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Module 7: Writing Assignment

Module 7: Writing Assignment

Lawrence DeBrincat

OGL 324

Dr. Kevin Wilhelmsen

February 24, 2022

Module 7: Writing Assignment

There are many issues that arise when you are managing a project. Many of them can be

very unpredictable but they should all be expected in the sense that they should be planned for in

the planning phase of the project. Some issues can be a lot more harmful to the success of a

project than others. The issue I would like to look at would be the issue of not having enough

team members for your project.

This issue can happen for a number of reasons. Whether it be that they cannot find the

amount of team members to start the project, they cannot find the right people that fit the skill set

required for the project, or if the team members are not happy with being on the project and

decide to leave. Any of these possibilities should be accounted for and when planning for the

project, it needs to be able to be changed in case any of these arise. The biggest issue is when

the project is going smoothly and the team members decide to leave the project. This leaves

your project in a state where you know you will fall behind. Most of the time this will happen

either because the team member or members are unhappy with the state of the project and they

feel that it is not going to be successful, or they are unhappy with the way they are being treated

on the project.

There are many ways that you can help to minimize the risk of this issue occurring. The

first way is by making sure every member of the team listens to everyone else and has a chance

to speak. In the module 5 discussion, there was a video about research that was conducted

showing that the three things that make a successful team is when everyone respected one

another, everyone got a chance to speak, and everyone listened to everyone else. This is what

makes a team successful and it is something that will minimize the risk of team members leaving
Module 7: Writing Assignment

the project. Another way to minimize the risk of team members leaving the project would be to

make sure that the project is organized. This shows the status of the project and how to keep it in

a good state. This means keeping everything documented, like keeping an assumptions log, risk

register, etc. Even if the project is not doing too well, the documentation could help to form a

plan to get the project back on track, which could be the difference between the team members

leaving or staying.

The best way to address the problem if this were to happen would be to have a plan to

bring in new team members with a similar skill set around the same time as they leave. The

more time that is spent looking, the less time you will have before the deadline comes. Another

way to address the problem would be to accept feedback from all of the team members and listen

to all of the problems they have about the project. The best way to do this would be one on one

so that it is a more personal experience. If that takes up too much time then the next best thing

would be having regular meetings with the problems being brought up at the meeting and what

everyone can do to fix these problems. The final method which I believe would be the least

effective but also take up the least amount of time would be a survey where everyone can talk

about their problems. This could allow the problems to be addressed but it may not solve the

problem as well as a meeting or a one on one due to how limited the problem would be able to be

addressed in a survey.

There are many issues that arise when you are managing a project. I believe the one that

is most harmful and also very common during a project is the problem of team members leaving

during a project. I discussed why this issue can happen, how you can address this problem, and
Module 7: Writing Assignment

what to do to prevent this issue from happening. I have learned a lot from this class about

managing projects and I will use the knowledge I have gained from this class to help prevent

issues like this from happening.

Module 7: Writing Assignment


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