cite ways by which you can contribute to the building of positive

culture(CILO2) (CILO3)
Activity – Let’s Read this

Here are 12 norms of school culture where people and programs improve.
Examine each of them.

1. Collegiality 7.Appreciation, recognition

2. Experimentation 8.Caring’ celebration, humor

3. High expectations 9.Involvement in decision

4. Trust and confidence 10.Protection of what is
5. Tangible Support 11.Traditions
6. Reaching out to the 12.Honest open
knowledge base communication
Source: www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/journals/ed_lead/el-
The following situations describe norms of school culture, identify the
norm specified in the table above.
1. When students reach their classrooms for their class, they know exactly
what to expect. Projected on the screen are clear instructions on what to do
and each one is expected to perform successfully.
2. After each rating period, Teacher Ann calls her students individually and
informs each of them regarding their strengths and weaknesses. Those
whose ratings are low, she provides interventions to increase their learnings.
3. While a student was discussing her work, a group of students were talking
and weren’t listening. What must a teacher do so students would behave?
4. The English debaters were honored and given medals by the
5. The teacher has the right to decide the type of “learning community,” she
said, “we decide what are the most compelling intellectual issues, devise
ways to investigate those issues.”
6. In Tangub City, schools in all levels participate and support in the annual
celebration of Christmas because Tangub City is the Christmas Symbols
Capital of the Philippines.
7. The teacher wrote, “Excellent Job’” on my research proposal.
8. My Principal keeps his meeting time time- bounded because we prioritize
instruction time.
9. All teachers in my school are encouraged to attend seminar- workshops to
upgrade our educational qualifications also for Continuing Professional
10. “Good teaching is observed in this school”

Analysis – Let’s Analyze

Write your Answer on the table provided for you:


Online Group Reporting

Group I. What is School Culture?

School Culture is one of the most complex and important concepts in

education (Schein, 1985) It generally refers to the beliefs,
perceptions, relationships, attitudes and written and unwritten rules that
shape and influence every aspect of how a school functions
(http://simplicable//new/school/John,Nov. 23, 2017).

Group II. The Role of School Culture in Learning

School culture matters. Research confirms the central role of culture to

school success. School culture can be positive or negative or toxic. A
Positive school culture fosters improvement, collaborative decision
making, professional development and staff and student learning. A
negative fosters the opposite.

Group III. Elements of a Positive Culture

1. Collegiality - school atmosphere is friendly. Responsibility and

authority are shared by everyone. You can be yourself.
2. Experimentation – atmosphere encourages experimentation and so
welcomes mistakes as part of the learning process.
3. High Expectations – set high expectations for high achievement.
4. Trust and Confidence – when teachers, parents students and heads
work well together there is an atmosphere of trust and confidence, in
fact open communication is only possible when there is trust and
5. Tangible support – support comes in not just in words but in action.
6. Reaching out to the knowledge base – teachers care to grow
professionally to update themselves on content knowledge and
pedagogy, this is the first domain in the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers.
7. Appreciation and recognition – don’t be stingy with your sincere
8. Caring, celebration, humor – learners don’t care what you know until
they know that you care.Involvement in decision making – involve
others who are concerned with decisions to be made enhances sense
of ownership and importance.
9. Involvement in decision making – involving others who are
concerned with decisions to be made enhances sense of ownership.
10. Protection of what is important – what schools consider important
must form part of their tradition and so must be protected
means. Example is the CLAYGO, clean as you go in classrooms,
canteen and the school campus.
11. Traditions – a truly positive school culture has the presence of a set of
norms and values that focus school community’s attention on what is
most important and motivate stakeholders to work hard toward a
common purpose.
12. Honest and open communication – no one gets ostracized for
speaking up ones mind. The atmosphere is such that everyone is
encouraged to speak up without fear of being ostracized.

Application – Let’s Apply

1. Suggest at least 5 ways to establish positive school culture and

10 school practices that for you are undesirable school culture. Fill in the
table matrix for your answers.

5 Positive School Culture

10 Undesirable School Culture

Net Activity and Writing an Essay

Research on “silent curriculum” and state how important it is in creating

a positive culture in schools?

Rubric for scoring Essay

Excellent Very Average Needs Unacceptabl

Good improvement e
10 7 5 3 1
Ideas The paper is The paper The writer is Topic is well- The paper has no
clear and is mostly beginning to defined and/or clear sense of
focused. It focused, and define the topic, there are many purpose or
holds the have even though topics central theme.
reader’s some good development is The reader has to
attention. details still basic or make
Relevant details general. inferences to get
and the central
quotes enrich meaning. Some
the central details are
theme missing.
5 4 3 2 1

Organizatio The Paragraph The Sentences The writing

n organization s are organizational within lacks sense of
enhances mostly structure is paragraphs direction.
and organized, strong enough make sense, Ideas, details,
showcases in order, to move the but the order or events
the central and makes reader through of paragraphs seem stung
idea or sense to the text does not. together in a
theme.The the reader. without to loose or
order, much random
structure of confusion. fashion, there
information is no
is compelling identifiable
and moves internal
the reader structure.
through the
5 4 3 2 1
Sentence The writing The The texts The texts The reader
fluency has an easy writing hums along seems choppy has to
flow, rhythm, mostly with a steady and is not practice quite
and cadence. flows, and beat, but easy to be a bit in order
Sentences usually tends to be read orally. to give this
are well built, invites more paper a fair
with strong reading. businesslike
than musical,
and varied more interpretive
structure mechanical reading.
that invites than fluid.
oral reading.
5 4 3 2 1
Convention s The writer The writer The writer The writer Errors
demonstrate understan shows seems to have in spelling,
s a good d good reasonable made little punctuation,
grasp writing control over a effort to use capitalization,
of standard of conventio limited range conventions; usage,
writing n and of standard spelling, and grammar
conventions usually writing punctuation, and/or
(e.g., uses them conventions. capitalization, paragraphing
spelling, correctly. Conventions usage, repeatedly
punctuation, Paper are sometimes grammar distracting the
capitalization is easily handed well and/or reader and
, grammar, read and and enhances paragraphing make the text
usage, errors are readability; at have multiple difficult to
paragraphin rare; other times, errors. read
g) and uses minor errors are
conventions touch-ups distracting
effectively to would get and impair
enhance this piece readability.
readability ready to
6 5 4 3 2
Presentatio n The form and The format The writer’s The writer’s The reader
presentation only has a message is message is receives a
of the text few understandabl only garbled
enhances the mistakes e in this understandabl message due
ability for the and is format. e occasionally, to problems
reader to generally and paper is relating to the
understand easy to messily presentation
and connect read and written of the text,
with the is pleasing and not typed.
message. to the
LET Clincher

Directions: Before you choose your answer, apply the process of elimination. The
process of elimination is: Example, why should I not choose letters A or B, or D, as
my answer and why C should be my choice? Write
your justification on the blank provided below.

1. Which is true of school culture?

A. It is passed on like genes

B. It is created by teachers and school heads
C. It has significant effect on student performance
D. It is unalterable

2. Which contributes to a positive school culture?

A. Growth mindset
B. Low expectations
C. Authoritarian Leadership
D. Exclusitivity
3 Which form part of school culture?

A. Structure
B. Resources
C. Practices
D. School Climate
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I, II and III D. I, II, III, and IV

4. School head respects academic time so he/she does not call on meetings
during class hours. Which element of positive school culture is illustrated?

A. Tradition

B. Collegiality

C. Protection of what is important

D. High expectation
5. Complete the analogy. Positive culture: Growth mindset

Toxic culture:

A. Inclusivity
B. Exclusivity
C. Resignation to failure
D. Teamwork

For Future use only:

Closure Activity: Answer the following questions:

Write this in your journal and pass this in my email. Refer this in the rubrics for
writing the essay.

1. Why do need to know the history of education as a future

2. How does understanding of the social theories of society help a
teacher in his/her role as an agent of change?
3. As a future mentor, what preparations do you make to help solve
some global issues?
4. What kind of a leader would you be when you will become a
5. If you would be in a school leadership, in what ways can you help
in creating a favorable and healthy school culture?



“The greatest teacher is Jesus Christ,

His curriculum, Follow thou Me

His life is His message!

- end -

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