ADM551 Group Assignment

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Clarke, Imogen (2020). The Recruitment Process as an Effective and

Positive Productivity Tool, Global Banking and Finance Review, 9 October
2020, retrieved from

a. Explain the purpose of the selection process.

b. Elaborate on the three methods used in the selection process as referred to the
article; the use of CVs, interviews and psychometric tests.
c. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of using the above selection methods.






Executive Summary 3

1.0 Introduction 4

2.0 Main Discussion

2.1 Explain the purpose of the selection process. 5

2.2 Elaborate on the three methods used in the selection process. 7

2.3 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of using the above

selection methods. 16

3.0 Conclusion 21

References 22


Human resource management involves the activities of recruiting, selecting, training, and

developing the employees to ensure that they are used efficiently and effectively in

contributing to achieving organizational objectives. Among the functions mentioned above,

recruitment and selection of employees is one of the most important function of human

resource management. Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis,

in sufficient numbers and with appropriate qualifications, and encouraging them to apply for

jobs with an organization, while selection defined as the process of choosing from a group of

applicants those individuals best suited for a particular position and organization (Mondy &

Noe, 2009). The purpose of this report is to discuss the objectives as well as the importance

of the recruitment and selection process. There are various types, methods, resources, and

steps in carrying out this human resource management task. If an organization fails to have

the right people, at the right time, in the right place, then it will be difficult to accomplish its

goals. “Nowadays, the recruitment process is more strenuous than ever. With the pandemic

causing redundancies and furloughing, the number of candidates vying for job roles has

skyrocketed. However, companies still need to be able to sieve through their sea of applicants

in order to find the ones that will fit neatly into their industry” (Clarke, 2020). The article

describes ways to prevent the occurrence of wrong choices and how to succeed in the

selection process where the method used should be appropriate to the current situation.

Therefore, this report will clarify and elaborate on three methods used in the selection process

as mention on that articles namely CVs, interviews, and psychometric tests. However, each of

these methods definitely has its strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the report will examine

further on this matter. It is hoped that this study will benefit and give new ideas to the field of

human resource management.


Recruitment and selection of employees in an organization is a very important function to

ensure success in human resource management. Without a good recruitment and selection

strategy, the organization will experience some negative effects. In addition, top management

should ensure the quantity and quality of human resources in the organization can support all

missions, goals and strategies of the organization and on this basis the recruitment and

selection of employees is carried out carefully and in accordance with established procedures.

Recruitment is a process of attracting as many candidates as possible to apply for a job in the

organization, it is held to find the best employees to fill the appropriate vacancies. Today, the

recruitment process is increasingly challenging because there are many qualified candidates

to apply for a vacancy. Usually, the recruitment process begins when a manager fills out a

special form to apply for an employee. It is a complete document containing the name of the

position, the department applying for it, the date the employee is required and confirmation

from the general manager of the organization. Based on that information, the human resource

manager will refer to the job description to identify the qualifications required to meet the

recruitment requirements into the organization. Selection of employees is the process of

identifying and selecting the best employees for the organization. The selection of employees

is closely related to recruitment as both involve the process of placing individuals in the

organization. The selection of employees is strongly influenced by the recruitment strategy

used. This means that a good recruitment strategy can attract as many candidates to apply for

the position and the selection of employees can be done more effectively and can avoid

mistakes in the selection of candidates during the interview and select the most qualified

candidates for the position offered as well as minimize discrimination and provide

opportunities organization to make the right decision in choosing employees.


2.1 Explain the purpose of the selection process.

The purpose of selection process is to pick up the most suitable candidate who

would meet the requirements of the job in an organization best, to find out which job

applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company obtains and

assesses information about the applicants in terms of age, qualifications, skills,

experience, etc. The needs of the job are matched with the profile of candidates. The

most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the unsuitable applicants

through successive stages of selection process. How well an employee is matched to a

job is very important because it is directly affect the amount and quality of

employee’s work. Any mismatched in this regard can cost an organisation a great deal

of money, time, and trouble, especially, in terms of training and operating costs. In

course of time, the employee may find the job distasteful and leave in frustration. He

may even circulate ‘hot news’ and juicy bits of negative information about the

company, causing incalculable harm to the company in the long run. Effective

election, therefore, demands constant monitoring of the ‘fit’ between people the job.

In many HR departments, recruiting and selection are combined and called the

employment function. In large HR departments, the employment function is the

responsibility of the HR Director. In smaller departments, HR managers handle these

duties. The selection process relies on three helpful inputs. Job analysis information

provides the description of the jobs, the human specifications, and the performance

standards each job requires. Human resource plans tell HR managers what job

openings are likely to occur. These plans allow selection to proceed in a logical

manner. Finally, recruits are necessary so that the HR manager has a group of people

from which to choose. These three inputs largely determine the effectiveness of the

selection process.

2.2 Elaborate on the three methods used in the selection process as referred

to the article; the use of CVs, interviews and psychometric tests.

The employee selection process is a process to identify individuals

who have the appropriate qualifications to fill vacancies at a certain time. It

aims to see the individual's ability to perform a task before the individual

holds the position applied for. The following are some of the methods of

employee selection process.

2.2.1 Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum vitae (CV) is a word derived from Latin which means

course of life which is a brief note about the individual. Curriculum vitae is a

document that has complete and structured information about the educational

background, experience, skills, qualifications, and personal achievement of the

individual and it also contains two to four pages. Curriculum vitae is a

document adopted for job applications in most countries around the world

including Malaysia because it is a document that is easy to understand and has

complete details in conveying individual information to the organization

although there are some differences in terms of arrangement and delivery for

each country, but basically the content and delivery of information are the

same. According to Helena C. Flores (2016), she stated that curriculum vitae

is a marketing tool for job applicants because curriculum vitae is likened to a

personal advertisement where candidates should show credibility and provide

interesting information to convince their curriculum vitae to prospective

employers that they are prospective employees who are excellent and suitable

for the job offered and will contribute things that can bring benefits and results

to the organization. Curriculum vitae plays an important role in the

recruitment process as it is the first screening process for the organization in

selecting employees and identifying qualified candidates to hold the job

offered as well as helping the organization identify candidates in more detail

than information provided by candidates. In addition, some of the information

that needs to be included in the curriculum vitae may differ from one applicant

to another, as some applicants may choose to include only information

relevant to the job they are applying for. Here are the details required in the

curriculum vitae document: -

2.2.2 Personal Information & Self-Description

At the top of the curriculum vitae, candidates need to include some

personal information that needs to be completed such as name, email, phone

number and other details. In addition, the candidate needs to provide a

description that describes who they are because it is the best opportunity for

the candidate to promote themselves and at the same time it can help the

organization to know the candidate in more detail.

2.2.3 Work Experience & Skills

For the work experience section, candidates are required to list the

latest work experience relevant to the position applied for. For each position

that the candidate has held before, they need to state the name of the

organization, specific role or scope of work, and term of employment.

Candidates should also ensure to provide a summary of the tasks that have

been performed in each organization and all achievements / awards given by

superiors. List relevant work experiences starting from the last position you

have held and if the candidate has specific skills, it is highly recommended to

include them in the curriculum vitae as these skills may include language

skills, computer skills, advanced software skills, etc. which can help

candidates for job applications.

2.2.4 Education

Educational information is an important thing that is needed in the

curriculum vitae document because it explains the candidate's educational

background which includes the list of education and qualifications possessed

by the candidate such as Malaysian education certificate (SPM), diploma,

degree or so on, because with this educational information the organization

can identify whether the position applied for is suitable for the candidate's

qualifications or not.

2.2.5 Honors Awards & Membership In Professional Bodies

If the candidate receives the honors award either at the academic level

or during previous employment. Candidates are required to list them as such

awards may include dean awards, honors degrees, presidential awards,

professional certificates or other awards given while they are studying at an

institution, participating in a welfare program or by an employer for

excellence. In addition, if candidates join certain professional body members,

they need to list all professional bodies and associations they join as well as

membership status and in this section are mostly used for certain positions

such as accountants, engineers, surveyors, IT professionals, and others.

2.2.6 Psychometric Tests

The word psychometric basically refers to the measurement of the

mind. Unlike aspects such as education, skills, experience, appearance and

punctuality, the behavioural nature and personality of the candidate is much

more difficult to assess during the interview. Some employers choose to use

psychometric tests during their recruitment process to help provide a better

overall assessment of the candidate and hopefully get the best for the role.

There is some debate about the value of psychometric testing, but those who

use it believe that it can provide a more objective picture of a candidate's

character, strengths, weaknesses, and work style. Typically, psychometric

testing will not be used separately, but as one component of a broader

integrated assessment strategy. For employers, psychometric testing can help

measure the performance of future candidates and is expected to increase

employee retention by making successful hiring decisions. Psychometric tests

can measure several attributes including intelligence, critical reasoning,

motivation, and personality profile. The interview process can be done

subjectively and although employers will usually assess their skills and

experience fairly accurately, there is still much that can be left by instinct

about consistent values. Psychometric testing aims to provide measurable

objective data and can provide a better overall view of the suitability of the

candidate. It can be said that psychometric testing offers some ‘scientific’

credibility and objectivity to the recruitment process. This may provide a fairer

and more accurate way to evaluate candidates, as all applicants will be given a

standardized test. Traditionally, these tests have been in the form of pen and

paper, multiple choice questionnaires, but more and more they are turning to

the digital world. This means they can be quickly and easily integrated to any

stage of the recruitment process. Some organizations often prefer

psychometric testing as a method of screening a large number of candidates at

the beginning of recruitment. In this case, psychometric testing can help

reduce the workload of hiring managers drastically, as it can quickly identify

smaller groups of applicants who have the potential to perform well in the

final stages of the interview process. Among the countries that are no

exception to using psychometric tests in the recruitment process is Malaysia.

In Malaysia, the government sector is the sector that uses the most

psychometric tests in the process of screening candidates who want to enter

the field of civil service, it is conducted by the Malaysian Public Service

Commission (SPA), it must be taken by all candidates before being called to a

job interview session and is part of the SPA online exam system and it is more

of a personal personality test.

2.2.7 Interview

The interview is not quite familiar to the world of recruitment, it is a

form of structured interview involving panel of interviewers and interview

candidates. An interview is considered an important employee selection

process for an organization and it is also in the final stage in the selection of

candidates. The purpose of the interview is to find a suitable and qualified

candidate to fill the vacancy and duties, in addition to interviewing give the

opportunity to the candidates to promote themselves and convince the

interview panel members that they are qualified and capable candidates to

hold the positions offered by the organization, while for the interviewer it is an

opportunity to get to know the candidate in more detail whether they have the

qualifications and abilities required by the organization and assess the

potential of their potential employees if the candidate meets the requirements

of the position applied for. The interview is not only focused on those who are

looking for a job, but it is also focused on those who are eligible for

promotion. The interview process for employee selection also differs between

one organization and another. This difference depends a lot on the size of an

organization. The larger an organization, the more detailed the interview

process is implemented. Compared to medium or small organizations,

interviews are conducted more complexly. Despite the different selection

processes, the goal is still the same to match employees with the appropriate
job. There are several interview methods conducted by the organization in

hiring, here are the interview methods: -

2.2.8 Open Interview

An open interview, also known as a walk-in interview, is a scheduled

event where all of the job applicants show up at the same time and place and

are interviewed on the spot. Organization sometimes advertise open interview

opportunities and ask any interested job seekers to attend. Organization that

hire frequently or that need a large influx of seasonal workers may schedule

open interviews to make it easier to connect with candidates. After the open

interview, successful candidates may be offered a job on the spot, or asked to

return for a second, more formal interview. Among the organizations that use

open interviews in hiring for the private sector are factories, while for the

government sector there are uniformed bodies such as the police, army and


2.2.9 Online & Offline Interview

Online interview is a method where candidates are interviewed face to

face via webcam and for offline interviews it involves video recording. This

method of interview process is used when the candidate is abroad district or

the occurrence of a contagious outbreak in a place that causes the candidate to

be unable to attend the interview on the day set by the organization as for

example of epidemic transmission of Covid-19 outbreaks occurring worldwide

today. In addition, this method can give advantages and benefits to the

candidate because it can motivate the candidate to be more prominent when

interviewed and their nervousness can be reduced. For the organization, this

method can help them in selecting more potential and excellent candidates and

it can save cost, energy, and time because the organization does not have to

spend a lot of money for job fairs or for candidates who attend the interview


2.2.10 Closed Interview

Closed interviews are known as the process of recruiting candidates on

a scheduled basis, which is selecting suitable candidates to be interviewed

through the screening of conditions in the early stages of employment. In

contrast to the open interview conditions, one of the advantages of a closed

interview or scheduled interview is that the candidate selected to undergo this

type of interview is a candidate selected based on the terms of the advertised

position, potential, passing psychometric tests and short time allocation.

2.2.11 Group Interview

Group interviews are usually done when the organization wants to hire

some employees in a short period of time. It not only speeds up the interview

process, but it also provides an opportunity for the interviewer to see how

candidates communicate with other interview candidates and act as leaders

likes to complete assigned tasks and is fair in group arrangements. In addition,

the group interview also gives a benefit to the candidate because the candidate

will show abilities in the interview session and a competitive attitude. The

method of selecting employees in group interviews is common in industries

such as retail and hospitality and usually involves one or two interviewers and

several candidates in one situation.

2.3 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of using the above selection methods.

2.3.1 The Strengths of The Three Methods Used In The Selection Process.

1. Curriculum Vitae (CVs)

The main advantage or strength of CV is its format that allows us to

share our experiences and achievements in more detail and in depth because

CV is not limited to 1-2 pages like resume. We can write down all our

experiences and achievements that have been obtained before until now. This

allows the panel of evaluators to identify our capabilities by reading the CV

provided. In addition, CV is also a living document, where we need to be

constantly updated in line with our career development from time to time. We

can modify it accordingly by adding any new qualifications or skills we have

gained. So, it gives us an advantage because we can always update the CV

when necessary and enables us to sell our strengths as well as our experience.

2. Interviews

The main strength of the interview method is that the interview panel

and the candidate can interact directly to obtain detailed information about

interviewee’s background, experience, personal feelings, perceptions, and

opinions. They can communicate face to face where the interview panel can

ask any questions and candidates can answer the question immediately.

Therefore, any information can be obtained quickly, extensively, and

accurately. Aside from the conversation, the interview panel can also read and

evaluate other cues such as body language, facial expressions and other

nonverbal cues that give us more information about interviewee’s behaviours,

emotions, and true intent. For example, interviewer can see whether questions

make an interviewee nervous or struggles to answer the question. In summary,

nonverbal cues such as lack of eye contact, defensive posturing and jittery

mannerisms can provide context to a candidate’s answers.

3. Psychometric Tests

The main reason or strength to employers in commissioning

psychometric tests is because in a short time, they will get a lot of information

about the candidate as the psychometric test only takes about 1 hour and all

the candidates take it simultaneously. This can save time and save cost as only

candidates who are truly qualified and suitable for the position will be called

for an interview or appointment. Thus, this will make it easier for the

employer to shortlist suitable candidate who are suitable for the job on offer.

In addition, psychometric tests not only about measuring education, but also

skills and abilities. This is because, the results of psychometric tests will

reveal the abilities, personal working styles, motivation, and problem-solving

skills by the candidate through test evaluation. For example, a candidate may

have a low pointer degree but be able to answer mathematical questions

brilliantly in psychometric tests. Thus, this test can give an in-depth overview

to the company about the ability of the candidate to perform certain tasks,

regardless of his educational background.

2.3.2 The weaknesses of the three methods used in the selection process.

1. Curriculum Vitae (CVs)

Due to the features of the CV which lists all the professional

experiences and achievements including volunteer activities and arranged in

the latest chronology, then it becomes a disadvantage to some candidates who

have little experience or achievements. For example, students who have just

graduated certainly do not have or lack work experience because they have

just graduated. This will affect the strength of their CV when applying for a

job. While for candidates who have experience and achievements, they need

more time to create a CV and need more materials. Since CV is very detailed

and more of a historical account, it will be difficult to hide any gaps in work or

education. Besides that, since there is no or less standardization on CV, it is a

problem for employers to compare candidates with each other if they use

different CV formats. The employer will need more time to evaluate each

candidate and will likely end up with the wrong candidate selected.

2. Interviews

Just like other methods, interviews also have their own weaknesses.

Among of them is costly and time consuming. In general, the interview

process costs a lot of money because the employer has to provide various

preparations such as the interview venue and the necessary equipment.

Candidates also have to spend money if the interview place is far away. The

interview process also takes a long time. Usually, each candidate will be

interviewed for about half an hour to an hour. So, maybe only 10 people can

be interviewed every day. As a result, the interview process will continue for

several days. Another weakness is the bias of the interviewer. This issue is

often a hot topic every time the interview process takes place. It is difficult to

prove it, but the probability is there because the interview process is subjective

and has no specific format. Usually, the interview questions are flexible, and

no specific scoring is revealed. Candidates only get interview results whether

they pass or fail. There are several common biases in interviews. The example

is stereotype bias, which mean judging a person based on appearance, gender,

race, religion, or other type of characteristic.

3. Psychometric Tests

Psychometric Test also have several weaknesses. One of them is test

results may not always be accurate. Candidates tend to answer questions

dishonestly by giving inaccurate answers with the intention of hiding their

weaknesses and highlighting their strengths. Sometimes there are also

candidates asking for support from others. In addition, as the answer are fixed,

candidates had to choose only the available answers, which may or may not

suit their actual personality. So, the results of this test do not necessarily

reflect the actual human behaviour and character. The other weakness of the

psychometric test is it is bias towards people with disabilities. Psychometric

tests are usually performed online or in writing at the test centres. So, this test

is less friendly to people with disabilities because they will face problems to

take this exam due to the difficulty of using computers or related equipment.

Apart from that, this exam is also less friendly with people who do not have

facilities, especially computers and the internet. For example, some rural areas

or indigenous villages do not have internet facilities which causes candidates

fail to take this test or have to spend money to access internet facilities at

cyber café in the town.


As a conclusion, Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in Human Resource

Management, it is a process to identify individuals who have the appropriate qualifications to

fill vacancies at a certain time. It aims to see the individual's ability to perform a task before

the individual holds the position applied for. There are countless tools, methods, and

approaches to making good selection decisions. The methods for selecting employees

include Curriculum Vitae (CVs), interviews, Psychometric Tests in order to determine

whether a candidate is indeed suitable for the job. Small businesses, even if staff resources

are limited, should use these steps to choose the right candidate efforts of a company. Every

method has its own strength and weakness, but it can be the best method depends on what

selection criteria to be match. Different types of positions require different kinds of selection

techniques. An organization or employer need to find the selection methods that are reliable,

predictive, and best suited for the roles they need to hire for. Choosing the right techniques

will help organization to recruit the best person for the position. The selection techniques

choose will depend on the particular skills, attributes and knowledge required for the

position. And also, don’t rely on just one method to make decision. Instead, build a

combination of several employee selection methods that get the job done and put the right

people in the right roles at the company.


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