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RAFACON, Ashley G.



Answer the following:

1. What is a biochemical cycle, and how do these cycles impact the natural environment?
The term "biochemical" describes how biological and chemical elements interact and
work together. On the other hand, a cycle is a series of transformations that repeats and goes back
to the starting point. Its implications may be caused by the reciprocal interactions of the
biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere, as well as the chemical, geological, and
biological components that make up our natural home. According to the definition given in
science literature, biochemical cycles are "the circular pathways through which the chemical
elements, including all of the essential components of the protoplasm, circulate in the biosphere
from environment to organisms and back to environment." Since it explains how chemicals move
across the whole earth, the study of biochemical cycles is fundamentally multidisciplinary.
Analyzing and understanding these processes is essential because they regulate the resources
needed for life on Earth by cycling them through the physical and biological elements of the
planet. It has an effect on our environment since it is a form of natural recycling that supports the
ecosystem's continuous survival, which is crucial to our way of life.

2. How do plants and animals participate in the carbon cycle, and what role do they play in
maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases?
Because carbon is a component that all life on Earth need, it is essential for both the
biotic and abiotic aspects of our environment. The processes of creating food and releasing
carbon during respiration include a single mechanism that is always in motion, the intake and
output of carbon. In reality, carbon is continually transferring between different places. It is held
in reservoirs, which are basically kept in motion by a variety of processes, including as
photosynthesis, the burning of fossil fuels, and breathing in humans, during which carbon is
released from the lungs. Overall, the carbon cycle refers to the transfer of carbon across
reservoirs. With that said, plants and animals, which fall under the category of carbon living
forms, are the forms of carbon that are being stored in reservoirs. The importance of plants and
animals in the carbon cycle is also important for digestion and photosynthesis. First, plants
require carbon to develop their leaves and stems. Animals consume plant leaves to aid with
cellular development. They may also be found in marine species that live in oceanic bodies and in
rocks that are buried beneath the surface of the earth. When an animal ultimately passes away, its
remnants create sediment, which then gives rise to fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. As a
result, the Earth's carbon content never changes since it is a closed system. Therefore, the carbon
cycle is essential to life on Earth because nature strives to maintain a balance between carbon
levels and atmospheric gases. With that being said, it's likely that the amount of carbon emitted
from the reservoirs is equal to the amount that they are also absorbing. As long as carbon dioxide
and oxygen is balance with each other, the Earth will be able to sustain and support life.

3. What are the steps involved in the nitrogen cycle, and how do human activities impact this
critical process?

Nitrogen fixation, assimilation, ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification are the

stages that make up the nitrogen cycle. Fixation, the first stage of the nitrogen cycle, occurs when
atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a useable form of ammonia. The inert form of nitrogen gas
is introduced into soils during this process from the environment and water through precipitation.
The next one is assimilation, what happens here is that the primary producers like plants absorb in
the nitrogen compounds present in the soil. Through their roots, plants are able to take ammonia,
nitrite ions, nitrate ions and used this to form or develop the plants and animals’ proteins. Third,
ammonification this refers to when the plants or animals died and once, they are decayed the
nitrogen present in them will be brought back into the soil. The fourth one will be nitrification,
this stage refers to when the ammonia is converted into nitrate through the bacteria present in the
soil. Lastly, denitrification is a process where all nitrogen compounds make their way back to be
released on the atmosphere again. The human-derived Haber-Bosch then has an impact on the
nitrogen cycle. This makes it possible to produce fertilizers for use in farming. Nitrogen is also
released by people when fossil fuels are burned and fertilizers with nitrogen are used in
agriculture. Both processes raise atmospheric concentrations of substances containing nitrogen.
Additionally, when artificial fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus are employed in agriculture,
any extra fertilizer may be carried into lakes, streams, and rivers via surface runoff. So, the runoff
from fertilizers has a substantial impact on the eutrophication of both freshwater and saltwater.
Algae or other microorganisms overgrow, or "bloom," as a result of nutrient runoff. In the
absence of fertilizer discharge, they were constrained in their ability to grow due to a lack of
nitrogen or phosphate. Since nitrogen atoms are present in all proteins and deoxyribonucleic acid,
or human DNA, we may infer that nitrogen is an essential part of the bodies of living things.

4. How does the water cycle work, and what factors can influence the distribution of water in
different regions of the world?

The great majority of the water on Earth, which is present in oceans, is salty. However,
only a small amount of it is accessible and usable freshwater. The water cycle may move quickly
and it frequently doe, but it also entails changes in the chemical and physical states of water, as
well as real water movement within and among ecosystems. Groundwater can be found between
cracks in rocks and between soil particles. Wells frequently reach subsurface water reservoirs
known as aquifers. The energy of the Sun drives the hydrologic cycle, commonly referred to as
the water cycle. As the sun heats the ocean's surface and other bodies of surface water, ice
sublimes, or instantaneously transforms from a solid to a gas. These solar-powered processes
cause the atmospheric discharge of water vapor or vaporized water. Clouds are gradually formed
in the atmosphere by water vapor and finally dissipate to produce precipitation, such as rain or
snow. Once precipitation reaches the Earth's surface, it may re-evaporate, run across the surface,
enter the soil, or percolate. Water can only cross the surface as runoff when the soil is completely
saturated, when it rains heavily, or when the surface is unable to absorb much water. In a natural
setting, a non-absorbent surface may be a rock, but in an urban or suburban setting, it might be
asphalt or cement. Climate, or high temperatures and a lack of rain, geological phenomena,
anthropogenic pollution, over-abstraction (taking more water than is actually falling as rain), a
lack of water-moving infrastructure, like pipelines, and finally the severity of national poverty are
all factors that can have an impact on how water is distributed throughout the world.

5. What is the phosphorus cycle, and why is this cycle essential for plant growth and
ecosystem health?

In humans and other animals, phosphorus, an essential nutrient, is found in the DNA and
other macromolecules. The nitrogen, carbon, and water cycles are among the other
biogeochemical cycles that move more quickly than the phosphorus cycle. Phosphate ions are the
most common form of phosphorus to be found in nature. And just like sedimentary rocks contain
phosphate compounds, and when the rocks weather (degrade over time), the phosphorus they
contain progressively leaks into soils and surface water. Despite the fact that phosphorus, unlike
carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, does not have a genuine gas phase, volcanic ash, aerosols, and
mineral dust can also be important phosphate sources. Additionally, animals that consume plants
may get phosphate compounds from the soil after being absorbed by plants. When plants and
animals expel waste or die, they may restore phosphorus to the soil or be eaten up by detritivores.
Phosphorus-containing compounds may also be transported by surface runoff to rivers, lakes, and
seas where they are deposited. Phosphorus-containing substances from the waste products or
bodies of marine species produce new sedimentary layers when they sink to the ocean floor.
Phosphorus is required for the process by which plants convert solar energy into food, fiber, and
oil. Phosphorus is essential for photosynthesis, sugar metabolism, energy storage and
transmission, cell division, cell development, and genetic information transmission. Phosphorus
is essential for seed development and improves the quality of fruit, vegetable, and grain crops.
Additionally, it promotes early shoot development and good root growth. Since plants are biotic
elements in the ecosystem, phosphorus and its cycle are without a doubt crucial to the health of
our environment.

6. What are the primary sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the carbon cycle, and how
does this cycle contribute to climate change?

All compounds that contain the element of carbon is considered and referred to as
organic. This element is present in all living organisms in the Earth. In carbon cycle, the carbon is
continuously moving from Earth’s lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere in
different forms. One of the primary sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the carbon cycle is
humans. They are the one that produces carbon dioxide (CO2) in the first place. They produce it
by breaking down the energy they have in their body. Moreover, human activities such as burning
fossil fuels, like coal and oil increases the production of carbon dioxide (CO2). Once it was
released in the atmosphere, the green plants will absorb it. Through the process of photosynthesis,
the carbon dioxide (CO2) it absorbs will turn and release oxygen (O). That process helps to
decrease the climate change which plays a huge part or role in greenhouse effect. Aside from that,
the consumption of animals of green plants to obtain energy is part of the carbon cycle process.
As the animal’s breakdown carbohydrates in plant tissue, then, carbon dioxide (CO2) will be
released in the atmosphere. This process is called as respiration. Furthermore, when plants and
animals died and slowly decayed under high pressure and high temperature it produces carbon
dioxide (CO2) as well. Carbon cycle is all about the production of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Carbon cycle is a vital part of how our planet functions. However, human activities
thrown off the balance in carbon cycle, by producing more carbon dioxide (CO2) in the
atmosphere resulting of climate change. That is the reason why climate change is becoming

7. How do microorganisms participate in the sulfur cycle, and what impact does this cycle
have on soil and water quality?

In a living cell, sulfur is a significant and vital component. Microorganisms participate in

sulfur cycle as it occurs in all living matter as part of the component of amino acids. It is
abundant in the soil, proteins, and through series of microbial transformations, ends up as sulfates
usable by plants. The movement of sulfur through the environment, mineral formations, and
living beings is described by the sulfur cycle. The fact that many proteins include sulfur makes it
extremely crucial to living creatures, even though it is primarily found in sedimentary rocks or
sea water. As rocks weather, sulfur is released from geologic sources. Sulfur reacts with oxygen
in the presence of air to form the compound sulfate (SO4). Sulfate is assimilated by and
transformed into organic forms by bacteria and plants. Sulfur moves up the food chain as animals
eat plants and is released when living things perish and degrade. Proteus, Campylobacter,
Pseudomonas, and Salmonella are a few examples of bacteria that may decrease sulfur while also
using oxygen and other terminal electron acceptors. Some solely use sulfur, as Desulfuromonas.
These bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide by reducing elemental sulfur. They might also oxidize
succinate, acetate, or other organic molecules in addition to this process. The Archea domain
contains some of the oldest life forms on Earth, including the most well-known sulfur-reducing
bacteria. They frequently inhabit extreme environments, such as thermal vents and hot springs,
where other organisms cannot survive. Assimilatory sulfate reduction is the process by which
many bacteria reduce modest amounts of sulfates to produce cell components that include sulfur.
The sulfate-reducing bacteria that are being addressed here. On the other hand, reduce sulfate in
vast quantities to produce energy and expel the resultant sulfide as waste.

8. How does the oxygen cycle work, and why is this cycle critical for the survival of aerobic

The air is made up of several gases, as we are all aware. Different gases, including nitrogen
(78%), oxygen (21%), argon, and various trace gases (1%), make up the atmosphere's air. In the
modern world, oxygen is readily available in the air and water. It is both the second-most
prevalent gas in the atmosphere and the most prevalent component of the human body. The
majority of life forms on Earth depend on it, and it is also a crucial component of biomolecules
like proteins and nucleic acids. There three stages in the oxygen cycle. This begins with all green
plants during the process of photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) to break it down and
release oxygen (O) into the atmosphere. Second, all aerobic organisms use free oxygen for
respiration. Lastly, aerobic organisms will exhale carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Then it
will be used by plants again during photosynthesis. With that being said, the cycle revolves from
plant producing oxygen, then, living organisms will use it, and lastly, they will exhale to produce
carbon dioxide. On the other side, the main processes that use atmospheric oxygen are breathing,
decomposition, combustion, and rusting. Breathing tackles when living organisms inhale oxygen
and exhale carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. While, decomposition is when animal or
plants decay into the ground. The carbon and oxygen with it return into soil and air. Next,
combustion is all about when someone is burning organic materials. In order for it to burn,
oxygen is needed and it releases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Lastly, rusting requires
oxygen, in order for oxidation to happened. Oxygen cycle is vital and plays an important role in
survival of aerobic organisms. t is important for many biological and chemical processes that
keep us alive. Humans and all other living things on Earth would not be able to thrive without
oxygen. We depend on oxygen every day to keep our bodies operating properly. When we
breathe in, oxygen travels through the circulation to our cells, tissues, and organs. Cellular
respiration, which generates energy in the form of ATP from glucose and other nutrients, depends
on oxygen to function. The contraction of muscles, the functioning of the brain, and the
maintenance of body temperature all require energy. During the process of photosynthesis, which
is crucial for plants' growth and the creation of our food sources, oxygen is also produced by
plants. Additionally, oxygen is important for sustaining the harmony of the ecosystems on Earth.
In bodies of water like rivers, lakes, and seas, where living things depend on dissolved oxygen for
survival, the presence of oxygen promotes aerobic life. Oxygen on Earth creates the perfect
conditions for a variety of species and ecosystems to flourish.

9. How do changes in land use, such as deforestation or urbanization, impact the balance of
biochemical cycles in the natural environment?
Deforestation or forest clearance is the process of removing and cutting down trees from
land, in order to convert it into non-forest use. This is done by humans thinking that it is a way or
system in order to achieve modernization. One of the primary causes underlying the development
of the land use systems of today is urbanization. It almost invariably entails the transformation of
non-urban to urban land use. Urban sprawl has been used to describe a large portion of modern
urbanization, which is a very extensive kind of land usage for urban purposes that has negative
environmental implications. Urban land use change, however, can take on a variety of shapes and
sizes depending on a number of factors, including building density, speed of change, and layout.
Researchers have made significant strides in examining the many types of urban land use and
how it changes through time empirically in recent decades. As a result, authorities are now
considering the worldwide impact of land use change brought on by urbanization. With that being
said deforestation or urbanization has a negative impact when it comes to biochemical cycle.
Since they cut trees which is essential to balancing the production of oxygen and carbon dioxide
in carbon cycle, the production of carbon dioxide increases. With that, the greenhouse gasses
increases as it traps the heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. While, when it comes to sulfur cycle, it
affects and disrupt the water cycle, which is necessary on this cycle. Because of the disruption in
water, the bodies of water are rapidly losing its important elements and nutrients that is necessary
for the ecosystem. Lastly, as they cut and lessen the trees it brings imbalances to the oxygen
cycle. Because there are few plants than other living organisms that produces carbon dioxide, the
production of oxygen keeps on decreasing. With that being said, deforestation and urbanization
increases climate change. And at the end of the day, the one that suffers from these irresponsible
human activities are humans itself.

10. What are some potential solutions to mitigate the negative impacts of human activities on
biochemical cycles, and how can we promote more sustainable practices?
The biochemical cycles help the Earth to produce the resources that we needed. Because
of this, we are able to attain quality human life. However, as the population rapidly and
drastically grows, humans are becoming greedy. They tend to focus on satisfying their needs and
wants even in resort of wasting and ruining the Earth. Due to the irresponsible and selfish human
activities, we can now experience the negative impacts of it to our biochemical cycles and to our
overall life experience in our world. And this is concerning, so, we must take an action now to
resolve our issues when it comes to this matter. After all, at the end of the day, we are the one
who will suffer from this. So, in order to mitigate its negative effects, we will go back to basic,
which is to do the 3R’s, reduce, reuse, and recycle. Doing this will help us to preserve and not
overexploit our resources. Next is that we must change our mindset and we must remember that
we are part of our environment. Which simply means that once we destruct it, we will be
destroyed as well. Moreover, changing our mindset by not being too selfish and self-centered will
be our stepping stone to make a change. Next, we must lessen our carbon footprint. As stated in
this paper, carbon is one of the reasons why climate change rapidly increasing. Lessening our
carbon footprints by finding alternatives to not consume and burn energy will be a huge help.
Like for example, instead of riding a vehicle, you might consider walking or biking. Next is to
plant trees. As we all know, deforestation and lack of trees lessens our oxygen production and
brings imbalances to our ecosystem. By simply planting trees, it will help us to recover from the
negative impacts of our action towards biochemical cycle. Lastly, we must do our part as a
student, which is to study. This will help us to gain more knowledge and be skillful. In that way,
we can research and study more about our environment. With that, we will be able to provide
concrete and appropriate solution to our climate change problem. Also, being skillful will help us
to do something bigger for our environment. Furthermore, we must educate other people as well
with regards of our environment. By that, we can encourage them to do little things to preserve
and protect our mother nature. It is because the more people worked together, the bigger change
we will create.


 16.4F: The Sulfur Cycle - Biology LibreTexts

 10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis (

 Biochemistry | Definition, History, Examples, Importance, & Facts | Britannica

 Explained: The Carbon Cycle and Climate Change | Greener Ideal

 How does deforestation affect biogeochemical cycles? | Socratic

 How to reduce human-caused environmental changes - BYU Life Sciences

 Oxygen Cycle- Process, Uses, Production and Facts about Oxygen (

 Phosphorus Cycle - Definition, Steps, Human Impact | Biology Dictionary

 Re: why obligate anaerobe dies in presence of oxygen ? (

 Sulfur cycle | Definition, Steps, Diagram, Importance, & Facts | Britannica

 Sulfur Cycle: Introduction, Steps and Diagram - Microbiology Notes

 The Carbon Cycle: Sources and Sinks (

 The nitrogen cycle (article) | Ecology | Khan Academy

 Urbanisation and Land Use Change | SpringerLink

 Why Oxygen is Important: The Lifesaver We Breathe - brilliantio

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