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Ulaznica / Ticket

Odrasla osoba DATUM I VRIJEME / DATE & TIME:

10.06.2023 18:00



Broj ulaznice / Ticket number:
20880925993 JUPP BIOKOVO
Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska
Cijena ulaznice / Ticket price:
8 EUR OIB: 63685777958
IBAN: HR6823300031100067040
Datum i vrijeme izdavanja / Date & time:
10.06.2023. 17:19
Godina posjete / Year of visit:
Broj transakcije / Transaction number:

Print@home ulaznice – preuzimanje i korištenje Print@home tickets – collecting and use

Print@home je usluga ispisa ulaznice kupljene putem Internetske stranice (Print@home Print@home is a ticket printing service for the tickets purchased online (Print@home
ulaznica). Svaka Print@home ulaznica na sebi ima ispisan zasebni (jedinstveni) 1D bar ticket). Each Print@home ticket has a unique 1D barcode. Each Print@home ticket is
kod. Za svaku ulaznicu ispisuje se jedna Print@home ulaznica s jednim 1D bar kodom. printed separately and has a unique 1D barcode. On completing the purchase, the visitor
Po završenoj kupovini Korisnik je dužan ispisati kupljenu Print@home ulaznicu i ponijeti must have the purchased Print@home ticket printed and be in possession of the ticket
istu sa sobom prilikom dolaska u Park. U slučaju nemogućnosti ispisa Print@home for admission to the Park. If the visitor cannot have the Print@home ticket printed, it can
ulaznice, Korisnik istu može predočiti putem pametnog mobilnog telefona. Naknadni ispis be presented via a smartphone. Subsequent printing of Print@home tickets at the Park’s
Print@home ulaznice na prodajnim mjestima Parka nije moguć Prilikom dolaska u Park points of sale is not possible. At the time of arrival at the Park the visitor has to present
Korisnik je dužan predočiti ulaznicu djelatniku Parka zaduženom za kontrolu ulaza u the ticket to the employee in charge of admission to the Park, so that the Print@home
Park, kako bi se izvršila validacija i poništenje Print@home ulaznice. Zabranjeno je bilo ticket can be checked and punched.Any copying, distribution, transfer, publishing or
kakvo kopiranje, distribucija, prijenos, objavljivanje ili mijenjanje Print@home ulaznice! modifying of Print@home tickets is strictly prohibited! If a duplicate of a Print@home
Ukoliko se pojavi duplikat Print@home ulaznice, pravo ulaza i valjanost ulaznice ticket appears, the first person who presents the Print@home ticket to the Park employee
ostvaruje prva osoba koja takvu Print@home ulaznicu predoči djelatniku Parka koji je in charge of checking the ticket will be presumed to have a valid ticked and be allowed to
zadužen za kontrolu ulaznica. Korisnik je odgovoran za ispis i korištenje Print@home enter the Park. The visitor is responsible for printing and using the Print@home ticket
ulaznice koju će zaprimiti na prijavljenu email adresu nakon završenog postupka that will be sent to the registered email address upon completion of the online purchase
kupovine putem Internetske stranice. Park i tvrtka RAO d.o.o. nisu odgovorni u slučaju through the webshop. The Park and RAO d.o.o. will not be liable for any duplicate
pojave duplikata Print@home ulaznice, kao i u slučaj bilo kojeg drugog načina Print@home ticket(s) or any misuse of the issued, paid and delivered Print@home
zlouporabe izdane, naplaćene i isporučene Print@home ulaznice. Za sve dodatne ticket(s). For any additional information about the Park (opening hours, sights and
informacije o Parku (radno vrijeme, znamenitosti, događanja i dr.) te o vrstama i načinu attractions, events, etc.) and about the types and use of tickets the visitor is invited to
korištenja ulaznica, Korisnika se ovim putem upućuje na službene internetske stranice visit the Park’s website (
Parka (

Otkazivanje i/ili zamjena kupljenih ulaznica Changing or cancelling tickets

Sve narudžbe i kupovine ulaznica putem Internetske stranice obvezujuće su i konačne, Ticket orders and purchases made via the webshop are binding and final and cannot be
te se iste ne mogu otkazati. Svaka Print@home ulaznica kupljena putem Internetske cancelled. Every Print@home ticket purchased through the webshop becomes valid after
stranice postaje važeća nakon završenog postupka kupovine, tj. poslane Potvrde o the purchase has been completed, i.e. after the Purchase Confirmation and the invoice
kupovini i izdanog računa (na ulaznici je točan datum početka važenja ulaznice, kako ga have been sent to the ticket holder (the ticket is valid from the date shown on the ticket,
Gost sam izabere).Ukoliko se Print@home ulaznica ne iskoristi, nije moguće vratiti istu i as selected by the visitor). Unused Print@home ticket cannot be returned or refunded.
ostvariti povrat novčanih sredstava. Storniranje ulaznica nije moguće. Tickets cannot be cancelled.

Upiti, prigovori i reklamacije Enquiries, objections and complaints

Svi upiti i zahtjevi za dodatnim informacijama u vezi s Web trgovinom JAVNE Any enquiry or request for additional information about THE BIOKOVO NATURE PARK
USTANOVE PARK PRIRODE BIOKOVO mogu se slati na e-mail: webshop@pp- PUBLIC INSTITUTION webshop can be emailed at: For any enquiry, objection or complaint about the webshop and ticket payments
Svi upiti, prigovori i reklamacije u vezi s radom Internetske stranice za kupovinu i naplatu You can:
ulaznica mogu se: - contact us in writing by mail to the address Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska,
-slati u pisanom obliku poštom na adresu: Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska, Hrvatska (Croatia)
Hrvatska (Croatia) - send mail at
-slati na e-mail:
Ulaznica / Ticket
Odrasla osoba DATUM I VRIJEME / DATE & TIME:
10.06.2023 18:00



Broj ulaznice / Ticket number:
20876403581 JUPP BIOKOVO
Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska
Cijena ulaznice / Ticket price:
8 EUR OIB: 63685777958
IBAN: HR6823300031100067040
Datum i vrijeme izdavanja / Date & time:
10.06.2023. 17:19
Godina posjete / Year of visit:
Broj transakcije / Transaction number:

Print@home ulaznice – preuzimanje i korištenje Print@home tickets – collecting and use

Print@home je usluga ispisa ulaznice kupljene putem Internetske stranice (Print@home Print@home is a ticket printing service for the tickets purchased online (Print@home
ulaznica). Svaka Print@home ulaznica na sebi ima ispisan zasebni (jedinstveni) 1D bar ticket). Each Print@home ticket has a unique 1D barcode. Each Print@home ticket is
kod. Za svaku ulaznicu ispisuje se jedna Print@home ulaznica s jednim 1D bar kodom. printed separately and has a unique 1D barcode. On completing the purchase, the visitor
Po završenoj kupovini Korisnik je dužan ispisati kupljenu Print@home ulaznicu i ponijeti must have the purchased Print@home ticket printed and be in possession of the ticket
istu sa sobom prilikom dolaska u Park. U slučaju nemogućnosti ispisa Print@home for admission to the Park. If the visitor cannot have the Print@home ticket printed, it can
ulaznice, Korisnik istu može predočiti putem pametnog mobilnog telefona. Naknadni ispis be presented via a smartphone. Subsequent printing of Print@home tickets at the Park’s
Print@home ulaznice na prodajnim mjestima Parka nije moguć Prilikom dolaska u Park points of sale is not possible. At the time of arrival at the Park the visitor has to present
Korisnik je dužan predočiti ulaznicu djelatniku Parka zaduženom za kontrolu ulaza u the ticket to the employee in charge of admission to the Park, so that the Print@home
Park, kako bi se izvršila validacija i poništenje Print@home ulaznice. Zabranjeno je bilo ticket can be checked and punched.Any copying, distribution, transfer, publishing or
kakvo kopiranje, distribucija, prijenos, objavljivanje ili mijenjanje Print@home ulaznice! modifying of Print@home tickets is strictly prohibited! If a duplicate of a Print@home
Ukoliko se pojavi duplikat Print@home ulaznice, pravo ulaza i valjanost ulaznice ticket appears, the first person who presents the Print@home ticket to the Park employee
ostvaruje prva osoba koja takvu Print@home ulaznicu predoči djelatniku Parka koji je in charge of checking the ticket will be presumed to have a valid ticked and be allowed to
zadužen za kontrolu ulaznica. Korisnik je odgovoran za ispis i korištenje Print@home enter the Park. The visitor is responsible for printing and using the Print@home ticket
ulaznice koju će zaprimiti na prijavljenu email adresu nakon završenog postupka that will be sent to the registered email address upon completion of the online purchase
kupovine putem Internetske stranice. Park i tvrtka RAO d.o.o. nisu odgovorni u slučaju through the webshop. The Park and RAO d.o.o. will not be liable for any duplicate
pojave duplikata Print@home ulaznice, kao i u slučaj bilo kojeg drugog načina Print@home ticket(s) or any misuse of the issued, paid and delivered Print@home
zlouporabe izdane, naplaćene i isporučene Print@home ulaznice. Za sve dodatne ticket(s). For any additional information about the Park (opening hours, sights and
informacije o Parku (radno vrijeme, znamenitosti, događanja i dr.) te o vrstama i načinu attractions, events, etc.) and about the types and use of tickets the visitor is invited to
korištenja ulaznica, Korisnika se ovim putem upućuje na službene internetske stranice visit the Park’s website (
Parka (

Otkazivanje i/ili zamjena kupljenih ulaznica Changing or cancelling tickets

Sve narudžbe i kupovine ulaznica putem Internetske stranice obvezujuće su i konačne, Ticket orders and purchases made via the webshop are binding and final and cannot be
te se iste ne mogu otkazati. Svaka Print@home ulaznica kupljena putem Internetske cancelled. Every Print@home ticket purchased through the webshop becomes valid after
stranice postaje važeća nakon završenog postupka kupovine, tj. poslane Potvrde o the purchase has been completed, i.e. after the Purchase Confirmation and the invoice
kupovini i izdanog računa (na ulaznici je točan datum početka važenja ulaznice, kako ga have been sent to the ticket holder (the ticket is valid from the date shown on the ticket,
Gost sam izabere).Ukoliko se Print@home ulaznica ne iskoristi, nije moguće vratiti istu i as selected by the visitor). Unused Print@home ticket cannot be returned or refunded.
ostvariti povrat novčanih sredstava. Storniranje ulaznica nije moguće. Tickets cannot be cancelled.

Upiti, prigovori i reklamacije Enquiries, objections and complaints

Svi upiti i zahtjevi za dodatnim informacijama u vezi s Web trgovinom JAVNE Any enquiry or request for additional information about THE BIOKOVO NATURE PARK
USTANOVE PARK PRIRODE BIOKOVO mogu se slati na e-mail: webshop@pp- PUBLIC INSTITUTION webshop can be emailed at: For any enquiry, objection or complaint about the webshop and ticket payments
Svi upiti, prigovori i reklamacije u vezi s radom Internetske stranice za kupovinu i naplatu You can:
ulaznica mogu se: - contact us in writing by mail to the address Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska,
-slati u pisanom obliku poštom na adresu: Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska, Hrvatska (Croatia)
Hrvatska (Croatia) - send mail at
-slati na e-mail:
Ulaznica / Ticket
10.06.2023 18:00



Broj ulaznice / Ticket number:
20888451701 JUPP BIOKOVO
Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska
Cijena ulaznice / Ticket price:
0 EUR OIB: 63685777958
IBAN: HR6823300031100067040
Datum i vrijeme izdavanja / Date & time:
10.06.2023. 17:19
Godina posjete / Year of visit:
Broj transakcije / Transaction number:

Print@home ulaznice – preuzimanje i korištenje Print@home tickets – collecting and use

Print@home je usluga ispisa ulaznice kupljene putem Internetske stranice (Print@home Print@home is a ticket printing service for the tickets purchased online (Print@home
ulaznica). Svaka Print@home ulaznica na sebi ima ispisan zasebni (jedinstveni) 1D bar ticket). Each Print@home ticket has a unique 1D barcode. Each Print@home ticket is
kod. Za svaku ulaznicu ispisuje se jedna Print@home ulaznica s jednim 1D bar kodom. printed separately and has a unique 1D barcode. On completing the purchase, the visitor
Po završenoj kupovini Korisnik je dužan ispisati kupljenu Print@home ulaznicu i ponijeti must have the purchased Print@home ticket printed and be in possession of the ticket
istu sa sobom prilikom dolaska u Park. U slučaju nemogućnosti ispisa Print@home for admission to the Park. If the visitor cannot have the Print@home ticket printed, it can
ulaznice, Korisnik istu može predočiti putem pametnog mobilnog telefona. Naknadni ispis be presented via a smartphone. Subsequent printing of Print@home tickets at the Park’s
Print@home ulaznice na prodajnim mjestima Parka nije moguć Prilikom dolaska u Park points of sale is not possible. At the time of arrival at the Park the visitor has to present
Korisnik je dužan predočiti ulaznicu djelatniku Parka zaduženom za kontrolu ulaza u the ticket to the employee in charge of admission to the Park, so that the Print@home
Park, kako bi se izvršila validacija i poništenje Print@home ulaznice. Zabranjeno je bilo ticket can be checked and punched.Any copying, distribution, transfer, publishing or
kakvo kopiranje, distribucija, prijenos, objavljivanje ili mijenjanje Print@home ulaznice! modifying of Print@home tickets is strictly prohibited! If a duplicate of a Print@home
Ukoliko se pojavi duplikat Print@home ulaznice, pravo ulaza i valjanost ulaznice ticket appears, the first person who presents the Print@home ticket to the Park employee
ostvaruje prva osoba koja takvu Print@home ulaznicu predoči djelatniku Parka koji je in charge of checking the ticket will be presumed to have a valid ticked and be allowed to
zadužen za kontrolu ulaznica. Korisnik je odgovoran za ispis i korištenje Print@home enter the Park. The visitor is responsible for printing and using the Print@home ticket
ulaznice koju će zaprimiti na prijavljenu email adresu nakon završenog postupka that will be sent to the registered email address upon completion of the online purchase
kupovine putem Internetske stranice. Park i tvrtka RAO d.o.o. nisu odgovorni u slučaju through the webshop. The Park and RAO d.o.o. will not be liable for any duplicate
pojave duplikata Print@home ulaznice, kao i u slučaj bilo kojeg drugog načina Print@home ticket(s) or any misuse of the issued, paid and delivered Print@home
zlouporabe izdane, naplaćene i isporučene Print@home ulaznice. Za sve dodatne ticket(s). For any additional information about the Park (opening hours, sights and
informacije o Parku (radno vrijeme, znamenitosti, događanja i dr.) te o vrstama i načinu attractions, events, etc.) and about the types and use of tickets the visitor is invited to
korištenja ulaznica, Korisnika se ovim putem upućuje na službene internetske stranice visit the Park’s website (
Parka (

Otkazivanje i/ili zamjena kupljenih ulaznica Changing or cancelling tickets

Sve narudžbe i kupovine ulaznica putem Internetske stranice obvezujuće su i konačne, Ticket orders and purchases made via the webshop are binding and final and cannot be
te se iste ne mogu otkazati. Svaka Print@home ulaznica kupljena putem Internetske cancelled. Every Print@home ticket purchased through the webshop becomes valid after
stranice postaje važeća nakon završenog postupka kupovine, tj. poslane Potvrde o the purchase has been completed, i.e. after the Purchase Confirmation and the invoice
kupovini i izdanog računa (na ulaznici je točan datum početka važenja ulaznice, kako ga have been sent to the ticket holder (the ticket is valid from the date shown on the ticket,
Gost sam izabere).Ukoliko se Print@home ulaznica ne iskoristi, nije moguće vratiti istu i as selected by the visitor). Unused Print@home ticket cannot be returned or refunded.
ostvariti povrat novčanih sredstava. Storniranje ulaznica nije moguće. Tickets cannot be cancelled.

Upiti, prigovori i reklamacije Enquiries, objections and complaints

Svi upiti i zahtjevi za dodatnim informacijama u vezi s Web trgovinom JAVNE Any enquiry or request for additional information about THE BIOKOVO NATURE PARK
USTANOVE PARK PRIRODE BIOKOVO mogu se slati na e-mail: webshop@pp- PUBLIC INSTITUTION webshop can be emailed at: For any enquiry, objection or complaint about the webshop and ticket payments
Svi upiti, prigovori i reklamacije u vezi s radom Internetske stranice za kupovinu i naplatu You can:
ulaznica mogu se: - contact us in writing by mail to the address Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska,
-slati u pisanom obliku poštom na adresu: Franjevački put 2/A, 21300 Makarska, Hrvatska (Croatia)
Hrvatska (Croatia) - send mail at
-slati na e-mail:
Važni telefonski brojevi / Important Telephone Numbers Osnovne informacije
Uprava PP-a / Headquarters: Tel./fax: +385(0)21 616 924 Biokovo je zbog svoje jedinstvene geomorfologije, iznimne
Za sve izvanredne slucajeve / Emergency: 112 bioraznolikosti i prirodne ljepote krajobraza 1981. godine
HGSS stanica Makarska/Croatian Mountain Rescue Service Makarska proglašeno parkom prirode. Prostire se na površini od 193 km2
i obuhvaća planinski masiv od prijevoja Dupci do Gornjih
+385 91 213 0112 Igrana, u dužini od oko 30 km. U Parku se jednim dijelom
Policija/ Police: 192 nalazi i Biokovski botanički vrt „Kotišina“ smješten na primorskoj
padini Biokova iznad sela Kotišina. Na Biokovu su prisutni svi
Pravila ponašanja tipični fenomeni krša – vrtače, škrape, kamenice, špilje,
Nije dozvoljeno: paljenje vatre, kampiranje onečišćavanje kopna ili zraka, bacanje ledenice, te jame od kojih je najdublja Jama Njemica (–934 m),
otpada, uznemiravanje biljnog i životinjskog svijeta, pješačenje izvan obilježenih četvrta po dubini u Hrvatskoj. Na prvi pogled siromašno i golo,
puteva i staza, pristup zonama stroge zaštite, ulaz na vidikovac 'Skywalk' psima i Biokovo obiluje biljnim i životinjskim vrstama. Uz mjestimice
ostalim kućnim ljubimcima. Psi moraju biti na uzici. Posjetitelji moraju poštivati prašumske šume bukve, jele i crnog dalmatinskog bora,
pravila prometovanja i ograničenja brzine biokovskom cestom, koja je specifična, te nalazimo veliki broj biljnih vrsta, među kojima su i brojni endemi
su nužna česta mimoilaženja automobila na ugibalištima. kao npr. biokovsko zvonce (Edraianthus pumilio), biokovska
zečina (Centaurea biokovensis), crvenkasta zečina (Centaurea
cuspidata) i drugi. Životinjski svijet Biokova osebujan je i
raznolik, s brojnim endemima i tercijarnim reliktima, a
Code of Conduct podzemna fauna krije pravo bogatstvo s čak 91 biokovskih
Not allowed: Lighting fire; camping; pollution of land or air; littering; damaging plants endema. Mnoštvo tragova ukazuje na suživot čovjeka i planine,
or disturbing animals; walking outside of marked paths and trails; entering strict kao što su arheološki ostaci, crkvice, kapelice i pastirski
protection zones; entrance to the Skywalk lookout for dogs and other pets. Dogs stanovi. Do najvišeg vrha Biokova Sv. Jure, osim planinarskih
must be kept on a leash. Visitors must respect the traffic rules and speed limits on staza, vodi i cesta duga 23 km, koja je ujedno i najviša
the Biokovo road, which is specific, and frequent passing of cars at the road asfaltirana cesta u Hrvatskoj.
widening is necessary.
Basic info
Due to its unique geomorphology, exquisite biodiversity and
natural landscape beauties, Biokovo was proclaimed a Nature
Park in 1981. The Park covers the area of 193 km2 and
encompasses the mountain range from Dupci Pass to Gornje
Igrane, in the length of about 30 km. Biokovo Botanical Garden
„Kotišina“, partly located in the Park, is situated at the coastal
slopes of Biokovo above the village Kotišina. Biokovo has all
the typical karst phenomena – sinkholes, karren, caves, ice pits
and pits where the deepest is the Jama Njemica pit (–934 m),
the forth deepest pit in Croatia. At first glance poor and bare,
Biokovo abounds in flora and fauna. With ancient forests of
beech, fir and black Dalmatian pine tree in some places, we
encounter a large number of plant species, which include
numerous endemic species such as Biokovo bell flower
(Edraianthus pumilio), Biokovo centaurea (Centaurea
biokovensis), cuspidate centaurea (Centaurea cuspidata) and
others. Biokovo wildlife is abundant and diverse, with many
endemic and tertiary relicts, and the subterranean fauna hides a
real opulence with as much as 91 Biokovo endemic species.
Many traces point out to the coexistence of man and the
mountain, such as archaeological remains, churches, chapels
and shepherd’s houses. The highest Biokovo peak Sv. Jure,
apart from a hiking trail, could be reached by a 23-kilometres
long road, which is also the highest asphalted road in Croatia.

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