Team 19 Report-2

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Laser Security System Using Photoactive Material

(Air Pollution Detection System)
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We are indebted to our faculty, Dr. NEETI GHIYA, A Professor, Dept of Mathematics and
Dr. GIRISH S., A Professor of Chemistry Department, at RV College Of Engineering for
wholehearted support, suggestions and invaluable advice throughout our Experiential
Learning Project work.

Our sincere thanks to Dr. Jayalatha G , Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics,
RVCE for her support and encouragement.

Our sincere thanks to Dr. Raviraj Kusnoor,Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry,
RVCE for his support and encouragement.

We express sincere gratitude to our beloved Principal, Dr. K. N. Subramanya for his
appreciation towards this Experiential Learning Project work.

Lastly, we take this opportunity to thank our family members and friends who provided all
the backup support throughout the project work.

Our project is Air pollution detection system. Our objectives are:

To design an algorithm that can:
i) Predict if an environment has pollution free air.
ii) Also trying to produce a working model to detect the amount of pollutants
present in air.

Methodology: Our project basically helps in development of pollutant free environment.

• The methodology for developing an air pollution sensor detection system using Arduino
involves initial requirements analysis to define pollutant targets and system parameters,
followed by sensor selection and hardware setup, including power supply and optional data
display. Arduino programming is then employed to initialize sensors, read data, perform
calibration, and implement data logging or display functions. Thorough testing and validation
ensure system accuracy, with subsequent data analysis and user interface design if required.
Maintenance and long-term operation plans are established, and documentation is created for
deployment. Data security and scalability considerations, as well as ongoing system
improvements, are also taken into account throughout the development process.



• The Air Pollution Detection System is a high-tech tool that helps monitor and fight air
pollution. It uses advanced sensors to give real-time data on air quality. By identifying
pollution sources, it helps us take action to reduce pollution and create a cleaner,
healthier environment for everyone. It's a great tool for a small project focused on
understanding and addressing air pollution.

The project has four major parts, or aims:

1. Data Collection:

Install appropriate air quality sensors to collect data on various pollutants. Common
sensors include PM sensors, gas sensors, and VOC sensors.
Collect data at regular intervals (e.g., every minute) to ensure accurate and up-to-date

2. Data Preprocessing:

Clean and filter the raw sensor data to remove outliers or erroneous readings.
Apply calibration factors to convert sensor readings into meaningful pollutant
concentrations (e.g., micrograms per cubic meter for PM).

3. Threshold Detection:

Set threshold values for each pollutant based on air quality standards or health
guidelines. These thresholds indicate when pollution levels are hazardous.
Compare the sensor readings with the established thresholds to identify pollutant
levels exceeding acceptable limits.

4. Alert Generation:

If pollutant levels exceed the thresholds, generate alerts. These alerts can be visual
(e.g., LED lights), auditory (e.g., alarms), or communicated via a network connection
(e.g., mobile app notifications).

Here's a simplified formula:

Pollution Status (PS) =

If R <= T: "Acceptable" (or 0 indicating clean air)

If R > T: "Unacceptable" (or 1 indicating polluted air)
In this simple formula:

R: Raw sensor reading (measured concentration of a pollutant)

T: Predefined threshold value for that pollutant
PS: Pollution Status (an indicator that can be "Acceptable" or "Unacceptable").

here's a general outline of equations and relationships commonly used in such


Raw Sensor Reading (RSR):

This is the direct measurement from the sensor, representing pollutant concentration.
Each type of sensor will have its own equation for converting physical measurements
into readings, which might include factors like voltage, resistance, or current. For
example, for a PM2.5 sensor, you might have an equation like:
RSR_PM2.5 = f(Voltage)

Calibration Equation:

To convert RSR into meaningful pollutant concentrations (e.g., micrograms per cubic
meter for PM2.5), you'll need calibration equations. These equations are specific to
the sensor model and are determined through laboratory testing. They might include
coefficients, offsets, and scaling factors. For example:
Concentration_PM2.5 = A * RSR_PM2.5 + B

Threshold Comparison:

To assess air quality, you'll compare the calibrated concentration to established

thresholds or standards. If the concentration exceeds the threshold, it indicates poor
air quality. The threshold comparison equation might look like:
if (Concentration_PM2.5 > Threshold_PM2.5) {
AirQualityStatus = "Poor"
} else {
AirQualityStatus = "Good"

1. “Low-Cost Air Quality Monitoring Tools: From Research to Practice" by
David C. Hagan, et al. (2019) - This paper discusses the development and
deployment of low-cost air quality sensor networks and their practical

2. "Low-Cost Sensors for the Measurement of Atmospheric Composition:

Overview of Topic and Future Applications" by Rod Jones, et al. (2019) - This
review paper provides insights into the use of low-cost sensors for air quality
monitoring and their potential future applications.

3. "A Review of Air Quality Indexing Methods" by Y. Ali, et al. (2020) - This
paper reviews various air quality indexing methods used globally and
discusses their advantages and limitations.

4. "Calibration of Low-Cost PM Sensors: Model Development, Aerosol Field

Data Collection, and Data Analysis" by Elliott T. Gall, et al. (2018) - This
paper delves into the calibration of low-cost particulate matter (PM) sensors, a
critical aspect of air quality monitoring.

5. "Advancements in Sensor Technology for Environmental Monitoring" by

Nong Ye, et al. (2017) - This paper explores recent advancements in sensor
technology and data analytics for environmental monitoring,
including air quality.

Implementing an air pollution detection system involves a combination of hardware and
software components. Below is a high-level overview of the steps and components needed for
implementing such a system:

Hardware Components:

Air Quality Sensors: Choose appropriate sensors for measuring various air pollutants.
Common sensors include PM sensors, gas sensors (e.g., for NO2, CO, SO2), and VOC

Microcontroller or Single-Board Computer: Use a microcontroller (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry

Pi) or a single-board computer (e.g., Raspberry Pi) to interface with the sensors, collect data,
and perform initial data processing.

Data Logger (Optional): If needed, include a data logger to store historical sensor readings.

Communication Module: Implement a communication module (e.g., Wi-Fi, GSM, LoRa) to

transmit real-time data to a central server or display device.

Power Supply: Provide a stable power supply, considering the energy requirements of your
components. Battery power or solar panels may be suitable for remote or outdoor

Enclosure: Protect the hardware components from environmental factors by placing them in a
weatherproof enclosure.

Software Components:

Firmware: Develop or program firmware for the microcontroller to interface with the sensors,
read data, and transmit it to the central server or display device.

Data Processing: Implement data preprocessing techniques to clean and filter the raw sensor
data, as well as calibration routines to convert sensor readings into meaningful pollutant
Threshold Detection: Set threshold values for each pollutant based on air quality standards or
health guidelines. Compare the sensor readings with these thresholds to determine air quality.

Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously monitor the air quality and update the pollutant levels
in real-time. Implement algorithms to handle data from multiple sensors if applicable.

Alerting System: Create an alerting system that generates notifications (e.g., LED indicators,
alarms, mobile app notifications) when pollutant levels exceed acceptable limits.

Data Storage and Logging: Store historical sensor data and detected pollution events for later
analysis and reporting.

User Interface: Develop a user interface for visualizing real-time air quality data. This can be
a web-based dashboard or a mobile app.

Remote Access: Implement remote access and control capabilities for maintenance and
monitoring of the system.

Program outline:
o Initialize sensors and communication modules.
o Continuously loop to monitor air quality.
o Read data from sensors (e.g., PM, gas, VOC).
o Preprocess and calibrate sensor data.
o Compare calibrated data to predefined threshold values to determine air quality.
o If air quality is unacceptable, generate alerts.
o Send real-time data to a central server or display device.
o Optionally, log data for historical analysis, update a user interface, implement remote
access and control, and perform calibration and maintenance routines.

# Import necessary libraries and modules
import sensor_library
import data_processing
import communication_module

# Initialize sensors (e.g., PM sensor, gas sensors, VOC sensor)

pm_sensor = sensor_library.PMSensor()
gas_sensor = sensor_library.GasSensor()
voc_sensor = sensor_library.VOCSensor()

# Initialize communication module (e.g., Wi-Fi, GSM, LoRa)

communication = communication_module.WiFiModule()

while True:
# Read data from sensors
pm_data = pm_sensor.read_pm_data()
gas_data = gas_sensor.read_gas_data()
voc_data = voc_sensor.read_voc_data()

# Preprocess sensor data

pm_concentration = data_processing.calibrate_pm_data(pm_data)
gas_concentrations = data_processing.calibrate_gas_data(gas_data)
voc_concentration = data_processing.calibrate_voc_data(voc_data)

# Compare pollutant concentrations to threshold values

pm_threshold = data_processing.get_pm_threshold()
gas_thresholds = data_processing.get_gas_thresholds()
voc_threshold = data_processing.get_voc_threshold()

pm_status = data_processing.check_pollution_level(pm_concentration, pm_threshold)

gas_statuses = data_processing.check_gas_pollution_levels(gas_concentrations,
voc_status = data_processing.check_pollution_level(voc_concentration, voc_threshold)
# Send real-time data to a central server or display device
communication.send_data(pm_concentration, gas_concentrations, voc_concentration)

# Generate alerts if pollution levels are unacceptable

if pm_status == "Unacceptable" or any(gas_status == "Unacceptable" for gas_status in
gas_statuses) or voc_status == "Unacceptable":
communication.generate_alert("Air pollution detected!")

# Implement data logging and storage for historical analysis (optional)

data_processing.log_data(pm_concentration, gas_concentrations, voc_concentration)

# Implement user interface for real-time data visualization (optional)

data_processing.update_user_interface(pm_concentration, gas_concentrations,

# Implement remote access and control (optional)


# Implement calibration and maintenance routines (optional)


% Simulated air pollution sensor data (replace with actual sensor data)
pm_data = rand(1, 1); % Simulated particulate matter (PM) concentration
co_data = rand(1, 1); % Simulated carbon monoxide (CO) concentration
% Define air quality thresholds (replace with your own threshold values)
pm_threshold = 50; % Example: PM2.5 threshold in µg/m³
co_threshold = 5; % Example: CO threshold in ppm

% Check air quality and generate alerts

if pm_data > pm_threshold
pm_status = 'Unacceptable';
pm_status = 'Acceptable';

if co_data > co_threshold

co_status = 'Unacceptable';
co_status = 'Acceptable';

% Display results
fprintf('PM2.5 Concentration: %.2f µg/m³\n', pm_data);
fprintf('CO Concentration: %.2f ppm\n', co_data);

fprintf('PM2.5 Status: %s\n', pm_status);

fprintf('CO Status: %s\n', co_status);

% Implement actions based on air quality status (e.g., send alerts, log data, etc.)
% Add your own code here to perform specific actions based on air quality status.

 Improved Public Health:
Early detection of high pollution levels allows individuals to take precautions,
reducing exposure to harmful pollutants and minimizing health risks, especially
for vulnerable populations like children, the elderly, and individuals with
respiratory conditions.

 Disease Prevention:

Timely information on air quality helps prevent pollution-related diseases such as

respiratory problems, heart disease, and lung cancer.

 Emergency Response:

Air pollution detection systems can trigger immediate alerts and emergency
responses when pollution levels become hazardous, protecting public safety.
 Environmental Protection:

Monitoring pollution levels contributes to the protection of ecosystems, wildlife,

and natural resources, preventing environmental damage.

 Regulatory Compliance:

Businesses and industries can use air quality data to ensure compliance with
environmental regulations and standards, avoiding legal issues and fines.


 Enhanced Public Health: Air pollution detection systems contribute

significantly to the improvement of public health by providing real-time
information on air quality. This empowers individuals and communities to
make informed decisions and take preventive measures to reduce exposure to
harmful pollutants, thereby reducing the risk of pollution-related illnesses.

 Environmental Protection: These systems are instrumental in safeguarding the

environment by monitoring and controlling pollution levels. They help prevent
damage to ecosystems, wildlife, and natural resources, preserving the planet's
ecological balance.

 Data-Driven Decision-Making: Air quality data collected by these systems

serve as valuable inputs for informed decision-making at various levels, from
individual choices to government policies. They support research, guide
regulatory efforts, and inform urban planning and infrastructure development.
 Emergency Response: Air pollution detection systems enable swift emergency
responses during pollution-related crises, such as industrial accidents or
natural disasters. Immediate alerts and warnings protect public safety and save

 Sustainable Development: These systems are critical for achieving sustainable

urban development and transportation planning. They help reduce pollution
levels in cities, making them more livable, environmentally
friendly, and resilient.


o Enhanced Sensor Technologies: Develop more advanced and affordable sensors for
detecting a wider range of pollutants with higher accuracy and precision.Explore the
use of novel sensor materials and technologies, such as nanomaterials and quantum
sensors, for improved sensitivity and selectivity.

o Integration of Sensor Networks: Expand the use of sensor networks to provide

comprehensive coverage of air quality across regions, cities, and
communities.Investigate methods for seamless integration of various sensor types and
data fusion techniques for more accurate and reliable measurements.

o Miniaturization and Portability: Create compact and portable air quality monitoring
devices that individuals can carry or install in their homes, vehicles, or personal
devices.Develop wearable air quality sensors that can provide real-time information to
individuals on the go.

o Real-Time Data Analytics: Advance data analytics techniques, including machine

learning and artificial intelligence, to process and analyze air quality data in real-
time.Implement predictive modeling to anticipate pollution spikes and improve early
warning systems.

o Mobile Apps and Citizen Science: Develop user-friendly mobile applications that
allow individuals to access real-time air quality data, receive alerts, and contribute
their own data through citizen science initiatives. Leverage crowd-sourced data to
enhance the spatial resolution of air quality maps.

1. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
Website: EPA Air Sensors Toolbox

2. World Health Organization (WHO):

Website: WHO Air Quality Guidelines

3. AirNow (United States):

Website: AirNow

4. European Environment Agency (EEA):

Website: EEA Air Quality

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