Creation of Conflict in Drama

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Creation of conflict in drama

- Conflict in drama can be generated through dramatic action and through tense dialogue.

- It can be generated through music and dance

- At the heart of drama is conflict. This is the internal or external struggle between opposing
forces, ideas or interests that creates dramatic tension. As conflict mounts , tension is created.
Drama cannot exist without conflict.It can be either internal or external.A character can
experience internal struggle (internal conflict) or external forces(external conflict)

- Dramatic techniques such as an exclamation can be used to rep a tense situation or anger etc

- Stage directions gen conflict and a soliloquy can also generate conflict eg hamlet’s soliloquy ‘to
be or not to be ‘is used to show internal conflict...etc
- In drama extracts, conflict can be of character vs character which is generated from the
exchange of words , the tense atmosphere

- Internal conflicts usually present in stage directions or monologues.

- Character vs cultural beliefs/ society where a character rebukes what are considered to be
norms .

- Character vs the supernatural

- The use to which language is put by the playwright also creates or reveals conflict . Talk of
characters’ use of bitter/ caustic language, ironical/ sarcastic language etc.

- Costume for example is used to generate conflict for example from the November 2020 unseen
paper where Ato is dressed in a mourning cloth to attend a Thanksgiving service for a departed
cousin while Eulalie on the other hand is dressed in a house coat to show her rebellion against
attending the function

- If conflict is the major purpose at any one particular juncture then a number of literary
elements come into play such as setting, plot, language, characters etc

- The writer’ s handling of sentences may also create conflict. Use of short peremptory
- Dramatic space , where one character speaks more than the other. One who says more would
be the dominant character hence the generation of conflict

- Conflict May also be generated by character personality differences and conflict of roles

- Conflict in drama is generated through dramatic techniques. A dialogue can be used to create a
tense atmosphere leading to conflict.

- Characterisation can also be used to generate a conflict especially when a characters are rude,
pompous or proud.
- Posture on stage(imagine two characters on stage: a man lying on his back on the floor, with a
woman’s foot planted on his groin)

- Movement

- Stage props(eg a long,sharp knife brandished by an angry or ill-humoured character signals


- Tone of voice (a sudden high-pitched tone can signal rising anger

- Facial expression or look( in the stage directions, we may be told: ‘With his face *wrinkled,* X
*glares* at Y.’)

- Long vs short speech, as short as one word which short answers may dramatize not
just lack of interest in the subject but perhaps also revulsion or contempt towards the other

- Insulting language ( nb not insultive)

- Stage directions eh ‘silence’ introduces tenseness in the scene

- Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. Characters must act to confront those forces and
there is where conflict is born. If there is nothing to overcome, there is no story. Conflict in a
story creates and drives the plot forward.

- Conflict generally occurs when a character cannot achieve an objective due to an obstacle. This
obstacle may be internal or external – between characters or between characters and their
environment. Conflict can be shown in a variety of ways, for example through physical, verbal or
psychological means.

- Use of symbols. A wound, color, or specific setting highlights ideas or conflicts. A character’s
external scars are often related to internal marks or an inner conflict. In the example, Laura’s
sunglasses could be interpreted as a symbol because they act as a mask she wears to avoid
being discovered.

- Conflict in drama can be developed through juxtaposition.Characters presented side by side

with sharp contrasts are usually the playwright ‘s good ingredients for conflict or disaster in the

- Characters as they move the plot they generate different types of conflict for example internal
,external ,

- Diction or choice of words can also generate when one character is accusatory to
another like in that paper with Elizabeth and Proctor

- Tone of voice by a character, if it’s high characterized by a lot of intonation and stress causes

- True. Inter personal conflict exists because the players have contrasting interests

- Conflict can be ideological and individualist, personal or societal

The basic elements of plot

Conflict is a wheel which drives a piece of art(a special condition/absolutely necessary).


The major conflict of the plot is can be a conflict which is interpersonal (between two
persons) and can be between one society against the other or one person and can occur in the
mind.The conflict can be confrontational i.e face to face.


The initial conflict is further is usually further developed with the withdrawal of information
or revelation of new information.

This is when we have reached the appex,the vintage point of our conflict or the highest peak.

4.Resolution or lack of it.

These are deliberate attempts to find solutions to this conflict.There are certain conflicts which end
without any resolutions.


This one does not have a peak point,it is just low.

Some conflicts are open ended and some are closed.

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