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Values Clarification

Value/ Trait Definition % of %I

Importance Practice
Honesty Tell the truth 90 80
Without blame or judgment 90 55
Integrity Act in an honorable way - Do the right thing. 90 80
Stand up for what’s right. 95 80
Respect for Have a high regard for who you are Do not abuse your 80 50
Self body or spirit through drugs, laziness or putdowns. Strive to
be the best you can be.
Respect for Recognize the worth of other people. Show others that you 80 80
Others value and appreciate them through your actions and
Responsibilit Able to choose between what is right and what is wrong. 70 70
y Responsible for your behavior and you accept the
consequences of you behavior.
Can be trusted. Are reliable.
Courtesy Uses good manners. 90 85
Is polite.
Is thoughtful of others.

Value/ Trait Definition % of %I

Impor Prac
Peace To create tranquility within myself, my family, and the world. 90 70
Wealth To earn a great deal of money (i.e., well beyond my family's basic 90 90
To be financially independent.
Happiness To be content within myself and within my life 100 75
Success To achieve significant goals. 90 80
To be involved in undertakings I believe personally are significant
- whether or not they bring me recognition from others.
Friendship/ To have strong, mutual heart relations with other people 90 90
Relationships To connect beyond words and actions
Fame To be recognized as someone special by large numbers of people 40 40
Authenticity To be fully present and without preconceived notions 40 40
Influence To have an effect on the character or behavior of someone or 90 80
Power To do something or to act in a particular way. 90 50
To influence the behavior of others, the emotions, or the course of
To have authority given or delegated to you.
To have physical strength or force.
Justice To engage in just behavior or treatment. 90 90
Faith/Hope To have complete trust and confidence 75 75
To maintain a feeling of expectation and desire
Honesty To tell the truth, without blame or judgment 90 80
Loyalty To be committed to the goals of a group of people who share my 90 90
beliefs, values and ethical principles.
Integrity To live and work consistent with my personal values and 80 55
To acknowledge/stand up for my personal beliefs.
Values Clarification
Value/ Trait Definition % of %I
Impor Prac
tance tice
Integrity To live and work consistent with my personal values and standards.
To acknowledge/stand up for my personal beliefs.
Enjoyment To take pleasure in my life 90 85
To possess and benefit from my life choices
Love To maintain a deep feeling of affection for life 90 90
Leadership To motivate and energize other people. 90 60
To feel responsible for identifying and accomplishing needed group
Recogntition/ To be recognized for whom I am and my contribution to life 90 75
Expertness To become a known and respected authority in what I do.
Family/ To have time with my family 90 50
Community To be deeply involved with a group that has a larger purpose
beyond one's self.
To perform in effective and caring teamwork
Truth To discern fact from fiction 90 85
Wisdom To grow in understanding of myself, my personal calling and life's 80 60
real purpose.
To grow in knowledge and practice my spiritual beliefs.
To find lasting meaning in what I do.
Status/Prestige To be seen by others as successful. 70 55
To become well known.
To obtain recognition and status in my chosen field.
Respect for To have a high regard for who I am 90 90
Self To not abuse my body or spirit through drugs, laziness or putdowns.
To strive to be the best I can be.
Respect for Recognize the worth of other people. 90 90
Others To show others that I value and appreciate them through my actions
and comments.
Location To be able to live where I want to live. 90 100
Responsibility To choose between what is right and what is wrong. To be 90 90
responsible for my behavior and accept the consequences of my
Can be trusted. Are reliable.
Courtesy To treat others as I wish to be treated 90 90
Creativity To be innovative. 80 50
To create new and better ways of doing things.
Health To be physically and mentally fit. 90 60
Service To contribute to the well-being and satisfaction of others. 80 80
To help people who need help and improve society.
Independence To have freedom of thought and action. 90 90
To be able to act in terms of my own time schedules and priorities.

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