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Mathematics III


I. Look at the following figures. Write open/closed below the figures.

a) b)

II. A library has 420 Hindi books, 180 Science books and 730 English
books. How many books are there in the library?

III. Arrange the numbers in columns and add.

a) 2,375 and 1,650

b) 1,478, 2,934 and 3,431

IV. Estimate the sum to the nearest tens by first rounding off the

a) 84 + 12 b) 724 + 587
V. Complete the table given below.





I. Fill in the blanks.

1) The result of __________ is called sum.

2) Figures or shapes having same starting and end points are

called _________ figures.

3) 1,236 + 10 = ______________.

II. Choose the correct option.

1) A Cube has _________ faces. [ ]

1) 4 2) 6 3) 8 4) 9

2) 1 more than 1999 is ____________. [ ]

1) 2000 2) 2001 3) 1998 4) 0

3) All four sides of a __________________ are equal in length. [ ]

1) rectangle 2) circle 3) square 4) triangle

III. State true or false.

1) When we add 1 to a number, we get its before number. [ ]

2) Conical objects have one vertex. [ ]

3) In a cylinder, two faces are plane and one face is curved. [ ]

IV. Match the following.

1) Triangle [ ] a) 1,250 + 1,375

2) 1,375 + 1,250 [ ] b) 2099

3) 2099 + 0 [ ] c) 3 sides, 3 corners

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