PSA Rubrics Final

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RUBRICS for the Assessment of Lab Experiments

Subject : Power System analysis Term and Year ___________________ Lab Instructor_________________________

Levels of Achievement Marks

S/N Criteria

Week (01) Fair (02) Good (3) Very Good (4) S SxW

Successfully complete
Successfully complete Successfully complete
the procedure with
Conducting Experiment Successfully complete the procedure with the procedure
(40 Marks)

Able to perform experiment the procedure with fully minimal supervision without supervision
without supervision. supervision Able to construct Able to construct


Able to construct
Able to construct Not able to construct model/ coding using model/ coding using
model/ coding using
model/system/coding using model/ coding using software tools with software tools
software tools with
software tools completely software tools minor error completely without
major error
connection error

Applying Laboratories
Safety Rules
Minor flaws in Practices safely,
• Able to organize, perform Practice most procedure
safety, require can work
(10 Marks)

experiment safely and Fail to notice important safely conforms to the lab
constant supervision independently
appropriately fulfill the info and safety factor regulation with minimal

Acceptable Excellent
laboratory dress code in No demonstration and supervision
demonstration and demonstration and
the laboratory care towards equipment Good demonstration and
care towards care towards
• Able to demonstrate and care towards equipment
equipment equipment
care towards equipment

pg. 1
Show no Show minimal Show good Show excellent
Knowledge and
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
(10 marks)

objectives and objectives and objectives and experiment objectives and
• Able to understand


experiment procedure experiment procedure procedure experiment procedure

objectives and procedures
Show no Show minimal Show good Show excellent
• Able to understand the
understanding of understanding of theory understanding of theory understanding of
theory taught
theory taught taught taught theory taught

(20 Marks)

• Presentation of results in
Complete Complete and
the form of table, graphs Incomplete results,

Major data are missing and neatly presented, accurate results,
etc. major mistakes
minor mistakes neatly presented
• Accuracy of data
measured/ obtained

• Ability to present, All point of
10 Marks)

Some point of discussions

interpret, and analyze Very few points of Some point of discussions discussions on the

on the results obtained

results discussion, not properly on the results obtained results obtained

covered but not properly
• Able to relate elaborated covered and elaborated covered and
experimental result to the elaborated
theoretical knowledge
(10 Marks)


Unable to conclude all Able to conclude 25% of Able to conclude 50% of Able to conclude ALL

Provides conclusion
the experiment objectives the experiment objectives the experiment objectives experiment objectives
related to objectives

pg. 2

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