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Name: RayAnna Depeza Class: 11B Food & Nutrition

Teacher’s name: Michelle Davies-Peters Date: October 7 ,2022

Lab 1: Report on developing the gluten in flour.

Students are to watch the video link below and answer the questions.

1 Define gluten. Gluten is an elastic network of proteins that has the ability to trap air
allowing breads to rise and cakes to gain gentle structure.
2 List the two main proteins in wheat flour. The two main proteins in wheat flour are Glutenin
and Glaidin. 2mks
3 Explain what happens when water is added the flour. When water is added to flour the two
proteins Glutenin and Glaidin change shape and bond together creating gluten.
4 What causes the bread and cakes to rise? The gluten in flour causes bread and cakes to
rise. 1mk
5 State the two ingredients added in the food processor. The two ingredients added in the
food processor was flour and water. 2mks
6 Why you cannot see the gluten that was in the two bowls? The gluten in the two bowls cant
be seen because it is surrounded by alot of starch. 2mks
7 Explain why the dough was washed in water. The dough was washed in water to get rid of
the starch. 3mks
8 What happens when the water runs clear? When the water runs clear all of the starch is
removed and a ball of pure gluten remains. 2mks
9 Explain why high protein bread flour is best suited for bread. High protein Bread
flour is best suited for Bread because it develops a lot of very flexible gluten that acts as a
ballon trapping air and creating higher rising loafs.3mks

Total 20mks

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